4,603 research outputs found

    Solving multi-objective hub location problems by hybrid algorithms

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    In many logistic, telecommunications and computer networks, direct routing of commodities between any origin and destination is not viable due to economic and technolog- ical constraints. In that cases, a network with centralized units, known as hub facilities, and a small number of links is commonly used to connect any origin-destination pair. The purpose of these hub facilities is to consolidate, sort and transship e ciently any commodity in the network. Hub location problems (HLPs) consider the design of these networks by locating a set of hub facilities, establishing an interhub subnet, and routing the commodities through the network while optimizing some objective(s) based on the cost or service. Hub location has evolved into a rich research area, where a huge number of papers have been published since the seminal work of O'Kelly [1]. Early works were focused on analogue facility location problems, considering some assumptions to simplify network design. Recent works [2] have studied more complex models that relax some of these assumptions and in- corporate additional real-life features. In most HLPs considered in the literature, the input parameters are assumed to be known and deterministic. However, in practice, this assumption is unrealistic since there is a high uncertainty on relevant parameters, such as costs, demands or even distances. In this work, we will study the multi-objective hub location problems with uncertainty.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tec

    A despertar conciencias

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    Reseña del libroHuerta, R. (2015). La ciudad y sus docentes. Miradas desde el arte y la educación. Barcelona: Editorial UO

    The architect's domain: Open roads, precise approaches

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    Transitar por el territorio de la arquitectura comienza por reconocer el soporte generado transversalmente por los arquitectos que han explorado su dominio durante siglos y, consecuentemente, han aportado su enfoque particular. Sin duda, en este mapa imaginario deben estar contempladas la investigación, la profesión y la docencia, así como las relaciones entre ellas. Investigar en arquitectura junto a otras disciplinas suele revertir en una mejora de la docencia, de la misma forma que el ejercicio profesional aporta al investigador una experiencia y nuevos conocimientos que pueden incrementar su capacidad docente. La investigación multidisciplinar implícita en el diseño de un proyecto o una obra de arquitectura reivindica igualmente la relación investigación-profesión y esta, incluso, puede completarse aportando al campo de la docencia. En ese sentido, la Escuela de Arqui - tectura de Sevilla lanza una estrategia editorial para este número que considera la compleja relación entre estos tres campos. Y lo hace dando visibilidad a contenidos que fomentan la colaboración transversal entre disciplinas, en consonancia con los últimos programas, proyectos y redes nacionales e internacionales en formación, investigación e innovación.A journey through the world of Architecture begins by recognising the framework constructed with the cross-sectional input of architects who have explored their domain over centuries and consequently contributed their particular focus. This imagi - nary map should undoubtedly contemplate research, professional activity and teaching as well as the relationships they have with each other. Architectural research that interacts with other disciplines usually has positive effects on improving teaching in the same way that professional activity provides the researcher with experience and new knowledge that can expand teaching capacity. Multidisciplinary research implicit in the design of an architectural design also advocates for the research-professional relationship and this can be further enriched by adding the field of teaching. To that effect, in this issue, the Seville School of Architecture is embarking on an editorial strategy that considers the complex relationship between these three areas. Within this approach, it will give visibility to content that fosters cross-sectional collaboration between disciplines in line with the latest national and international programs, projects and networks in education, research and innovation

    El sarcòfag d’Adonis del Museu d’Arqueologia de Catalunya

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    El present article porta a terme l’estudi d’un petit sarcòfag decorat amb escenes del mite d’Adonis a la part frontal i conservat, actualment, al Museu d’Arqueologia de Catalunya. La versemblança compositiva entre aquest i un destacat sarcòfag romà pertanyent a les col·leccions vaticanes, va suscitar dubtes sobre el seu origen antic. Mitjançant una exhaustiva anàlisi compositiva, estilística i iconogràfica, es demostra com aquest sarcòfag és, en realitat, una còpia moderna del ja esmentat exemplar.This article studies a small sarcophagus decorated with scenes of the mite of Adonis and located today in the Museu d’Arqueologia de Catalunya. The resemblance between this compositional and an important Roman sarcophagus belonging to the Vatican collections, aroused doubts about ancient origins of the first one. With a comprehensive compositional stylistic and iconographic analysis, it is demonstrated that this sarcophagus is really a modern copy of the Roman exemplary

