265 research outputs found

    Musculoskeletal modelling of an ostrich (Struthio camelus) pelvic limb: influence of limb orientation on muscular capacity during locomotion

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    We developed a three-dimensional, biomechanical computer model of the 36 major pelvic limb muscle groups in an ostrich (Struthio camelus) to investigate muscle function in this, the largest of extant birds and model organism for many studies of locomotor mechanics, body size, anatomy and evolution. Combined with experimental data, we use this model to test two main hypotheses. We first query whether ostriches use limb orientations (joint angles) that optimize the moment-generating capacities of their muscles during walking or running. Next, we test whether ostriches use limb orientations at mid-stance that keep their extensor muscles near maximal, and flexor muscles near minimal, moment arms. Our two hypotheses relate to the control priorities that a large bipedal animal might evolve under biomechanical constraints to achieve more effective static weight support. We find that ostriches do not use limb orientations to optimize the moment-generating capacities or moment arms of their muscles. We infer that dynamic properties of muscles or tendons might be better candidates for locomotor optimization. Regardless, general principles explaining why species choose particular joint orientations during locomotion are lacking, raising the question of whether such general principles exist or if clades evolve different patterns (e.g., weighting of muscle force–length or force–velocity properties in selecting postures). This leaves theoretical studies of muscle moment arms estimated for extinct animals at an impasse until studies of extant taxa answer these questions. Finally, we compare our model’s results against those of two prior studies of ostrich limb muscle moment arms, finding general agreement for many muscles. Some flexor and extensor muscles exhibit self-stabilization patterns (posture-dependent switches between flexor/extensor action) that ostriches may use to coordinate their locomotion. However, some conspicuous areas of disagreement in our results illustrate some cautionary principles. Importantly, tendon-travel empirical measurements of muscle moment arms must be carefully designed to preserve 3D muscle geometry lest their accuracy suffer relative to that of anatomically realistic models. The dearth of accurate experimental measurements of 3D moment arms of muscles in birds leaves uncertainty regarding the relative accuracy of different modelling or experimental datasets such as in ostriches. Our model, however, provides a comprehensive set of 3D estimates of muscle actions in ostriches for the first time, emphasizing that avian limb mechanics are highly three-dimensional and complex, and how no muscles act purely in the sagittal plane. A comparative synthesis of experiments and models such as ours could provide powerful synthesis into how anatomy, mechanics and control interact during locomotion and how these interactions evolve. Such a framework could remove obstacles impeding the analysis of muscle function in extinct taxa

    Humans trade off whole-body energy cost to avoid overburdening muscles while walking

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    Metabolic cost minimization is thought to underscore the neural control of locomotion. Yet, avoiding high muscle activation, a cause of fatigue, often outperforms energy minimization in computational predictions of human gait. Discerning the relative importance of these criteria in human walking has proved elusive, in part, because they have not been empirically decoupled. Here, we explicitly decouple whole-body metabolic cost and 'fatigue-like' muscle activation costs (estimated from electromyography) by pitting them against one another using two distinct gait tasks. When experiencing these competing costs, participants (n = 10) chose the task that avoided overburdening muscles (fatigue avoidance) at the expense of higher metabolic power (p < 0.05). Muscle volume-normalized activation more closely models energy use and was also minimized by the participants' decision (p < 0.05), demonstrating that muscle activation was, at best, an inaccurate signal for metabolic energy. Energy minimization was only observed when there was no adverse effect on muscle activation costs. By decoupling whole-body metabolic and muscle activation costs, we provide among the first empirical evidence of humans embracing non-energetic optimality in favour of a clearly defined neuromuscular objective. This finding indicates that local muscle fatigue and effort may well be key factors dictating human walking behaviour and its evolution

    Using step width to compare locomotor biomechanics between extinct, non-avian theropod dinosaurs and modern obligate bipeds

