50 research outputs found

    Percepciones estudiantiles de la calidad en su formación de profesores: comparación de dos instituciones yucatecas

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    Educational quality is a topic of interest that should be a milestone in the area of ​​research; therefore, this research had the objective of identifying student perceptions regarding the quality of their teachers education, as well as determining the existence of differences between the two participating institutions. The method used was a quantitative survey type, whose instrument had a reliability of a Cronbach's alpha of .941 and a McDonald's omega of .948. There was a participation of 201 fifth and seventh semester students, belonging to two public teacher training institutions: a Normal School and a Higher Education Institution. The results indicate high and positive perceptions in relation to the quality of their teacher education; however, there are statistically significant differences in the training areas. A higher quality is highlighted in the practical and attitudinal training in the Normal School, unlike the participating Higher Education Institution; as well as a disciplinary orientation of the training in said school. The findings lead us to reflect on the normative conformation for the training of quality educational personnel for the continuous improvement of education.La calidad educativa es un tópico de interés que debe conformar un hito en el área de la investigación; por ello, la presente investigación tuvo el objetivo de identificar las percepciones estudiantiles con respecto a la calidad de su formación como profesores, así como de determinar la existencia de diferencias entre las dos instituciones participantes. El método empleado fue cuantitativo tipo encuesta, cuyo instrumento tuvo una confiabilidad de un alpha de Cronbach de .941 y un omega de McDonald de .948. Se contó con la participación de 201 estudiantes de quinto y sétimo semestre, pertenecientes a dos instituciones públicas formadoras de profesores: una Escuela Normal y un Institución de Educación Superior. Los resultados señalan percepciones altas y positivas en relación a la calidad de su formación docente; sin embargo, existen diferencias estadísticamente significativas en las áreas de formación. Se resalta una mayor calidad en la formación práctica y actitudinal en la Escuela Normal a diferencia de la Institución de Educación Superior participante; así como una orientación disciplinar de la formación en dicho centro escolar. Los hallazgos nos llevan a reflexionar sobre la conformación normativa para la formación de personal educativo de calidad para la mejora continua de la educación

    Proper Motions of the Jets in the Region of HH 30 and HL/XZ Tau. Evidence for a Binary Exciting Source of the HH 30 Jet

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    We present [SII] images of the HH 30 and HL/XZ Tau region obtained at two epochs, as well as long-slit optical spectroscopy of the HH 30 jet. We measured proper motions of about 100-300 km/s for the HH 30 jet and counterjet, and of about 120 km/s for the HL Tau jet. Inclination angles with respect to the plane of the sky are 0-40 deg for the HH 30 jet and 60 deg for the HL Tau jet. Comparison with previous observations suggests that most of the jet knots consist of persisting structures. Also, we corroborate that the HH 30-N knots correspond to the head of the HH 30 jet. The overall HH 30 jet structure can be well described by a wiggling ballistic jet, arising either by the orbital motion of the jet source around a primary or by precession of the jet axis because of the tidal effects of a companion. In the first scenario, the orbital period would be 53 yr and the total mass 0.25-2 solar masses. In the precession scenario, the mass of the jet source would be 0.1-1 solar masses, the orbital period <1 yr, and the mass of the companion less than a few times 0.01 solar masses, thus being a substellar object or a giant exoplanet. In both scenarios a binary system with a separation <18 AU (<0.13 arcsec) is required. Since the radius of the flared disk observed with the HST is about 250 AU, we conclude that this disk appears to be circumbinary rather than circumstellar, suggesting that the search for the collimating agent of the HH 30 jet should be carried out at much smaller scales.Comment: 42 pages, 7 figures, 5 tables. To Appear in The Astronomical Journal, Vol. 133 No. 6 (June 2007

    Desarrollo de un modelo Multifactorial y dinámico para la medición de los intangibles de empresas de manufactura

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    The present investigation treats on the development of a model multifactorial and dynamicall(MFD) for the measurement of the intangible ones apllied to companies of manufacture located in Peru. The developed model will allow to prove(try) that the knowledge is the differential one of competitiveness of the companies, in spite of the fact that the traditional accounting is not enabled to measure these aspects today in day. In this work there are analyzed the companies of Peruvian manufacture to know until point his information about his indicators that they handle they serve to identify the intangible one(the intellectual capital) With the purpose of which in some moment an own(proper) model could be standardized for the measurement of the intangible ones of the companies of manufacture of Peru.La presente investigación trata sobre el desarrollo de un modelo multifactorial y dinámico(MFD) para la medición de los intangibles aplicados a empresas de manufactura localizadas en el Perú. El modelo desarrollo permitirá probar que el conocimiento es un diferencial de competitividad tradicional no está habilitada para medir estos aspectos hoy en día. En este trabajo se analiza una de las empresas de manufactura peruana para saber hasta que punto la información sobre sus indicadores que manejan sirven para identificar el intangible(capital intelectual) con la finalidad que en algún momento se pueda estandarizar un modelo propio para la medición de los intangibles de las empresas de manufactura del Perú

