Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra
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    243 research outputs found

    Respons Mahasiswa Pascasarjana terhadap Perkembangan Riset Linguistik Interdisiplin di Perguruan Tinggi Negeri

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui perkembangan tata kelola Program Studi Linguistik S3, kurikulum yang digunakan pada prodi itu, dan respons  mahasiswa terhadap mata kuliah interdisiplin di bidang linguistik. Kenny (1995) menegaskan, mata kuliah interdisiplin sangat  penting untuk menghadapi situasi yang semakin kompleks, tidak menentu, dan ambigu, maka studi interdisiplin perlu terus dibinakan kepada para mahasiswa.  Untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut digunakan metode Predictive Content Analysis dari  Neuendorf (2002) karena metode itu  bertujuan memprediksi beberapa pengaruh atau akibat dari sejumlah pesan terhadap hal lain. Data dikumpulkan dari profil program studi, kurikulum, dan respon mahasiswa terhadap kajian interdisiplin di bidang linguistik.  Program Studi Linguistik jenjang S3 yang menjadi sumber data adalah prodi yang diselenggarakan oleh 7  Perguruan Tinggi Negeri Badan Hukum (PTN BH) di Indonesia. Hasil analisis data menyimpulkan, tata kelola prodi linguistik pada ke-7 PTN BH cukup baik, sehingga diprediksi mampu menghasilkan lulusan yang menguasai landasan filosofis dan teoretis serta mampu mengimplementasikan pendekatan interdisipliner dalam mengatasi masalah yang berkaitan dengan bahasa. Mereka berpandangan bahwa  studi interdisipliner akan sangat bermanfaat bagi mereka dalam menghadapi tantangan dunia global. Untuk itu, program studi membekali para mahasiswanya dengan beban studi yang berkisar antara 42 – 53 SKS

    Rekonstruksi Fonem Bahasa Melayu di Kabupaten Merangin Provinsi Jambi

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    Bahasa Melayu merupakan bahasa yang digunakan dalam sejumlah dialek di daerah pesisir Semenanjung Malaya dan Kalimantan, di Sumatera Selatan dan Tenggara, dan hampir di semua pusat perdagangan utama di Kepulauan Nusantara. Bahasa Melayu yang menjadi fokus penelitian ini adalah bahasa Melayu yang digunakan di Kabupaten Merangin, yakni salah satu kabupaten yang berada di Provinsi Jambi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan bentuk rekonstruksi fonem yang terdapat dalam bahasa Melayu di Kabupaten Merangin. Data penelitian komparatif kualitatif ini adalah data lisan yang diperoleh berdasarkan daftar pertanyaan yang diajukan kepada informan. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan metode cakap dan dianalisis menggunakan metode komparatif. Bentuk protofonem vokal yang ditemukan adalah: *a, *i, *u, *ǝ, dan *o. Bentuk protofonem konsonan yang ditemukan, yaitu *b, *p, *m, *n, *ň, *ŋ *w, *d, *t, *l, *r, *y, *j, *c, *s, *g, *k, dan *h. Bentuk protofonem diftong yang ditemukan, yaitu *aw, *ua, dan *ay. Protofonem vokal *ǝ memiliki dua alofon, yaitu [e] dan [ǝ]. Protofonem konsonan *k memiliki dua alofon, yaitu [k] dan [Ɂ]. Berdasarkan hasil analisis data, ditemukan 26 bentuk protofonem pada isolek-isolek yang diteliti. Bentuk protofonem yang ditemukan terdiri atas 5 protofonem vokal, 18 protofonem konsonan, dan 3 protofonem diftong

    The Utilization of Phonics Songs in Phonics Reading Classes in Indonesia: Teachers’ Perspectives

