330 research outputs found

    Publicación de la vigésima edición de la revista digital de la Escuela de Ingeniería en Ciencias y Sistemas de la Facultad de Ingeniería de la Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala y publicación de la cuarta edición de la revista de la Unidad de Ejercicio Profesional Supervisado de la Facultad de Ingeniería de la Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala

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    Estructurar el contenido de la revista de la Escuela de Ingeniería en Ciencias y Sistemas en las ediciones planificadas para el primer semestre de 2022, por medio de la selección de artículos proporcionados por estudiantes de la Facultad, recopilación de la información para la sección editorial e integración de contenido contemplado indicado y proporcionado por las comisiones designadas para este fin, así analizar los datos estadísticos generados desde los sitios donde se publica la revista para identificar el alcance de dicha publicación en comparación con ediciones anteriores e identificar las mejores prácticas para la creación de una revista digital, por medio de las herramientas que existen para dicho propósito y análisis de las ventajas y desventajas de cada una de ellas

    Are There Opportunities for Sustainable Tourism in the Province of Manabí- Ecuador after COVID-19? The Case Study of Puerto Lopez

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    In recent years, tourism in Ecuador has increased exponentially. The city of Puerto Lopez has shown unusual growth. This study is based on a comparison of the situation of the Ecuadorian town before and after the COVID-19 pandemic. To achieve this primary objective, three specific goals were set out: 1) To analyze the perception that tourists have of the Canton of Puerto Lopez. 2) To examine the influence that tourism has on the local economy. 3) To study the impact of the pandemic on tourism development in the region. To achieve these objectives, quantitative research was carried out based on two surveys on perceptions of tourism activity. One was carried out before the arrival of Covid and the other after the pandemic. They are complemented by the collection of data from official statistics and stakeholder interviews. The main results also reveal opportunities for the tourism sector of Puerto López if we relate it to the SDGs_2030, as there is room for improvement in its current tourism model, and it can be made more sustainable from a social, economic and environmental point of view. © 2021 WITPress. All rights reserved

    Defining community-acquired pneumonia as a public health threat: arguments in favor from Spanish investigators

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    Despite advances in its prevention, pneumonia remains associated with high morbidity, mortality, and health costs worldwide. Studies carried out in the last decade have indicated that more patients with community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) now require hospitalization. In addition, pneumonia management poses many challenges, especially due to the increase in the number of elderly patients with multiple comorbidities, antibiotic-resistant pathogens, and the difficulty of rapid diagnosis. In this new call to action, we present a wide-ranging review of the information currently available on CAP and offer some reflections on ways to raise awareness of this disease among the general public. We discuss the burden of CAP and the importance of attaining better, faster microbiological diagnosis and initiating appropriate treatment. We also suggest that closer cooperation between health professionals and the population at large could improve the management of this largely preventable infectious disease that takes many lives each year

    Training with videogames for improving sustained attention in children with a high risk of learning disorders