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    How extinct, non-avian theropod dinosaurs locomoted is a subject of considerable interest, as is the manner in which it evolved on the line leading to birds. Fossil footprints provide the most direct evidence for answering these questions. In this study, step width—the mediolateral (transverse) distance between successive footfalls—was investigated with respect to speed (stride length) in non-avian theropod trackways of Late Triassic age. Comparable kinematic data were also collected for humans and 11 species of ground-dwelling birds. Permutation tests of the slope on a plot of step width against stride length showed that step width decreased continuously with increasing speed in the extinct theropods (p < 0.001), as well as the five tallest bird species studied (p < 0.01). Humans, by contrast, showed an abrupt decrease in step width at the walk–run transition. In the modern bipeds, these patterns reflect the use of either a discontinuous locomotor repertoire, characterized by distinct gaits (humans), or a continuous locomotor repertoire, where walking smoothly transitions into running (birds). The non-avian theropods are consequently inferred to have had a continuous locomotor repertoire, possibly including grounded running. Thus, features that characterize avian terrestrial locomotion had begun to evolve early in theropod history

    Muscle size explains low passive skeletal muscle force in heart failure patients.

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    BACKGROUND: Alterations in skeletal muscle function and architecture have been linked to the compromised exercise capacity characterizing chronic heart failure (CHF). However, how passive skeletal muscle force is affected in CHF is not clear. Understanding passive force characteristics in CHF can help further elucidate the extent to which altered contractile properties and/or architecture might affect muscle and locomotor function. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate passive force in a single muscle for which non-invasive measures of muscle size and estimates of fiber force are possible, the soleus (SOL), both in CHF patients and age- and physical activity-matched control participants. METHODS: Passive SOL muscle force and size were obtained by means of a novel approach combining experimental data (dynamometry, electromyography, ultrasound imaging) with a musculoskeletal model. RESULTS: We found reduced passive SOL forces (∼30%) (at the same relative levels of muscle stretch) in CHF vs. healthy individuals. This difference was eliminated when force was normalized by physiological cross sectional area, indicating that reduced force output may be most strongly associated with muscle size. Nevertheless, passive force was significantly higher in CHF at a given absolute muscle length (non length-normalized) and likely explained by the shorter muscle slack lengths and optimal muscle lengths measured in CHF compared to the control participants. This later factor may lead to altered performance of the SOL in functional tasks such gait. DISCUSSION: These findings suggest introducing exercise rehabilitation targeting muscle hypertrophy and, specifically for the calf muscles, exercise that promotes muscle lengthening

    Is the Soleus a Sentinel Muscle for Impaired Aerobic Capacity in Heart Failure?

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    Purpose: Skeletal muscle wasting is well documented in chronic heart failure (CHF). This article provides a more detailed understanding of the morphology behind this muscle wasting and the relation between muscle morphology, strength, and exercise capacity in CHF. We investigated the effect of CHF on lower limb lean mass, detailed muscle–tendon architecture of the individual triceps surae muscles (soleus (SOL), medial gastrocnemius, and lateral gastrocnemius) and how these parameters relate to exercise capacity and strength. Methods: Eleven patients with CHF and 15 age-matched controls were recruited. Lower limb lean mass was assessed by dual energy x-ray absorptiometry and the architecture of skeletal muscle and tendon properties by ultrasound. Plantarflexor strength was assessed by dynamometry. Results: Patients with CHF exhibited approximately 25% lower combined triceps surae volume and physiological cross-sectional area (PCSA) compared with those of control subjects (P < 0.05), driven in large part by reductions in the SOL. Only the SOL volume and the SOL and medial gastrocnemius physiological cross-sectional area were statistically different between groups after normalizing to lean body mass and body surface area, respectively. Total lower limb lean mass did not differ between CHF and control subjects, further highlighting the SOL specificity of muscle wasting in CHF. Moreover, the volume of the SOL and plantarflexor strength correlated strongly with peak oxygen uptake (V˙O2peak) in patients with CHF. Conclusions: These findings suggest that the SOL may be a sentinel skeletal muscle in CHF and provide a rationale for including plantarflexor muscle training in CHF care

    The three dimensional microstructural network of elastin, collagen and cells in Achilles tendons

