247 research outputs found

    Index and persistence of stable Cantor sets

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    A theorem by Bell and Meyer says that a stable and transitive Cantor set in the plane can be approximated by periodic points. We prove that the periodic points can be chosen with index one. As a consequence these Cantor sets are always persistent invariant sets

    Trivial dynamics in discrete-time systems : carrying simplex and translation arcs

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    In this paper we show that the dynamical behavior in R-+(3) (first octant) of the classical Kolmogorov systems T(x(1), x(2), x(3)) = (x(1)F(1)(x), x(2)F(2)(x), x(3)F(3)(x)) of competitive type admitting a carrying simplex can be sometimes determined completely by the number of fixed points on the boundary and the local behavior around them. Roughly speaking, T has trivial dynamics (i.e. the omega limit set of any orbit is a connected set contained in the set of fixed points) provided T has exactly four hyperbolic nontrivial fixed points {p(1), p(2), p(3), p(4)} in partial derivative R-+(3) with {p(1), p(3)} local attractors on the carrying simplex and {p(2), p(4)} local repellers on the carrying simplex; and there exists a unique hyperbolic fixed point in IntR(+)(3). Our results are applied to some classical models including the Leslie-Gower models, Atkinson-Allen systems and Ricker maps.Peer reviewe

    Efficient Matrix-Free Ensemble Kalman Filter Implementations: Accounting for Localization

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    This chapter discusses efficient and practical matrix-free implementations of the ensemble Kalman filter (EnKF) in order to account for localization during the assimilation of observations. In the EnKF context, an ensemble of model realizations is utilized in order to estimate the moments of its underlying error distribution. Since ensemble members come at high computational costs (owing to current operational model resolutions) ensemble sizes are constrained by the hundreds while, typically, their error distributions range in the order of millions. This induces spurious correlations in estimates of prior error correlations when these are approximated via the ensemble covariance matrix. Localization methods are commonly utilized in order to counteract this effect. EnKF implementations in this context are based on a modified Cholesky decomposition. Different flavours of Cholesky-based filters are discussed in this chapter. Furthermore, the computational effort in all formulations is linear with regard to model resolutions. Experimental tests are performed making use of the Lorenz 96 model. The results reveal that, in terms of root-mean-square-errors, all formulations perform equivalently

    Proyecto de emprendimiento social para la creación de una empresa de reciclaje especializada en plásticos “Bio 4.0”

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    El reciclaje es una actividad trascendental para la recuperación ambiental y el desarrollo sostenible en el municipio de Sahagún, Córdoba, por lo cual es vital realizar campañas de sensibilización a la comunidad, sobre el adecuado manejo de los residuos sólidos y la importancia del reciclaje desde la fuente. Actualmente en el municipio de Sahagún existe un botadero a cielo abierto el cual se puede decir que es el único sitio avalado por el municipio para disponer estos residuos, los cuales son recolectados por la empresa ASEO GENERAL S.A. quien presta el servicio. La disposición final de los residuos se hace sin previa clasificación de estos, dando como resultado que se lleve todo tipo de desechos al basurero y de esta forma se vean obligados las personas que se encargan de la recuperación de materiales reciclables a extraerlos directamente del basurero sin ningún tipo de cuidados y protección para su salud. Al hablar de residuos sólidos o basura es importante manifestar conocer sobre este tema en general para conocimiento de todos; hay que saber que cada uno de nosotros generamos en un año aproximadamente 550 kilos de basura, ante esta situación, debemos preguntarnos y tanta basura ¿A dónde va? Desafortunadamente el 60% no va a ningún lugar, se queda en los vertederos, el 10% se incinera, el 17% se convierte en compost y tan solo se recicla el 13%. Al paso tan acelerado que va esta problemática, al relleno sanitario regional le quedan alrededor de 11 años para alcanzar su capacidad máxima. Por esta razón, hoy en día se hace necesario implementar y hacer funcionar empresas que se dediquen a darle el tratamiento y manejo adecuado a los residuos sólidos reciclables.Recycling is a transcendental activity for environmental recovery and development sustainable development in the municipality of Sahagún, Córdoba, for which it is vital to carry out raising awareness in the community about the proper management of solid waste and the importance of recycling from the source. Currently in the municipality of Sahagún there is an open-air dump which is can say that it is the only site endorsed by the municipality to dispose of this waste, which are collected by the company ASEO GENERAL S.A. who provides the service. The final disposal of the waste is done without prior classification of these, giving as result that all kinds of waste is taken to the dump and in this way the people who are responsible for the recovery of recyclable materials to extract them directly from the dump without any kind of care and protection for their health. When talking about solid waste or garbage, it is important to state that you know about this topic. in general for everyones knowledge; it is necessary to know that each of us generates in a year approximately 550 kilos of garbage, in this situation, we must ask ourselves and as much garbage where does it go? Unfortunately 60% do not go anywhere, they stay in the landfills, 10% is incinerated, 17% is composted and only 13% is recycled. At such an accelerated pace that this problem is going, the regional sanitary landfill has about 11 years to reach its maximum capacity. For this reason, today it is necessary to implement and operate companies that are dedicated to giving you the treatment and proper management of recyclable solid waste

