Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra
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    282 research outputs found

    Variasi Bentuk dan Nilai Emotif Disfemia dalam Penyajian Rubrik Opini pada Harian Kompas Online

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    This study aims to (1) identify forms of the use of dysphema in opinion articles found in Kompas Online daily and (2) map the emotive values arising from the use of dysphema in opinion articles found in Kompas Online daily. This type of research is descriptive-qualitative. The data in this study are opinion articles contained in the opinion rubric of the online Kompas daily. The data source in this study is the opinion rubric found on the page https://www.kompas.id/categories/opini/artikel-opini/. Collecting data in this study using the note-taking method. Data validation in this study uses theoretical triangulation. Data analysis in this study used an interactive analysis model or Miles and Huberman including: (1) data reduction; (2) data presentation; and (3) drawing conclusions or verification. The results obtained from this study concluded that the use of dysphema found 49 data, the four forms of dysphema namely 20 data of active verbs, 12 data of nouns, 9 data of passive verbs, and 8 data of adjectives. In addition, the taste or emotive values that arise from the use of dysphema are the values of feeling terrible, upsetting, and demeaning

    Content Analysis of Bahasa Indonesia Textbook for Indonesian Language

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    As the official language, Indonesian language has a key position in the curriculum of Indonesia, including in from the language policy, education system, class schedule, the national main curriculum assessment, etc. The Indonesian language textbooks for first grade Junior High School is compiled based on the curriculum objectives and contents stipulated in the constitution of the country. The compilation and development of this Indonesian language textbooks also refer to the teaching design of content and Integrated Language Learning (CLIL) to prepare and design the content of textbooks. The four aspects in the subtopics, i.e., ‘language comprehension ability’, ‘language summary or restatement ability’, ‘language analysis ability’ and ‘language listening, speaking, reading, writing and practice ability’, are consistent with the four factors of ‘content’, ‘cognition’, ‘communication’, and ‘culture’ in CLIL

    Cultural and Lexical Challenges: Analyzing Untranslatability in The French Subtitles of 'The Big 4' Film

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    The present study aims to analyze the untranslatability occurred in the subtitle of The Big 4 (2022) movie from Indonesian as the source language (SL) to French as the target language (TL). The words or phrases in the subtitles taken from a movie streaming platform, Netflix, were analyzed using a qualitative method to analyze the type of untranslatability; whether it is a lexical or cultural untranslatability, factors that influence, and the techniques used by the translator to overcome the issues. The findings showed the existence of untranslatability in 107 instances, 24 of which were at the lexical level and 83 in cultural aspects. The translator utilized nine different translation techniques to address the untranslatability, including borrowing, naturalization, adaptation, particularisation, modulation, generalization, calque, established equivalence, and transposition. However, regardless of the phenomenon of untranslatability, the act of translation must continue. It is the duty of translators to be skillful in finding the equivalent expressions in the TL

    Gerald's Emotional State in The Last Wish

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    Psychology is a general concept that every human being possesses. Using Freud's Psychoanalytic Theory, this study investigates the types of Psychological Aspects found in Geralt, the main character in Andrzej Sapkowski's novel "The Witcher: The Last Wish" (Id, Ego, and Superego). The researcher used the qualitative method and a case study design to achieve the research goal. The data is gathered through document analysis in the form of the main character's utterances. The researcher discovered 806 data from Geralt's utterances, with 149 data (18.48%) included the Psychological Aspects. According to the findings, 34 data were assigned to the Id (22.81%), 40 data were assigned to the Ego (26.84%), and 75 data were assigned to the Superego (50.33%). The most noticeable Psychological Aspect of Geralt's character is Superego. The superego is the component of personality acquired from one's parents, and society includes the values and morals of society learned from one's parents and others. According to the story, Geralt has been an orphan since he was a child and has survived to grow up on his own

    Implementasi Trigatra Bahasa dalam Upaya Optimasi Peran Duta Bahasa Jawa Barat

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    The attitude of speakers towards language is one of the influences on language preservation and shifting. Language Ambassador is one of the platforms that has an important role in implementing Trigatra Bahasa. This study aims to (1) describe whether the West Java Language Ambassador is the right means to be a means of implementing the Trigatra Bahasa; (2) describe the form of implementation of the Trigatra Bahasa in the West Java Language Ambassador; and (3) describe the impact of the implementation of the Trigatra Bahasa in the West Java Language Ambassador. The findings of this research were obtained through a questionnaire distributed to the West Java Language Ambassador Finalists. The questionnaire contains open and closed questions related to optimizing the role of Language Ambassadors in the effort to implement the Trigatra Bahasa. This research used a mixed method convergent design type. This method collects quantitative and qualitative data simultaneously to be able to describe the collected data. In general, the results of this research shows that West Java Language Ambassadors have a positive assessment category towards optimizing their role in efforts to implement the Trigatra Bahasa. However, the regional language aspect still has a fairly negative assessment category. It shows that there is a need for further deepening of understanding in the aspect of regional language. Furthermore, the results of this research are implied for the development of language ambassador selection strategies and language preservation by the government

    Students’ Perceptions of English Medium Instruction (EMI) in Secondary School Bilingual Classes: A Case Study

