153 research outputs found

    Global and local expansion of magnetic clouds in the inner heliosphere

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    Observations of magnetic clouds (MCs) are consistent with the presence of flux ropes detected in the solar wind (SW) a few days after their expulsion from the Sun as coronal mass ejections (CMEs). Both the \textit{in situ} observations of plasma velocity profiles and the increase of their size with solar distance show that MCs are typically expanding structures. The aim of this work is to derive the expansion properties of MCs in the inner heliosphere from 0.3 to 1 AU.We analyze MCs observed by the two Helios spacecraft using \textit{in situ} magnetic field and velocity measurements. We split the sample in two subsets: those MCs with a velocity profile that is significantly perturbed from the expected linear profile and those that are not. From the slope of the \textit{in situ} measured bulk velocity along the Sun-Earth direction, we compute an expansion speed with respect to the cloud center for each of the analyzed MCs. We analyze how the expansion speed depends on the MC size, the translation velocity, and the heliocentric distance, finding that all MCs in the subset of non-perturbed MCs expand with almost the same non-dimensional expansion rate (ζ\zeta). We find departures from this general rule for ζ\zeta only for perturbed MCs, and we interpret the departures as the consequence of a local and strong SW perturbation by SW fast streams, affecting the MC even inside its interior, in addition to the direct interaction region between the SW and the MC. We also compute the dependence of the mean total SW pressure on the solar distance and we confirm that the decrease of the total SW pressure with distance is the main origin of the observed MC expansion rate. We found that ζ\zeta was 0.91±0.230.91\pm 0.23 for non-perturbed MCs while ζ\zeta was 0.48±0.790.48\pm 0.79 for perturbed MCs, the larger spread in the last ones being due to the influence of the environment conditions on the expansion

    Influência do gênero e da idade: satisfação no trabalho de profissionais da saúde

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    OBJECTIVE: to analyze the influence of gender and age on the quality of the professional lives of health care professionals at a university hospital. METHOD: a total of 546 professionals completed a general questionnaire that measured sociodemographic variables and evaluated job satisfaction using a scale adopted from the NTP 394 Job Satisfaction scale and translated into Spanish. RESULTS: overall, 77.2% of the professionals surveyed were satisfied with the work they perform. With regards to gender, we found overwhelming evidence of the feminization of practically all health care professions included in the study, with higher levels of job satisfaction among women than men. Regarding age, 20-30-year-olds and professionals over 61 years old showed higher satisfaction levels than did middle-aged professionals. Higher levels of dissatisfaction were reported by professionals between 41 and 50 years old. CONCLUSIONS: we were able to detect the influence of gender and age on the level of job satisfaction, finding significant associations between job satisfaction and both of these variables. Generally, women expressed more satisfaction than men, and elderly professionals showed higher satisfaction compared to younger professionals. Management policies should focus on taking action to correct the conditions that produce dissatisfaction among certain groups of employees.OBJETIVO: analizar la influencia del género y edad en la satisfacción de la vida laboral en los profesionales sanitarios de un Hospital Universitario. MÉTODO: la muestra quedó constituida por 546 profesionales, administrándose un cuestionario general con variables sociodemográficas y otro específico, el NTP 394 Satisfacción Laboral: escala general de satisfacción adaptada y validada al castellano. RESULTADOS: en general un 77,2% se encuentra satisfecho con el trabajo que desempeña. En relación al género, se evidencia la feminización de prácticamente todas las profesiones sanitarias sin excepción, quedando patente niveles de satisfacción superior en las mujeres. La edad, presenta niveles más elevados de satisfacción en profesionales de edades entre 20 y 30 años y en los mayores de 61; en contrapartida los niveles de insatisfacción se presentan en los profesionales de edades comprendidas entre 41 y 50 años. CONCLUSIONES: podemos delimitar la influencia del género y la edad en los niveles de satisfacción laboral, obteniéndose asociaciones significativas en ambas variables; respecto al género, las mujeres se muestran más satisfechas y en cuanto a la edad los profesionales de mayor edad muestran mayor satisfacción. Así, las líneas de gestión deben orientarse al establecimiento de acciones de mejora en aquellas variables que producen insatisfacción.OBJETIVO: analisar a influência do gênero e da idade na satisfação no trabalho de profissionais da saúde num hospital universitário. MÉTODO: a amostra foi constituída por 546 profissionais, aos quais foi administrado um questionário genérico, contendo variáveis sociodemográficas e um questionário específico, o NTP 394: Satisfação no Trabalho: Escala de Satisfação Global adaptada e validada para o castelhano. RESULTADOS: de modo geral, 77,2% da amostra manifestou estar satisfeita com o trabalho que realiza. Quanto ao gênero, foi evidenciada a feminização de praticamente todas as profissões em saúde, sem exceções, sendo que as mulheres manifestaram níveis mais elevados de satisfação. Com relação à idade, as faixas etárias que manifestaram os níveis mais elevados de satisfação foram entre 20 e 30 anos e acima de 61 anos. Em contrapartida, os profissionais entre 41 e 50 anos de idade apresentaram níveis de insatisfação. CONCLUSÕES: pode-se estabelecer a influência do gênero e da idade nos níveis de satisfação no trabalho da amostra estudada, visto que foram identificadas associações significativas. Em relação ao gênero, as mulheres manifestaram estar mais satisfeitas e, com respeito à idade, os maiores níveis de satisfação foram manifestos pelos participantes mais idosos. Sendo assim, as políticas de gestão devem focar na implantação de ações destinadas a melhorar as variáveis que se associam à insatisfação