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    The use of phonics approaches for teaching early reading skills to young learners in Indonesian EFL classes seems to be on the rise. However, as phonics relies on students’ ability in corresponding letters and the sounds of the letters, the fact that the English pronunciation for the alphabet is different from that of Bahasa Indonesia could be an obstacle in a way that it might lead students to confusion. To cope with this problem, some teachers are found to have applied phonics songs in order to help their young learners. This paper aims to report teachers’ perspectives on their experiences in utilizing phonics songs to help young learners in Indonesia develop their early reading skills. A case study is employed by using instruments of questionnaires and interviews involving 20 EFL teachers in Indonesia. The results show the teachers’ positive perspectives on the utilization of phonics songs in early reading classes as well as its benefits and drawbacks which can be aspects that teachers should seriously consider when choosing the most suitable phonics songs to be applied in young learners’ classes in Indonesia

    Fake News Analysis on Supreme Court Decisions Relating to Law No. 11 of 2008 From Linguistic Forensic Perspective

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    The purpose of this study is to analysis speech act form and speech event of a person from forensic linguistic perspective who break the rule of Law No. 11 of 2008 about Information and Electronic Transactions, Article 28 Paragraph (2), “Intentionally and Without Right Spread Information Intended to Induce Hate Speech or Hostility towards Certain Individuals and/or Community Groups Based on Ethnicity, Religion, Race, Group, and Intergroup (SARA).” This study used a desvriptive qualitative method. The data of conversation text includes identification, classification, analysis, and discussion. Participant who became the object of this research was a 54-year-old man who was accused of spreading fake news. The form of speech act data analysis refers to the theory of Austin Searle (1969), while speech events refer to Hymes (1972). The results of the research show that there are four speech acts, such as; assertive, directive, expressive, commissive, and declarative. The results of the research on speech events found eight speech events, starting from setting scene, participant, ending, action, instrumentality, key, norm, and genre

    Androgynous Perspective as Represented on The Offspring’s Why Don’t You Get A Job?

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    Literatures are meanings of everyday life as on point with Sandra Bem’s concept about androgynous sides that focuses on indicating masculinity and femininity of individuals and societies. Why Don’t You Get a Job? is a song by The Offspring in 1999 that underlines American couples’ condition where only one side is working while the other is doing nothing. Interestingly, this band shows how that situation happens to both gender. Then, how is androgynous perspective represented on The Offspring’s Why Don’t You Get a Job?? Through qualitative method, this paper exposes that man and woman are proved not to be so independent and dependent, but both should work to complement each other. That song indicates that society is so androgynous that spots roles of man and woman supported by Bem’s theory. In conclusion, the song shows society is not totally about man or woman but how each side asks other side for better deed. The Offspring asserts androgynous perspective that requires roles of man and woman, not of being dominant but to be complementary

    Analisis Kesalahan Penggunaan Modalitas Epistemik dan Deontik ~Hazu Dan Beki pada Pembelajar Tingkat Menengah

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    This study aims to obtain an overview of the errors in the use of ~hazu and ~beki modalities that occur in intermediate Japanese learners. This research is motivated by the similarity of the meanings of these two modalities if they are changed into Indonesian. This is what makes it difficult for students to use these two modalities. The method used in this study is a qualitative descriptive method supported by quantitative data. The instruments used were tests and questionnaires. Then, through the results of data analysis, it is known that the ~beki modality is the modality that has more errors than the ~hazu modality. It is also known that the meaning of the ~beki modality which expresses regret is the meaning of the ~beki modality which is the most prone to errors. As for the ~hazu modality, the meaning of the ~hazu modality which states a logical conclusion is the meaning of the ~hazu modality which is the most prone to errors. Furthermore, the type of alternating form error is the most common type of error that occurs in this study. This makes there is a tendency that the mistakes that occur in this middle-level learner are errors due to the respondent's competency factor

    Penguatan Bahasa Indonesia di Kancah Persaingan Global dan Signifikansinya bagi Studi Filsafat

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    The study of Indonesian language issues in higher education states that the low positive attitude of Indonesian citizens towards Indonesian language is the root of the birth of problems surrounding Indonesian language. Therefore, this study affirms the position of Indonesian in the global competition.  Through regular and serious efforts to increase vocabulary, the ability of Indonesian vocabulary in expressing intellectual thoughts or in the development of science, technology and art cannot be underestimated. This optimism is supported by the positive attitude of the Indonesian people towards the Indonesian language, the increase of groups who cannot speak Indonesian and groups who are not proficient in Indonesian, the dissemination of codification results (Indonesianization of foreign words and terms) to Indonesian speakers, and the publication of codification results and language development as much as possible. In addition, this study reveals the central position of Indonesian as a means of studying philosophy. This point is intended to further convince the academic community of the philosophy campus of the importance of Indonesian as a means of revealing cultural treasures, a means of logical consideration, and a means of personality development

