191 research outputs found


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    Stocks are proof of ownership with their value determining the amount of control over a company. Shares are securities aimed at obtaining fresh funds from investors, for investor's stocks are investments that provide ownership rights. Share prices are determined by demand and supply made by investors. However, investors before making transactions on the stock exchange will conduct an analysis involving external and internal factors. The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of external and internal factors on the stocks prices of state-owned enterprises which are majority owned by the state and of course get privileges and full support from the government. This study uses panel data which aims to analyze the influence of external and internal factors on the stock prices of 14 State-Owned Enterprises listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange from 2015 to 2020. Using the multiple regression analysis method with the fixed effect model as the selected model, the results show that factors Externally, namely Indonesia's trade balance and the exchange rate, it has a significant negative effect, while internal factors, consisting of the current ratio and debt to equity ratio, also have a significant negative effect on SOE stock price


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    Motivasi kerja merupakan masalah central dan abadi dalam individu berorganisasi, kesadaran dan keterlibatan individu pegawai dalam menciptakan efektifitas; adalah kesediaan untuk mengeluarkan tingkat upaya setinggi mungkin untuk tujuan – tujuan organisasi, semuanya dikondisikan oleh kemampuan upaya dalam memenuhi suatu kebutuhan individu, oleh sebab itu kebutuhan individu harus sejalan dan konsisten dengan tujuan organisasi. Motivasi adalah latar belakang perilaku individu sebagai instrumen bersama dalam menyatukan sebuah harapan dalam organisasi. Motivasi kerja adalah segala sesuatu yang menimbulkan gairah, hasrat, keinginan dan energi dari dalam diri sesorang yang mempengaruhi dan mengarahkan serta memelihara perilakunya untuk mencapai tujuan yang diinginkan, sesuai dengan lingkup kerja. Jawaban atas berbagai masalah yang krusial dalam melakukan perubahan sikap secara fundamental abdi negara adalah menciptakan suatu model dan proses untuk mencapai organizational performance, efektivitas dan kompetitif PNS sebagai anggota organisasi dalam mencapai “good governance” dan “clean government” Kesemuanya itu tidak lepas dari apa yang di sebut dengan prilaku kewargaan organisasi (OCB). Idealnya pegawai yang mempunyai motivasi kerja yang baik akan melakukan pekerjaan secara sukarela dan melebihi apa yang menjadi tuntutan peran extra-role atau memiliki prilaku kewargaan (OCB). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji hubungan motivasi kerja dengan prilaku kewargaan (OCB), pada pegawai negri sipil sekretaris daerah provinsi jawa tengah dengan sampel sebanyak 185 subyek, mengunakan metode random purposive sampling. Alat ukur yang digunakan adalah skala motivasi kerja dan skala prilaku kewargaan (OCB). Hipotesis yang diajukan dalam penelitian adalah terdapat hubungan positif antara motivasi kerja dengan prilaku kewargaan (OCB). Hasil penelitian membuktikan bahwa analisis produc moment person diperoleh hasil R = 0,653 dan p = 0,000 sehingga p < 0,01 artinya hipotesis yang diajukan diterima. Penemuan dari penelitian ini; peneliti menganalisis lebih lanjut dengan analisis regresi dua predikator hubungan antara motivasi kerja eksternal dan internal dengan OCB – I diperoleh R = 0,558 dan p = 0,000 sehingga p < 0,01 terdapat hubungan signifikan dengan sumbangan efektif 31,115%; sedangkan hubungan antara motivasi kerja eksternal dan internal dengan OCB – O diperoleh R = 0,644 dan p = 0.000 sehingga p < 0,01, artinya terdapat hubungan yang signifikan dengan sumbangan efektif 41,454% Kesimpulan yang diperoleh dari penelitian ini adalah ada hubungan antara motivasi kerja dengan prilaku kewargaan (OCB), dengan temuan bahwa Motivasi kerja Eksternal berbanding lurus dengan OCB – I dan Motivasi Kerja Internal berbanding lurus dengan OCB – O; dimana PNS setda provinsi Jawa Tengah memiliki kecenderungan OCB – O yang lebih tinggi dari pada OCB – I. Hal ini berarti Motivasi kerja secara internal dan eksternal mampu menjadi predikator Prilaku kewargaan (OCB) baik secara individualis maupun organisatoris

