2,596 research outputs found

    Eterogenia, un proyecto comunicacional con identidad ciudadana

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    El presente trabajo es una sistematización sobre la experiencia, y el aprendizaje en la misma, enmarcada dentro de la práctica profesional supervisada que se realizó para la Especialización en Gestión y Producción de Medios Audiovisuales del Centro de Estudios Avanzados (CEA) de la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba (UNC). La experiencia se realizó en Eterogenia, la radio y plataforma Web del Centro Cultural España Córdoba (CCEC), entre diciembre 2016 y junio de 2017. Durante la estancia en el medio se trabajó para articular el centro cultural con Eterogenia, que era el objetivo de la práctica y la necesidad que expresaron en la institución. La presente sistematización enfocará su estudio en el proyecto comunicacional de Radio Eterogenia y en la evolución histórica del mismo, teniendo como principal objetivo, la identificación de las características del proyecto político comunicacional de Eterogenia que permiten reconocerla como una radio con ciertos rasgos ciudadanos. Para ello, se considera dos objetivos secundarios: el análisis del proceso por el que una radio, perteneciente a un centro cultural de titularidad mixta, como Eterogenia opera como una radio ciudadana y la determinación de los aspectos claves que harían de Eterogenia un medio ciudadano vinculado a la comunicación como derecho

    Análisis de chatbots de inteligencia artificial y satisfacción en el aprendizaje en educación matemática

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    The use of artificial intelligence (AI) is becoming increasingly widespread in today's society. This type of technology, and more specifically chatbots as virtual assistants, can be implemented and integrated as a support tool in educational environments. This article proposes the creation of chatbots in the subject of didactic of geometry of the Degree of Primary Education of the Faculty of Education at the University of Málaga, carried out by 120 students in two groups. The aim is to analyse these chatbots, as well as the students' evaluation and satisfaction with them. To this end, the students were given brief training so that they could generate their own bots and know how to integrate them into a social network and then use them. The results of the questionnaire show that the students have shown interest in the generation of their chatbot and its integration into the social network, have improved their digital competence, as well as demonstrating a high degree of satisfaction with their AI creations, along with the idea that this type of experience can be transferred to other subjects and educational contexts.El uso de la inteligencia artificial (IA) está cada vez más extendido en la sociedad actual. Este tipo de tecnología, y más concretamente los chatbots como asistentes virtuales tienen posibilidades de implementación e integración como herramienta de apoyo en los entornos educativos. En este artículo se propone la creación de chatbots en la asignatura de didáctica de la geometría del Grado de Educación Primaria de la Facultad de Educación en la Universidad de Málaga, realizados por 120 estudiantes en dos grupos-clase. El objetivo es hacer un análisis de dichos chatbots, así como de la valoración y satisfacción de estos por parte del alumnado. Para ello, se facilitó a los estudiantes una breve formación para que pudiesen generar sus propios bots y lo supiesen integrar en una red social para después usarlos. Los resultados del cuestionario realizado ponen de manifiesto que el alumnado se ha mostrado interesado en la generación de su chatbot y su integración en la red social, han mejorado su competencia digital, además de demostrar un alto grado de satisfacción con sus creaciones de IA, junto con la idea de que este tipo de experiencias se pueda trasladar a otras asignaturas y contextos educativos

    Sistema de cobro de agua potable de la comunidad El Socorro utilizando el framework Asp.net MVC