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    Most studies examine the effects of videogames on the cognitive abilities of young and adult players in experimental situations or for rehabilitation purposes. The aim of the present study is to evaluate the use of computerized commercial games for training sustained attention in primary school children at a high risk of learning disorders. A continuous performance task was used to assess sustained attention in a pre- and post-intervention classical paradigm. The training was organized in groups according to the children's age and grade and planned in 30-minute sessions twice weekly for 12 weeks. The Student's t-test was statistically significant for the mean reaction times, showing lower response times after training. It was demonstrated that more than twelve videogame sessions are needed to decrease the reaction time (mean RT) as significant relationship with sustained attention. Statistically significant results by age and grade were achieved before training, while at the end of the intervention only age had the same significance in the three age groups in relation to the mean RT. The results of the study suggest the need to continue exploring videogames in children at high risk of learning disorders.La majoria dels estudis examinen els efectes dels videojocs sobre les capacitats cognitives dels joves jugadors i adults en situacions experimentals o amb finalitats de rehabilitació. L'objectiu de l'estudi és avaluar l'ús de jocs comercials informatitzats per a la formació d'atenció sostinguda en nens amb un alt risc de trastorns de l'aprenentatge en una mostra de 32 escolars de primària. Es va utilitzar una tasca d'execució contínua per avaluar l'atenció sostinguda en un paradigma clàssic pre- i postintervenció. La formació es va organitzar en grups d'edat i grau i es va planificar en sessions bisetmanals de 30 minuts durant 12 setmanes. La prova t de Student va ser estadísticament significativa per a la mitjana dels temps de reacció després de la formació. Es va demostrar que es necessiten més de 12 sessions de videojocs per reduir el temps mitjà de reacció com a indicador de l'atenció sostinguda. Es van obtenir resultats estadísticament significatius per edat i nota abans de la formació, mentre que al final de la intervenció només l'edat va guanyar la mateixa importància. Els resultats de l'estudi suggereixen la necessitat de continuar explorant l'ús de videojocs en nens amb un alt risc de trastorns de l'aprenentatge.La mayoría de los estudios examinan los efectos de los videojuegos sobre las habilidades cognitivas de jugadores jóvenes y adultos en situaciones experimentales o con fines de rehabilitación. El objetivo del estudio es evaluar el empleo de juegos comerciales informatizados para el entrenamiento de la atención sostenida en niños con alto riesgo de trastornos del aprendizaje en una muestra de 32 escolares de primaria. Se utilizó una tarea de ejecución continua para evaluar la atención sostenida en un paradigma clásico pre- y postintervención. El entrenamiento se organizó en grupos según la edad y el grado y se planificó en sesiones bisemanales de 30 minutos durante 12 semanas. La prueba t de Student fue estadísticamente significativa para la media de los tiempos de reacción después del entrenamiento. Se demostró que se necesitan más de 12 sesiones de videojuegos para reducir el tiempo promedio de reacción como indicador de la atención sostenida. Se obtuvieron resultados estadísticamente significativos para la edad y el grado antes del entrenamiento, mientras que, al concluir la intervención, solo la edad obtuvo igual significación. Los resultados del estudio sugieren la necesidad de continuar explorando el uso de videojuegos en niños con alto riesgo de trastornos del aprendizaje

    Silicon induced Fe deficiency affects Fe, Mn, Cu and Zn distribution in rice (Oryza sativa L.) growth in calcareous conditions

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    A protective effect by silicon in the amelioration of iron chlorosis has recently been proved for Strategy 1 species, at acidic pH. However in calcareous conditions, the Si effect on Fe acquisition and distribution is still unknown. In this work, the effect of Si on Fe, Mn, Cu and Zn distribution was studied in rice (Strategy 2 species) under Fe sufficiency and deficiency. Plants (+Si or-Si) were grown initially with Fe, and then Fe was removed from the nutrient solution. The plants were then analysed using a combined approach including LA-ICP-MS images for each element of interest, the analysis of the Fe and Si concentration at different cell layers of root and leaf cross sections by SEM-EDX, and determining the apoplastic Fe, total micronutrient concentration and oxidative stress indexes. A different Si effect was observed depending on plant Fe status. Under Fe sufficiency, Si supply increased Fe root plaque formation, decreasing Fe concentration inside the root and increasing the oxidative stress in the plants. Therefore, Fe acquisition strategies were activated, and Fe translocation rate to the aerial parts was increased, even under an optimal Fe supply. Under Fe deficiency, +Si plants absorbed Fe from the plaque more rapidly than –Si plants, due to the previous activation of Fe deficiency strategies during the growing period (+Fe + Si). Higher Fe plaque formation due to Si supply during the growing period reduced Fe uptake and could activate Fe deficiency strategies in rice, making it more efficient against Fe chlorosis alterations. Silicon influenced Mn and Cu distribution in root.Authors gratefully acknowledge the financial support by Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness projects: AGL2013-44474-R and RYC-2014-1498