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    In contemporary international secondary education in Indonesia, English-Medium Instruction (EMI) has gained popularity and expanded into a rising global phenomenon. Recognizing this phenomenon and the importance of English language skills for students from an early age, this study aims to investigate the perceptions of junior high school students in bilingual classes on the use of EMI in schools. A qualitative research design in the form of a case study was adopted in this study.  It involved thirteen (13) junior high school students (2 males, 11 females) of two bilingual class programs at a private junior high school in Bandung, West Java, Indonesia.  Data were collected through questionnaires, semi-structured interviews, and an FGD (forum group discussion) session.  The findings indicate that all participants show positive perceptions of the EMI implementation in terms of the importance of EMI for Learning, the importance of EMI for career, and the use of EMI associated with the preservation of tradition issue. This study also reveals the obstacles that are often faced in the use of EMI such as a lack of understanding of technical terms in the content course and teachers' low proficiency in English.  Therefore, it is expected that this study will offer recommendations from the perspectives of EFL practitioners in order to optimize the advantages of the EMI policy in an EFL context

    Analysis of Characters and Characteristics in The Novel "Perempuan di Titik Nol" By Nawal El Saadawi Using A Feminism Approach

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    This article analyzes the characters and characterization in the novel "Women at Zero Point" by Nawal El Saadawi using a feminist approach. This novel depicts women's struggle in facing oppression, violence and gender injustice in a patriarchal society. A feminist approach is used to analyze how the female characters in this novel face these problems and struggle to find freedom. This analysis uses a literature review method by referring to the novel "Perempuan di Titik Zero" and relevant feminist literature studies. Focus is given to the main character, Firdaus, as well as other female characters in this novel. The results of the analysis show that the female characters in this novel face oppression and violence carried out by the patriarchal system. Firdaus, as the main character, faces various forms of sexual exploitation, domestic violence, and objectification by the surrounding community. However, this novel also highlights women's solidarity as a source of strength and support in their struggle against gender injustice. A feminist approach helps in seeing how the author criticizes patriarchal norms that limit women. Firdaus and other female characters challenge narrow social expectations and attempt to shape their identities outside these constraints. In conclusion, This analysis confirms that the novel "Women at Point Zero" is a reflection of women's struggle to seek freedom and overcome gender injustice in a patriarchal society. Women's solidarity and criticism of patriarchal norms are important themes in this novel, inviting readers to consider the role and influence of patriarchy in women's lives

    The Role of Learning Motivation on The Influence of School Culture in Improving Students’ Literacy

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    This study aims to analyze the role of learning motivation on the influence of school culture in improving literacy of class XII SMKN 1 Sorong City. This research uses quantitative methods. The population in this study were all students of class XII Accounting and Banking of SMKN 1 Sorong City which amounted to 123 students. The sample size was calculated using the Slovin formula with an error tolerance of 5℅, so a sample size of 95 students was obtained.  Data collection was carried out using a questionnaire, then the data was processed using the SEM PLS program. The results showed that (1) school culture has a positive and significant effect on the literacy of class XII SMKN 1 Sorong City (2) school culture has a positive and significant effect on the learning motivation of class XII SMKN 1 Sorong City, (3) learning motivation has a positive and significant effect on the literacy of class XII SMKN 1 Sorong City (4) class motivation influences positively and significantly on the influence of school culture, on the learning literacy of class XII SMKN 1 Sorong City

    Hubungan Motivasi Belajar dan Kecemasan Berbahasa terhadap Keterampilan Mengalihbahasakan Bahasa Korea-Indonesia

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    This study aims to determine the correlation between learning motivation and language anxiety with the ability to interpretation Korean-Indonesian. Correlation and ex-post facto research were used in this quantitative study. This research is completed by 36 undergraduate 4th year students of the Korean Education Study Program in Indonesia University of Education who had completed Korean for Science Technology course. The Likert-scale questionnaire on learning motivation using indicators of learning motivation (Uno, 2018), language anxiety using aspects of language anxiety (Horwitz, 1986), were used to collect the data for this research. Document analysis was used to analyze their final score in Korean for Science Technology course. The research results showed that there is a positive and significant correlation between learning motivation and Korean-Indonesian language interpretation ability, there is a significant negative relationship between language anxiety and Korean-Indonesian interpretation ability, there is a positive and not significant correlation simultaneously learning motivation and language anxiety with Korean-Indonesian interpretation ability. Learning motivation and language anxiety are the inner variable that functions as a stimulus and gives an effect on the students ability

    An Analysis of the Motivation in Learning English as a Foreign Language of Senior High School Students

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    Motivation is an element that affects a student's ability to learn. There are two different kinds of motivation: integrative and instrumental. Instrumental motivation moves learners to learn a language because of positive attitudes toward the target language, culture, community, way of life, literature, etc. Integrative motivation drives individuals to learn a language for practical reasons. This study aimed to determine the motivation for learning English as a foreign language among 12th-grade senior high school students and the factors that influence the students' motivation to learn English. The type of research used was a mixed method sequential explanatory model by conducting quantitative research first, followed by qualitative data collection. To collect the quantitative data, the researcher used questionnaires. Meanwhile, to manage the qualitative data, the researcher conducts semi-structured interviews. The result of the study shows that it was found that 12th-grade high school students have both integrative and instrumental motivation. Then, four factors influence the student's motivation, namely: the teacher, the method of teaching, which refers to the way that students are taught, the Atmosphere in class, and success in learning


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