1,160 research outputs found

    Aggregate Matching Function. The Case of Poland

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    The main goal of this paper is to analyze the matching function in the Polish labour market in 1994-2008. Matching function is the relationship between outflows from unemployment to employment and the number of unemployed persons and vacancies as well as other variables which affect the efficiency of the matching process directly or indirectly. Such matching function in its augmented form is estimated here for Poland with the use of data from register of unemployed persons. The results indicate that there is a statistically stronger impact of the unemployed than vacancies on new hires. Furthermore, the institutional conditions of the labour market, the structure of the unemployed and the participants of active labour market programs (ALMP) play a role in the matching process.matching function, matching effectiveness, unemployment duration

    The Heterogeneity of Convergence in Transition Countries

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    For two groups of post-communist countries (CEE and CIS) we estimated the parameters of convergence equations on the basis of annual data. We depart from standard econometric theory, which involves panel regression techniques. We test cross-country heterogeneity of parameters within a system of Seemingly Unrelated Regression Equations (SURE). We show empirical evidence in favour of the variability of parameters describing the convergence effect and productivity growth rates across countries. Our approach seems a convincing alternative to the panel regression approach where random effects can be estimated, imposing an assumption about the constancy of structural parameters within the group of countries under analysis. We discuss the role of the global financial crisis in the heterogeneity of convergence processes and productivity at the country level. The aforementioned SURE model was estimated based on two datasets, one containing observations prior to the crisis and the second containing the whole sample.This research was financed by National Science Centre, Poland (decision DEC-2016/21/B/HS4/01565

    An integrative description of a population of Mesobiotus radiatus (Pilato, Binda & Catanzaro, 1991) from Kenya

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    In a moss sample collected from Mount Kulal in Kenya, a new population of Mesobiotus radiatus was found. Given that the original description of M. radiatus was based solely on the morphology observed by light microscopy and measurements based mostly on a single individual, here we describe the new population by means of integrative taxonomy and a large sample size. We provide an integrative description comprising a comprehensive set of morphometric and morphological data from light and scanning microscopy as well as nucleotide sequences of three nuclear fragments (18S rRNA, 28S rRNA, ITS-2) and one mitochondrial fragment (COI). Mesobiotus radiatus is most similar to M. binieki, M. coronatus, M. patiens, M. perfidus, M. philippinicus, M. pseudocoronatus, M. pseudopatiens, M. rigidus, M. simulans, and M. wuzhishanensis, but differs from them mainly by egg morphology and morphometry, and some characters of adult specimens


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    The main aim of the paper is estimation of the Mincer equation parameters for European countries. The Mincer equation describes the impact of years of schooling and the work experience to the wages. The estimates of that equation were obtained using crosssection data for selected European in 2002 and 2010. Obtained results show huge differences returns to education in European countries. It seems that countries with better labor market outcomes can be characterized by lower rates to education. The variation of estimated rates stayed unchanged in analyzed period

    The Macbeth Approach for Evaluation Offers in Ill–Structure Negotiations Problems

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    This paper described the main idea of the MACBETH approach and M-MACBETH software to multicriteria negotiation analysis. The MACBETH is based on the additive value model and requires only qualitative judgments about differences of attractiveness to help a decision maker quantify the relative value of options or criteria. The main goal of this procedure is to support interactive learning about evaluation problems and to provide the recommendations to select and rankordering options/criteria in decision making processes. We proposed to use MACBETH methodology as well M-MACBETH software to support ill-structure negotiation problems, i e. evaluation of negotiation offers in an environment with uncertain, subjective and imprecise information and not precisely defined decision makers preferences. An numerical example showing how M-MACBETH software can be implemented in practice, in order to help a negotiator to define numerical values of options/criteria based on verbal statements and next build a scoring system negotiation offers taking into account different types of issues in negotiation problems is presented. More detail we describe the main key points of M-MACBETH software related to structuring the negotiation model, building value scales for evaluation negotiation packages, weighting negotiation issues and selected elements of sensitivity analyzes.This work was supported by the grant from Polish National Science Center DEC 2011/03/B/HS4/03857e-mail: [email protected] of Economics and Management, University of Bialystok5(71)698

    Wpływ kapitału ludzkiego na wzrost w gospodarce polskiej – oszacownia wieloczynnikowej funkcji produkcji