    Pengaruh Lokus Pengendalian, Pengetahuan Keuangan, Dan Persepsi Pendapatan Terhadap Perilaku Manajemen Keuangan Pada Generasi Milenial Di Kecamatan Cipayung Kota Madya Depok

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of locus of control, financial knowledge, income perceptions and financial management behavior as the dependent variable. The sample in this study were 155 respondents through questionnaires with simple random sampling technique. In this study, descriptive analysis and multiple linear analysis became methods for data analysis with the help of STATA statistics software version 17. The results of this study indicate that financial knowledge has a positive and significant influence on financial management behavior. Meanwhile, locus of control and perceptions of income do not have an influence on the financial management behavior of the millennial generation in Cipayung sub-district, Depok Madya city. Keywords: Locus Of Control, Financial Knowledge, Income, Financial Management Behavior


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    Hiperurisemia adalah keadaan dimana kadar asam urat di dalam darah meningkat dan mengalami kejenuhan. Penggunaan tanaman sebagai alternatif pengobatan penyakit hiperurisemia saat ini semakin meningkat. Salah satu tanaman yang diduga memiliki aktivitas antihiperurisemia adalah temu giring (Curcuma heyneana Val.). Penelitian dilakukan untuk mengetahui efek antihiperurisemia ekstrak etanol 96% rimpang temu giring (Curcuma heyneana Val.) pada mencit putih jantan (Mus musculus) yang diinduksi kalium oksonat dan jus hati ayam. Penelitian dilakukan dengan desain eksperimental murni menggunakan 6 kelompok hewan uji, masing-masing kelompok terdiri dari 4 ekor mencit, yaitu kelompok kontrol normal, kontrol negatif, pembanding alopurinol, dan ekstrak etanol 96% temu giring (Curcuma heyneana Val.) dengan dosis masing-masing 50 mg/kgBB, 250 mg/kgBB, dan 500 mg/kgBB. Induksi hiperurisemia dilakukan dengan pemberian jus hati ayam selama 7 hari dan kalium oksonat yang diberikan pada hari ke-8. Pengukuran kadar asam urat dalam serum darah mencit putih jantan dilakukan dengan metode enzimatik menggunakan fotometer klinis dengan panjang gelombang 505 nm. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan ekstrak etanol 96% rimpang temu giring (Curcuma heyneana Val.) dosis 50 mg/KgBB, 250 mg/KgBB, dan 500 mg/KgBB mampu menurunkan kadar asam urat hewan coba secara signifikan (p&lt;0.05). Aktivitas antihiperurisemia ekstrak dosis 50 mg/KgBB, 250 mg/KgBB, dan 500 mg/KgBB masing-masing sebesar 50.71%, 94.29%, dan 136.43%. Aktivitas antihiperurisemia terbaik ditunjukkan oleh ekstrak etanol 96% rimpang temu giring (Curcuma heyneana Val.) dosis 500 mg/KgBB. Penelitian ini mendukung potensi temu giring (Curcuma heyneana Val.) untuk dikembangkan sebagai terapi komplementer hiperurisemia

    A responsabilidade social da magistratura brasileira: accountability e responsividade em meio à tensão entre o dever de prestar contas e a garantia da independência judicial

