217 research outputs found

    Fifth Forces from QCD Axions Scale Differently.

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    We reexamine the low-energy potential for a macroscopic fifth force generated from the exchange of two axions. The shift symmetry of the linear axion interactions leads to a potential falling off as V(r)∼1/r^{5}. We find that in the case of the QCD axion higher-order terms in the Lagrangian break the shift symmetry and lead to the dominant contribution to the potential scaling as V(r)∼1/r^{3}. These terms are generated by the same physics responsible for the axion mass, and therefore the new contributions to the potential induce a different force for external nucleons and leptons. We demonstrate how this result affects the sensitivity of searches for new long-range forces

    The dark Stodolsky effect: constraining effective dark matter operators with spin-dependent interactions

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    We present a comprehensive discussion of the Stodolsky effect for dark matter (DM), and discuss two techniques to measure the effect and constrain the DM parameter space. The Stodolsky effect is the spin-dependent shift in the energy of a Standard Model (SM) fermion sitting in a bath of neutrinos. This effect, which scales linearly in the effective coupling, manifests as a small torque on the SM fermion spin and has historically been proposed as a method of detecting the cosmic neutrino background. We generalise this effect to DM, and give expressions for the induced energy shifts for DM candidates from spin-0 to spin-3/2, considering all effective operators up to mass dimension-6. In all cases, the effect scales inversely with the DM mass, but requires an asymmetric background. We show that a torsion balance experiment is sensitive to energy shifts of ΔE ≳ 10-28 eV, whilst a more intricate setup using a SQUID magnetometer is sensitive to shifts of ΔE ≳ 10-32 eV. Finally, we compute the energy shifts for a model of scalar DM, and demonstrate that the Stodolsky effect can be used to constrain regions of parameter space that are not presently excluded

    CoRoT light curves of RR Lyrae stars. CoRoT 101128793: long-term changes in the Blazhko effect and excitation of additional modes

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    The CoRoT (Convection, Rotation and planetary Transits) space mission provides a valuable opportunity to monitor stars with uninterrupted time sampling for up to 150 days at a time. The study of RR Lyrae stars, performed in the framework of the Additional Programmes belonging to the exoplanetary field, will particularly benefit from such dense, long-duration monitoring. The Blazhko effect in RR Lyrae stars is a long-standing, unsolved problem of stellar astrophysics. We used the CoRoT data of the new RR Lyrae variable CoRoT 101128793 (f0=2.119 c/d, P=0.4719296 d) to provide us with more detailed observational facts to understand the physical process behind the phenomenon. The CoRoT data were corrected for one jump and the long-term drift. We applied different period-finding techniques to the corrected timeseries to investigate amplitude and phase modulation. We detected 79 frequencies in the light curve of CoRoT 101128793. They have been identified as the main frequency f0, and its harmonics, two independent terms, the terms related to the Blazhko frequency, and several combination terms. A Blazhko frequency fB=0.056 c/d and a triplet structure around the fundamental radial mode and harmonics were detected, as well as a long-term variability of the Blazhko modulation. Indeed, the amplitude of the main oscillation is decreasing along the CoRoT survey. The Blazhko modulation is one of the smallest observed in RR Lyrae stars. Moreover, the additional modes f1=3.630 and f2=3.159 c/d are detected. Taking its ratio with the fundamental radial mode into account, the term f1 could be the identified as the second radial overtone. Detecting of these modes in horizontal branch stars is a new result obtained by CoRoT.Comment: 13 pages, 2 figures, 2 long tables. Accepted for publication in A&

    The DAFT/FADA survey. I.Photometric redshifts along lines of sight to clusters in the z=[0.4,0.9] interval

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    As a contribution to the understanding of the dark energy concept, the Dark energy American French Team (DAFT, in French FADA) has started a large project to characterize statistically high redshift galaxy clusters, infer cosmological constraints from Weak Lensing Tomography, and understand biases relevant for constraining dark energy and cluster physics in future cluster and cosmological experiments. The purpose of this paper is to establish the basis of reference for the photo-z determination used in all our subsequent papers, including weak lensing tomography studies. This project is based on a sample of 91 high redshift (z>0.4), massive clusters with existing HST imaging, for which we are presently performing complementary multi-wavelength imaging. This allows us in particular to estimate spectral types and determine accurate photometric redshifts for galaxies along the lines of sight to the first ten clusters for which all the required data are available down to a limit of I_AB=24/24.5 with the LePhare software. The accuracy in redshift is of the order of 0.05 for the range 0.2<z<1.5. We verified that the technique applied to obtain photometric redshifts works well by comparing our results to with previous works. In clusters, photoz accuracy is degraded for bright absolute magnitudes and for the latest and earliest type galaxies. The photoz accuracy also only slightly varies as a function of the spectral type for field galaxies. As a consequence, we find evidence for an environmental dependence of the photoz accuracy, interpreted as the standard used Spectral Energy Distributions being not very well suited to cluster galaxies. Finally, we modeled the LCDCS 0504 mass with the strong arcs detected along this line of sight.Comment: Accepted in A&

