148 research outputs found

    Sustainable one-pot immobilization of enzymes in/on metal-organic framework materials

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    peer-reviewedThe industrial use of enzymes generally necessitates their immobilization onto solid supports. The well-known high affinity of enzymes for metal-organic framework (MOF) materials, together with the great versatility of MOFs in terms of structure, composition, functionalization and synthetic approaches, has led the scientific community to develop very different strategies for the immobilization of enzymes in/on MOFs. This review focuses on one of these strategies, namely, the one-pot enzyme immobilization within sustainable MOFs, which is particularly enticing as the resultant biocomposite Enzyme@MOFs have the potential to be: (i) prepared in situ, that is, in just one step; (ii) may be synthesized under sustainable conditions: with water as the sole solvent at room temperature with moderate pHs, etc.; (iii) are able to retain high enzyme loading; (iv) have negligible protein leaching; and (v) give enzymatic activities approaching that given by the corresponding free enzymes. Moreover, this methodology seems to be near-universal, as success has been achieved with different MOFs, with different enzymes and for different applications. So far, the metal ions forming the MOF materials have been chosen according to their low price, low toxicity and, of course, their possibility for generating MOFs at room temperature in water, in order to close the cycle of economic, environmental and energy sustainability in the synthesis, application and disposal life cycle

    Flower induction and development in saffron: Timing and hormone signalling pathways

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    [EN] The demand for saffron is expected to rise in the coming years due to its nutraceutical and medicinal properties. To cope with this, it will be necessary to develop a mechanised production of saffron. Upgrading the production methods requires accurate control of the flowering time in this species. Nevertheless, little is known about the control of flowering time in Crocus sativus L. The aim of this study is to gain insight into the floral induction regulatory networks operating in this species. A transcriptomic analysis was performed from saffron main buds in different stages of development. The identification of putative integrators of flowering time signals, like FT, as well as meristem identity genes, such as LFY and TFL1, permitted the definition of the time of flowering induction of the buds, being able to use them as molecular markers. The identification of the transcripts encoded by a DROOPING LEAF-like (DL) gene is of particular relevance because this gene might be a novel factor for carpel specification in saffron. To elucidate the hormonal signalling networks working during flower induction, transcriptomic data were used, and the content of IAA, ABA and gibberellins was determined in competent and non-competent buds to flower, during the saffron life cycle. Our results suggested that ABA might be negatively regulating corm dormancy release, but its involvement in flower induction cannot be ruled out. ABI5 and the mediator of ABA regulated dormancy gene MARD1, could be key players of this pathway. In addition, a drop in GA4 levels may also be a necessary, but insufficient, condition for floral induction and development. DELLA, TFL1 and PIF3 genes might be involved in the gibberellin pathway. Notably, IAA seems to be a positive regulator of the process, involving MP/ARF5 and ANT genes in the pathway. Taken together, these results pave the way to the unveiling of the regulatory networks controlling the vegetative-to-reproductive phase change in saffron.The activities of this study have been supported by a project funded by the "Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovacion y Universidades de Espana" [AGL2016-77078-R].Renau-Morata, B.; Nebauer, SG.; García-Carpintero, V.; Cañizares Sales, J.; Minguet, E.; De Los Mozos, M.; Molina Romero, RV. (2021). Flower induction and development in saffron: Timing and hormone signalling pathways. Industrial Crops and Products. 164:1-19. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.indcrop.2021.113370S11916

    Propuesta de cambio en organizaciones actuales desde la estrategia de los recursos intangibles

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    Hoy se habla cada vez más de las organizaciones basadas en el conocimiento, lo cual ha hecho que las organizaciones se ocupen con gran interés de cómo crearlo, utilizarlo de manera eficaz, y compartirlo. Nace así la denominada era o sociedad de la información y del conocimiento. Teniendo en cuenta esta realidad que también se encuentra presente en nuestra región se propone este proyecto que tiene por finalidad diseñar desarrollar, modelar estratégicamente propuestas de cambio que permitan a las organizaciones actuales Gestionar sus Recursos Intangibles. Para lograr este objetivo es necesario poder vincular las herramientas de TIC con la GC y de esta manera fortalecer la gestión. La investigación aplicada que se propone permitirá una capacitación y entrenamiento para analizar, modelar, diseñar y valorar estratégicamente el cambio mediante la Gestión de los Recursos Intangibles. Toda la experiencia y los resultados que se obtengan se transferirán y difundirán mediante actividades formales y sistémicas.Eje: Base de datos y minería de datosRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Gender- and hydration-associated differences in the physiological response to spinning