    Reseña de Espacios públicos, género y diversidad

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    El siguiente artículo es una reseña de "Espacios públicos, género y diversidad", editado por Maria Dolors Garcia Ramon, Anna Ortiz Guitart y Maria Prats Ferret (2014, Icaria). Su libro reúne una serie de análisis geográficos del genero y la interseccionalidad basados en trabajo de campo en varias ciudades catalanas

    RanBP2-Mediated SUMOylation Promotes Human DNA Polymerase Lambda Nuclear Localization and DNA Repair

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    Cellular DNA is under constant attack by a wide variety of agents, both endogenous and exogenous. To counteract DNA damage, human cells have a large collection of DNA repair factors. Among them, DNA polymerase lambda (Polλ) stands out for its versatility, as it participates in different DNA repair and damage tolerance pathways in which gap-filling DNA synthesis is required. In this work we show that human Polλ is conjugated with Small Ubiquitin-like MOdifier (SUMO) proteins both in vitro and in vivo, with Lys27 being the main target of this covalent modification. Polλ SUMOylation takes place in the nuclear pore complex and is mediated by the E3 ligase RanBP2. This post-translational modification promotes Polλ entry into the nucleus, which is required for its recruitment to DNA lesions and stimulated by DNA damage induction. Our work represents an advance in the knowledge of molecular pathways that regulate cellular localization of human Polλ, which are essential to be able to perform its functions during repair of nuclear DNA, and that might constitute an important point for the modulation of its activity in human cells

    Patrimonios migrantes y educación artística. Los nuevos retos de la educación en patrimonio

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    Aportamos un nuevo concepto a la investigación en educación artística: el de patrimonios migrantes. El presente número de nuestra revista ofrece una serie de reflexiones en torno a esta novedosa idea que plantean retos de futuro vinculando la educación artística y los conceptos de identidad, patrimonio, educación, migraciones o desubicación geográfica. Este foro de ideas pretende convertirse en plataforma de proyectos muy relacionados con las posibilidades que en los próximos años pueda ofrecernos la investigación de los diferentes grupos que han participado en el actual volumen. Desde posicionamientos vinculantes tan variados como los patrimonios virtuales, los entornos digitales y los usos de las TIC en artes y educación artística, pasando por la formación de profesionales en educación y patrimonio, sin perder de vista lo que ocurre en los museos o las geografías patrimoniales, recogemos diferentes impresiones que se complementan y confluyen. Hemos procurado atender también a los vínculos que existen entre la creación artística y la generación de ideas en el escenario educativo. Con todas estas aportaciones, ofrecemos un volumen repleto de ideas de futuro, animando a los grupos de investigación a seguir construyendo estos atractivos patrimonios migrantes. Palabras clave: patrimonios migrantes, educación artística, investigación universitaria, arte, formación de docentes. Abstract: We present a new concept for research in art education: the migrant heritages. This issue of our journal offers a series of reflections on this new idea, introducing future challenges for arts education and the concepts of identity, heritage, education, migration and geographical dislocation.        This forum of ideas aims to become a platform for projects and opportunities, offering different perspectives from the research groups that participated in the current volume. From positions as varied as the virtual heritages, digital environments and the uses of ICT in art and art education through professional training in education and equity, including what happens in museums or heritage geographies, we collect different impressions that complement each other. We also followed the links between artistic creation and the generation of ideas in the world of education. With all these contributions, we offer a volume full of ideas for a future, encouraging research groups to continue building these attractive migrant heritages. Keywords: migrant heritages, art education, university research, art, training teachers
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