    Start of SPIDER operation towards ITER neutral beams

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    Heating Neutral Beam (HNB) Injectors will constitute the main plasma heating and current drive tool both in ITER and JT60-SA, which are the next major experimental steps for demonstrating nuclear fusion as viable energy source. In ITER, in order to achieve the required thermonuclear fusion power gain Q=10 for short pulse operation and Q=5 for long pulse operation (up to 3600s), two HNB injectors will be needed [1], each delivering a total power of about 16.5 MW into the magnetically-confined plasma, by means of neutral hydrogen or deuterium particles having a specific energy of about 1 MeV. Since only negatively charged particles can be efficiently neutralized at such energy, the ITER HNB injectors [2] will be based on negative ions, generated by caesium-catalysed surface conversion of atoms in a radio-frequency driven plasma source. A negative deuterium ion current of more than 40 A will be extracted, accelerated and focused in a multi-aperture, multi-stage electrostatic accelerator, having 1280 apertures (~ 14 mm diam.) and 5 acceleration stages (~200 kV each) [3]. After passing through a narrow gas-cell neutralizer, the residual ions will be deflected and discarded, whereas the neutralized particles will continue their trajectory through a duct into the tokamak vessels to deliver the required heating power to the ITER plasma for a pulse duration of about 3600 s. Although the operating principles and the implementation of the most critical parts of the injector have been tested in different experiments, the ITER NBI requirements have never been simultaneously attained. In order to reduce the risks and to optimize the design and operating procedures of the HNB for ITER, a dedicated Neutral Beam Test Facility (NBTF) [4] has been promoted by the ITER Organization with the contribution of the European Union\u2019s Joint Undertaking for ITER and of the Italian Government, with the participation of the Japanese and Indian Domestic Agencies (JADA and INDA) and of several European laboratories, such as IPP-Garching, KIT-Karlsruhe, CCFE-Culham, CEA-Cadarache. The NBTF, nicknamed PRIMA, has been set up at Consorzio RFX in Padova, Italy [5]. The planned experiments will verify continuous HNB operation for one hour, under stringent requirements for beam divergence (< 7 mrad) and aiming (within 2 mrad). To study and optimise HNB performances, the NBTF includes two experiments: MITICA, full-scale NBI prototype with 1 MeV particle energy and SPIDER, with 100 keV particle energy and 40 A current, aiming at testing and optimizing the full-scale ion source. SPIDER will focus on source uniformity, negative ion current density and beam optics. In June 2018 the experimental operation of SPIDER has started

    Intracluster light in clusters of galaxies at redshifts 0.4<z<0.8

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    The study of intracluster light can help us to understand the mechanisms taking place in galaxy clusters, and to place constraints on the cluster formation history and physical properties. However, owing to the intrinsic faintness of ICL emission, most searches and detailed studies of ICL have been limited to redshifts z<0.4.We search for ICL in a subsample of ten clusters detected by the ESO Distant Cluster Survey (EDisCS), at redshifts 0.4<z<0.8, that are also part of our DAFT/FADA Survey. We analyze the ICL by applying the OV WAV package, a wavelet-based technique, to deep HST ACS images in the F814W filter and to V-band VLT/FORS2 images of three clusters. Detection levels are assessed as a function of the diffuse light source surface brightness using simulations. In the F814W filter images, we detect diffuse light sources in all the clusters, with typical sizes of a few tens of kpc (assuming that they are at the cluster redshifts). The ICL detected by stacking the ten F814W images shows an 8sigma detection in the source center extending over a ~50x50kpc2 area, with a total absolute magnitude of -21.6 in the F814W filter, equivalent to about two L* galaxies per cluster. We find a weak correlation between the total F814W absolute magnitude of the ICL and the cluster velocity dispersion and mass. There is no apparent correlation between the cluster mass-to-light ratio (M/L) and the amount of ICL, and no evidence for any preferential orientation in the ICL source distribution. We find no strong variation in the amount of ICL between z=0 and z=0.8. In addition, we find wavelet-detected compact objects (WDCOs) in the three clusters for which data in two bands are available; these objects are probably very faint compact galaxies that in some cases are members of the respective clusters. We have shown that ICL is important in clusters at least up to z=0.8.Comment: Accepted in A&A. Six figures in jpg format. Paper still to be improved by A&A english correcto

    Italy's Communist Party and People's China (50s-early 60s)

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    In the ’50s and early ’60s the Italian Communist Party (ICP) was one of the main actors involved in informal and unconventional diplomacy between Italy and the People’s Republic of China (PRC). In the absence of diplomatic relations between the two countries, the presence in Italy of the largest Communist party in Western Europe undoubtedly acted as an important channel for unofficial Sino-Italian exchanges. This paper tries to trace the development of ICP-CCP relations focusing in particular on the Italian Communists’ views and analysis of the CCP’s historical experience. It also would like to show that ICP leaders generally viewed the CCP’s revolutionary in a positive way, an evaluation which largely stemmed from the ICP’s own national experience and its search for a more autonomous international role
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