    Von Karman correlation similarity in solar wind magnetohydrodynamic turbulence

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    A major development underlying hydrodynamic turbulence theory is the similarity decay hypothesis due to von Karman and Howarth, here extended empirically to plasma turbulence in the solar wind. In similarity decay the second-order correlation experiences a continuous transformation based on a universal functional form and a rescaling of energy and characteristic length. Solar wind turbulence follows many principles adapted from classical fluid turbulence, but previously this similarity property has not been examined explicitly. Here, we analyze an ensemble of Elsässer autocorrelation functions computed from Advanced Composition Explorer data at 1 astronomical unit (AU), and demonstrate explicitly that the two-point correlation functions undergo a collapse to a similarity form of the type anticipated from von Karman's hypothesis applied to weakly compressive magnetohydrodynamic turbulence. This provides a firm empirical basis for employing the similarity decay hypothesis to the Elsässer correlations that represent the incompressive turbulence cascade. This approach is of substantial utility in space turbulence data analysis, and for adopting von Karman-type heating rates in global and subgrid-scale dynamical modeling.Fil: Roy, Sohom. University Of Delaware; Estados UnidosFil: Chhiber, R.. University Of Delaware; Estados UnidosFil: Dasso, Sergio Ricardo. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciónes Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Ciudad Universitaria. Instituto de Astronomía y Física del Espacio. - Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Astronomía y Física del Espacio; ArgentinaFil: Ruiz, Maria Emilia. Ministerio de Defensa. Secretaria de Planeamiento. Servicio Meteorológico Nacional; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciónes Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Ciudad Universitaria. Instituto de Astronomía y Física del Espacio. - Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Astronomía y Física del Espacio; ArgentinaFil: Matthaeus, W .H.. University Of Delaware; Estados Unido

    Diagnóstico y mejoras al Proceso Administrativo de reclamaciones y quejas en la Gerencia de Servicio al Cliente de Banco Personal, S.A.

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    Este trabajo permite suministrar información a la Gerencia de Servicio al Cliente que permita realizar una eficaz y efectiva toma de decisiones, identificar los factores que originan la falta de notificación de la resolución de los reclamos y quejas y mantener una mejora continua, basado en el desarrollo cualitativo conforme a un enfoque por procesos

    Red de Sostenes’ (Unquillo, Córdoba, Argentina) trajectory and discoveries: when women get weaved

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    El presente artículo presenta un recorrido por algunas de las acciones, prácticas y reflexiones llevadas a cabo por tres mujeres pertenecientes a la “Red de sostenes”, una agrupación con perspectiva de género que trabaja cotidiana y comunitariamente en la localidad cordobesa de Unquillo. Por medio de conversaciones sostenidas en distintos encuentros a lo largo del 2019, nos proponemos establecer las bases para un pensamiento epistémico, no solo entre nosotras, sino en relación con el movimiento de mujeres, feministas y de la diversidad corporal que viene desarrollándose en América Latina en los últimos cuatro años.This article presents a route through some actions, practices and reflections carried out by three women belonging to “Red de Sostenes”, a group with gender perspective that works daily and communaly in Unquillo (Córdoba, Argentina). By means of maintained conversations in several meetings throughout 2019, we are setting out to establish the basis for an epistemic thinking, not only between us, but in relation to women, feminist and corporal diversity’s movement in developement in Latin America since 2015.Fil: Calafell Sala, Núria. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba. Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios sobre Cultura y Sociedad. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios sobre Cultura y Sociedad; ArgentinaFil: Ruiz, Maria Emilia. Tagua; ArgentinaFil: Prato, Anna Valeria. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba; Argentin