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    Similar to most biological tissues, the biomechanical and functional characteristics of the Achilles tendon are closely related to its composition and microstructure. It is commonly reported that type I collagen is the predominant component of tendons and is mainly responsible for the tissue's function. Although elastin has been found in varying proportions in other connective tissues, previous studies report that tendons contain very small quantities of elastin. However, the morphology of and the microstructural relationship among the elastic fibres, collagen and cells in tendon tissue have not been well examined. We hypothesize the elastic fibres, as another fibrillar component in the extracellular matrix, have a unique role in mechanical functions and microstructural arrangement in Achilles tendons. Using confocal and Second Harmonic Generation (SHG) imaging techniques, this study examined the 3-dimensional microstructure of the collagen, elastin and cells in the mid-portion of hydrated rabbit Achilles tendons. It has been shown that elastic fibres present a close connection with the tenocytes. The close relationship of the three components has been revealed as a distinct, integrated and complex microstructural network. Notably, a "spiral" structure within fibril bundles in Achilles tendons was observed in some samples in specialized regions. This study substantiates the hierarchical system of the spatial microstructure of tendon, including the mapping of collagen, elastin and tenocytes, with 3-dimensional confocal images

    Soleus Muscle as a Surrogate for Health Status in Human Heart Failure

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    We propose the hypothesis that soleus muscle function may provide a surrogate measure of functional capacity in patients with heart failure. We summarize literature pertaining to skeletal muscle as a locus of fatigue and present our recent findings, using in vivo imaging in combination with biomechanical experimentation and modeling, to reveal novel structure-function relationships in chronic heart failure skeletal muscle and gait

    Gait analysis in chronic heart failure: The calf as a locus of impaired walking capacity

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    Reduced walking capacity, a hallmark of chronic heart failure (CHF), is strongly correlated with hospitalization and morbidity. The aim of this work was to perform a detailed biomechanical gait analysis to better identify mechanisms underlying reduced walking capacity in CHF. Inverse dynamic analyses were conducted in CHF patients and age- and exercise level-matched control subjects on an instrumented treadmill at self-selected treadmill walking speeds and at speeds representing +20% and -20% of the subjects' preferred speed. Surprisingly, no difference in preferred speed was observed between groups, possibly explained by an optimization of the mechanical cost of transport in both groups (the mechanical cost to travel a given distance; J/kg/m). The majority of limb kinematics and kinetics were also similar between groups, with the exception of greater ankle dorsiflexion angles during stance in CHF. Nevertheless, over two times greater ankle plantarflexion work during stance and per distance traveled is required for a given triceps surae muscle volume in CHF patients. This, together with a greater reliance on the ankle compared to the hip to power walking in CHF patients, especially at faster speeds, may contribute to the earlier onset of fatigue in CHF patients. This observation also helps explain the high correlation between triceps surae muscle volume and exercise capacity that has previously been reported in CHF. Considering the key role played by the plantarflexors in powering walking and their association with exercise capacity, our findings strongly suggest that exercise-based rehabilitation in CHF should not omit the ankle muscle group

