340 research outputs found

    « Les vrais paradis sont les paradis qu’on a perdus » : la puissance du passĂ© et le malheur de l’existence chez Schelling et chez Proust

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    « Les vrais paradis sont les paradis qu’on a perdus » : cette formule que l’on trouve dans Le Temps retrouvĂ© fait signe vers deux aspects qui m’ont semblĂ© majeurs dans la conception proustienne de l’incursion du passĂ© dans le prĂ©sent : l’idĂ©e que cette derniĂšre suppose que le passĂ© soit d’abord sĂ©parĂ© du prĂ©sent par l’oubli, et l’idĂ©e qu’elle suscite non pas la nostalgie mais une fĂ©licitĂ© qui, quoique fort fĂ©conde, est cernĂ© de tristesse. Je me propose de mettre ces deux idĂ©es en perspective avec deux thĂšses mĂ©taphysiques de Schelling : celle de la sĂ©paration du passĂ© absolu vis-Ă -vis du prĂ©sent et celle du malheur de l’ĂȘtre ou de l’existence.« Les vrais paradis sont les paradis qu’on a perdus » : this sentence of Le Temps retrouvĂ© refers to two aspects that seemed to me to be major in the Proust’s conception of the incursion of the past into the present: the idea that this incursion supposes that the past is first separated from the present by oblivion, and the idea that it arouses not nostalgia but a felicity which, although very fertile, is surrounded by sadness. I propose to put these two ideas into perspective with two Schelling’s metaphysical thesis: the separation of the absolute past from the present and the misfortune of being or existence

    « Les vrais paradis sont les paradis qu’on a perdus » : la puissance du passĂ© et le malheur de l’existence chez Schelling et chez Proust

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    « Les vrais paradis sont les paradis qu’on a perdus » : cette formule que l’on trouve dans Le Temps retrouvĂ© fait signe vers deux aspects qui m’ont semblĂ© majeurs dans la conception proustienne de l’incursion du passĂ© dans le prĂ©sent : l’idĂ©e que cette derniĂšre suppose que le passĂ© soit d’abord sĂ©parĂ© du prĂ©sent par l’oubli, et l’idĂ©e qu’elle suscite non pas la nostalgie mais une fĂ©licitĂ© qui, quoique fort fĂ©conde, est cernĂ© de tristesse. Je me propose de mettre ces deux idĂ©es en perspective avec deux thĂšses mĂ©taphysiques de Schelling : celle de la sĂ©paration du passĂ© absolu vis-Ă -vis du prĂ©sent et celle du malheur de l’ĂȘtre ou de l’existence.« Les vrais paradis sont les paradis qu’on a perdus » : this sentence of Le Temps retrouvĂ© refers to two aspects that seemed to me to be major in the Proust’s conception of the incursion of the past into the present: the idea that this incursion supposes that the past is first separated from the present by oblivion, and the idea that it arouses not nostalgia but a felicity which, although very fertile, is surrounded by sadness. I propose to put these two ideas into perspective with two Schelling’s metaphysical thesis: the separation of the absolute past from the present and the misfortune of being or existence

    Caroline Rusterholz, « Deux enfants, c’est dĂ©jĂ  pas mal ». Famille et fĂ©conditĂ© en Suisse (1955-1970)

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    Ce livre constitue la version publiĂ©e de la thĂšse de Caroline Rusterholz sur l’évolution des attitudes, comportements et normes relatives Ă  la fĂ©conditĂ© en Suisse entre les annĂ©es 1955 et 1970. Son objectif est d’éclairer les pratiques et reprĂ©sentations d’une gĂ©nĂ©ration spĂ©cifique de parents suisses : ceux qui ont eu leurs enfants entre le baby-boom d’aprĂšs-guerre, marquĂ© par des familles trĂšs nombreuses, et la gĂ©nĂ©ration dite du « baby-bust » qui dans les annĂ©es 1970 connaĂźt une faible fĂ©co..