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    UniveIntroduction: There is scarce and inconsistent information about gender-related differences in the hydration of sports persons, as well as about the effects of hydration on performance, especially during indoor sports. Objective: To determine the physiological differences between genders during in indoor physical exercise, with and without hydration. Methods: 21 spinning sportspeople (12 men and 9 women) participated in three controlled, randomly assigned and non-sequential hydration protocols, including no fluid intake and hydration with plain water or a sports drink (volume adjusted to each individual every 15 min), during 90 min of spinning exercise. The response variables included body mass, body temperature, heart rate and blood pressure. Results: During exercise without hydration, men and women lost ~2% of body mass, and showed higher body temperature (~0.2°C), blood pressure (~4 mmHg) and heart rate (~7 beats/min) compared to exercises with hydration. Body temperature and blood pressure were higher for men than for women during exercise without hydration, differences not observed during exercise with hydration. Between 42-99% of variance in body temperature, blood pressure and heart rate could be explained by the physical characteristics of subjects and the work done. Conclusions: During exercise with hydration (either with water or sport drink), the physiological response was similar for both genders. Exercise without hydration produced physical stress, which could be prevented with either of the fluids (plain water was sufficient). Gender differences in the physiological response to spinning (body temperature, mean blood pressure and heart rate) can be explained in part by the distinct physical characteristics of each individual. (Nutr Hosp. 2014;29:644-651) DOI:10.3305/nh.2014.29.3.701

    The targeted overexpression of SlCDF4 in the fruit enhances tomato size and yield involving gibberellin signalling

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    [EN] Tomato is one of the most widely cultivated vegetable crops and a model for studying fruit biology. Although several genes involved in the traits of fruit quality, development and size have been identified, little is known about the regulatory genes controlling its growth. In this study, we characterized the role of the tomato SlCDF4 gene in fruit development, a cycling DOF-type transcription factor highly expressed in fruits. The targeted overexpression of SlCDF4 gene in the fruit induced an increased yield based on a higher amount of both water and dry matter accumulated in the fruits. Accordingly, transcript levels of genes involved in water transport and cell division and expansion during the fruit enlargement phase also increased. Furthermore, the larger amount of biomass partitioned to the fruit relied on the greater sink strength of the fruits induced by the increased activity of sucrose-metabolising enzymes. Additionally, our results suggest a positive role of SlCDF4 in the gibberellin-signalling pathway through the modulation of GA(4) biosynthesis. Finally, the overexpression of SlCDF4 also promoted changes in the profile of carbon and nitrogen compounds related to fruit quality. Overall, our results unveil SlCDF4 as a new key factor controlling tomato size and composition.Renau-Morata, B.; Carrillo, L.; Cebolla Cornejo, J.; Molina Romero, RV.; Martí-Renau, R.; Domínguez-Figueroa, J.; Vicente-Carbajosa, J.... (2020). The targeted overexpression of SlCDF4 in the fruit enhances tomato size and yield involving gibberellin signalling. Scientific Reports. 10(1):1-14. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-020-67537-x1141011FAO. Crops production database. FAOSTAT. Latest update: 04/03/2020. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Rome https://www.fao.org/faostat (2018).Willcox, J. K., Catignani, G. L. & Lazarus, S. Tomatoes and cardiovascular health. Crit. Rev. Food Sci. 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    Ongoing Evolution in the Genus Crocus: Diversityof Flowering Strategies on the Way to Hysteranthy

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    [EN] Species of the genus Crocus are found over a wide range of climatic areas. In natural habitats, these geophytes diverge in the flowering strategies. This variability was assessed by analyzing the flowering traits of the Spanish collection of wild crocuses, preserved in the Bank of Plant Germplasm of Cuenca. Plants of the seven Spanish species were analyzed both in their natural environments (58 native populations) and in common garden experiments (112 accessions). Differences among species observed in the native habitats were maintained under uniform environmental conditions, suggesting a genetic basis for flowering mechanisms. Two eco-morphological types, autumn- and spring-flowering species, share similar patterns of floral induction and differentiation period in summer. The optimal temperature for this process was 23 degrees C for both types. Unlike Irano-Turanian crocuses, spring-flowering Spanish species do not require low winter temperatures for flower elongation. Hysteranthous crocuses flower in autumn prior to leaf elongation. We conclude that the variability in flowering traits in crocuses is related to the genetic and environmental regulation of flower primordia differentiation and elongation prior to emergence above the soil surface. The elucidation of the physiological differences between eco-morphological types of crocuses: synanthous with cold requirements and synanthous and hysteranthous without cold requirements, unlocks a new approach to the flowering evolution of geophytes in Mediterranean regions. Crocus species can serve both as a new model in the study of the molecular basis of hysteranthy and for the purposes of developing the molecular markers for desirable flowering traits.The collection activities of plant materials included in this study were mainly supported by successive Spanish research projects funded by the "Instituto Nacional de Investigacion y Tecnologia Agraria y Alimentaria" [INIA RF2004-00032-C03, INIA RF2008-00012-C03, INIA RF2011-00005-C03], co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF-FEDER), and also by means of the European Action 018 Agri Gen Res (CrocusBank). The activities of PhD. TPF were supported by a pre-doctoral grant from the "Instituto Nacional de Investigacion y Tecnologia Agraria y Alimentaria" within the framework of the project INIA RF2011-0005-C03-01. The preservation of these materials in the facilities of the Bank of Plant Germplasm of Cuenca (CIAF Albaladejito -IRIAF), as part of the Spanish Germplasm Collection of Saffron and other Crocus, is currently supported by the Spanish National Program for Conservation and Utilization of Plant Genetic Resources for Agriculture and Food (action INIA RFP2014-00012). Some activities have been also funded by the "Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovacion y Universidades de Espana" [AGL2016-77078-R].Pastor-Férriz, T.; De-Los-Mozos-Pascual, M.; Renau-Morata, B.; Nebauer, SG.; Sanchís, E.; Busconi, M.; Fernández, J.... (2021). Ongoing Evolution in the Genus Crocus: Diversityof Flowering Strategies on the Way to Hysteranthy. Plants. 10(3):1-18. https://doi.org/10.3390/plants1003047711810