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    Constitui objeto do presente artigo examinar aspectos da responsabilidade social da magistratura no Brasil, buscando identificar em que medida o comportamento dos juízes está exposto à crítica pública e à atuação da imprensa e do público em geral, e é por elas influenciado, confrontando os resultados com um modelo em que impere a obrigação de prestar contas e a responsividade, sem sacrifício da independência judicial, o qual se apresenta como o mais compatível com um regime político democrático, como o instituído pela ordem constitucional instalada em 1988

    Análise da performance organizacional: Proposta de um modelo do balanced scorecard para a avaliação do desempenho do comando da 1ª região militar

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    Esta pesquisa gira à volta da avaliação do desempenho organizacional com enfoque no sistema denominado Balanced Scorecard. Esta ferramenta, criada no início da década de noventa, por David Norton e Robert Kaplan, tem vindo a contagiar os gestores, e nos dias de hoje várias são as organizações que beneficiam dela para obter excelência. A primeira metodologia foi apresentada em mil novecentos e noventa e três (1993), constituída por oito etapas. No ano de mil novecentos e noventa e seis (1996), os autores desenvolveram uma nova metodologia, melhorada, composta por dez etapas. Começámos por fazer um levantamento teórico dos conceitos ligados a esta ferramenta, as suas vantagens e desvantagens, as fases da sua execução, os possíveis obstáculos ao seu sucesso e os frutos que poderão ser colhidos com a sua implementação. Através de uma proposta de implementação, escolhemos o Comando da 1ª Região Militar, para verificar quais serão os impactos na gestão desta organização. Do diagnóstico situacional efectuado com base em entrevistas, análise documental e observação, verificámos que a organização possui algumas insuficiências ao nível do desempenho de gestão, derivadas sobretudo da situação logística e financeira. Na construção do mapa estratégico, principal componente do Balanced scorecard, vimo-nos na necessidade de deslocar a perspectiva do cliente ou de mercado para o topo de configuração, devido à natureza do objecto negocial da organização em estudo. O modelo de avaliação de desempenho desenvolvido evidenciou a importância que a utilização deste sistema poderá ter na melhoria das actividades castrenses, sobretudo pelo aumento do nível de comunicação entre os subgrupos e a gestão de topo, neste caso, o Pessoal de Comando e as Pequenas Unidades, devido à natureza e qualidade das informações fornecidas pelo mapa estratégico. The aim of this study is to look at the organizational performance measurement system, with a special emphasis upon the so called Balanced Scorecard System. This tool, created at the beginning of the 1990’s by David Norton and Robert Kaplan, has been gaining the enthusiasm of administrator, and at the present time, several organizations are using it in the search for excellence. The first methodology was presented in 1993 and was formed by eight steps. In 1996, however, its creators developed an improved version of this methodology, now composed by ten steps. We start by doing a research of the theoretical concepts related to this tool, its advantages and disadvantages, the stages of its implementation, possible obstacles to its success, and the benefits that can come from its use. Based on an implementation proposal, we chose the First Military Command Region of Cape Verde to study the possible impacts of this system on the management of that Institution. From an investigation on the existent situation, based on interviews, analysis of documents and “in locus” observation, we realised that the institution shows some administrative insufficiencies, mainly due to its logistics and financial situation. In the building of the strategic map, the main component of the Balanced Scorecard System, we were obliged to move the perspective of the client or the market to the top of the configuration, because of the nature of the trading object of the institution being studied. The performance measurement model developed, clearly showed the importance that the implementation of this system might have on the improvement of the Military activities, mainly because of the improvement on the type of communication that can be established between the subgroups and the higher hierarchical levels, in this case, the Commander Staff and the lower Units, due to the type and quality of the information provided by the strategic map


