15 research outputs found


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    This study is set out to investigate the influence of task-based language teaching implementation to teach reading comprehension to EFL students. It involved the first-year students of SMAN 3 Padang as research population. They were consisted of eight classes. Two groups were assigned as experimental and control class. There were 36 students in each class. The groups were taught by using different teaching instruction. Experimental group were taught by using task-based language teaching while control group were taught by using conventional teaching. After several treatments, these groups were given reading comprehension test in order to see their comprehension quality toward reading text. The test was in form of short answer response and consisted of 26 valid and reliable items. As prerequisite analysis, normality and homogeneity testing were conducted in order to analyze the result of the test. Subsequently, independent sample t-test was conducted in order to test the research hypothesis. Based on the result of analysis, it was found that tobtained (3.503) was higher than ttable (1.669). It designates that the alternative hypothesis (Ha) was accepted and the null hypothesis (H0) was rejected. Otherwise speaking, task-based language teaching gives positive influence toward students’ reading comprehensio

    The Effects of Collaborative Writing on EFL Learners’ Writing Skills and Their Perception of the Strategy

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    This mixed-method study observes the effects of collaborative writing strategy on EFL learners’ writing skill and their perception of the strategy. The population consists of 80 students from a public senior high school in West Sumatra, Indonesia. The samples, which were selected by using cluster random sampling, were categorized as the experimental and control class. Each class were taught with different teaching strategies, experimental class was taught by using collaborative writing strategy and the control class was taught by using conventional teaching strategy. The data were collected through writing tests and interviews to measure the students’ writing skill and their perception of collaborative writing. The result of the analysis reveals that collaborative writing strategy has helped students in generating their writing ideas and activating the students’ background knowledge of the topics assigned to them to develop in their writings. The result of this study also highlights the students’ positive perception on collaborative writing strategy

    Interactive Learning Using E-Learning Module in Learning English for Senior High School: A Review of Related Articles

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    Technological advances affect people’s working lives and contribute to the education system, especially in the learning process for generation 4.0. Generation 4.0 is a generation that is fully exposed to technological developments even from birth, so learning using technology will have a very good effect on them. However, conventional learning in schools is still dominated by conventional learning that uses textbooks as teaching media. Therefore, this study was conducted to determine the benefits of implementing interactive learning using the E-Learning Module. The data was collected through a review of international journals starting from 2015 to 2019. The findings show that one of the appropriate media used to teach the current 4.0 generation is interactive learning or known as learning, which uses interactive multimedia with interesting materials to motivate students to learn when and anywhere. This study also found that learning using the interactive learning module has advantages in pedagogical aspects such as collaborative learning, mixed learning, interactive learning, experiential learning, and problem-based learning. Keywords: E-learning; Interactive Learning Module; Multimedia; Motivation; and Generation 4.0

    Development of flipped classroom learning assisted by interactive media on geometry materials for class V elementary school

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    Complaints expressed by teachers currently are that the material is dense and the time given is limited. The teacher's limited time in explaining the material certainly requires students to be able to study independently at home to understand and deepen the material being studied. Teachers cannot control students' understanding of learning material provided through media at home. The aim of this research is to produce effective flipped class learning assisted by interactive media in fifth-grade elementary school class material. This research answers the weakness of flipped classroom learning, namely that teachers cannot control student learning of the material provided through learning media. This type of research involves research and development using 4D models. In this article, what is discussed is the effectiveness of flipped classroom learning assisted by interactive media. Based on the results of the research conducted, it can be concluded that the effectiveness of flipped classroom learning assisted by interactive media is 86.50% in the very effective category. Meanwhile, effectiveness was tested using pre-test and post-test results of 0.73 with a high N-Gain test with effective criteria. From the results of this research, it can be recommended that teachers use flipped classroom learning assisted by interactive media because it has been proven to be effective. Future researchers are advised to conduct research on flipped classes with the help of interactive media and other materials

