23 research outputs found

    Smanjeni omjer mineralnog ulja poboljšava prinos blastocista u sustavu mikrojažica i jednozametnim kulturama u poliesterskim mrežama - kratko priopćenje.

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    It is common to apply a mineral oil (MO) overlay to in vitro embryo cultures, even though the use of MO may be harmful to embryo development. To examine whether the volume of MO used in overlays for well-of-the-well (WOW) and polyester mesh (PM) single-embryo culture systems can be reduced, two sets of experiments were performed and the resulting blastocyst formation rates were compared with a conventional group (CG) embryo culture system. In Experiment 1, groups of 20 embryos in 100 μL microdrops of CDM-2 medium were plated in Petri dishes and then were covered with 3.5 mL of MO (resulting in a 1:35 ratio of medium to MO). Groups of 20 embryos were also placed in four-well plates in 400 μL CDM-2 medium per well, and the wells were covered with 400 μL MO (resulting in a 1:1 ratio of medium to MO). In Experiment 2, groups of 20 embryos were plated in four-well plates with 400 μL CDM-2 medium per well, and 1 mL of purified water was added to the center hole of the plate. Two sets of these plates were set up in parallel, and only one of the plates received an additional 400 μL of MO per well (resulting in a 1:1 ratio of medium to MO). A greater percentage of embryos reached the blastocyst stage when they were cultured in a 1:1 ratio of medium to MO, compared with embryos that were cultured in a 1:35 ratio of medium to MO (55 % vs. 41 %, respectively; P<0.01). In addition, a greater percentage of embryos reached the blastocyst stage in the WOW and PM systems that included a 1:1 ratio of medium to MO overlay than the embryos that were cultured in the presence of water in the central hole of a four-well plate without MO (48 % vs. 39 %, respectively; P<0.01). Therefore, a 1:1 ratio of medium to MO was found to improve blastocyst rates in both WOW and PM embryo culture systems.U in vitro kulturama zametaka uobičajeno je primjenjivati sloj mineralnog ulja (MU), iako to može biti štetno za razvoj embrija. U radu su provedeni pokusi s ciljem da se istraži može li se smanjiti količina primijenjenog MU u sustavu mikrojažica i u poliesterskim mrežama za uzgoj pojedinačnog zametka. Pri tome je stopa nastalih blastocista bila uspoređena s konvencionalnim načinom uzgoja zametaka. U prvom pokusu su skupine od 20 zametaka u mikrokapi od 100 μL CDM-2 medija bile stavljene na podlogu u Petrijeve zdjelice i nakon toga prekrivene s 3,5 mL MU (omjer između medija i MU iznosio je 1:35). Skupine od 20 zametaka također su bile smještene u četverodijelne plitice s 400 μL CDM-2 medija po jažici i prekrivene s 400 μL MU (omjer između medija i MU iznosio je 1:1). U drugom pokusu, skupine od 20 zametaka bile su smještene u četverodijelne plitice s 400 μL CDM-2 medija po jažici, u čiji je središnji otvor dodan 1 mL pročišćene vode. Dvije skupine tih plitica bile su istodobno postavljene, a samo u jednu pliticu dodano je 400 μL MU po jažici (omjer između medija i MU iznosio je 1:1). Veći postotak embrija dosegao je stadij blastociste kada je u kulturi bio primijenjen omjer 1:1 između medija i MU. U usporedbi sa zametcima kod kojih je u kulturi bio primijenjen omjer između medija i MU 1:35, razlika je iznosila 55 % prema 41 %, P<0,01. Osim toga, veći postotak zametaka dosegnuo je stadij blastociste u sustavu mikrojažica i poliesterskih mrežica u kojima je omjer između medija i MU bio 1:1, nego što je to bio slučaj kad je kulturi zametaka u središnjoj jažici plitice bila dodana voda (48 % prema 39 %, P<0,01). Utvrđeno je da omjer 1:1 između medija i MU poboljšava stopu razvijenih blastocista u oba sustava

    Ley educativa para fortalecer la bioética y sustentabilidad en el estado de Chihuahua, México