    Multifaceted role of cycling DOF factor 3 (CDF3) in the regulation of flowering time and abiotic stress responses in Arabidopsis

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    [EN] DNA-binding with one finger (DOF)-type transcription factors are involved in many fundamental processes in higher plants, from responses to light and phytohormones to flowering time and seed maturation, but their relation with abiotic stress tolerance is largely unknown. Here, we identify the roles of CDF3, an Arabidopsis DOF gene in abiotic stress responses and developmental processes like flowering time. CDF3 is highly induced by drought, extreme temperatures and abscisic acid treatment. The CDF3 T-DNA insertion mutant cdf3-1 is much more sensitive to drought and low temperature stress, whereas CDF3 overexpression enhances the tolerance of transgenic plants to drought, cold and osmotic stress and promotes late flowering. Transcriptome analysis revealed that CDF3 regulates a set of genes involved in cellular osmoprotection and oxidative stress, including the stress tolerance transcription factors CBFs, DREB2A and ZAT12, which involve both gigantea-dependent and independent pathways. Consistently, metabolite profiling disclosed that the total amount of some protective metabolites including -aminobutyric acid, proline, glutamine and sucrose were higher in CDF3-overexpressing plants. Taken together, these results indicate that CDF3 plays a multifaceted role acting on both flowering time and abiotic stress tolerance, in part by controlling the CBF/DREB2A-CRT/DRE and ZAT10/12 modules.We thank Dr Pablo Gonzalez-Melendi and Dr Jan Zouhar for technical handling of the confocal microscope and Dr Rafael Catala for the assistance with the low temperature stress assays. This work was supported by grants from Instituto Nacional de Investigacion y Tecnologia Agraria y Alimentaria (INIA; projects 2009-0004-C01, 2012-0008-C01), Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (projects BIO2010-1487, BFU2013-49665-EXP). A.R.C. and J.D.F. were supported by INIA pre-doctoral fellowshipsCorrales, AR.; Carrillo, L.; Lasierra, P.; Nebauer, SG.; Dominguez-Figueroa, J.; Renau-Morata, B.; Pollmann, S.... (2017). Multifaceted role of cycling DOF factor 3 (CDF3) in the regulation of flowering time and abiotic stress responses in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell & Environment. 40(5):748-764. https://doi.org/10.1111/pce.12894S748764405Achard, P., Gong, F., Cheminant, S., Alioua, M., Hedden, P., & Genschik, P. (2008). The Cold-Inducible CBF1 Factor–Dependent Signaling Pathway Modulates the Accumulation of the Growth-Repressing DELLA Proteins via Its Effect on Gibberellin Metabolism. The Plant Cell, 20(8), 2117-2129. doi:10.1105/tpc.108.058941Ahuja, I., de Vos, R. C. H., Bones, A. 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    New Insights about How to Make an Intervention in Children and Adolescents with Metabolic Syndrome: Diet, Exercise vs. Changes in Body Composition. A Systematic Review of RCT

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    Objective: To record which interventions produce the greatest variations in body composition in patients ≤19 years old with metabolic syndrome (MS). Method: search dates between 2005 and 2017 in peer reviewed journals, following the PRISMA method (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analyses). The selection criteria were: diagnostic for MS or at least a criterion for diagnosis; randomized clinical trials, ≤19 years of age; intervention programs that use diet and/or exercise as a tool (interventions showing an interest in body composition). Results: 1781 clinical trials were identified under these criteria but only 0.51% were included. The most frequent characteristics of the selected clinical trials were that they used multidisciplinary interventions and were carried out in America. The most utilized parameters were BMI (body mass index) in kg/m2 and BW (body weight) in kg. Conclusions: Most of the clinical trials included had been diagnosed through at least 2 diagnostic criteria for MS. Multidisciplinary interventions obtained greater changes in body composition in patients with MS. This change was especially prevalent in the combinations of dietary interventions and physical exercise. It is proposed to follow the guidelines proposed for patients who are overweight, obese, or have diabetes type 2, and extrapolate these strategies as recommendations for future clinical trials designed for patients with MS.This research is partially supported by Generalitat Valenciana, Grant GV/2017/177

    Arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis modulates the apocarotenoid biosynthetic pathway in saffron

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    [EN] Crocus sativus L. (saffron) has been propagated for millennia to produce the precious spice saffron from the red stigmas. The inebriant organoleptic and bioactive properties mainly depend on the content of crocins (dyeing capacity), picrocrocin (flavor), and safranal (aroma), apocarotenoids deriving from zeaxanthin. In this study, an integrated biochemical and molecular analysis was carried out on fresh saffron stigmas to investigate the in-fluence exerted by the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus (AMF) Rhizophagus intraradices on the production of the main saffron apocarotenoids responsible for the properties of the spice. Since mineral enrichment due to AM symbiosis has been related to changes in the secondary metabolism of plants, the mineral content of saffron corms at flowering was also analyzed. Rare arbuscules (AMF trade structures) were found in mycorrhized plants. However, the expression of D27, CCD7, and NCED involved in the synthesis of strigolactones (SLs) and abscisic acid (ABA), which promote AM symbiosis, did not change in the stigmas. The transcription of beta-LYC and CCD4a/ b was not affected by AMF, whereas that of CCD2, which encodes the key enzyme producing major apocar-otenoids, was upregulated. The crocin content was reduced in treated plants even if the expression of ALDH, UGT74AD1, and UGT91P3, involved in crocin synthesis, did not change. Conversely, UGT709G1, implicated in picrocrocin synthesis, was overexpressed in the inoculated plants, thus the safranal content was increased in the spice.This research was funded by the program Interreg V-A Francia Italia Alcotra (Grant No. 1139 "ANTEA - Attivita innovative per lo sviluppo della filiera transfrontaliera del fiore edule"; and grant no. 8336 "ANTES-Fiori eduli e piante aromatiche: attivita capitalizzazione dei progetti ANTEA ed ESSICA").Stelluti, S.; Grasso, G.; Nebauer, SG.; Alonso, GL.; Renau-Morata, B.; Caser, M.; Demasi, S.... (2024). Arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis modulates the apocarotenoid biosynthetic pathway in saffron. Scientia Horticulturae. 323. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scienta.2023.11244132

    Xylem anatomical study in diverse Capsicum sp. accessions, implication to drought tolerance

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    Drought is a limiting factor for plant survival and food production. Plants have developed various strategies in response to this stress. The immediate response to drought is the closure of the stomata. However, it prevents the transpiration and the photosynthesis. From the point of view of crops, it is interesting the ability of the plants to keep photosynthesizing under drought. Leaf water content is affected by the difference among leaf and soil water potentials (Ψleaf-Ψh) and by the xylem-specific hydraulic conductivity (Ks). It has been hypothesized that the number and diameter of the xylem vessels would affect the drought tolerance. In this experiment the influence of the xylem anatomy in the tolerance to water stress of three Capsicum sp accessions: Bol 58, Piquillo, Chimayo was studied. Plants were grown in plastic pots filled with soil:sand mixture in a glasshouse at UPV, during spring season. Two different treatments were used in the assay: normal irrigation and restricted irrigation (50% less irrigated than the control). Three and a half months after transplantation plants were harvested; roots, stems and fruits were weighted. Portions of the stem bases were fixed in FPA and rehydrated for the analysis of the xylem total area. Material was sectioned with a freezing microtome and dyed with phloroglucinol. Vessel element area was calculated with Autocad software. There were significant differences of biomass among genotypes and treatments. Piquillo showed lowest reduction of biomass under stress. The genotypes studied showed differences in the xylem structure. In addition, there were changes in the vessel diameter pattern from control to drought conditions. Generally, plants grown under water deficit reduce the number of bigger vessels (>7500µm2). Chimayo was the accession with bigger vessels, in normal and stress conditions, whereas Piquillo had smaller vessels. Therefore results showed a negative correlation between vessel size and production under stress conditions. Big vessels are prone to cavitation and a high proportion of small vessel may contribute to maintain Ks without collapse risk.Guijarro Real, C.; Molina Romero, RV.; Pérez Domingo, T.; Ribes Moya, AM.; Rodríguez Burruezo, A.; Fita, A. (2014). Xylem anatomical study in diverse Capsicum sp. accessions, implication to drought tolerance. Bulletin of University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca : Horticulture. 71(2):256-260. doi:10.15835/buasvmcn-hort:1067625626071