    PrĂ©sence, formes et enjeux du dĂ©moniaque dans le roman catholique de l’entre-deux-guerres (François Mauriac, Georges Bernanos, Julien Green)

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    The interwar’s literature is known as a frantic and creative period concerning literary forms, and the demoniac’s figure arises from this effervesence. Suffering from a new « sickness of the century », many writers – most of them as catholics – raise the idea of evil under the guise of demoniac. We chose to turn towards François Mauriac, Georges Bernanos and Julian Green and emphasize some of their works in particular, because they embody this sphere of influence. We wondered about the demonic nature and about the way it was part of the novels they wrote in those days and how it could develop in these novels. Bernanos, Mauriac and Green were influenced by religion as well as by some authors and this gave a new dimension – a particularly tragic one – to the pattern of demonic. We tried to define the complex links between tragic and demonic in order to show how Mauriac, Bernanos and Green’s works are part of what Jean-Marie Domenach calls “the return of the tragic”. By setting these novels in the wake of tragic, we are given the opportunity to swing between excess and non-fulfilment, deconstruction and unity, crisis and balance. Therefore does this pattern of ambiguity – both affecting the narrative and thematic dimension of the novel – appear as one of Ariadne's threads, connecting Bernanos, Mauriac and Green's novels. Demonic thus became the root of a full esthetics : from this tension between questioning and understanding, arose the supernatural and the unspeakable, the only ways to lead us to demoniac.La littĂ©rature de l’entre-deux-guerres est un bouillonnement de genres trĂšs diffĂ©rents, et c’est dans cette effervescence que surgit la figure du dĂ©moniaque. Atteints d’un nouveau « mal du siĂšcle », de nombreux Ă©crivains – le plus souvent catholiques – mettent en scĂšne le mal sous l’apparence de personnages dĂ©moniaques. Si nous nous sommes tournĂ©s vers François Mauriac, Georges Bernanos et Julien Green et avons mis l’accent sur quelques-unes de leurs Ɠuvres prĂ©cises, c’est parce qu’ils reprĂ©sentent particuliĂšrement bien cette mouvance. Nous nous sommes interrogĂ©s sur la nature de ce dĂ©moniaque et sur la maniĂšre dont il s’inscrit et s’écrit dans leurs romans de cette Ă©poque. InfluencĂ©s par la religion, mais aussi par certains auteurs, Bernanos, Mauriac et Green ont su donner aux motifs caractĂ©risant le dĂ©moniaque une dimension nouvelle, particuliĂšrement tragique. Nous avons essayĂ© de dĂ©finir les rapports complexes qui existent entre le tragique et le dĂ©moniaque afin de montrer comment les Ɠuvres de Mauriac, Bernanos et Green participent de ce que Jean-Marie Domenach nomme « le retour du tragique ». Situer nos Ɠuvres dans la lignĂ©e du tragique nous permet d’osciller entre excĂšs et incomplĂ©tude, dĂ©construction et unitĂ©, crise et Ă©quilibre. DĂšs lors, le motif de l’ambiguĂŻtĂ©, qui affecte Ă  la fois la dimension narrative et thĂ©matique des rĂ©cits, apparaĂźt comme l’un des fils d’Ariane reliant les Ɠuvres de Bernanos, Mauriac et Green. Le dĂ©moniaque devient source d’une esthĂ©tique Ă  part entiĂšre : de cette tension entre interrogation et comprĂ©hension naissent le surnaturel et l’indicible, seules voies d’accĂšs au dĂ©moniaque

    Le silence comme signe (in)visible du mal dans l’Ɠuvre romanesque de Georges Bernanos

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    From "Sous le Soleil de Satan" to "Monsieur Ouine", Bernanos’ novels are characterized by the emergence of ‘supernatural silence(s)’ (Bernanos 2015 : 679), which can prove to be disturbing. The brutal sign of evil’s appeance in the narrative limits in most cases the character to silence, to verbal incapacity. Indeed, evil has the strength to hold thought and speech in check. That is the reason why the characters that are racked by evil make good use of language so that they don’t say anything genuine nor honest. Bernanos’ writing succeds in defining these silences thanks to numerous ellipsis as well as things that remain unmentioned, embarrased silences, thus emphasizing the presence of the supernatural. Punctuation in particular takes an important part in creating breaks, switchovers within sentences as well as in the narrative. These silences show off an experience that cannot be told. As a consequence, a true rhetoric of what is unspeakable is at stake in Bernanos’ novels. The use of adjectives made up with privative prefixes, indefinite pronouns, rough phrases and other figures of what is unspoken, contribute to explaining evil’s unbelievable experience