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    La biodiversidad en México le permite destacar como un país megadiverso, con recursos naturales que permiten lograr recursos ecosistémicos y beneficiar a su población en el ámbito económico, social, cultural y preservar la vida en cualquiera de sus expresiones. Sin embargo, el cambio climático y con él las sequías e incendios, causados en mayor parte por la actividad antropogénica, han deteriorado los ecosistemas. Particularmente, en el estado de Chihuahua se ha trabajado en generar y emplear estrategias sociales y ambientales que logren gestionar y promover la plantación de árboles y además que sean cuidados por instituciones gubernamentales a fin de reestructurar la renovación de los ecosistemas, evitar la deforestación y pérdida de suelo y al mismo tiempo generar una conciencia ambiental y la participación ciudadana principalmente en los jóvenes educandos quienes impulsarán en pocos años nuestro futuro. Por lo anterior, el objetivo del presente trabajo es generar estrategias educativas en el nivel medio superior que faciliten y provean principios de respeto y protección a la vida y el medio ambiente y favorezcan el desarrollo sustentable y bioético en el estado de Chihuahua con la vinculación de las autoridades estatales y así lograr un bienestar ambiental y social. Se espera que el presente trabajo sirva para vincular en práctica activa la Biodiversidad, Bioética y Sustentabilidad, rescatar la necesidad de respetar los ecosistemas y fomentar valores éticos y resaltar la importancia de establecer una sostenibilidad local-regional a través de medios de difusión

    Osmotic stress tolerance in forage oat varieties (Avena Sativa L.) based on osmotic potential trials

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    Received: April 1st, 2022 ; Accepted: December 12th, 2022 ; Published: February 7th, 2023 ; Correspondence: [email protected]; [email protected] oats (Avena sativa L.) are globally important for milk and meat production, and, to a lesser extent, for the human diet. In Mexico, oats are a strategic crop, occupying the fourth place in cultivated area, only after maize for grain, bean, and sorghum for grain. Droughts are the main problem for oat production in Mexico. This study evaluated the germination and seedling growth of several oat varieties in response to drought stress simulated by PEG-6000 treatments of different osmotic pressure in order to identify drought-resistant genotypes. The Teporaca genotype was the most outstanding in the three levels of OP compared to its control with 0.0 of Osmotic Potential (OP). The Teporaca genotype showed the largest root length and the lowest diminishment of root length under osmotic stress conditions. This genotype also had the largest shoot length in the three osmotic stress levels. Regarding root fresh weight, Babicora stands out with 98.5% and Teporaca with 43% in the most severe level. Teporaca, Menonita, and Babicora showed the outstanding root dry weights of 346.5%, 327.2%, and 251.2%, respectively. These varieties had higher root dry weight than their own controls in water in the most severe level of OP. In conclusion, the Teporaca, Menonita, and Karma genotypes showed the highest osmotic stress tolerance and could be used as sources of favorable alleles to improve oat drought tolerance

    Influencia de la fertilización nitrogenada sobre las concentraciones de K+, Mg2+ y Ca2+ y sus bioindicadores en raíces y hojas de plantas de judía

