327 research outputs found

    Introducción al estudio de la economía zamorana a mediados del siglo XVI. Su estructura socio-profesional en 1561

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    Para quienes por una razón u otra nos hemos sentido interesados por el estudio de las ciudades castellanas del Quinientos, pocos indicadores de su actividad económica resultan tan valiosos y expresivos como los obtenidos mediante el análisis de las estructuras socioprofesionales que algunos padrones y vecindarios de la época revelan. Su utilidad para conocer y enumerar los diferentes sectores de actividad existentes y, al tiempo, para valorar la importancia de cada uno de ellos, es hoy unánimemente admitida por cuantos historiadores han hecho de la ciudad de los tiempos modernos su objeto de investigación

    The support model for people with legally modified abilities according to United Nations

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    Este artículo se basa en una investigación social sobre el sistema de protección jurídica de las personas con algún tipo de discapacidad o en situación de dependencia que se encuentran sometidas a las figuras de tutela o curatela, en aplicación de lo previsto y establecido en el Código Civil Español, en sus artículos 199 y 200, así como en la Ley de Enjuiciamiento Civil. La investigación se plantea como un estudio comparado entre diferentes países de la Unión Europea para ver su adecuación a lo establecido en el artículo 12 de la Convención de Naciones Unidas sobre derechos de las Personas con Discapacidad (en adelante, CDPD) en los procedimientos de incapacitación. Los resultados se analizan sobre la base de modelos técnico-sociales de intervención, los análisis jurídicos y la experiencia adquirida por las Fundación Tutelares de Castilla y León. Se proponen y diseñan algunas alternativas y servicios que pueden mejorar la calidad de vida de las personas adultas incapacitadas judicialmente y el tipo de apoyos que se les puede prestar, de acuerdo a lo establecido en la Convención de Naciones Unidas.This article is based on social research into the system of legal protection for persons with disabilities or in a situation of dependence who are subject to the figures of guardianship or conservatorship pursuant to the provisions in the Spanish Civil Code, sections 199 and 200, as well as the Code of Civil Procedure. The research is presented as a comparative study between different countries of the European Union regarding the adaptation to the provisions of Article 12 of the UN Convention on Rights of Persons with Disabilities (hereinafter CRPD) Incapacitation procedures. The results are analyzed on the basis of technical-social intervention models, legal analysis and the experience of Guardianship Foundations of Castilla y León. Some alternatives and services are proposed and designed that can improve the quality of life of legally incapacitated persons and the type of support that can be provided to them in accordance with the provisions of the United Nations Convention

    Gestión de las empresas de servicios : Yield Management

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    Yield Management es un sistema para gestionar los recursos de las empresas del sector servicios. La finalidad es que la empresa pueda vender la correcta unidad de inventario o servicio al tipo de cliente adecuado, en el instante preciso y al precio conveniente. YM es un sistema de ayuda a la toma de decisiones para conseguir que las categorías de inventario se ajusten a la demanda existente, con el objetivo de maximizar los ingresos o beneficios. En definitiva, el problema se reduce a cuánto y a qué precio se debe vender en cada segmento de mercado. En el sector servicios se integran la mayoría de las actividades que cuentan con la característica de simultaneidad de la producción y del consumo del servicio prestado. Es decir, que carecen de un procedimiento de almacenamiento de su producto por ser perecedero, lo que no ocurre en el sector industrial. Este problema se pone de manifiesto en las empresas del sector aéreo, hoteles, alquiler de coches, restaurantes, etc

    Alterations in Energy Partitioning and Methane Emissions in Murciano-Granadina Goats Fed Orange Leaves and Rice Straw as a Replacement for Beet Pulp and Barley Straw

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    [EN] Reducing methane emissions in ruminants with the recycling of agro-industrial by-products is of great importance today. Pruning waste from citrus trees is currently burned or incorporated into soil. Regarding rice straw, this waste is traditionally eliminated through controlled burning, releasing into the atmosphere large amounts of greenhouse gases as well. The aim of this study was to convert this recovered waste into a new animal feed capable of reducing methane emissions in ruminants. The interest in use waste by-products for ruminant nutrition is increasing. Therefore, we replace the beet pulp and cereal straw from dry-non-pregnant goats' diet with orange leaves and rice straw with the objective of studying their effect upon intake, digestibility, energy efficiency, carbon and nitrogen balance, and methane emissions. Considering the huge quantities of crops by-products and pruning waste such as rice straw and citrus leaves produced annually worldwide, and their potential pollution capacity, recycling as feed for livestock is an alternative. The objective was to study these by-products effect on energy balance and methane emissions in 10 Murciano-Granadina goats at maintenance. The control diet (CTR) included barley straw and beet pulp while the experimental diet (ORG) consisted of rice straw and orange leaves. Differences were found for energy intake (248 kJ/kg of BW0.75 greater for CTR than ORG). The intake of metabolizable energy was 199 kJ/kg of BW0.75 lower in ORG than CTR, and the energy efficiency was higher with CTR (0.61) than ORG (0.48). Protein retained in the body was 9 g/goat greater with CTR than ORG, and fat retention in the body was approximately 108 g/goat greater with CTR than ORG. Despite more unfavorable energy balance in response to feeding ORG than CTR, the retention of body energy was always positive. Reductions in CH4 emissions were detected when goats were fed ORG diet (from 22.3 to 20.0 g/d). Overall results suggested that feeding orange leaves and rice straw was effective in reducing CH4 emissions without adversely affecting energy balance.This study was supported by LIFE Project, Spain (ref. LIFE2016/CCM/ES/000088 LOW CARBON FEED).Romero Rueda, T.; Palomares Carrasco, JL.; Moya, V.; Loor, JJ.; Fernández Martínez, CJ. (2021). Alterations in Energy Partitioning and Methane Emissions in Murciano-Granadina Goats Fed Orange Leaves and Rice Straw as a Replacement for Beet Pulp and Barley Straw. Animals. 11(1):1-14. https://doi.org/10.3390/ani11010038S11411