    Linearization and invariant manifolds on the carrying simplex for competitive maps

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    A result due to M.W. Hirsch states that most competitive maps admit a carrying simplex, i.e., an invariant hypersurface of codimension one which attracts all nontrivial orbits. The common approach in the study of these maps is to focus on the dynamical behavior on the carrying simplex. However, this manifold is normally non-smooth. Therefore, not every tool coming from Differential Geometry can be applied. In this paper we prove that the restriction of the map to the carrying simplex in a neighborhood of an interior fixed point is topologically conjugate to the restriction of the map to its pseudo-unstable manifold by an invariant foliation. This implies that the linearization techniques are applicable for studying the local dynamics of the interior fixed points on the carrying simplex. We further construct the stable and unstable manifolds on the carrying simplex. Our results give partial responses to Hirsch's problem regarding the smoothness of the carrying simplex. We discuss some applications in classical models of population dynamics. (C) 2019 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.Peer reviewe

    Serial and scientific open access publications on multimedia studies. Resource guide

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    The studies on the multimedia theme in the last years have had a sustained growth from the development of Information Technology and Communications. There are few specialized journals to socialize research on multimedia topics. The objective of the study was to identify the serial and scientific publications that approach multimedia studies in Spanish and to characterize them according to editorial aspects. The systematization of the publications will favor that the researchers that approach the multimedia theme, identify those magazines to which they can send their contributions. To obtain results were used methods at the theoretical and empirical levels, fundamentally the documentary analysis. A directory of scientific journals was developed that addresses the multimedia theme and was organized from editorial indicators such as indexing sources, thematic area, country, electronic address, institution of origin and frequency of publicatio

    Análisis bioinformático del transcriptoma del maqui (Aristotelia chilensis): identificación de genes involucrados en la biosíntesis de antocianinas