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    The pyruvate kinase (PK) and ATPase activities taking part in nitrogen (N) assimilation is essential for the growth and development of plants. Studies on the kinetics of these enzymes reveal that its activities are dependent of the cofactors K+, Ca2+, and Mg2+. Therefore, the objective of the present work was to determine the effect of different doses of N on enzymatic activities of ATPase and PK as potentials biochemical indicators of the levels of K+, Mg2+, and Ca2+ in the roots and leaves of green bean plants. The N was applied to the nutrient solution as NH4NO3 at the following rates: 1.5, 3.0, 6.0, 12.0, 18.0, and 24.0 mM of N. These results indicate that deficient conditions of N (N1 and N2) were characterized by the lowest accumulation of K+, Mg2+ and Ca2+ in both total and soluble forms, and also minimum activities of PK and ATPase induced by K+, Mg2+ and Ca2+, with respect to the activity of basal PK and ATPase; this could mean near optimum conditions for these cations. On the contrary, high-N treatments (N4, N5 and N6) were characterized by presenting decreasing concentrations of total and soluble K+, Mg2+ and Ca2+ in roots and leaves of green bean plants; however, the activities of PK and ATPase induced with K+, Mg2+ and Ca2+ were increased reaching their maximum activity with respect to basal PK and ATPase, both enzymes reflecting the level of cations in roots and leaves, hence being considered as good physiological bioindicators of these cations.Las actividades piruvato kinasa (PK) y ATPasa participan en la asimilación de nitrógeno (N), la cual es esencial para el crecimiento y desarrollo de las plantas. Estudios sobre cinéticas de estas enzimas revelan que sus actividades son dependientes de los cofactores K+, Ca2+ y Mg2+. Por lo tanto, el objetivo del presente trabajo fue determinar el efecto de diferentes dosis de N sobre las actividades de la ATPasa y PK como posibles bioindicadores de los niveles de K+, Mg2+ y Ca2+ en raíces y hojas de plantas de judía (Phaseolus vulgaris L. cv. Strike). Se aplicó N a la solución nutritiva como NH4NO3 en las siguientes dosis: N1=1,5 mM, N2=3,0 mM, N3=6,0 mM, N4=12,0 mM, N5=18,0 mM y N6=24,0 mM. Los resultados indican que bajo condiciones deficientes de N (N1 y N2), las plantas presentaron menor acumulación de K+, Mg2+ y Ca2+ en su forma total y soluble, así como mínimas actividades PK y ATPasa inducidas por K+, Mg2+ y Ca2+ respecto a la actividad PK y ATPasa basal; lo cual indica condiciones cercanas a las óptimas de estos cationes. Por el contrario, en los tratamientos elevados de N (N4, N5 y N6) las plantas presentaron concentraciones decrecientes de K+, Mg2+ y Ca2+ total y soluble tanto en raíces como en hojas; sin embargo, las actividades PK y ATPasa inducidas con K+, Mg2+ y Ca2+ se incrementaron alcanzando sus máximas actividades con respecto a la PK y ATPasa basal, lo que indica una mayor necesidad fisiológica de estos cationes en los tratamientos elevados de N. Finalmente, la actividad ATPasa basal y la inducida con K+, Mg2+ y Ca2+ se comportaron de forma similar a la actividad PK, lo que refleja el nivel de cationes en raíces y en hojas, por lo que se consideran buenos bioindicadores fisiológicos de estos cationes

    Destete precoz en ganado criollo mexicano de rodeo

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    El ganado criollo de rodeo se caracteriza por presentar un bajo comportamiento productivo, como consecuencia, su explotación tiene una baja rentabilidad financiera y debe darse mayor énfasis en mejorar estas características. En este estudio, se utilizaron 22 vacas con sus crías de una edad promedio de 66 días, que fueron asignadas en forma aleatoria a dos tratamientos; destete normal (DN) (n1=11) y destete precoz (DP) (n2=11) con el objetivo de medir el efecto de la separación temprana de las crías de sus madres en el comportamiento productivo de ellas. Durante el estudio, se evaluó el peso vivo (PV) y la condición corporal (CC) de las vacas y el porcentaje de gestación (PG), así como el PV de las crías. No se encontraron diferencias significativas para PV (266.7 y 289.79 kg para DN y DP respectivamente), CC (4.5 y 4.9 para DN y DP respectivamente), PV de las crías (127.0 y 134.6 kg para DN y DP respectivamente), ni para PG (55 y 82 % para DN y DP respectivamente). A pesar de la falta de significancia estadística, hubo mejoras sustanciales numéricas en los parámetros medidos. Estos resultados sugieren que el uso de programas de destete precoz puede ser de utilidad limitada para mejorar los parámetros productivos de vacas de rodeo en condiciones extensivas. Abstract Mexican criollo cattle are characterized by a poor productive performance and consequently its production shows low financial return and it is necessary to improve these characteristics. In this particular study, twenty two Mexican criollo rodeo cows with calves were assigned at random to two treatments: traditional weaning (TW) (n1=11) and early weaning (EW) (n2=11) to determine the effect of early separation of the calves from their dams on the productive performance of rodeo cows. Body weight (BW), body condition (BC) and pregnancy rate (PR) of the cows, and BW of the calves were determined. No significant differences were found for BW (266.7 and 289.8 Kg for TW and EW respectively), BC (4.5 and 4.9 for TW and EW respectively) BW of the calves (64.6 and 65.1 Kg for TW and EW respectively), neither for PR (55 and 82 % for TW and EW respectively). Although there was no statistical significance, important numerical improvements were found in the parameters measured. These data suggest that utilization of early weaning programs can be a limited tool to increase production parameters of rodeo cows under extensive conditions. Keywords: anestrous, suckling, pregnanc