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    Kue sapik merupakan makanan tradisional masyarakat Minangkabau dengan bahan utama tepung beras dan dibuat dengan cara dijepit. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh substitusi tepung tempe pada tepung beras terhadap karakteristik kue sapik. Penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan 5 perlakuan dan 3 ulangan. Analisis data menggunakan ANOVA dan uji lanjut dengan DNMRT pada taraf nyata 5%. Perlakuan pada penelitian ini adalah substitusi tepung tempe pada tepung beras A (0%:100%), B (40%:60%), C (50%:50%), D (60%:40%) dan E (70%:30%). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan substitusi tepung tempe pada tepung beras dalam kue sapik berpengaruh nyata terhadap kadar air, kadar abu, protein, lemak, karbohidrat, kekerasan, angka lempeng total (ALT), uji organoleptik (warna, rasa, tekstur) dan tidak berpengaruh nyata taraf 5% terhadap analisis organoleptik (aroma). Perlakuan terbaik berdasarkan analisis kimia, fisika, mikrobiologi, dan penerimaan organoleptik adalah perlakuan C (tepung tempe 50% : 50% tepung beras). Karakteristik kue sapik perlakuan C, yaitu kadar air 2,96%, kadar abu 1,89%, kadar protein, 22,68%, kadar lemak 28,11%, kadar karbohidrat 44,37%, nilai kekerasan 19,31 N/cm2 , ALT 2,5 x 103 cfu/g, nilai organoleptik warna 4,15 (suka), rasa 3,85 (suka), aroma 4,30 (suka), dan tekstur 4,45 (suka). Kata kunci : kue sapik, tepung tempe, substitusi, protei

    Aktivitas Antiansietas Ekstrak Etanol Kulit Buah Pisang Cavendish (Musa acuminata Cavendish): Studi In Vivo dengan Metode Elevated Plus Maze (EPM), Light Dark Test (LDT), and Open Field Test (OFT)

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    Gangguan kecemasan (ansietas) adalah kondisi medis yang dikarakterisasi oleh adanya perasaan cemas akan sesuatu yang bersifat irasional. Beberapa gangguan kecemasan yang umum terjadi adalah gangguan kecemasan tergeneralisasi, gangguan panik, fobia, gangguan kecemasan social, dan post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Kulit pisang Cavendish (Musa acuminata Cavendish) mengandung berbagai senyawa bioaktif, seperti flavonoid gatokatekin yang diduga memiliki sifat antiansietas. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efek antiansietas ekstrak etanol kulit pisang Cavendish (Musa acuminata Cavendish) dengan berbagai dosis. Penelitian eksperimen dilakukan dengan post-test only control group design. Tiga puluh mencit putih Swiss Webster (Mus musculus) jantan dibagi menjadi 5 kelompok secara acak: kelompok kontrol (CMC Na 1%), kelompok obat standar (diazepam 0,13 mg/kgBB), dan tiga kelompok ekstrak kulit pisang Cavendish (EEKPC) dengan dosis 200 mg/kg, 400 mg/kg dan 800 mg/kg. Aktivitas antiansietas dievaluasi dengan Elevated plus maze (EPM), light dark test (LDT), dan open field test (OFT). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa EEKPC 200 mg/kg secara signifikan meningkatkan durasi hewan uji di tangan terbuka pada uji EPM (p&lt;0,05) dibandingkan dengan kelompok kontrol. Dosis EEKPC 200 mg/ kg juga mampu meningkatkan durasi di area terang secara signifikan pada uji LDT dibandingkan dengan kelompok kontrol (p&lt;0,05). Pada OFT, dosis EKPC 200 mg/kg secara signifikan meningkatkan durasi di area tengah (p&lt;0,05) dibandingkan dengan kelompok kontrol. Hasil penelitian ini mendukung pengembangan kulit pisang Cavendish (Musa acuminata Cavendish) sebagai terapi komplementer untuk gangguan kecemasan. &nbsp; Anxiety disorder is a mental health condition characterized by feelings of anxiety and irrational fear of something. These disorders include generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, phobias, social anxiety disorder, and post-traumatic stress disorder. Cavendish banana peel (Musa acuminata Cavendish) contains various bioactive compounds, including flavonoid galocatechin which is proposed to have antianxiety properties. This study was aimed to determine the antianxiety effect of various doses of 80% ethanolic extract of Cavendish banana peel (Musa acuminata Cavendish). The experimental study was conducted with a post-test only control group design. Thirty male Swiss Webster white mice (Mus musculus) were divided randomly into 5 groups: control group (CMC Na 1%), the standard drug group (diazepam 0.13 mg/kgBW), and three groups of Cavendish banana peel extract (EEKPC) at doses of 200 mg/kg, 400 mg/kg and 800 mg/kg. Antianxiety activity was evaluated by elevated plus maze (EPM), light dark test (LDT), and open field test (OFT). The results showed that EEKPC 200 mg/kg significantly increased the duration of the test animals in the open arms in the EPM test (p&lt;0.05) compared to the control group. EEKPC dose of 200 mg/kg was also able to significantly increase the duration in the light area in the LDT test compared to the control group (p&lt;0.05). In OFT, EKPC dose of 200 mg/kg significantly increased duration in the center area (p&lt;0.05) compared to control group. Results of this study supports the development of Cavendish banana peel (Musa acuminata Cavendish) as a complementary therapy for anxiety disorder