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    El presente proyecto tuvo como objetivo disminuir el tiempo de cálculo del valor a cancelar y el número de errores en la toma de la lectura de los medidores en el proceso de cobro de agua de la Comunidad El Socorro. El proyecto se desarrolló utilizando el framework ASP.NET MVC para separar los datos de la interfaz de usuario y la lógica de negocio facilitando de esta manera el mantenimiento y la escalabilidad del sistema, además se utilizó la metodología ágil SCRUM, la implantación de la base de datos fue realizada en SQL Server 2012. Las técnicas que fueron usadas son: el método de observación de vuelta a cero o de regreso a cero el cual permitió obtener el tiempo empleado en la realización del cálculo del valor a cancelar siendo este aproximadamente de 77,75 segundos, para determinar la ocurrencia de los errores en la toma de lectura se realizó la entrevista a los directivos de la junta detectando así errores como: lecturas ilegibles, medidores sin lecturas e información incorrecta de la lectura; mediante la técnica de la observación se determinó una ocurrencia del 74.05% de errores. Mediante el uso de la opción “Herramientas para desarrolladores” del navegador Google Chrome se ha determinado que el tiempo en el cálculo del valor a cancelar utilizando la aplicación web es de 0,76 segundos notando así la disminución del tiempo empleado para dicha tarea, por medio de la aplicación móvil se ha determinado que la disminución de errores es del 92.31%. Por lo que se concluye que la utilización del sistema disminuyó el número de errores y tiempo en un 95.67% frente al método tradicional (sin el uso del sistema) por lo cual es recomendable su utilización.The objective of this project was reduce the calculation time of the value to be canceled in the number of errors in the interpretation of the meters in the water collection process of the community El Socorro. The project was developed using the ASP.NET MVC framework to separate the data from the user interface and the business logic, thus facilitating the maintenance and stability of the system, in addition to using the agile SCRUM methodology, the implementation of the base of data was performed in SQL Server 2012. The techniques applied were: the observation method back to zero or back to zero which allowed to obtain the time spent in the calculation of the value to cancel being approximately 77 , 75 seconds, to determine the occurrence of the errors in the interpretation, the interview was made to the directors of the board detecting errors such as: illegible interpretation, meters without interpretation and incorrect information of the interpretation; using the observation technique, 74.05% error occurrence was determined. Applied "Developer tools" option in the Google Chrome browser it has been determined that the time in the calculation of the value to be canceled using the web application is 0.76 seconds, thus noting the decrease in the time spent for this task, Average of the mobile application has been determined that the decrease of errors is 92.31%. It is concluded that the use of the system decrease the error and time in 95.67% face of the traditional method (without the use of the system), which its use is recommended

    Relationships Between Reaction Time, Selective Attention, Physical Activity, and Physical Fitness in Children

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    The objective of this study was to analyze the relationships between simple and complex reaction times (RTs) with the physical activity performed weekly, the physical fitness and selective attention in children of the third cycle of primary education. Participants were 119 children aged between 10 and 12 years (M = 10.71; SD = 0.77). The instruments used for data collection were the D2 attention test to analyze selective attention, various tests of the Eurofit and ALPHA-Fitness Battery to evaluate the physical condition, a bioimpedanciometer Tanita TBF 300 to evaluate the body composition, and the FITLIGHT Trainer to measure the simple and complex RTs. The group that carried out more weekly physical activity used less time in simple (p < 0.05, d = -0.68, 95% CI [-1.19, -0.17]) and complex RT tests (p < 0.05, d = -0.63, 95% CI [-1.14, -0.12]). Also, the results showed that the simple RT was related in a significant way with physical fitness, while the complex RT was related significantly to attentional capacity and physical fitnes

    Software Process Dynamics: Modeling, Simulation and Improvement

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    The aim of this chapter is to introduce the reader to the dynamics of the software process, the ways to represent and formalize it, and how it can be integrated with other techniques to facilitate, among other things, process improvement. In order to achieve this goal, different approaches of software process modeling and simulation will be introduced, analyzing their pros and cons. Then, continuous modeling will be used as the modeling approach to build software process models that work in the qualitative and quantitative fields, assessing the decision-making process and the software process improvement arena. The integration of this approach with current process assessment models (such as CMM), static and algorithmic models (such as traditional models used in the estimation process) and the design of a metrics collection program which is triggered by the actual process of model building will also be described in the chapter.Comisión Interministerial de Ciencia y Tecnología (CICYT) TIN2004-06689-C03-0

    A bifunctional photoaminocatalyst for the alkylation of aldehydes: Design, analysis, and mechanistic studies

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    This document is the Accepted Manuscript version of a Published Work that appeared in final form in ACS Catalysis, copyright ©2018 American Chemical Society after peer review and technical editing by the publisher. To access the final edited and published work see https://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/acscatal.8b01331A bifunctional photoaminocatalyst based on imidazolidinone and thioxanthone is presented. The preparation of these catalysts proceeds in a two-step synthesis that allows an easy tuning of the steric properties. The photophysical and electrochemical data of the imidazolidinone photocatalysts have been determined, indicating that the catalysts can work under visible light conditions. To corroborate the experimental observations, ground state geometry optimization and energy transition studies of thioxanthone and bifunctional catalyst 4c were optimized by time-dependent density functional theory (TD DFT) calculations. The alkylation of aldehydes with this photoaminocatalyst works with high enantioselectivities and yields due to the stereoelectronic properties of the catalyst. A rational mechanistic cycle based on different mechanistic experiments, TD DFT calculations, and laser flash photolysis is presentedThe Spanish Government (CTQ2015-64561-R) and the European Research Council (ERC-CG, Contract 647550) are acknowledge