    Nordic survey on assessment and treatment of fluid overload in intensive care

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    Funding Information: Acknowledgment to the physicians who helped with pretesting and supervision in the development of the survey: Maj Kjaergaard Kamper, Margrethe Duch Christensen, Lars Hein, Ulrik Skram, Dorthea Christensen, and Christian Sahl. Acknowledgment to the physicians who helped distribute the survey in their departments: Jon Henrik Laake, Christoffer Grant Sølling, Peter Toft, Elsebeth Haunstrup, Karina Baekby Houborg, Anne Højager Nielsen, Bodil Steen Rasmussen, Hansjörg Selter, Helle Scharling Pedersen, Mette Krag Vogelius, Thomas Strøm, Bjørn Mygil, Mads Kristian Holten, Michelle Chew, Per Martin Bådstøløkken, Johan Olsson, Erik Bruno, Thomas Kander, Nicklas Jonsson, Johan Mårtensson, Mattias Ringh, Anders, Paulsson, Christian Kahlbom, Marcus Castegren, Michael Haney, Karl Silvhamn, Minna Tallgren, Erika Wilkman, Sari Karlsson, Timo Porkkala, Stepani Bendel, Juha Koskenkari, Sami Mäenpää, Ari Alaspää, Tadeusz Kaminski, Johanna Kaunisto, Sanna-Maria Pohjanpaju, Björn Jäschke, Jouko Kähkönen and Antti Mäkelä, Eirik Alnes Buanes, Christian Magnus Langberg, Per Erik Ernø, Kay Rudi Karlsen, and Anne Cecilie Tvedten. Publisher Copyright: Copyright © 2022 Zeuthen, Wichmann, Schønemann-Lund, Järvisalo, Rubenson-Wahlin, Sigurðsson, Holen and Bestle.Introduction: Fluid overload in patients in the intensive care unit (ICU) is associated with higher mortality. There are few randomized controlled trials to guide physicians in treating patients with fluid overload in the ICU, and no guidelines exist. We aimed to elucidate how ICU physicians from Nordic countries define, assess, and treat fluid overload in the ICU. Materials and methods: We developed an online questionnaire with 18 questions. The questions were pre-tested and revised by specialists in intensive care medicine. Through a network of national coordinators. The survey was distributed to a wide range of Nordic ICU physicians. The distribution started on January 5th, 2022 and ended on May 6th, 2022. Results: We received a total of 1,066 responses from Denmark, Norway, Finland, Sweden, and Iceland. When assessing fluid status, respondents applied clinical parameters such as clinical examination findings, cumulative fluid balance, body weight, and urine output more frequently than cardiac/lung ultrasound, radiological appearances, and cardiac output monitoring. A large proportion of the respondents agreed that a 5% increase or more in body weight from baseline supported the diagnosis of fluid overload. The preferred de-resuscitation strategy was diuretics (91%), followed by minimization of maintenance (76%) and resuscitation fluids (71%). The majority declared that despite mild hypotension, mild hypernatremia, and ongoing vasopressor, they would not withhold treatment of fluid overload and would continue diuretics. The respondents were divided when it came to treating fluid overload with loop diuretics in patients receiving noradrenaline. Around 1% would not administer noradrenaline and diuretics simultaneously and 35% did not have a fixed upper limit for the dosage. The remaining respondents 63% reported different upper limits of noradrenaline infusion (0.05–0.50 mcg/kg/min) when administering loop diuretics. Conclusion: Self-reported practices among Nordic ICU physicians when assessing, diagnosing, and treating fluid overload reveals variability in the practice. A 5% increase in body weight was considered a minimum to support the diagnosis of fluid overload. Clinical examination findings were preferred for assessing, diagnosing and treating fluid overload, and diuretics were the preferred treatment modality.Peer reviewe

    The influence of speed and size on avian terrestrial locomotor biomechanics: predicting locomotion in extinct theropod dinosaurs

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    How extinct, non-avian theropod dinosaurs moved is a subject of considerable interest and controversy. A better understanding of non-avian theropod locomotion can be achieved by better understanding terrestrial locomotor biomechanics in their modern descendants, birds. Despite much research on the subject, avian terrestrial locomotion remains little explored in regards to how kinematic and kinetic factors vary together with speed and body size. Here, terrestrial locomotion was investigated in twelve species of ground-dwelling bird, spanning a 1,780-fold range in body mass, across almost their entire speed range. Particular attention was devoted to the ground reaction force (GRF), the force that the feet exert upon the ground. Comparable data for the only other extant obligate, striding biped, humans, were also collected and studied. In birds, all kinematic and kinetic parameters examined changed continuously with increasing speed, while in humans all but one of those same parameters changed abruptly at the walk-run transition. This result supports previous studies that show birds to have a highly continuous locomotor repertoire compared to humans, where discrete ‘walking’ and ‘running’ gaits are not easily distinguished based on kinematic patterns alone. The influences of speed and body size on kinematic and kinetic factors in birds are developed into a set of predictive relationships that may be applied to extinct, non-avian theropods. The resulting predictive model is able to explain 79–93% of the observed variation in kinematics and 69–83% of the observed variation in GRFs, and also performs well in extrapolation tests. However, this study also found that the location of the whole-body centre of mass may exert an important influence on the nature of the GRF, and hence some caution is warranted, in lieu of further investigation
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