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    74 p.Aristotelia chilensis o comúnmente llamado maqui, es un pequeño árbol endémico chileno que produce un fruto de tipo baya que ha comenzado a tomar relevancia biotecnológica y médica, por su alta actividad antioxidante en comparación con otros frutos de tipo bayas, los cuales están dados principalmente por su alta concentración de antocianinas específicas. Las antocianinas del maqui se destacan por dar pigmentación de tonalidades púrpuras y azules a lo largo de la etapa de maduración del fruto. En el maqui las antocianinas con mayor concentración corresponden a delfinidina y cianidina, mostrando niveles de concentración por encima de la media general en éste tipo de frutos. Actualmente los genes implicados en la regulación y biosíntesis de antocianinas en el maqui permanecen sin ser investigado. Por tanto el objetivo principal del presente proyecto es estudiar el transcriptoma del maqui para identificar y caracterizar los genes implicados en la formación de antocianinas en el fruto del maqui y así poder justificar su alto contenido. Para esto se realizaron secuenciaciones en MiSeq de Illumina, para tres estados diferentes de maduración; fruto verde, pintón y maduro, obteniendo 29.603.685 lecturas de extremos pareados de 150 pb de largo. El total de unigenes ensamblados fue de 64.924, de los cuales se anotaron 32.453 de manera automática utilizando la base de datos no redundante de proteínas del NCBI. De los unigenes no anotados, 28.906 corresponden a secuencias no codificantes, identificadas usando CPC (Coding Protein Calculator). Utilizando una base de datos local de los genes asociados a la ruta metabólica de la antocianina y la herramienta de alineamientos locales BLAST (tblastn), se lograron identificar los unigenes de Aristotelia chilensis asociados a ésta ruta. Se observó que genes claves de la ruta de biosíntesis de antocianinas, tales como F3’H, F3’5’H, DFR y UFGT, se encuentran altamente expresos cuando el fruto se encuentra en estado maduro. El análisis de expresión diferencial entre los unigenes de fruto verde y maduro, realizados con EdgeR, resultó con un total de 9.452 unigenes diferencialmente expresos entre los dos estados de maduración.La buena calidad de secuenciación se demostró en la gran cantidad de unigenes obtenidos del transcriptoma reconstruido en forma de novo, mostrando también que existen datos interesantes que pueden ser objetivo de estudios posteriores, como los unigenes asociados a ARN no codificante. El análisis de expresión diferencial arrojó resultados que concuerdan con los contenidos de antocianinas totales y perfiles específicos de delfinidina, mostrando también la sobre expresión que existe en el fruto maduro de algunos genes estructurales de la ruta metabólica de la antocianina./ABSTRACT: Aristotelia chilensis or commonly called maqui, is a Chilean endemic tree that produces a berry type fruit of recently biotechnological and medical importance, well-known for its high antioxidant activity compared to other berry fruits, which are given mainly for its high concentration of specific anthocyanins. Anthocyanins in maqui stand to give purple pigmentation and blue tones along the ripening stage. In maqui, anthocyanins with the most concentration are delphinidin and cyanidin, showing levels above the average concentration for this type of fruit. Currently, genes involved in regulation and biosynthesis of anthocyanins in maqui remain to be studied. Therefore, the main objective of this project is to study the transcriptome of maqui to identify and characterize genes involved in the formation of anthocianins in maqui berry and justify their high content. For this, three runs on a MiSeq Illumina sequencer were performed, for three different stages of ripening; for the green fruit, the half ripened fruit and the ripe fruit, obtaining 19.603.685 paired end reads of 151 bp in length. The total number of assembled unigenes were 64.924, of which 32.453 where automatically annotated using the non redundant database from NCBI. From non annotated unigenes, 28.906 correspond to non coding sequences, identified using CPC (Coding Protein Calculator). Differential expression analysis of unigenes between green and ripe fruits, using EdgeR, resulted in a total of 9.452 differentially expressed unigenes, from which 7.222 were up regulated and 2.230 were down regulated in green fruits compared to ripe fruits. Using a local database of anthocyanin metabolic pathway genes and BLAST (tblast), achieved identify the unigenes of Aristotelia chilensis associated to this pathway. It was observed that key genes of the biosynthesis of anthocyanins, such as F3’5’H, DFR, UFGT and regulator genes (Myb family transcription factors) are highly expressed in ripe fruit. The good sequencing quality was demonstrated by the large number of unigenes obtained from the de novo transcriptomic analysis, also providing interesting data that can be target of future studies, as unigenes that were transcribed to non 11 coding RNAs. Differential expression analysis resulted in data consistent with the total anthocyanins content and specific profiles of delphinidin, also showing the up regulation of some structural genes of the anthocyanin metabolic pathway on the ripe fruit

    Fortalecimiento de la autoestima en adultos con discapacidad intelectual de la ciudad de Bogotá, mediante un programa basado en estrategias de neuroeducación