    O cenário da Terapia Comunitária Integrativa no Brasil: história, panorama e perspectivas

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    This manuscript, in essay form, is a contribution to the systematization of information and reflections on the scenario of integrative community therapy in Brazil, from its origin in the 1980s to the present day, presenting its trajectory, achievements, challenges and perspectives regarding the current socio-political and health scenario. The objective is to historically contextualize the ICT in Brazil, focusing on the ICT scenario, its epistemology, modus operandi and formation, its relationship with social determinants, perspectives such as Integrative and Complementary Health Practice inserted in the Brazilian public health system and repercussions of its implementation at the time of COVID-19. It is a theoretical-conceptual study, through bibliographic analysis and the authors' empirical experience with the topic. Adalberto de Paula Barreto is the creator of ICT and the authors are researchers, community therapists, health professionals, lecturers and members of the Brazilian Association of Integrative Community Therapy (ABRATECOM).Este manuscrito, en forma de ensayo, es un aporte a la sistematización de información y reflexiones sobre el escenario de la terapia comunitaria integradora en Brasil, desde sus orígenes en la década de 1980 hasta la actualidad, presentando su trayectoria, logros, desafíos y perspectivas en el que concierne al actual escenario sociopolítico y sanitario. El objetivo es contextualizar históricamente las TIC en Brasil, enfocándose en el escenario de las TIC, en su epistemología, modus operandi y formación, su relación con los determinantes sociales, perspectivas como la Práctica de Salud Integrativa y Complementaria insertada en el sistema público brasileño y sus repercusiones. implementación en el momento de COVID-19. Se trata de un estudio de carácter teórico-conceptual, a través del análisis bibliográfico y la experiencia empírica de los autores con el tema, siendo Adalberto de Paula Barreto el creador de TCI y las (los) autoras (es) son investigadores, terapeutas comunitarios, profesionales de la salud, docentes y miembros de la Asociación Brasileña de Terapia Comunitaria Integrativa (ABRATECOM).Este manuscrito, em forma de ensaio, é uma contribuição para a sistematização de informações e reflexões acerca do cenário da terapia comunitária integrativa no Brasil, desde a sua origem nos anos 80 até os dias atuais, apresentando sua trajetória, conquistas, desafios e perspectivas no que tange o cenário atual sociopolítico e de saúde. O objetivo é contextualizar historicamente a TCI no Brasil, com foco no cenário da TCI, em sua epistemologia, modus operandi e formação, sua relação com os determinantes sociais, perspectivas como Prática Integrativa e Complementar em Saúde inserida no sistema público de saúde brasileiro e repercussões de sua implementação no momento do COVID-19. Trata-se de um estudo de natureza teórico-conceitual, por meio da análise bibliográfica e da experiência empírica dos autores com o tema, sendo que Adalberto de Paula Barreto é o criador da TCI e as(os) autoras(es) são pesquisadora (es), terapeutas comunitárias(os), profissionais da saúde, docentes e membros da Associação Brasileira de Terapia Comunitária Integrativa (ABRATECOM)

    Prevalence and Genetic Characteristics of Staphylococcus aureus CC398 Isolates From Invasive Infections in Spanish Hospitals, Focusing on the Livestock-Independent CC398-MSSA Clade

