48 research outputs found

    Máscaras de animales e indumentaria pastoril en los carnavales gallegos como ritos de purificación previos a la Cuaresma

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    Carnival in Galicia is a celebration with its own identity and with different manifestations in many places. The masks represent the anonymity and the way of expression of what cannot be said in life in society, while establishing a new social order in force during those days prior to the time of recollection that Lent supposes. After a journey through the generic sense of Carnival, the meanings of this Galician fiesta have been explored in depth, through animal masks, shepherd's attires and expulsion rites, such as fertility rites, purification and protection of the flocks.El Carnaval en Galicia es una celebración con identidad propia y con distintas manifestaciones en muchos lugares. Las máscaras representan el anonimato y la vía de expresión de aquello que no se puede decir en la vida en sociedad, al tiempo que instauran un nuevo orden social vigente durante esos días previos al tiempo de recogimiento que supone la Cuaresma. Después de un recorrido por el sentido genérico del Carnaval, se ha profundizado en los significados particulares de esta fiesta gallega, a través las máscaras animales, atavíos pastoriles y ritos de expulsión, como ritos de fertilidad, purificación y protección de los rebaño

    Análisis por elementos finitos de un espaciador temporal de rodilla: estabilidad y estado tensional

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    El análisis mediante elementos finitos viene aplicándose en la bibliografía al estudio biomecánico de las prótesis de rodilla. En este proyecto se ha realizado la geometría, el mallado y el análisis estructural utilizando el método de los elementos finitos para determinar la estabilidad y estado tensional de la articulación de la rodilla con un espaciador temporal de cemento óseo comercial Spacer K que le ha sido implantado. Para la realización del modelo presentado en este proyecto se parte de Tomografías Axiales Computarizadas (TAC) tomadas a una paciente, mujer de 65 años de edad y 70 kg de peso corporal, a la que se le ha colocado el espaciador temporal comercial Spacer K (Fig.3.2). Se han importado las imágenes desde el programa Mimics V10.1 (Materialise) y se ha desarrollado un modelo tridimensional de la geometría comprendida entre la diáfisis de la tibia y la diáfisis del fémur que incluye el espaciador, y que una vez suavizado, es exportado a un programa de mallado (Harpoon mesh) donde se genera un modelo discreto. Este es nuevamente exportado a Mimics para a partir del nivel de grises (Hounsfield units – HU) de las imágenes obtener las propiedades mecánicas del hueso (densidad, módulo de Young y coeficiente de Poisson), y finalmente se exporta al procesador de cálculo Abaqus (versión 6.9) para realizar, mediante el método de los elementos finitos, el análisis de la estabilidad y estado tensional de la articulación de la rodilla y del espaciador. A partir de las cargas que actúan sobre el extremo proximal del fémur y fijando la tibia distalmente, se han analizando en el conjunto los desplazamientos, en el tejido óseo deformación equivalente y tensiones principales, y en el espaciador tensiones principales. En el primer análisis se presentan cuatro modelos discretizados agrupando las densidades óseas en 5, 20, 50 y 100 materiales de densidades medias, sobre la misma geometría a 0º de flexión y aplicando las mismas cargas. En la segunda parte se analiza el efecto de las cargas, de 2’25, 1’85 y 3’5 veces el peso corporal, sobre el modelo discretizado con 50 materiales, en tres momentos del ciclo de la marcha a 5’5º, 15’5º y 4’5º de flexión respectivamente

    El traje de alcaldesa segoviana en las fiestas de Santa Agueda: Ritual Total y elemento de reproducción socioeconómica

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    The regional costume is a highly cultural reference in Segovia (Spain). Dressing up as 'mayor' entails holding unlawfully a position, a public dignity act that still prevails even when the de-facto power is exercised by both genders. A ritual of dressing up, a celebration and an attire which originated in the autochthonous narrative of territorial constitution, providing a greater meaning to this religious communal rite, but because of its complexity, it possesses traits which surpass the winter rituals of inversion, therefore it can be considered as the Total Rite. In this paper it is analyzed the costume, its history, elements and signifiers under a documentary, In-depth interviews and participatory observation.El traje regional es una referencia muy relevante del patrimonio cultural segoviano. Su vestido de alcaldesa entraña detentar un cargo popular, que pone de manifiesto valores hegemónicos, y alarde de autoridad femenina. Una dignidad, que prevalece, cuando el poder de facto en los ayuntamientos lo ejercen ambos sexos. Su rito vestidero y celebración varían en cada pueblo, dotando de mayor significado el ritual religioso comunitario que, por su complejidad, posee características que exceden los ritos patronales que secunda, así como, los estacionales de inversión o de paso, pudiendo llegar a considerarse Rito Total. En este artículo se analiza dicho traje, su historia, sus elementos y significados a partir del análisis documental, entrevistas en profundidad y observación participant

    Elaboración de recursos docentes para la enseñanza presencial y semipresencial en el área de la Ingeniería Química empleando Jupyter Notebook

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    El objetivo principal de este proyecto es la elaboración de recursos docentes, para estudiantes y profesores, dentro del área de la Ingeniería Química, utilizando el software libre Jupyter Notebook, empleado bajo el lenguaje de programación Python

    Assesment of the QuickSee wavefront autorefractor for characterizing refractive errors in school-age children