    High-Fat Diet Induced Obesity Increases Serum Myostatin, but Does Not Accelerate Skeletal Muscle Atrophy

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    Myostatin is a potent negative regulator of muscle mass, i.e. high levels of myostatin induce loss of muscle. Surprisingly, severely obese humans and obese mice have elevated levels of serum myostatin, but the role of myostatin in controlling muscle mass during obesity is largely unknown. The aim of this study is to determine if obesity induced by a high-fat diet will decrease muscle mass or sensitize muscles to other factors that induce muscle atrophy. Thirty male C57BL/6 mice were divided into three groups; 12-wk control diet (CD), 9-wk control diet then 3-wk high-fat diet (3wHF), and 12-wk high-fat diet (12wHF). At 10 weeks with each diet, the left sciatic nerve was cut (surgical denervation, a model of nerve damage), and contralateral sham operated. At 12 weeks, EDL, soleus, tibialis anterior (TA), plantaris, and gastrocnemius muscles were excised and weighed; body composition was measured by MRI; and serum myostatin was measured by ELISA. The EDL and soleus muscles were incubated and rates of protein degradation were determined by the net amount of tyrosine released. The TA muscles were cross-sectioned and mean fiber area estimated. As expected, the 12wHF resulted in a profound increase in fat mass (785%), with less in 3wHF (541%) and CD (216%). The concentration of myostatin in serum was between 1.5 to 2 fold higher (p [less than or equal to] 0.05) in the 12wHF group (705 pg/ml ± 79) than the 3wHF (420 pg/ml ± 36) and CD (316 pg/ml ± 18). In spite of this, there were no significant differences in muscle mass of the innervated muscles between diets. The percent atrophy due to denervation ranged from 15 to 39%, depending on the muscle, but there were no significant differences among diet groups, with the exception of greater atrophy (p [less than or equal to] 0.05) of the soleus muscle in the 3wHF group (26% versus 16% for CD and 15% for 12wHF). The rate of protein degradation was ~55 [eta]mol/g/hr for the innervated EDL muscles and ~75 [eta]mol/g/hr for the innervated soleus muscles. No significant differences existed between diet groups for either muscle. There were no significant differences between the diet groups for the rate of protein degradation of the denervated EDL muscles, but the rate of protein degradation for the denervated soleus muscle of the 3wkHF group was 30% faster than the CD and 12wkHF groups in accordance with the muscle mass findings. No significant differences in mean fiber area were found between diet groups among the innervated or denervated TA muscles. In summary, muscles of mice on a 12-week high-fat diet are exposed to higher myostatin but have the same mass and atrophy at the same rate as mice fed a control diet. This demonstrates that obesity may cause muscles to become resistant to the catabolic actions of myostatin.M.S