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    The main goal of the paper is the estiomation of multivariate production function parameters’. Morover, in presented paper macroeconomic indicators concerning the level of human capital are analyzed. Because of the fact that human capital is rather composed concept the author chose some variables reflecting the level of this capital. The economic growth is measured by growth rate of value added per worker. Main components of the human capital analyzed in the paper are: educational structure of labour force, number of employed in R&D sector, number of enterprises, sectoral structure of employment. The impact of human capital on economic growth has been estimated on the basis of multivariate neoclassical production function (Cobb-Douglas type). Used statistic and econometric methods allowed determine the strength and character of dependency between human capital measures and economic growth in Polish voivodeships. Moreover, each analyzed component of human capital different impacts on growth


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    The main aim of the paper is estimation of the Mincer equation parameters for European countries. The Mincer equation describes the impact of years of schooling and the work experience to the wages. The estimates of that equation were obtained using crosssection data for selected European in 2002 and 2010. Obtained results show huge differences returns to education in European countries. It seems that countries with better labor market outcomes can be characterized by lower rates to education. The variation of estimated rates stayed unchanged in analyzed period

    The Extraordinary History of The Musicological Collection of Philipp Spitta

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    Dynamika systematycznego wzrostu, nowoczesna przestrzeń intelektu, labirynt znaków, magia zaangażowanych w swoją pracę ludzi z pasją – to tylko kilka haseł, które przychodzą na myśl, kiedy chcemy przywołać nazwę Biblioteki Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego i 70 lat jej historii. Łódź przed dwoma wiekami powstawała z tradycji niejednorodnych, i podobnie powstawał – jako mozaika różnych treści intelektualnych – Uniwersytet Łódzki.The article presents the most important information on Philipp Spitta as well as the extraordinary history of his private musicological collection located in The Special Collection Department. Philipp Spitta (1841–1894) was a German musicologist, a friend of Schumann and Brahms, a prominent expert on the life, and music of Johann Sebastian Bach and the famous author of his monography. During his life Ph. Spitta collected monuscripts, printed music and books from the XVI century. During World War II, the collection, containing about 4000 works, was scattered. One part found its place in the Library of the Universität der Künste in Berlin, another one – in the The Library of Łódź University. In this article, various problems concerning the discovery, the arrangement, and the presentation of this collection in the Library, are described. The cooperation with the German side is also mentioned, as a result of which appeared the combined catalogue covering the whole collection

    Пристрій для навивання соленоїдів

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    The main purpose of this paper is to provide a brief overview of the rational choice approach, followed by an identification of several of the major criticisms of RCT and its conceptual and empirical limitations. It goes on to present a few key initiatives to develop alternative, more realistic approaches which transcend some of the limitations of Rational Choice Theory (RCT). Finally, the article presents a few concluding reflections and a table comparing similarities and differences between the mainstream RCT and some of the initial components of an emerging choice theory. Our method has been to conduct a brief selective review of rational choice theoretical formulations and applications as well as a review of diverse critical literature in the social sciences where rational choice has been systematically criticized. We have focused on a number of leading contributors (among others, several Nobel Prize Recipients in economics, who have addressed rational choice issues). So this article makes no claim for completeness. The review maps a few key concepts and assumptions underpinning the conceptual model and empirical applications of RCT. It reviews also a range of critical arguments and evidence of limitations. It identifies selected emerging concepts and theoretical revisions and adaptations to choice theory and what they entail. The results obtained, based on our literature reviews and analyses, are the identification of several major limitations of RCT as well as selected modifications and adaptations of choice theory which overcome or promise to overcome some of the RCT limitations. Thus, the article with Table 1 in hand provides a point of departure for follow-up systematic reviews and more precise questions for future theory development. The criticisms and adaptations of RCT have contributed to greater realism, empirical relevance, and increased moral considerations. The developments entail, among other things: the now well-known cognitive limitations (“bounded rationality”) and, for instance, the role of satisficing rather than maximizing in decision-making to deal with cognitive complexity and the uncertainties of multiple values; choice situations are re-contextualized with psychology, sociology, economic, and material conditions and factors which are taken into account explicitly and insightfully in empirical and theoretical work. Part of the contextualization concerns the place of multiple values, role and norm contradictions, and moral dilemmas in much choice behavior. In conclusion, the article suggests that the adaptations and modifications made in choice theory have led to substantial fragmentation of choice theory and as of yet no integrated approach has appeared to simply displace RCT