    Characterization of the microbiome associated with in situ earthen materials

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    Background The current increase in public awareness of environmental risks is giving rise to a growth of interest in the microbiological safety of buildings. In particular, microbial proliferation on construction materials can be responsible for the degradation of indoor air quality that can increase health-risk to occupants. Raw earth materials are still widely used throughout the world and, in some cases, are linked to heritage habitats, as in the southwest of France. Moreover, these building materials are currently the subject of renewed interest for ecological and economic reasons. However, the microbial status of earthen materials raises major concerns: could the microbiome associated with such natural materials cause disease in building occupants? Very few analyses have been performed on the microbial communities present on these supports. Characterizing the raw earth material microbiome is also important for a better evaluation and understanding of the susceptibility of such materials to microbial development. This study presents the distribution of in situ bacterial and fungal communities on different raw earth materials used in construction. Various buildings were sampled in France and the microbial communities present were characterized by amplicon high-throughput sequencing (bacterial 16S rRNA gene and fungal ITS1 region). Bacterial culture isolates were identified at the species level by MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry. Results The major fungal and bacterial genera identified were mainly associated with conventional outdoor and indoor environmental communities, and no specific harmful bacterial species were detected on earthen materials. However, contrary to expectations, few human-associated genera were detected in dwellings. We found lower microbial alpha-diversity in earthen material than is usually found in soil, suggesting a loss of diversity during the use of these materials in buildings. Interestingly enough, the main features influencing microbial communities were building history and room use, rather than material composition. Conclusions These results constitute a first in-depth analysis of microbial communities present on earthen materials in situ and may be considered as a first referential to investigate microbial communities on such materials according to environmental conditions and their potential health impact. The bacterial and fungal flora detected were similar to those found in conventional habitats and are thought to be mainly impacted by specific events in the building’s life, such as water damage

    Viruses infecting a warm water picoeukaryote shed light on spatial co-occurrence dynamics of marine viruses and their hosts

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    The marine picoeukaryote Bathycoccus prasinos has been considered a cosmopolitan alga, although recent studies indicate two ecotypes exist, Clade BI (B. prasinos) and Clade BII. Viruses that infect Bathycoccus Clade BI are known (BpVs), but not that infect BII. We isolated three dsDNA prasinoviruses from the Sargasso Sea against Clade BII isolate RCC716. The BII-Vs do not infect BI, and two (BII-V2 and BII-V3) have larger genomes (~210 kb) than BI-Viruses and BII-V1. BII-Vs share ~90% of their proteins, and between 65% to 83% of their proteins with sequenced BpVs. Phylogenomic reconstructions and PolB analyses establish close-relatedness of BII-V2 and BII-V3, yet BII-V2 has 10-fold higher infectivity and induces greater mortality on host isolate RCC716. BII-V1 is more distant, has a shorter latent period, and infects both available BII isolates, RCC716 and RCC715, while BII-V2 and BII-V3 do not exhibit productive infection of the latter in our experiments. Global metagenome analyses show Clade BI and BII algal relative abundances correlate positively with their respective viruses. The distributions delineate BI/BpVs as occupying lower temperature mesotrophic and coastal systems, whereas BII/BII-Vs occupy warmer temperature, higher salinity ecosystems. Accordingly, with molecular diagnostic support, we name Clade BII Bathycoccus calidus sp. nov. and propose that molecular diversity within this new species likely connects to the differentiated host-virus dynamics observed in our time course experiments. Overall, the tightly linked biogeography of Bathycoccus host and virus clades observed herein supports species-level host specificity, with strain-level variations in infection parameters

    Multi-modal image fusion for small animal studies in in-line PET /3T MRI

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    CongrĂšs sous l’égide de la SociĂ©tĂ© Française de GĂ©nie Biologique et MĂ©dical (SFGBM).National audienceIn the framework of small animal multi-modal imaging, the current progression of the IMAPPI project is illustrated by the design of an in-line PET/MRI prototype, coupled to a dedicated multi-resolution registration method allowing the robust fusion of data coming from both modalities. The first results show a good alignment of the data from tumor imaging at the level of the abdomen