    Preventive treatment can reverse cognitive impairment in chronic migraine

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    Objective: To study the impact of chronic migraine (CM) on the cognition and quality of life (QoL) of patients in the interictal period, and to analyse the degree of reversibility of any observed alterations following the use of preventive treatment. Background: CM is a highly disabling disease, and migraineurs often have associated comorbidities, such as subjective memory problems, that are involved in the development of cognitive impairment. Our hypotheses are that patients suffering from chronic migraine experience objective cognitive alterations that are not only due to the pain that they suffer or their current emotional state. Furthermore, preventive treatment should be capable of reversing, or at least reducing, the impact of CM on the cognition and QoL of migraineurs. Methods: The cognition and QoL of 50 control subjects and 46 patients with CM were assessed using a battery of tests, prior to the use of preventive treatment based on botulinum toxin or oral drugs and after 3 months of this treatment. Results: Compared with controls, patients with CM had lower scores on the assessment of cognitive performance (Rey-Osterrieth Complex Figure test [ROCF] (p<0.05), Trail Making Test [TMT] B) (p < 0.05) and QoL (p < 0.05). Three months after the use of preventive treatment, improvement was observed in all cognitive parameters (p < 0.05) and QoL (p < 0.05), except the ROCF copy task (p = 0.79). No statistically significant differences were observed when these outcomes were compared based on treatment. Conclusions: This study confirms poor cognitive performance that is not explained by migraine pain itself, as it occurs in the interictal period, irrespective of the patient's emotional status. Our findings show that these effects are reversible in some cases with preventive treatment of CM, reaffirming the important impact of this condition on the QoL of these patients, and the need to establish preventive treatment guidelines

    In vitro study of the viability of Caco-2 cells in presence of two compound of Allium spp essential oil

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    El aceite esencial de los componentes del género Allium, principalmente ajo y cebolla, presenta propiedades antioxidantes y antibacterianas debidas a la presencia de compuestos azufrados en su composición. La industria alimentaria ha comenzado a desarrollar nuevos sistemas de envasado activo a partir de polímeros seleccionados, a los que se incorporan aceites esenciales que, por sus propiedades, contribuyen a aumentar la vida útil de los alimentos perecederos. En este sentido, se hace necesario evaluar la seguridad asociada al uso de estas sustancias en envases alimentarios que van a estar en contacto con el consumidor a través del alimento. El objetivo del presente estudio fue determinar la citotoxicidad producida por dipropil sulfuro y dipropil disulfuro, dos de los componentes del aceite esencial de ajo y cebolla, en la línea celular Caco-2, células humanas procedentes de carcinoma de colon. Los biomarcadores ensayados fueron el contenido total de proteínas, la captación de rojo neutro y la reducción de la sal de tetrazolio (3-(4,5-dimetiltiazol-2- il)-5-(3-carboximetoxifenil)-2-(4sulfofenil)-2H-tetrazolio). Las células fueron expuestas durante 2, 4 y 8 h a concentraciones comprendidas entre 0 y 200 μM. Los resultados no mostraron diferencias significativas frente al control para ninguno de los tres marcadores, lo que demuestra que bajo las condiciones de los ensayos ambos compuestos azufrados no son citotóxicos para esta línea celular gastrointestinal y podrían ser útiles en la industria alimentaria para desarrollar envases activos.Allium spp. essential oil, mainly from garlic and onion, possesses different beneficial properties, for example antioxidant and antimicrobial effects, due to the presence of sulfur compounds. Food industry is developing new active packaging systems that include the essential oil of garlic in their structure, in order to improve the shelf-life of perishable products. Therefore it is necessary to evaluate the safety associated with the use of these substances in food packaging that will be in contact with the consumer through food. The aim of our study was to evaluate in vitro the cytotoxicity of dipropyl sulfide and dipropyl disulfide. For this purpose, we used the human Caco-2 cell line, from human small intestinal mucosa carcinoma. The assayed cytotoxicity biomarkers were the total protein content, neutral red uptake and reduction of the 3-( 4, 5 - dimethylthiazol - 2 - y l ) - 5 - ( 3 - carboximethoxyphenyl)-2-(4-sulfophenyl)-2H-tetrazolium salt. Cells were exposed to dipropyl sulfide and dipropyl disulfide in concentrations between 0-200 μM for 2, 4 and 8 h. After periods of exposure, no alterations were observed in any of the biomarkers assayed. These results suggest that both organosulfur compounds are safety options for food industry and could be a choice in the development of active packaging.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (España) AGL2012-38357-C02-01Junta de Andalucía AGR-7252Servicio de Biología del Centro de Investigación, Tecnología e Innovación de la Universidad de Sevilla (CITIUS