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    El presente trabajo es el resultado de la investigación “Fortalecimiento de la autoestima en adultos con discapacidad intelectual de la ciudad de Bogotá, mediante un programa basado en estrategias de neuroeducación”, que tiene como objetivo general evidenciar si la implementación de este programa contribuye al fortalecimiento de su autoestima. Se realizó un muestreo por conveniencia para la selección de los participantes, conformado por 10 personas con diagnóstico de discapacidad intelectual, cinco de tipo leve y cinco de tipo moderado; con edades entre los 21 y 29 años; seis de ellas se encuentran vinculadas en Institución de protección y cuatro viven con su familia. Esta propuesta se enmarcó en el paradigma cualitativo, enfoque socio - crítico, de tipo investigación - acción, y se encuentra dentro de la línea de investigación propuesta por la Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia, estrategias de enseñanza y aprendizaje, sublínea de investigación teorías y prácticas pedagógicas diferenciales. Los instrumentos aplicados fueron la Evaluación del sistema de apoyos, entrevista semiestructurada a profundidad, la Escala de autoestima Rosenberg y el diario de campo. Los resultados iniciales permitieron demostrar que la mayoría de las personas con discapacidad intelectual presentaron bajas puntuaciones en la escala de autoestima y aspectos relacionados con el autoconcepto negativo e insatisfacción personal. Después de la implementación del programa basado en estrategias de neuroeducación compuesto por 21 sesiones de intervención mediadas por el uso de las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación, se logró un impacto positivo en la autoestima de los participantes.The present work is the result of the research "Strengthening self-esteem in adults with intellectual disabilities in the city of Bogotá, through a program based on neuroeducation strategies", which has as a general objective to evidence if the implementation of this program contributes to the strengthening of their self-esteem. A sampling was made for convenience in selecting the participants, made up of 10 people with a diagnosis of intellectual disability, five of them mild and five of them moderate; with ages between 21 and 29 years; six of them are linked in a protection institution and four live with their families. This proposal was framed in the qualitative paradigm, social-critical approach, research-action type, and is within the line of research proposed by the Cooperative University of Colombia, teaching and learning strategies, subline of research theories and differential pedagogical practices. The instruments applied were the Evaluation of the support system, the semi-structured in-depth interview, the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale and the field journal. The initial results showed that most people with intellectual disabilities had low scores on the self-esteem scale and aspects related to negative self-concept and personal dissatisfaction. After the implementation of the program based on neuroeducation strategies, which consisted of 21 intervention sessions mediated by the use of information and communication technologies, a positive impact on the participants' self-esteem was achieved.Resumen. -- Abstract. -- Introducción. -- Capítulo I: planteamiento del problema. -- Descripción del problema. -- Pregunta de investigación. -- Justificación. -- Objetivos de investigación. -- Objetivo general. -- Objetivos específicos. -- Capítulo II: marco referencial. -- Marco contextual. -- Marco de antecedentes. -- Antecedentes internacionales. -- Antecedentes nacionales. -- Antecedentes locales. -- Marco legal. -- Legislación internacional. -- Legislación nacional. -- Marco conceptual. -- Discapacidad intelectual: una mirada desde diferentes enfoques, resaltando la importancia de los apoyos. -- La autoestima: un factor relevante en la vida de las personas. -- La neuroeducación y sus aportes a la autoestima de personas con discapacidad. -- Capítulo III: diseño metodológico. -- Paradigma de investigación. -- Enfoque de investigación. -- Perspectiva investigativa. -- Línea de investigación. -- Muestreo de la investigación. -- Criterios de inclusión. -- Criterios de exclusión. -- Población y muestra. -- Grupo participantes. -- Grupo red de apoyo. -- Consideraciones éticas. -- Técnicas e instrumentos de recolección de datos. -- Proceso de análisis de datos. -- Fases de la investigación. -- Fase 1. -- Fase 2. -- Fase 3. -- Capítulo IV: análisis de resultados. -- Resultados y análisis aplicación de evaluación del sistema de apoyos. -- Análisis por categoría. -- Nivel de apoyo general. -- Resultados y análisis de entrevistas semiestructuradas a profundidad. -- Categoría autoimagen. -- Categoría autoconcepto. -- Resultados y análisis pretest de la escala de autoestima de Rosenberg. -- Relación existente entre la escala de autoestima de Rosenberg y la evaluación del sistema de apoyos. -- Resultados y análisis del diario de campo. -- Resultados y análisis postest de la Escala de autoestima de Rosenberg. -- Comparación de resultados y análisis del pretest y postest de la escala de autoestima de Rosenberg. -- Capítulo V: análisis y discusión. -- Conclusiones. -- Recomendaciones. -- Referencias. -- Anexos

    Polymorphism of the prolactin gene (PRL) and its relationship with milk production in American Swiss cattle

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    The modern dairy cattle breeding strategy in the Mexican tropic is to identify genes or allelic variants that can be incorporated into selection programs such as the prolactin gene (PRL) which is associated with milk production and quality. The aim of this study is to screen an American Swiss population in Chiapas, Mexico, in order to analyze the polymorphism of the prolactin gene as well as its relationship with milk production in blood samples of 417 American Swiss cattle. The genotypes were determined through the polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragments length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) technique, using RsaI restriction endonuclease, showing a 156 bp fragment located in exon 3. Allele frequencies in the studied breed were: A = 0.8765 and B = 0.1235. The genotype frequencies of AA, AB and BB were 0.776, 0.174 and 0.026, respectively. The Chi-square indicated that genotype distributions were not in the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium (P<0.05). The results show that animals with genotype AA had a greater milk production during lactation than genotypes AB and BB (P<0.05), with genotype BB being the one that had the lowest production (P<0.05). It was concluded that the identification of the prolactin polymorphism in this population will allow the achievement of a better efficiency in the selection of breeding animals.Keywords: Brown Swiss, prolactin, polymorphism, milk, RFLP-RsaI.African Journal of Biotechnology Vol. 11(29), pp. 7338-7343, 10 April, 201