728 research outputs found

    Representaciones y (algunos) usos de Twitter en los modos de participación online de las juventudes en el conurbano bonaerense

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    En este artículo se abordará analíticamente la relación de las representaciones y los usos de Twitter ligados a los diversos modos de participación juveniles. A partir de la revisión del estado del arte, de la evidencia empírica recogida en 12 entrevistas en profundidad y del análisis de contenido de las cuentas de Twitter de las y los jóvenes implicados en el corpus, se muestra que los discursos juveniles tuvieron múltiples significaciones y sentidos. Con temáticas específicas, fueron construyendo microclimas tuiteros establecidos desde pequeños lugares online apropiados por culturas juveniles que masifican enunciaciones, interactúan y participan, ya sea a través de hashtags, retuits, favoritos o tuits propios. A su vez, el retuit es asociado con niveles muy altos de identificación y mucho tiene que ver con lo instantáneo, con esa enunciación que aparece justo cuando están sintiendo lo mismo. Entienden al favorito como un “Me gusta” importado de Facebook y también lo usan a través de un discurso indirecto en el que esta interacción busca relacionarse con sujetos específicos que provienen de diversos sectores –el colegio, el barrio, el boliche– generalmente para construir/reconstruir o fortalecer un vínculo amoroso.This article will discusses analytically the relationship of representations and uses of Twitter linked to the different modes of youth participation. From the review of the state of art, the empirical evidence gathered in 12 in-depth interviews and the content analysis of the Twitter accounts of the young people involved in the corpus, it’s shown that the youth discourses have multiple meanings and senses. At specific themes, they built their established rules from small online places appropriate for youth cultures that massify enunciations, interact and participate, either through hashtags, retweets, favorites or own tweets. In turn, retweet is associated with very high levels of identification at this instant, with that statement appears just when they are feeling the same. They understand the favorite as “a like imported from Facebook and also use it through an indirect speech in which this interaction seeks to relate to specific subjects that come from various sectors - the school, neighborhood, bowling - generally to build / Rebuild or a strengthen loving bond

    A characterization of the weak topology in the unit ball of purely atomic L1L_1 preduals

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    We study Banach spaces with a weak stable unit ball, that is Banach spaces where every convex combination of relatively weakly open subsets in its unit ball is again a relatively weakly open subset in its unit ball. It is proved that the class of L1L_1 preduals with a weak stable unit ball agree with those L1L_1 preduals which are purely atomic, that is preduals of 1(Γ)\ell_1(\Gamma) for some set Γ\Gamma, getting in this way a complete geometrical characterization of purely atomic preduals of L1L_1, which answers a setting problem. As a consequence, we prove the equivalence for L1L_1 preduals of different properties previously studied by other authors, in terms of slices around weak stability. Also we get the weak stability of the unit ball of C0(K,X)C_0(K,X) whenever KK is a Hausdorff and scattered locally compact space and XX has a norm stable and weak stable unit ball, which gives the weak stability of the unit ball in C0(K,X)C_0(K,X) for finite-dimensional XX with a stable unit ball and KK as above. Finally we prove that Banach spaces with a weak stable unit ball satisfy a very strong new version of diameter two property.Comment: 11 page

    Compact retractions and Schauder decompositions in Banach spaces

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    In our note we show the very close connection between the existence of a Finite Dimensional Decomposition (FDD for short) for a separable Banach space X and the existence of a Lipschitz retraction of X onto a small (in a certain precise sense) generating convex and compact subset K of X. In one direction, if X admits an FDD then we construct a Lips- chitz retraction onto a small generating convex and compact set K. On the other hand, we prove that if X admits a small generating compact Lipschitz retract then X has the -property. We note that it is still unknown if the -property is isomorphically equivalent to the existence of an FDD. For dual Banach spaces this is true, so our results lead in particular to a characterization of the FDD property for dual Banach spaces X in terms of the existence of Lipschitz retractions onto small generating convex and compact subsets of X. It is conceivable that our results will find applications in the area of Lipschitz isomorphisms of Banach spaces. Our arguments make critical use of the Lipschitzization of coarse Lipschitz mappings due to J. Bourgain, and of an unpublished comple- mentability result of V. Milman. We give an example of a small generating convex compact set which is not a Lipschitz retract of C[0, 1], although it is contained in a small convex Lipschitz retract and contains another one. In the last part of our note we characterize isomorphically Hilbertian spaces as those Banach spaces X for which every convex and compact subset is a Lipschitz retract of X. Finally, we prove that a convex and compact set K in any Banach space with a Uniformly Rotund in Every Direction norm is a uniform retract, of every bounded set containing it, via the nearest point map.CAAS CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/16-019/0000778Ministry of Science and Innovation, Spain (MICINN)Spanish Government PGC2018-093794-B-I00MIU (Spain) FPU19/04085 SGS21/056/OHK3/1T/1