    Pre-Service Teahers’ Use of Mobile-Based Mindfulness Practices During Covid-19 Pandemic Era

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    Mindfulness is the basic human ability to be fully present, aware of where they are and what they are doing, and not overly reactive or overwhelmed by what is going around them. The growing evidence of the use of mindfulness practice on promoting psychological wellbeing and self-regulation is in line with the increasing use of mobile applications in this digital era nowadays especially during the COVID-19 pandemic era. This study aims to find out the influence of two mobile-based mindfulness apps, Calm and Headspace, on the pre-service teachers of English as a Foreign Language (EFL) in Indonesia studying online during COVID-19 pandemic era. The 43 subjects were given 20-session-mindfulness intervention (guided and independent trainings) using the two mobile-based mindfulness apps. The data from the Five Facet Mindfulness Questionnaire (FFMQ), the classroom observations, and the written interviews were analysed quantitatively and qualitatively. The results from the t-test analysis on the FFMQ show that there was an improvement on the subjects’ mindfulness level after the intervention. Furthermore, the results of the observation and the interview show that the oral narrations of the contents in the apps were found useful as a means to provide positive learning environment before and during the learning practice. Moreover, the oral narrations of the contents in the apps were specifically found useful as a means to practice listening comprehension. Therefore, besides being served as a means to practice and improve the pre-service teachers’ mindfulness level, mobile-based mindfulness apps could also be used to enhance one’s English listening comprehension skills. The use of mobile-based mindfulness applications can be promising for pre-service teachers in Indonesia who need to have balance academic and social-emotional skills to support their role in teaching students in the future

    Potret Perempuan pada Film Cinderella (2015) dan Cinderella (2021): Sebuah Kajian Sastra Bandingan

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    Cinderella is a well-known literature which tells the story of a girl who suffers from living with her mother and stepsisters, then finds love and happiness by meeting the prince. This romance story filled with magic, loved by various groups, and thanks to its popularity, this story has been adapted several times for the big screen. Each story adaptation certainly has differences. This also applies to the film "Cinderella" which was released in 2015 with the latest "Cinderella" film released in 2021. The biggest difference appears in the aspect of gender, especially regarding how women are portrayed in the two films. After doing a comparison, it was found that the film “Cinderella (2021)” contains many feminist aspects that were not shown in the previous films. Among them is the main character Ella who dares to do business in a social group that looks down on women, as well as the character Gwen, a princess who replaces the prince to become the successor to the royal throne. This, of course influenced by the mindset development of society in the current modern era where gender equality is upheld

    Managing Online Classes in The Covid-19: Pre-Service Language Teachers’ Perceptions

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    The shifting of offline to online classroom during Covid-19 Outbreak arose classroom management issues, especially in rural areas. From that point, this study aims to investigate pre-service language teachers’ perceptions on managing online classrooms.  Those respondents were five third graders in a university in Garut, West Java who were conducting pre-service teaching programs.  To achieve the goal of this study, qualitative research in the form of a case study design was employed. The data were collected using semi-structured interview.  The data were then analyzed using Creswell ‘s inductive analysis framework (2012) framed by the theory of classroom management from (Simonsen at al, 2014). As the result, teachers viewed that having a good classroom management is a must. Yet, they still needed to upgrade their self-concept as the teachers, as well as knowledge and skills in managing online classes; paying attention on the classroom conduciveness, translating the lesson plan into online teaching practice, as well as considering the quantity and quality of the task. The practical implication of this study is that relevant trainings may be addressed to pre-service teachers before they came to schools. Specifically, those trainings should cover the self-concept of pre-service teachers regarding their pedagogical competences, technological literacy, as well as the belief as the prospective teachers at the very first place


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