    Bifactorial analysis and construct validity of the Out-group Threat Perception Scale against HIV-positive immigrants in a sample of Peruvian adults

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    Indexado en ScopusEn la actualidad se evidenciado aumento de los desplazamientos provocados por conflictos, persecuciones, falta de oportunidades, seguridad, entre otras razones, inscrementando la población de migrante en países de América Latina. Se destaca los desplazados venezolanos, siendo Perú el segundo país de Latinoamérica con más de esta población de migrantes. Estudios han alertado sobre la desvalorización de los migrantes y especialmente aquellos que vivan con enfermedades infectocontagiosas como es el VIH. Los ciudadanos autóctonos del país receptor, percirbe la presencia del exogrupo como amenazas a sus derechos sociales relacionándose con actitudes negativas, que se ha ido poteciando por los medios de comunicación. Por tanto, es importante realizar estudios que estimen el discernimiento de amenazas exogrupal estrechamente hacia los migrantes. El objetivo evaluar las evidencias psicométricas del instrumento de medición EPAE en una muestra de adultos peruanos frente a los inmigrantes VIH. El análisis de los ítems y de confiabilidad demostró un adecuado funcionamiento a excepción de los ítems 4, 5, 11 y 12. Se propone utilizar el modelo 2, el cual consta de 9 agregados, confirmado por los diferentes índices estadísticos (X2/gl=3.49; WMRM=1.124; NFI=0.993; CFI=0.995; GFI=0.997; RMSEA=0.045; SRMR=0.035). Según los valores del análisis bifactor no existe suficiente evidencia para asumir un factor general, se recomienda trabajar con dimensiones independientes. Es importante la identificación de percepción de amenazas reales, debido a que investigaciones han evidenciado que el estigma asociado con el VIH constituye uno de los mayores obstáculos para la prevención de nuevas infecciones.Currently, there is evidence of an increase in displacement caused by conflicts, persecution, lack of opportunities, security, among other reasons, increasing the migrant population in Latin American countries. The displaced Venezuelans stand out, with Peru being the second country in Latin America with more than this population of migrants. Studies have warned about the devaluation of migrants and especially those who live with infectious diseases such as HIV. The autochthonous citizens of the receiving country perceive the presence of the outgroup as threats to their social rights, related to negative attitudes, which has been promoted by the media. Therefore, it is important to carry out studies that estimate the discernment of out-group threats closely towards migrants. The objective is to evaluate the psychometric evidence of the EPAE measurement instrument in a sample of Peruvian adults compared to HIV immigrants. The analysis of the items and reliability showed an adequate functioning with the exception of items 4, 5, 11 and 12. It is proposed to use model 2, which consists of 9 aggregates, confirmed by the different statistical indices (X2/df= 3.49; WMRM=1.124; NFI=0.993; CFI=0.995; GFI=0.997; RMSEA=0.045; SRMR=0.035). Given the values of the bifactor analysis, there is not enough evidence to assume a general factor, it is recommended to work with independent dimensions. It is important to identify the perception of real threats, since research has shown that the stigma associated with HIV constitutes one of the greatest obstacles to the prevention of new infections.Revisión por pare

    Leadership in Orchestra Emerges from the Causal Relationships of Movement Kinematics

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    Non-verbal communication enables efficient transfer of information among people. In this context, classic orchestras are a remarkable instance of interaction and communication aimed at a common aesthetic goal: musicians train for years in order to acquire and share a non-linguistic framework for sensorimotor communication. To this end, we recorded violinists' and conductors' movement kinematics during execution of Mozart pieces, searching for causal relationships among musicians by using the Granger Causality method (GC). We show that the increase of conductor-to-musicians influence, together with the reduction of musician-to-musician coordination (an index of successful leadership) goes in parallel with quality of execution, as assessed by musical experts' judgments. Rigorous quantification of sensorimotor communication efficacy has always been complicated and affected by rather vague qualitative methodologies. Here we propose that the analysis of motor behavior provides a potentially interesting tool to approach the rather intangible concept of aesthetic quality of music and visual communication efficacy

    Electromyographic Activity of Hand Muscles in a Motor Coordination Game: Effect of Incentive Scheme and Its Relation with Social Capital