    Characterization of the Germplasm Bank for the Spanish Autochthonous Bull Breed “Asturiana de la Montaña”

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    [EN] Semen cryobanks are critical for preserving autochthonous and rare breeds. Since sperm cryopreservation has been optimized for commercial breeds, non-commercial ones (often endangered) must be characterized to ensure the germplasm’s viability. This study reports an investigation of the “Asturiana de la Montaña” breed (AM), a valuable Spanish autochthonous cattle breed adapted to the mountainous Atlantic environment. The survey included cryopreserved semen doses from 40 bulls stored at the Principado de Asturias Germplasm Bank. Data were obtained from the routine fresh semen analysis, CASA (motility), and flow cytometry analyses of fresh and post-thawing semen, and the 56-day non-return-rate (NRR) in heifers and cows (all results as 1st and 3rd quartiles). Fresh samples (artificial vagina) were within the normal range for cattle (4–6 mL, 5–10 × 109/mL; mass motility 5). Post-thawing results showed motility below typical for commercial breeds (total motility 26–43%, progressive 14–28%), with higher values for viability (47–62%). Insemination results showed a good performance for this breed (NRR: 47–56%; higher for heifers). Sperm volume increased with age, with little or no effects on sperm quality. Few associations were found between post-thawing quality or freezability and NRR, LIN being the variable more strongly associated (positively). The AM semen bank shows a good prospect for preserving and disseminating the genetics of this breed. This survey indicates that dedicated research is needed to adapt freezing protocols to this breed, optimizing post-thawing resultsSIThis study was funded by MINECO (Spain) grant numbers RZP 2013-006-00-00, RZP 2017-00008-00-00, and AGL2016-81890-REDT (PIVEP research network)

    Genetic Deletion of NOD1 Prevents Cardiac Ca2+ Mishandling Induced by Experimental Chronic Kidney Disease

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    © 2020 by the authors.Risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD) increases considerably as renal function declines in chronic kidney disease (CKD). Nucleotide-binding oligomerization domain-containing protein 1 (NOD1) has emerged as a novel innate immune receptor involved in both CVD and CKD. Following activation, NOD1 undergoes a conformational change that allows the activation of the receptor-interacting serine/threonine protein kinase 2 (RIP2), promoting an inflammatory response. We evaluated whether the genetic deficiency of Nod1 or Rip2 in mice could prevent cardiac Ca2+ mishandling induced by sixth nephrectomy (Nx), a model of CKD. We examined intracellular Ca2+ dynamics in cardiomyocytes from Wild-type (Wt), Nod1−/− and Rip2−/− sham-operated or nephrectomized mice. Compared with Wt cardiomyocytes, Wt-Nx cells showed an impairment in the properties and kinetics of the intracellular Ca2+ transients, a reduction in both cell shortening and sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ load, together with an increase in diastolic Ca2+ leak. Cardiomyocytes from Nod1−/−-Nx and Rip2−/−-Nx mice showed a significant amelioration in Ca2+ mishandling without modifying the kidney impairment induced by Nx. In conclusion, Nod1 and Rip2 deficiency prevents the intracellular Ca2+ mishandling induced by experimental CKD, unveiling new innate immune targets for the development of innovative therapeutic strategies to reduce cardiac complications in patients with CKD.This work was supported by Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness and European Regional Development Fund (SAF-2017-84777R), Institute of Health Carlos III (PI17/01093 and PI17/01344), Sociedad Española de Cardiología, Proyecto Traslacional 2019, Fundación Renal Íñigo Álvarez de Toledo (FRIAT), Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER), FSE, and CIBER-CV, a network funded by ISCIII. M.F.-V. is Miguel Servet II researcher of ISCIII (MSII16/00047 Carlos III Health Institute). G.R.-H. is Miguel Servet I researcher of ISCIII (CP15/00129 Carlos III Health Institute). M.T. is a PhD student funded by the FPU program of the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities (FPU17/06135). A.R. was supported by Fondo SEP-Cinvestav project #601410 FIDSC 2018/2; and Fondo SEP-Conacyt Ciencia Básica A1-S-9082