    The equivalence between CPCP and strong regularity under Krein-Milman property

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    We obtain a result in the spirit of the well-known W. Schachermeyer and H. P. Rosenthal research about the equivalence between Radon-Nikodym and Krein-Milman properties, by showing that, for closed, bounded and convex subsets C of a separable Banach space, under Krein-Milman property for CC, one has the equivalence between convex point of continuity property and strong regularity both defined for every locally convex topology on C, containing the weak topology on C. Then, under Krein-Milman property, not only the classical convex point of continuity property and strong regularity are equivalent, but also when they are defined for an arbitrary locally convex topology containing the weak topology. We also show that while the unit ball BB of c0c_0 fails convex point of continuity property and strong regularity (both defined for the weak topology), threre is a locally convex topology τ\tau on BB, containing the weak topology on BB, such that BB still fails convex point of continuity property for τ\tau, but BB surprisingly enjoys strong regularity for τ\tau-open sets. Moreover, BB satisfies the diameter two property for the topology τ\tau, that is, every nonempty τ\tau-open subset of BB has diameter two even though every τ\tau-open subset of BB contains convex combinations of relative τ\tau-open subsets with arbitrarily small diameter, that is, BB fails the strong diameter two property for the topology τ\tau. This stresses the known extreme differences up to now between those diameter two properties from a topological point of view.Comment: 19 page

    The Necessary Digital Update of the Cmino de Santiago

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    10.1007/978-3-031-06825-6_26[EN] The Camino de Santiago (Way of Saint James) was considered in 1987 by the Council of Europe as the first European cultural route. Since then, hundreds of thousands of pilgrims from all over the world have walked through the traditional cultural landscapes of this corner of Europe seeking their own personal journey, an experience of introspection that, at least in theory, demands disconnecting from the world. The pandemic caused by COVID-19 has meant the greatest crisis in tourism in contemporary times, especially in mass destinations, revitalizing by contrast other forms and tourist places, such as cultural routes. From the political objective of economic and social recovery, public administrations are promoting the digitalization and use of new technologies in the dissemination and management of the Camino de Santiago as a cultural and tourist product. According to all the plans and projects planned, in the next years not only the mobile device will be a tool to help carry out the Way, it will become essential to achieve a completely satisfactory experience

    Rutinas periodísticas y violencia medíatica

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    El presente documento es un análisis temático de las narrativas mediáticas sobre las juventudes realizado por el Observatorio de Jóvenes, Comunicación y Medios de la Facultad de Periodismo y Comunicación Social de la Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Como espacio de investigación e intervención, realizamos un monitoreo sistemático sobre el modo en que los medios de comunicación abordan y modelan la condición juvenil. La sistematización de noticias nos permite analizar críticamente los sentidos acerca delo juvenil y cómo estos son organizados, negociados y disputados dentro de la escena mediática. En este informe elegimos como recorte para el abordaje de dicho monitoreo la relación entre las rutinas periodísticas y las juventudes a partir de noticias publicadas en medios gráficos durante el mes de mayo, reconociendo la importancia del discurso mediático a la hora de construir unos relatos y plataformas desde donde narrar los modos de vivir la experiencia juvenil contemporánea en/desde ámbitos vinculados a la conflictividad social y las tecnologías. El informe está estructurado en dos apartados. En una primera sección de análisis cuantitativos se aborda la descripción de las variables utilizadas en la clasificación de noticias: temas y motivos a los que se asocia la juventud, secciones, fuentes, territorios, entre otros. Este análisis se realiza a partir del relevamiento de los meses de marzo, abril y mayo, con el objetivo de obtener un balance general del relevamiento mediático realizado hasta el momento. En la segunda parte, se realiza un abordaje cualitativo para reconstruir el devenir mensual de la agenda mediática en torno al tema de nuestro interés, y se eligen los principales eventos o discusiones que concitaron la enunciación mediática, sobre los cuales se realiza una interpretación con mayor detalle, particularmente a partir del relevamiento del mes de mayo