    Incidence of Asbestosis and other Benign Lung Diseases. Spain, 1962-2010

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    Fundamentos: En España carecemos de una descripción completa de las enfermedades profesionales causadas por el amianto. El objetivo del presente trabajo esconocer la incidencia durante el período 1962-2010 de las asbestosis y otras enfermedades pulmonares benignas por amianto reconocidas como profesionales y su distribución por sectores, ocupación, sexo y ámbito geográfico. Métodos: El número de casos se obtuvo de las Memorias del INP (años 1962 a 1975), de la Estadística del Ministerio de Trabajo y las Memorias del Servicio de Higiene y Seguridad en el Trabajo (1976 a 1981) y de los Anuarios de Estadísticas Laborales a partir de 1982. Se obtuvieron tasas de incidencia específicas por actividad económica y ocupación. Se estudió la tendencia temporal del número de enfermedades a estudio, así como su distribución geográfica por Comunidad Autónoma y provincia. Resultados: Desde 1963 hasta 2010 se reconocieron 815 asbestosis y 46 afecciones fibrosantes de pleura y pericardio. La incidencia media anual de asbestosis fue 0,20 por 100.000 personas asalariadas (0,31 en el año 1990 y 0,40 en 2010). De 1990 a 2001 el sector del fibrocemento acumuló 189 casos de asbestosis, el naval 173, la construcción 49 y la metalurgia 35. Por ocupación, los operadores de maquinas fijas presentaron 114 casos, los moldeadores, soldadores, chapistas y montadores de estructuras metálicas 88 casos y los pintores, fontaneros e instaladores de tuberías 59. Las Comunidades Autónomas con más casos fueron la Valenciana (106), Galicia (86), Andalucía (82), Cataluña (75), Madrid (58) y País Vasco (41). Conclusiones: Las tasas de incidencia y la tendencia de asbestosis profesionales en España pueden estar evidenciando el infrareconocimiento del origen profesional de estas enfermedades en nuestro país. Los sectores más afectados fueron el del fibrocemento y el naval y la incidencia más alta se dió en la Comunidad Valenciana.Background: We lack in Spain of a full description of the diseases caused by asbestos since its inclusion in the list of occupational diseases 1961. The aim of this study is to know the incidence of asbestosis and other asbestos-related benign lung diseases, which were recognized as occupational diseases by the Spanish Social Security system between 1962 and 2010. Methods: Cases were obtained from Reports of the National Insurance Institute (1962 to 1975), from Employment Ministry Statistics and Reports of the Work Health and Safety Department (1976 to 1981), and from the Employment Statistics Yearbooks (from 1982). Specific rates were obtained by economic activity and occupation. We represent temporal trends in the number of the diseases under study and described their geographic distribution by provinces. Results: Between 1963 and 2010, 815 cases of asbestosis and 46 cases of fibrous pleural or pericardial disease were recognized. Since 1990 until 2001 Fiber-cement sector accumulated 189 cases of asbestosis, Shipbuilding sector 173, Construction sector 49 and Metallurgy 35. By occupation, fixed machinery operators had 114 cases; inmolders, welders, sheet metal workers and fitters 88 cases; and painters, plumbers and pipe fitters 59 cases. The autonomous communities with the highest number of cases were Valencia (106), Galicia (86), Andalusia (82), Catalonia (75), Madrid (58), and the Basque Country (41). Conclusions: Incidence rates and the time trend of professional asbestosis in Spain may be demonstrating the underreporting of the occupational origin of these diseases in our country. The most affected sectors were that of the fiber-cement and the naval one and the highest incidence was given in the Valencian Community.Trabajo realizado dentro del proyecto HAR2009-07543 del Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación

    Predicting treatment failure in patients with community acquired pneumonia: a case-control study

