5,914 research outputs found

    Inflations of ideal triangulations

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    Starting with an ideal triangulation of the interior of a compact 3-manifold M with boundary, no component of which is a 2-sphere, we provide a construction, called an inflation of the ideal triangulation, to obtain a strongly related triangulations of M itself. Besides a step-by-step algorithm for such a construction, we provide examples of an inflation of the two-tetrahedra ideal triangulation of the complement of the figure-eight knot in the 3-sphere, giving a minimal triangulation, having ten tetrahedra, of the figure-eight knot exterior. As another example, we provide an inflation of the one-tetrahedron Gieseking manifold giving a minimal triangulation, having seven tetrahedra, of a nonorientable compact 3-manifold with Klein bottle boundary. Several applications of inflations are discussed.Comment: 48 pages, 45 figure

    Euler characteristic and quadrilaterals of normal surfaces

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    Let MM be a compact 3-manifold with a triangulation τ\tau. We give an inequality relating the Euler characteristic of a surface FF normally embedded in MM with the number of normal quadrilaterals in FF. This gives a relation between a topological invariant of the surface and a quantity derived from its combinatorial description. Secondly, we obtain an inequality relating the number of normal triangles and normal quadrilaterals of FF, that depends on the maximum number of tetrahedrons that share a vertex in τ\tau.Comment: 7 pages, 1 figur

    On the unsteady behavior of turbulence models

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    Periodically forced turbulence is used as a test case to evaluate the predictions of two-equation and multiple-scale turbulence models in unsteady flows. The limitations of the two-equation model are shown to originate in the basic assumption of spectral equilibrium. A multiple-scale model based on a picture of stepwise energy cascade overcomes some of these limitations, but the absence of nonlocal interactions proves to lead to poor predictions of the time variation of the dissipation rate. A new multiple-scale model that includes nonlocal interactions is proposed and shown to reproduce the main features of the frequency response correctly

    Studies of iron impurities in YxPr1-xBa2Cu3O7-delta

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    Pr is the only rare earth which, when substituted for Y in YBa2Cu3O7, significantly alters the superconducting transition temperature T(sub c) without changing the crystal structure. For YxPr1-xBa2Cu3O7-delta with delta approx. equal to 0, T(sub c) is reduced rapidly as x is increased, reaching zero for x about 0.5. For x above 0.5 the compound is antiferromagnetic with a Neel temperature that increases with increasing x, rising to above room temperature for x near 1. A similar behavior is observed when the oxygen deficit delta is increased from zero to 1 with x=0. For the case of Pr substitution, the drop in T(sub c) is believed due to magnetic interactions. For the case of varying delta with x=0, the drop can be attributed to a combination of magnetic interactions, band filling, and changes in crystal structure. To study these effects, the Mossbauer effect of 57 Fe atoms substituted for the Cu atoms has been observed as a function of delta, x, and temperature. The observed spectra are all well described by a two quadrupole-split pairs, a central singlet, and a six-line magnetic hyperfine field pattern. For several Pr compositions both delta and temperature were varied, and the results support the hypothesis that a magnetic interaction exists between the Fe in the Cu lattice and the substitutional Pr atoms

    Phase transition in nanomagnetite

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    Recently, the application of nanosized magnetite particles became an area of growing interest for their potential practical applications. Nanosized magnetite samples of 36 and 9 nm sizes were synthesized. Special care was taken on the right stoichiometry of the magnetite particles. Mössbauer spectroscopy measurements were made in 4.2–300 K temperature range. The temperature dependence of the intensities of the spectral components indicated size dependent transition taking place in a broad temperature range. For nanosized samples, the hyperfine interaction values and their relative intensities changed above the Verwey transition temperature value of bulk megnetite. The continuous transition indicated the formation of dendritelike granular assemblies formed during the preparation of the samples

    Dynamic multilateral markets

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    We study dynamic multilateral markets, in which players' payoffs result from intra-coalitional bargaining. The latter is modeled as the ultimatum game with exogenous (time-invariant) recognition probabilities and unanimity acceptance rule. Players in agreeing coalitions leave the market and are replaced by their replicas, which keeps the pool of market participants constant over time. In this infinite game, we establish payoff uniqueness of stationary equilibria and the emergence of endogenous cooperation structures when traders experience some degree of (heterogeneous) bargaining frictions. When we focus on market games with different player types, we derive, under mild conditions, an explicit formula for each type's equilibrium payoff as the market frictions vanish

    Generating multimedia presentations: from plain text to screenplay

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    In many Natural Language Generation (NLG) applications, the output is limited to plain text – i.e., a string of words with punctuation and paragraph breaks, but no indications for layout, or pictures, or dialogue. In several projects, we have begun to explore NLG applications in which these extra media are brought into play. This paper gives an informal account of what we have learned. For coherence, we focus on the domain of patient information leaflets, and follow an example in which the same content is expressed first in plain text, then in formatted text, then in text with pictures, and finally in a dialogue script that can be performed by two animated agents. We show how the same meaning can be mapped to realisation patterns in different media, and how the expanded options for expressing meaning are related to the perceived style and tone of the presentation. Throughout, we stress that the extra media are not simple added to plain text, but integrated with it: thus the use of formatting, or pictures, or dialogue, may require radical rewording of the text itself

    Static and dynamic properties of large polymer melts in equilibrium

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    We present a detailed study of the static and dynamic behavior of long semiflexible polymer chains in a melt. Starting from previously obtained fully equilibrated high molecular weight polymer melts [{\it Zhang et al.} ACS Macro Lett. 3, 198 (2014)] we investigate their static and dynamic scaling behavior as predicted by theory. We find that for semiflexible chains in a melt, results of the mean square internal distance, the probability distributions of the end-to-end distance, and the chain structure factor are well described by theoretical predictions for ideal chains. We examine the motion of monomers and chains by molecular dynamics simulations using the ESPResSo++ package. The scaling predictions of the mean squared displacement of inner monomers, center of mass, and relations between them based on the Rouse and the reptation theory are verified, and related characteristic relaxation times are determined. Finally we give evidence that the entanglement length Ne,PPAN_{e,PPA} as determined by a primitive path analysis (PPA) predicts a plateau modulus, GN0=45(ρkBT/Ne)G_N^0=\frac{4}{5}(\rho k_BT/N_e), consistent with stresses obtained from the Green-Kubo relation. These comprehensively characterized equilibrium structures, which offer a good compromise between flexibility, small NeN_e, computational efficiency, and small deviations from ideality provide ideal starting states for future non-equilibrium studies.Comment: 13 pages, 10 figures, to be published in J. Chem. Phys. (2016

    Universality of the Gunn effect: self-sustained oscillations mediated by solitary waves

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    The Gunn effect consists of time-periodic oscillations of the current flowing through an external purely resistive circuit mediated by solitary wave dynamics of the electric field on an attached appropriate semiconductor. By means of a new asymptotic analysis, it is argued that Gunn-like behavior occurs in specific classes of model equations. As an illustration, an example related to the constrained Cahn-Allen equation is analyzed.Comment: 4 pages,3 Post-Script figure