    Effect of Extrusion Cooking on Bioactive Compounds in Encapsulated Red Cactus Pear Powder

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    Red cactus pear has significant antioxidant activity and potential as a colorant in food, due to the presence of betalains. However, the betalains are highly thermolabile, and their application in thermal process, as extrusion cooking, should be evaluated. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of extrusion conditions on the chemical components of red cactus pear encapsulated powder. Cornstarch and encapsulated powder (2.5% w/w) were mixed and processed by extrusion at different barrel temperatures (80, 100, 120, 140 °C) and screw speeds (225, 275, 325 rpm) using a twin-screw extruder. Mean residence time (trm), color (L*, a*, b*), antioxidant activity, total polyphenol, betacyanin, and betaxanthin contents were determined on extrudates, and pigment degradation reaction rate constants (k) and activation energies (Ea) were calculated. Increases in barrel temperature and screw speed decreased the trm, and this was associated with better retentions of antioxidant activity, total polyphenol, betalain contents. The betacyanins k values ranged the −0.0188 to −0.0206/s and for betaxanthins ranged of −0.0122 to −0.0167/s, while Ea values were 1.5888 to 6.1815 kJ/mol, respectively. The bioactive compounds retention suggests that encapsulated powder can be used as pigments and to provide antioxidant properties to extruded products

    Density Functional Theory (DFT) Study of Triphenylamine-Based Dyes for Their Use as Sensitizers in Molecular Photovoltaics

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    In this work we studied three dyes which are proposed for potential photovoltaic applications and named Dye7, Dye7-2t and Dye7-3t. The Density Functional Theory (DFT) was utilized, using the M05-2X hybrid meta-GGA functional and the 6–31+G(d,p) basis set. This level of calculation was used to find the optimized molecular structure and to predict the main molecular vibrations, the absorption and emission spectra, the molecular orbitals energies, dipole moment, isotropic polarizability and the chemical reactivity parameters that arise from Conceptual DFT. Also, the pKa values were calculated with the semi-empirical PM6 method

    Natural Carotenoids as Nanomaterial Precursors for Molecular Photovoltaics: A Computational DFT Study

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    In this work several natural carotenoids were studied as potential nanomaterial precursors for molecular photovoltaics. M05-2X/6-31+G(d,p) level of theory calculations were used to obtain their molecular structures, as well as to predict the infrared (IR) and ultraviolet (UV-Vis) spectra, the dipole moment and polarizability, the pKa, and the chemical reactivity parameters (electronegativity, hardness, electrophilicity and Fukui functions) that arise from Conceptual DFT. The calculated values were compared with the available experimental data for these molecules and discussed in terms of their usefulness in describing photovoltaic properties

    Efecto del ácido salicílico en la bioproductividad de la fresa ("fragaria ananassa") cv "aromosa"

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    An experiment was set to evaluate effect of salicylic acid (SA) in strawberry bioproductivity (Fragaria ananassa) variety Aromosa of day short. Seedlings of 20 days of cultivation were aspersed in greenhouse once per week in eight occasions, with prepared solutions of salicylic acid, 1, 0.01, 0.0001 uM or water as control. Recorded results after 40 days of treatment demonstrated that aspersed seedlings at tested concentrations increased height of strawberry plant, as well as number of leaves, flowers and fruits. The treatment of 0.0001 uM of SA increased in 23% the number of fruits in comparison with control.Se estableció un experimento para evaluar el efecto del ácido salicílico en la bioproductividad de fresa ("Fragaria ananassa") variedad Aromosa de día corto. Plántulas de 20 días de cultivadas en un invernadero fueron asperjadas una vez por semana en ocho ocasiones, con soluciones de ácido salicílico preparadas: 1, 0.01, 0.0001 μM o agua como control. Los resultados registrados después de 40 días de iniciados los tratamientos demostraron que las plántulas asperjadas a las concentraciones probadas incrementaron la altura de la planta de fresa, así como el número de hojas, flores y frutos. El tratamiento de 0.0001 μM de AS incrementó 23% el número de frutos en comparación con el control