    Praktikalitas Pengembangan Pembelajaran Flipped Classroom berbantuan Media Interaktif pada Materi Bangun Ruang Kelas V Sekolah Dasar

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    Model pembelajaran Flipped Classroom yang diterapkan selama ini sudah terbukti memberikan pengaruh yang sangat baik dalam pembelajaran. Namun, dari beberapa hasil penelitian yang dianalisis terdapat kelemahan dalam penggunaannya yaitu dituntutnya kemandirian siswa dalam mempelajari di rumah, namun hanya beberapa siswa memiliki kelemahan dalam belajar mandiri. Oleh sebab itu dikembangkan model pembelajaran Flipped Classroom berbantuan media interaktif.  Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan model pembelajaran Flipped Classroom berbantuan media interaktif yang praktis. Penelitian ini hanya membahas tentang praktikalitas model pembelajaran Flipped Classroom berbantuan media interaktif karena untuk validitas model ini telah dibahas pada artikel sebelumnya. Jenis penelitian ini adalah Research and Development (R&D) dengan model 4-D, yaitu Define, Design, develop and disseminate. Instrument penelitian ini adalah lembar praktikalitas guru dan siswa. Aspek yang di analisis adalah proses pembelajaran, penyajian materi, media pembelajaran, Latihan pada media, Bahasa, bentuk fisik dan manfaat. Dari hasil penelitian untuk model Flipped Classroom berbantuan media interaktif dapat dikatakan bahwa praktis karena dari aspek guru diperoleh persentase kepraktisan yaitu 96,875% dengan kriteria sangat praktis. Sedangkan untuk aspek siswa diperoleh persentase kepraktisan sebesar 92,38% dengan kriteria sangat praktis. Oleh sebab itu, model pembelajaran Flipped Classroom berbantuan media interaktif dapat digunakan di sekolah dasar


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menemukan praktikalitas materi ajar Basic English Grammar Berbasis Multimedia Interaktif yang telah dikembangkan dan dapat diakses melalui http://thetiarina.com/e-tiarina/. Metode yang digunakan yaitu kuantitatif dengan melibatkan 3 orang mahasiswa untuk uji individu dan 27 orang mahasiswa untuk uji kelompok kecil. Temuan penelitian ini adalah (1) berdasarkan uji individu, kualitas desain pembelajaran dan tampilan visual Materi Ajar Basic Grammar tergolong baik (85,47 dan 83,33, dan; (2) berdasarkan uji kelompok kecil, kualitas desain pembelajaran dan tampilan visual draft Materi Ajar Basic Grammar juga tergolong baik (84,26 dan 87,85), materi ajar ini mudah digunakan (81,64) dan organisasi materi ajar ini mudah dipahami (80,35)


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    This quasi-experimental research was aimed to find out the effect of STAD technique toward students’ speaking skill and class participation at grade XI of SMAN 5 Kota Bengkulu in academic year of 2011/2012. The population of this research was the students at grade XI of SMAN 5 Kota Bengkulu in academic year of 2010/2011 that consisted of 168 students. The sample of this research was IPA 4 which comprised 27 students and IPA 5 which comprised 27 students and the two classes were cluster randomly selected as a research sample. The data were collected through speaking test and observation sheet of class participation. The data were then analyzed by using t-test and analysis of variances.  The findings of this research showed that (1) the students who were taught by using STAD technique gave significant effect toward their speaking skill achievement. (2) The students who were taught by using STAD technique gave significant effect toward their class participation. (3) The students who were taught by using STAD technique gave significant effect toward students’ speaking skill and class participation. Thus, it can be concluded that STAD technique gave significant effect toward students’ speaking skill and class participation at grade XI of SMAN 5 Kota Bengkulu in academic year of 2011/2012

    Students’ need on basic English grammar teaching material based on interactive multimedia: an innovative design