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    INTRODUCTION: Treatment failure in community-acquired-pneumonia (CAP) patients is associated with a high mortality rate, and therefore are a matter of great concern in clinical management. Those patients have increased mortality and are a target population for randomized clinical trials. METHODS: A case-control study was performed in patients with CAP (non-failure cases vs. failure cases, discriminating by late and early failure). CRP, PCT, interleukin 1, 6, 8 and 10 and TNF were determined at days 1 and 3 of hospitalization. RESULTS: A total of 253 patients were included in this study where 83 patients presented treatment failure. Of these, 40 (48.2%) had early failure. A discriminative effect was found for a higher CURB-65 score among late failure patients (p = 0.004). A significant increase on day 1 of hospitalization in CRP (p < 0.001), PCT (p = 0.004), IL-6 (p < 0.001) and IL-8 (p = 0.02), and a decrease in IL-1 (p = 0.06) in patients with failure was observed compared with patients without failure. On day 3, only the increase in CRP (p < 0.001), PCT (p = 0.007) and IL-6 (p < 0.001) remained significant. Independent predictors for early failure were higher IL-6 levels on day 1 (OR = 1.78, IC = 1.2-2.6) and pleural effusion (OR = 2.25, IC = 1.0-5.3), and for late failure, higher PCT levels on day 3 (OR = 1.60, IC = 1.0-2.5), CURB-65 score ≥ 3 (OR = 1.43, IC = 1.0-2.0), and multilobar involvement (OR = 4.50, IC = 2.1-9.9). CONCLUSIONS: There was a good correlation of IL-6 levels and CAP failure and IL-6 & PCT with late CAP failure. Pleural effusion and multilobar involvement were simple clinical predictors of early and late failure, respectively

    Impact on in-hospital mortality of ceftaroline versus standard of care in community-acquired pneumonia: a propensity-matched analysis

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    Abstract The purpose of this study is to evaluate the in-hospital mortality of community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) treated with ceftaroline in comparison with standard therapy. This was a retrospective observational study in two centers. Hospitalized patients with CAP were grouped according to the empiric regimen (ceftaroline versus standard therapy) and analyzed using a propensity score matching (PSM) method to reduce confounding factors. Out of the 6981 patients enrolled, 5640 met the inclusion criteria, and 89 of these received ceftaroline. After PSM, 78 patients were considered in the ceftaroline group (cases) and 78 in the standard group (controls). Ceftaroline was mainly prescribed in cases with severe pneumonia (67% vs. 56%, p=0.215) with high suspicion of Staphylococcus aureus infection (9% vs. 0%, p=0.026). Cases had a longer length of hospital stay (13 days vs. 10 days, p=0.007), while an increased risk of in-hospital mortality was observed in the control group compared to the case group (13% vs. 21%, HR 0.41; 95% CI 0.18 to 0.62, p=0.003). The empiric use of ceftaroline in hospitalized patients with severe CAP was associated with a decreased risk of in-hospital mortalit

    Characterization of Doped Amorphous Silicon Thin Films through the Investigation of Dopant Elements by Glow Discharge Spectrometry. A Correlation of Conductivity and Bandgap Energy Measurements

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    The determination of optical parameters, such as absorption and extinction coefficients, refractive index and the bandgap energy, is crucial to understand the behavior and final efficiency of thin film solar cells based on hydrogenated amorphous silicon (a-Si:H). The influence of small variations of the gas flow rates used for the preparation of the p-a-SiC:H layer on the bandgap energy, as well as on the dopant elements concentration, thickness and conductivity of the p-layer, is investigated in this work using several complementary techniques. UV-NIR spectrophotometry and ellipsometry were used for the determination of bandgap energies of four p-a-SiC:H thin films, prepared by using different B2H6 and SiH4 fluxes (B2H6 from 12 sccm to 20 sccm and SiH4 from 6 sccm to 10 sccm). Moreover, radiofrequency glow discharge optical emission spectrometry technique was used for depth profiling characterization of p-a-SiC:H thin films and valuable information about dopant elements concentration and distribution throughout the coating was found. Finally, a direct relationship between the conductivity of p-a-SiC:H thin films and the dopant elements concentration, particularly boron and carbon, was observed for the four selected samples