    Efectos de enzimas e inoculares sobre la composición del ensilaje de maíz

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    Treating silages with fibrolytic enzymes and bacterial inoculants has been shown to improve digestibility, fermentation and aerobic stability of a variety of forages. The objective of this experiment was to evaluate the effects of three additives on chemical composition and fermentation charac-teristics of silage from seven different hybrids: DK641�, Eagle 238W�, Golden Harvest EX313�, Golden Harvest H9403�, Pioneer 32R25�, Pioneer 31G98�, and Producers 725�. Corn plants were planted in experimental plots (1 ha each) in Chihuahua, Mexico and harvested at stage of maturity of 1/3 of milkline. Whole corn plants were cut and subsamples were chopped and ensiled in mini silos (1.3±0.1 kg) for 42 d. Treatments were control: CT: 20 ml distilled water; SA: 0.0065 g Sill All� 4x4 (L. plantarum, P. acidilactii, E. faecium, and B. salivarus); BS: 0.182 g Bio-sile� (L. plantarum and P. pentosaceus) and FB: 0.31 g Fibrozyme� (xylanases and T. viride). Silage samples were analyzed for dry matter (DM), crude protein (CP), neutral detergent fiber (NDF), acid detergent fiber (ADF), cellulose (CE), hemicellulose (HE), in vitro dry matter digestibility (IVDMD), in vitro organic matter digestibility (IVOMD), pH and lactic acid (LA). Inoculation with SA and BS increased content of NDF of silage of hybrids 31G98 and DK641 (p<0.05). Addition of SA increased CP of silages from H9403, 238W and EX313 (p<0.05). However, FB decreased NDF concentration of 31G98, H9403 and 238W, lowered pH of DK641 and EX313 and increased concentration of LA content of EX313 and increased concentration of LA content of EX313 (p<0.05). No effect on DM and OM digestibility was observed for FB, but when BS and SA were added a significant difference (p<0.05) was observed for the hybrids DK641, 32R25 and Producers 725. These show that when applied at ensiling certain inoculants and fibrolytic enzymes can improve various chemical characteristics of corn silage, however, effects vary depending of the particular corn hybrid.El tratamiento de ensilajes con enzimas fibrolíticas e inoculantes bacterianos ha mostrado aumentar digestibilidad, fermentación y estabilidad aeróbica de varios forrajes. El objetivo fue evaluar el efecto en la composición química y características de fermentación en el ensilaje con los híbridos DK641® (DK641), Eagle 238W® (238W), Golden Harvest EX313® (EX313), Golden Harvest H9403® (H9403), Pioneer 32R25® (32R25), Pioneer 31G98® (31G98) y Producers 725® (725) tratados con tres aditivos. Los híbridos se sembraron en parcelas experimentales de 1 ha en Chihuahua, México. La cosecha se realizó en la etapa de madurez con 1/3 de llenado del grano tomándose muestras representativas para la elaboración de microsilos (1,3±0,1 kg) por 42 d. Se evaluaron cuatro tratamientos de microsilos: el control (CT) con 20 ml de agua destilada y tres tratamientos con aditivo; SA con 0,0065 g de Sill All 4x4® (L. plantarum, P. acidilactii, E. faecium y B. salivarus), BS con 0,182 g de Bio-sile® (L. plantarum y P. pentosaceus) y FB con 0,31 g de Fibrozyme® (xylanases y T. viride). Se determinó materia seca (MS), proteína bruta (PB), fibra detergente neutro (FDN), fibra detergente ácido (FDA), celulosa (CE), hemicelulosa (HEM), digestibilidad in vitro de la materia seca (DIVMS) digestibilidad in vitro de la materia orgánica (DIVMO), pH y ácido láctico (AL). La inoculación (SA y BS) incrementó los contenidos de FDN en los ensilajes de los materiales 31G98 y DK641 (p<0,05). Asimismo, la adición de SA incrementó el contenido de PB en H9403, 238W y EX313 (p<0,05). La adición de FB disminuyó el contenido de FDN en 31G98, H9403 y 238W; pero disminuyó el pH en DK641 y EX313 e incrementó la concentración de AL en 32R25 (p<0,05). Los resultados mostraron un efecto positivo al tratar el ensilaje con aditivos; no obstante, este varía dependiendo de las características propias de cada uno de los híbridos utilizados