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    Background: Livestock-associated (LA)-CC398-MRSA is closely related to pigs, being unfrequently detected in human invasive infections. CC398-MSSA is emerging in human invasive infections in some countries, but genetic and epidemiological characteristics are still scarcely reported. Objectives: To determine the prevalence of Staphylococcus aureus (SA) CC398, both MRSA and MSSA, among blood cultures SA isolates recovered in Spanish hospitals located in regions with different pig-farming densities (PD) and characterize the recovered isolates. Methods: One thousand twenty-two SA isolates (761 MSSA, 261 MRSA) recovered from blood cultures during 6–12 months in 17 Spanish hospitals (2018–2019) were studied. CC398 lineage identification, detection of spa-types, and antibiotic resistance, virulence and human immune evasion cluster (IEC) genes were analyzed by PCR/sequencing. Results: Forty-four CC398-MSSA isolates (4.3% of SA; 5.8% of MSSA) and 10 CC398-MRSA isolates (1% of SA; 3.8% of MRSA) were detected. Eleven spa-types were found among the CC398-MSSA isolates with t571 and t1451 the most frequent spa-types detected (75%). Most of CC398-MSSA isolates were Immune-Evasion-Cluster (IEC)-positive (88.6%), tetracycline-susceptible (95.5%) and erythromycin/clindamycin–inducible-resistant/erm(T)-positive (75%). No statistical significance was detected when the CC398-MSSA/MSSA rate was correlated to PD (pigs/km2) (p = 0.108). On the contrary, CC398-MRSA isolates were all IEC-negative, predominately spa-t011 (70%), and the CC398-MRSA/MRSA rate was significantly associated to PD (p < 0.005). Conclusion: CC398-MSSA is an emerging clade in invasive infections in Spanish hospitals. CC398-MRSA (mostly t011) and CC398-MSSA (mostly t571 and t1451) show important differences, possibly suggesting divergent steps in host-adaptation evolutionary processes. While CC398-MRSA is livestock-associated (lacking IEC-system), CC398-MSSA seems to be mostly livestock-independent, carrying human-adaptation markers.Agencia Estatal de Investigación (AEI) (project SAF2016-76571- R) and by the Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER

    A contribuição da atenção primária à saúde na rede SUS de enfrentamento à Covid-19

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    The focus on individual care for severe cases neglected the community-centered approach required to cope with the Covid-19 pandemic in the Unified Health System (SUS) in Brazil. This essay argues that the Family Health Strategy (ESF), by means of its multi-professional teams and community and territorial orientation, is able to successfully develop the community approach required to deal with the pandemic. Inspired by local and international experiences, this essay analyzes four dimensions regarding SUS’ Primary Health Care (APS) work in the fighting against Covid-19: community-based health surveillance, individual care for confirmed and suspected cases of Covid-19, community mobilization to support vulnerable local groups due to their health or social condition, and continuity of APS care routine. Limitations are acknowledged due to recent changes in the national policy of primary health care impacting health surveillance care model. The conclusion if for the need to: strengthen the community attributes of APS and Family Health Support Center (NASF) multi-professional teams; collaborate with community organizations in initiatives of solidarity and articulate in an intersectoral way to back the population in its various weaknesses; guarantee the ongoing promotion, prevention and care actions by creating new working processes for health surveillance, social and health support for vulnerable groups, and for the continuity of the routine care for those in need.A centralidade no cuidado individual a casos graves descurou a abordagem populacional comunitária necessária ao enfrentamento da pandemia de Covid-19 no Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS). Neste ensaio, argumenta-se que a Estratégia Saúde da Família (ESF), com suas equipes multiprofissionais e enfoque comunitário e territorial, tem potencial para atuar na abordagem comunitária necessária ao enfrentamento da epidemia. A partir de experiências locais e internacionais, analisa quatro campos de atuação da Atenção Primária à Saúde (APS) no SUS no enfrentamento da Covid-19: vigilância em saúde nos territórios; cuidado individual dos casos confirmados e suspeitos de Covid-19; ação comunitária de apoio aos grupos vulneráveis no território por sua situação de saúde ou social; e continuidade dos cuidados rotineiros da APS. Reconhecem-se limites dessa atuação decorrentes de mudanças recentes na política nacional de atenção básica que afetam o modelo assistencial da vigilância em saúde. Conclui-se ser necessário ativar os atributos comunitários das equipes multiprofissionais da ESF e do Núcleo de Apoio à Saúde da Família (NASF); associar-se às iniciativas solidárias das organizações comunitárias e articular-se intersetorialmente para apoiar a população em suas diversas vulnerabilidades; e garantir a continuidade das ações de promoção, prevenção e cuidado, criando novos processos de trabalho na vigilância em saúde, no apoio social e sanitário aos grupos vulneráveis e na continuidade da atenção rotineira para quem dela precisa