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    Purpose To assess the performance of an open-view binocular handheld aberrometer (QuickSee) for diagnosing refractive errors in children. Methods 123 school-age children (9.9 ± 3.3 years) with moderate refractive error underwent autorefraction (AR) with a standard desktop device and subjective refraction (SR), with or without cycloplegia to determine their eyeglass prescription. Measurements with QuickSee (QS) were taken in 62 of these patients without cycloplegia (NC), and in 61 under cycloplegia (C). Differences in refraction values (AR vs SR vs QS) as well as the visual acuity (VA) achieved by the patients with each method (QS vs SR) were used to evaluate the performance of the device in measuring refractive error. Results The spherical equivalent refraction obtained by QS agreed within 0.5 D of the SR in 71% (NC) and 70% (C) of the cases. Agreement between the desktop autorefractor and SR for the same threshold was of 61% (NC) and 77% (C). VA resulting from QS refractions was equal to or better than that achieved by SR procedure in 77% (NC) and 74% (C) of the patients. Average improvement in VA with the QS refractions was of 8.6 and 13.4 optotypes for the NC and C groups respectively, while the SR procedure provided average improvements of 8.9 (NC) and 14.8 (C) optotypes. Conclusions The high level of agreement between QuickSee and subjective refraction together with the VA improvement achieved in both study groups using QuickSee refractions suggest that the device is a useful autorefraction tool for school-age children.Eduardo Lage is funded by the Ramon y Cajal program from the Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitivity (RYC-2016- 21125). Pablo Perez-Merino was funded by the Juan de la Cierva program from the same Ministry (FJCI-2015-27101). Carlos S. Hernandez and Andrea Gil are funded by the Madrid Regional Government through IND2019/TIC-17116 grant PlenOptika Inc. provided support in the form of salaries for authors AG, MR, CSH, IC, SD, and DL, but did not have any additional role in the study design, data collection and decision to publish

    Phenotypic characterization of X-linked hypophosphatemia in pediatric Spanish population

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    BACKGROUND: X-linked hypophosphatemia (XLH) is a hereditary rare disease caused by loss-of-function mutations in PHEX gene leading tohypophosphatemia and high renal loss of phosphate. Rickets and growth retardation are the major manifestations of XLH in children, but there is a broad phenotypic variability. Few publications have reported large series of patients. Current data on the clinical spectrum of the disease, the correlation with the underlying gene mutations, and the long-term outcome of patients on conventional treatment are needed, particularly because of the recent availability of new specific medications to treat XLH. RESULTS: The RenalTube database was used to retrospectively analyze 48 Spanish patients (15 men) from 39 different families, ranging from 3months to 8years and 2months of age at the time of diagnosis (median age of 2.0years), and with XLH confirmed by genetic analysis. Bone deformities, radiological signs of active rickets and growth retardation were the most common findings at diagnosis. Mean (±SEM) height was - 1.89±0.19 SDS and 55% (22/40) of patients had height SDS below-2. All cases had hypophosphatemia, serum phosphate being - 2.81±0.11 SDS. Clinical manifestations and severity of the disease were similar in both genders. No genotype-phenotype correlation was found. Conventional treatment did not attenuate growth retardation after a median follow up of 7.42years (IQR=11.26; n=26 patients) and failed to normalize serum concentrations of phosphate. Eleven patients had mild hyperparathyroidism and 8 patients nephrocalcinosis. CONCLUSIONS: This study shows that growth retardation and rickets were the most prevalent clinical manifestations at diagnosis in a large series of Spanish pediatric patients with XLH confirmed by mutations in the PHEX gene. Traditional treatment with phosphate and vitamin D supplements did not improve height or corrected hypophosphatemia and was associated with a risk of hyperparathyroidism and nephrocalcinosis. The severity of the disease was similar in males and females

    Genomic and immune landscape Of metastatic pheochromocytoma and paraganglioma

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    The mechanisms triggering metastasis in pheochromocytoma/paraganglioma are unknown, hindering therapeutic options for patients with metastatic tumors (mPPGL). Herein we show by genomic profiling of a large cohort of mPPGLs that high mutational load, microsatellite instability and somatic copy-number alteration burden are associated with ATRX/TERT alterations and are suitable prognostic markers. Transcriptomic analysis defines the signaling networks involved in the acquisition of metastatic competence and establishes a gene signature related to mPPGLs, highlighting CDK1 as an additional mPPGL marker. Immunogenomics accompanied by immunohistochemistry identifies a heterogeneous ecosystem at the tumor microenvironment level, linked to the genomic subtype and tumor behavior. Specifically, we define a general immunosuppressive microenvironment in mPPGLs, the exception being PD-L1 expressing MAML3-related tumors. Our study reveals canonical markers for risk of metastasis, and suggests the usefulness of including immune parameters in clinical management for PPGL prognostication and identification of patients who might benefit from immunotherapy

    Discourse Analysis and Terminology in Languages for Specific Purposes

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    Aquest importantíssim recull conté estudis i reflexions sobre temes rellevants en la recerca sobre LSP: anglès mèdic, el llenguatge de la publicitat i periodístic, telecomunicacions i terminologia informàtica, llenguatge comercial i jurídic... Malgrat que gran part dels treballs aplegats es refereixen a l'anglès, també hi ha que tracten l'alemany, francès i altres llengües. Conté textos en anglès, francés, portuguès i castellà