    Sialolithiasis: mineralogical composition, crystalline structure, calculus site, and epidemiological features

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    The purpose of this paper was to describe the characteristics of salivary calculi and their relationship to epidemiological factors, through a cross-sectional study. We analysed 100 calculi obtained in 2017–2021. Patient data including age, time since onset of symptoms, gland involved, and site of location in the salivary system were studied. The calculi were studied to determine their morphological features using scanning electron microscopy and energy dispersive plain radiographic analysis. Most of the calculi had formed in the submandibular gland (SG) (82%). The mean age of patients at onset was 45.83 years; patients presenting parotid gland (PG) stones were somewhat older (p = 0.031). The mean time since the onset of symptoms was longer in PG calculi (p = 0.038). The most common lithiasis site was the main duct (74%), followed by the hilum (22%). Hilar stones were the largest (p < 0.05) and heaviest (p = 0.028). Octacalcium phosphate (OCP) was the most common crystalline phase (Cp) founded, followed by hydroxyapatite (HA) and whitlockite (WH). Specifically, OCP had a higher presence in PG calculi (p = 0.029) and WH was the most common phase in SG calculi (p = 0.017). The most prevalent site of lithiasis was the main duct, and the largest and heaviest calculi were found in the SG. PG stones were associated with a longer history of symptoms and older age. OCP was the most frequent Cp of the calculi studied, and the main Cp in PG stones. WH was the predominant Cp in SG stones. The Cp of the calculi was not influenced by location, patient age, or time of symptoms.Depto. de Mineralogía y PetrologíaFac. de Ciencias GeológicasTRUEpu

    Precision of ultrasound-guided versus anatomical palpation-guided needle placement of the ulnar nerve at the cubital tunnel: a cadaveric study

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    Percutaneous electrical stimulation has been performed for years with only the assistance of anatomical landmarks. The development of real-time ultrasonography guidance has improved the precision and safety of these percutaneous interventions. Despite ultrasound-guided and palpation-guided procedures being performed routinely for targeting nerve tissues in the upper extremity, the precision and safety of these techniques are unknown. The aim of this cadaveric study was to determine and compare the precision and safety of ultrasound-guided versus palpation-guided needling procedure with and without the handpiece of the ulnar nerve on a cadaveric model. Five physical therapists performed a series of 20 needle insertion tasks each (n = 100), 10 palpation-guided (n = 50) and 10 ultrasound-guided (n = 50) on cryopreserved specimens. The purpose of the procedure was to place the needle in proximity to the ulnar nerve at the cubital tunnel. The distance to target, time performance, accurate rate, number of passes, and unintentional puncture of surrounding structures were compared. The ultrasound-guided procedure was associated with higher accuracy (66% vs. 96%), lower distance from needle to the target (0.48 ± 1.37 vs. 2.01 ± 2.41 mm), and a lower frequency of perineurium puncture (0% vs. 20%) when compared with the palpation-guided procedure. However, the ultrasound-guided procedure required more time (38.33 ± 23.19 vs. 24.57 ± 17.84 s) than the palpation-guided procedure (all, p &lt; 0.001). Our results support the assumption that ultrasound guidance improves the accuracy of needling procedures on the ulnar nerve at the cubital tunnel when compared with palpation guidance

    Simulador de cirugía cardiotorácica

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    La invención se refiere a un simulador de cirugía cardiotorácica que comprende: -un bloque cardiopulmonar, con un corazón y unos pulmones inertes; y,- un circuito hidráulico cerrado para reproducir una parte de un sistema cardiovascular, con un depósito de fluido en conexión fluida con un elemento de bombeo configurado para producir un flujo continuo de dicho fluido desde el depósito hacia dos circuitos:- un circuito principal que atraviesa el bloque cardiopulmonar con un primer elemento de control de flujo aguas arriba del bloque cardiopulmonar y un segundo elemento de control de flujo aguas abajo del bloque cardiopulmonar, retornando este primer circuito principal al depósito de fluido aguas abajo del segundo elemento de control de flujo;- un circuito auxiliar, paralelo al circuito principal con retorno al depósito de fluido y que comprende un tercer elemento de control de flujo; comprendiendo el simulador de cirugía cardiotorácica además medios de control configurados:- para actuar alternativamente sobre el primer elemento de control de flujo y el tercer elemento de control de flujo produciendo un flujo alternante de fluido entre el circuito principal y el circuito auxiliar; y- para actuar desfasadamente sobre el primer elemento de control de flujo y sobre el segundo elemento de control de flujo produciendo un pulso de presión dentro del bloque cardiopulmonar; de forma que se produce un flujo pulsátil del fluido a través del bloque cardiopulmonar.Solicitud: 201930264 (25.03.2019)Nº Pub. de Solicitud: ES2784447A1 (25.09.2020)Nº de Patente: ES2784447B2 (06.07.2021