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    This article, a part of dissertation entitled  Developing Basic English Grammar Teaching Material based on Interactive Multimedia at University Level, presents the results of a study conducted to find the model of Basic English Grammar teaching material based on interactive multimedia needed by the students. This empirical research employed both quantitative and qualitative analyses. Seventy eight students of English Department of Universitas Negeri Padang were involved. The students  were required to articulate their need on a design of Basic English Grammar teaching material based on interactive multimedia. The data were collected through an open questionnaire. The first result is that Basic English Grammar teaching material based on interactive multimedia is very needed (with the score 3.1 out of 4). Second, the result indicates the organization of Basic English Grammar teaching material based on interactive multimedia. The organization consists of six parts. They are Time to watch/sing/read, Time to chat, Time to Focus, Time for fun practice, Time for tube, and Time for action. Third, the students have different learning style. Fourty two students (53.84%) have visual learning style. Twenty two students (28.21%) have audio learning style. The rest, fourteen students (17.95%) have kinestetic learning style. Four, the finding shows the students have their favorite movies, colors, and music. The students like comedy/humor, drama, horror, dokumentary, and action movies; they love pop, jazz, rock, country, and rap music; they adore blue, green, black, pink, and red color. Another important research finding is almost all students (91%) have their own laptop. Those findings will be considerations in designing the Basic English Grammar teaching material based on interactive multimedia. Further research to see the effectiveness of the model of Basic English Grammar teaching material based on interactive multimedia needs to be done

    How Riau Malay Culture is Integrated Into The English Textbook For Class IV Elementary School?

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    Objective: This research aims to address the deficiency in English textbooks used in the fourth- grade elementary schools of Pekanbaru, which currently lack the integration of Riau Malay Culture (RMC) and do not adequately consider the specific needs, context, and characteristics of the students. The primary objective is to develop an English textbook that incorporates RMC into its content. Theoretical Framework: The research is based on the ten-step model of development research outlined by Borg and Gall. This model includes stages such as research information gathering, planning, draft development, expert testing, expert test revision, limited trials, revision of limited trial results, broad trials, revision of broad trial results, and dissemination or socialization. The research framework considers input from principals, teachers, and students, with trials conducted in one and five selected schools involving 10 and 30 participants, respectively. Method: The development research method involves various stages of data collection, textbook development, expert evaluations, limited trials, extensive trials, and result analysis. It includes the participation of principals, teachers, and students to ensure a comprehensive assessment of the textbook's suitability. Result and Conclusion: The research findings indicate that the existing Teaching Book lacks an emphasis on the importance of RMC in English language learning. Consequently, new textbooks have been developed, including teacher instruction manuals and student workbooks. Students have shown enthusiasm for learning English and demonstrated recognition of the presented vocabulary. The Text Book has proven to be suitable for fourth-grade students in Pekanbaru Private Elementary School, Riau. Originality/Value: This research contributes to addressing the gap in English language education by developing textbooks that incorporate RMC, enhancing the learning experience for elementary school students in Pekanbaru. It provides a valuable resource for educators and curriculum developers looking to integrate local culture into English language teaching materials

    Proposing A Web-Based Interactive Module for Education for Sustainable Development in English for Computer Science

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    English for Computer Science (ECS), as part of English for Specific Purposes (ESP), is designed to teach students the English required in computer science. In this paper, the writers proposed to incorporate Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) into ECS to encourage student engagement by presenting current concerns relevant to their life experiences. The work is a position paper in which the writers argue for the importance of building a web-based interactive module for ESD in ECS. Our arguments are supported in the following sections; English for Specific Purposes (ESP), Content Language Integrated Learning (CLIL), English for Computer Science (ECS), Education for Sustainable Development (ESD), Instructional Material limited to Module and E-Module, and related research. The writers propose developing an interactive web-based module for ESD in ECS so that students have more fun while they are studying. It is anticipated that students will be able to study the module at their own pace and according to their capabilities. This module is paperless; it contributes to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). As instructional materials, the module will also assist ECS students in overcoming classroom time constraints and relating what they learn to future concerns, careers, and professionalism