    A new approach based on inversion of a partial least squares model searching for a preset analytical target profile. Application to the determination of five bisphenols by liquid chromatography with diode array detector

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    The paper shows a procedure for selecting the control method parameters (factors) to obtain a preset ‘analytical target profile’ when a liquid chromatographic technique is going to be carried out for the simultaneous determination of five bisphenols (bisphenol-A, bisphenol-S, bisphenol-F, bisphenol-Z and bisphenol-AF), some of them regulated by the European Union. The procedure has three steps. The first consists of building a D-optimal combined design (mixture-process design) for the control method parameters, which are the composition of the ternary mobile phase and its flow rate. The second step is to fit a PLS2 model to predict six analytical responses (namely, the resolution between each pair of consecutive peaks, and the initial and final chromatographic time) as a function of the control method parameters. The third final step is the inversion of the PLS2 model to obtain the conditions needed for attaining a preset analytical target profile. The computational inversion of the PLS2 prediction model looking for the Pareto front of these six responses provides a set of experimental conditions to conduct the chromatographic determination, specifically 22% of water, mixed with 58% methanol and 20% of acetonitrile, keeping the flow rate at 0.66 mL min−1. These conditions give a chromatogram with retention times of 2.180, 2.452, 2.764, 3.249 and 3.775 min for BPS, BPF, BPA, BPAF and BPZ, respectively, and excellent resolution among all the chromatographic peaks. Finally, the analytical method is validated under the selected experimental conditions, in terms of trueness and precision. In addition, the detection capability for the five bisphenols were: 596, 334, 424, 458 and 1156 μg L−1, with probabilities of false positive and of false negative equal to 0.05.Spanish MINECO (AEI/FEDER, UE) and Consejería de Educación de la JCyL through projects CTQ2017-88894-R and BU052P20, co-financed with European Regional Development Fund

    Method operable design region obtained with a partial least squares model inversion in the determination of ten polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons by liquid chromatography with fluorescence detection

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    A chromatographic method with the Analytical Quality by Design (AQbD) methodology is developed for the simultaneous determination by HPLC-FLD of ten PAHs (naphthalene, phenanthrene, anthracene, flu- oranthene, pyrene, chrysene, benzo[a]anthracene, perylene, benzo[b]fluoranthene, and benzo[a]pyrene), widely spread in the environment. The construction of the Method Operable Design Region (MODR) is conducted, for the first time, via the inversion of a multiresponse Partial Least Squares (PLS2) model, which is needed to maintain the correlations among the Critical Method Parameters (CMP), among the Critical Quality Attributes (CQA), and the covariance between one another. The five CMP considered were the composition of the mobile phase (water, methanol, acetonitrile), flow rate, and column temperature. The eight CQA were linked to resolution between peaks recorded in the same emission wavelength (greater than 1.4) and the total time (less than 15 minutes). By systematic use of experimental design and parallel coordinates plots to explore the Pareto optimal front obtained with the PLS2 model inversion, the computed MODR is formed by convex combinations of eight specific settings of Critical Method Parameters that have a mobile phase with percentages of water between 37 and 38 %, of methanol from 13 and 22 %, and of acetonitrile between 41 and 49 %, together with a flow rate between 1.47 and 1.50 mL min −1 , and column temperature between 41.9 and 44.0 °C in their adequate combinations. All the chromatographic peaks are well resolved, with total time varying between 12.96 and 15.66 min inside the estimated MODR and the analytical method is accurate with CC βbetween 0.9 and 7.0 μg L −1 with probability of both false positive and false negative equal to 0.05.Research projects CTQ2017-88894-R and BU052P20, financed by the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia, Inno- vación y Universidades (AEI/FEDER, UE) and Consejería de Edu- cación de la Junta de Castilla y León, both co-financed with Eu- ropean Development Funds. M.M. Arce wishes to thank Junta de Castilla y León for her postdoctoral contract through BU052P20 project