    Walking as a cultural act and a profit for the landscape. A case study in the Iberian Peninsula

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    [EN] Walking as a means of travel, when done voluntarily, becomes a cultural act that can have a beneficial effect both for the people who carry out the routes and for the space itself that is walked on. The fact of moving at a slow speed allow us to recover a more appropriate pace to enjoy the landscape, to reconnect with nature and with the position of human in the world, while improving our health. In contemporary society, some cultural tourist routes have become successful destinations, with the continuous arrival of thousands of visitors throughout the year. Thus, the historical cultural route Way of St. James has become a globally successful cultural tourism product. Close to this destination, the Ribeira Sacra, that has been recently designated by the regional government as a Cultural Landscape, with the intention of preserving its historical legacy, may be in the future a privileged destination in Galicia for walking. The research carried out allows us to ensure that this fact, taking long walks following routes with a rich cultural content, has a positive impact on the space from two different processes that are reinforced as the routes become more popular. First, from the recovery and promotion of an alternative communication network between different places. And second, through a series of laws and regulations that protect historic trails and adjacent landscapesSIPublicación en abierto financiada por el Consorcio de Bibliotecas Universitarias de Castilla y León (BUCLE), con cargo al Programa Operativo 2014ES16RFOP009 FEDER 2014-2020 DE CASTILLA Y LEÓN, Actuación:20007-CL - Apoyo Consorcio BUCL

    Regional Planning and Planning Strategies in the World Heritage Camino de Santiago Pilgrim Routes

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    El Camino de Santiago es hoy en día una ruta turística monumental de éxito internacional. La Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Educación, la Ciencia y la Cultura [UNESCO] ha distinguido con la categoría de Patrimonio Mundial más de 2.500 kilómetros de itinerarios jacobeos en España, por los que cada año transitan más peregrinos, llegados de países vecinos y distantes, sean de mayoría católica o no. Las ocho comunidades autónomas por las que transitan estos Caminos presentan grandes diferencias en la estrategia de ordenación territorial que se deriva de los diferentes documentos aprobados, pasando de la conservación y protección de las sendas históricas en algunos casos a la promoción y posicionamiento del producto turístico en otros. En este artículo se explican los factores principales que explican el éxito del Camino y las estrategias de planificación de las diferentes comunidades autónomas.Nowadays the Camino de Santiago is a monumental tourist route of international success. The United Nations Organization for Education, Science and Culture [UNESCO] has distinguished it with the World Heritage category and there are more than 2,500 kilometres of itineraries in Spain, which pilgrims from neighbouring or distant countries, whether Catholic or not, travel on each year. There are significant differences in the territorial planning strategy in the eight autonomous communities through which these routes cross. This is a result of the different approved documents, the conservation and protection of the historical trials in some cases, and the promotion and positioning of the tourist product in others. This article discusses the main factors behind the success of the Camino and the planning strategies of the different autonomous communities

    Similarity enhancement for automatic segmentation of cardiac structures in computed tomography volumes.

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    International audienceThe aim of this research is proposing a 3-D similarity enhancement technique useful for improving the segmentation of cardiac structures in Multi-Slice Computerized Tomography (MSCT) volumes. The similarity enhancement is obtained by subtracting the intensity of the current voxel and the gray levels of their adjacent voxels in two volumes resulting after preprocessing. Such volumes are: a. - a volume obtained after applying a Gaussian distribution and a morphological top-hat filter to the input and b. - a smoothed volume generated by processing the input with an average filter. Then, the similarity volume is used as input to a region growing algorithm. This algorithm is applied to extract the shape of cardiac structures, such as left and right ventricles, in MSCT volumes. Qualitative and quantitative results show the good performance of the proposed approach for discrimination of cardiac cavities