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    Background. A vast body of social and cognitive psychology studies in humans reports evidence that external rewards, typically monetary ones, undermine intrinsic motivation. These findings challenge the standard selfish-rationality assumption at the core of economic reasoning. In the present work we aimed at investigating whether the different modulation of a given monetary reward automatically and unconsciously affects effort and performance of participants involved in a game devoid of visual and verbal interaction and without any perspective-taking activity. Methodology/Principal Findings Twelve pairs of participants were submitted to a simple motor coordination game while recording the electromyographic activity of First Dorsal Interosseus (FDI), the muscle mainly involved in the task. EMG data show a clear effect of alternative rewards strategies on subjects' motor behavior. Moreover, participants' stock of relevant past social experiences, measured by a specifically designed questionnaire, was significantly correlated with EMG activity, showing that only low social capital subjects responded to monetary incentives consistently with a standard rationality prediction. Conclusions/Significance Our findings show that the effect of extrinsic motivations on performance may arise outside social contexts involving complex cognitive processes due to conscious perspective-taking activity. More importantly, the peculiar performance of low social capital individuals, in agreement with standard economic reasoning, adds to the knowledge of the circumstances that makes the crowding out/in of intrinsic motivation likely to occur. This may help in improving the prediction and accuracy of economic models and reconcile this puzzling effect of external incentives with economic theory

    Effectiveness of an intervention for improving drug prescription in primary care patients with multimorbidity and polypharmacy:Study protocol of a cluster randomized clinical trial (Multi-PAP project)

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    This study was funded by the Fondo de Investigaciones Sanitarias ISCIII (Grant Numbers PI15/00276, PI15/00572, PI15/00996), REDISSEC (Project Numbers RD12/0001/0012, RD16/0001/0005), and the European Regional Development Fund ("A way to build Europe").Background: Multimorbidity is associated with negative effects both on people's health and on healthcare systems. A key problem linked to multimorbidity is polypharmacy, which in turn is associated with increased risk of partly preventable adverse effects, including mortality. The Ariadne principles describe a model of care based on a thorough assessment of diseases, treatments (and potential interactions), clinical status, context and preferences of patients with multimorbidity, with the aim of prioritizing and sharing realistic treatment goals that guide an individualized management. The aim of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of a complex intervention that implements the Ariadne principles in a population of young-old patients with multimorbidity and polypharmacy. The intervention seeks to improve the appropriateness of prescribing in primary care (PC), as measured by the medication appropriateness index (MAI) score at 6 and 12months, as compared with usual care. Methods/Design: Design:pragmatic cluster randomized clinical trial. Unit of randomization: family physician (FP). Unit of analysis: patient. Scope: PC health centres in three autonomous communities: Aragon, Madrid, and Andalusia (Spain). Population: patients aged 65-74years with multimorbidity (≥3 chronic diseases) and polypharmacy (≥5 drugs prescribed in ≥3months). Sample size: n=400 (200 per study arm). Intervention: complex intervention based on the implementation of the Ariadne principles with two components: (1) FP training and (2) FP-patient interview. Outcomes: MAI score, health services use, quality of life (Euroqol 5D-5L), pharmacotherapy and adherence to treatment (Morisky-Green, Haynes-Sackett), and clinical and socio-demographic variables. Statistical analysis: primary outcome is the difference in MAI score between T0 and T1 and corresponding 95% confidence interval. Adjustment for confounding factors will be performed by multilevel analysis. All analyses will be carried out in accordance with the intention-to-treat principle. Discussion: It is essential to provide evidence concerning interventions on PC patients with polypharmacy and multimorbidity, conducted in the context of routine clinical practice, and involving young-old patients with significant potential for preventing negative health outcomes. Trial registration: Clinicaltrials.gov, NCT02866799Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Abstracts from the Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Meeting 2016

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    Using Arduino microcontroller boards to measure response latencies

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    Latencies of buttonpresses are a staple of cognitive science paradigms. Often keyboards are employed to collect buttonpresses, but their imprecision and variability decreases test power and increases the risk of false positives. Response boxes and data acquisition cards are precise, but expensive and inflexible, alternatives. We propose using open-source Arduino microcontroller boards as an inexpensive and flexible alternative. These boards connect to standard experimental software using a USB connection and a virtual serial port, or by emulating a keyboard. In our solution, an Arduino measures response latencies after being signaled the start of a trial, and communicates the latency and response back to the PC over a USB connection. We demonstrated the reliability, robustness, and precision of this communication in six studies. Test measures confirmed that the error added to the measurement had an SD of less than 1 ms. Alternatively, emulation of a keyboard results in similarly precise measurement. The Arduino performs as well as a serial response box, and better than a keyboard. In addition, our setup allows for the flexible integration of other sensors, and even actuators, to extend the cognitive science toolbox. The final publication is available at Springer via http://link.springer.co