2,752 research outputs found

    Comportamiento proambiental del visitante en el Parque Nacional “Desierto de los Leones”.

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    Las áreas naturales protegidas representan un importante producto para la actividad turística debido a la belleza de sus paisajes y su diversidad biológica. Sin embargo, el turismo ha cobrado especial relevancia para la conservación de las áreas protegidas, para el disfrute del ser humano y para contribuir al desarrollo económico de las comunidades locales. El visitante, por ser uno de los actores principales dentro de estos espacios, constituye un factor determinante para su conservación o por el contrario para su degradación


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    The development of economic activity and the rise in foreign direct investment (FDI) in recent decades has prompted a great deal of research into the phenomenon of multinational companies. A vast amount of empirical literature on FDI catalogues a long list of determinants that try to explain direct investment by multinational companies in a particular location, but it is noticeable that the results are not always consensual. This article provides a review of the theoretical approaches to and empirical studies on FDI in an attempt to single out the most robust factors for explaining the geographic distribution of FDI flows worldwide. It also suggests paths for future research in this area.FDI, determinants of FDI, literature review

    O alívio do sofrimento do doente crónico como foco do cuidar

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    Resumo/ Abstract - Compreender e aliviar o sofrimento humano devem ser entendidos como elementos fundamentais do cuidar, constituindo-se mesmo um dever moral e ético para os Enfermeiros. Objetivos: conhecer a perceção da pessoa com doença crónica sobre os cuidados de enfermagem no alívio do sofrimento assim como as estratégias de coping utilizadas. Materiais e métodos: Trata-se de um estudo não experimental, descritivo-correlacional transversal e triangulado, utilizado numa amostra não probabilística por conveniência constituída por 307 doentes crónicos, maioritariamente masculina (51.1%), com uma média de idades de 64.84 anos. Os dados foram colhidos através de um questionário aplicado entre janeiro e junho de 2013 a doentes crónicos internados ou a fazer tratamentos em ambulatório em ambiente hospitalar. Foi solicitada a autorização da comissão de ética do hospital, tal como o consentimento informado de cada participante. O tratamento de dados foi efetuado estatisticamente e com análise de conteúdo. Resultados: os resultados revelam que para 74,2% dos doentes, a prestação de cuidados efectivada pelos enfermeiros alivia significativamente o seu sofrimento, estando este alivio relacionado com a disponibilidade, vontade de ajudar, dedicação e atenção demonstradas por estes profissionais. A estratégia de coping com maior impacto no alívio do sofrimento está relacionada com o “carinho e a companhia da família” (62.4%). As sugestões que apresentam para a melhoria das práticas de enfermagem, são por ordem de importância: mais carinho, simpatia, interesse, rapidez no atendimento, tempo, respeito pela dignidade das pessoas, bom senso e mais comunicação/ informação. Conclusões: o doente crónico em ambiente hospitalar apresenta de facto níveis elevados de sofrimento, sobretudo quando confrontados com a indiferença perante este, com a violação do princípio de autonomia, e consequente violação da dignidade da pessoa humana. Palavras-chave/ Key words: doença crónica; sofrimento; enfermagem.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A Depressão no Idoso

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    A depressão é considerada, hoje em dia, um problema de saúde importantíssimo, pois afeta pessoas de todas as idades, levando a sentimentos de tristeza e isolamento social que muitas vezes têm como desfecho o suicídio. Neste sentido, este estudo teve como principais objetivos determinar os níveis de depressão no idoso e verificar a influência dos aspetos sócio-demográficos, do grau de satisfação com a vida e do nível de independência nas atividades básicas de vida diária na depressão. Trata-se de um estudo quantitativo, do tipo não experimental (correlacional-descritivo), sendo a amostra não probabilística por conveniência. Participaram nele 119 idosos, com uma média de idades de 78 anos, residentes nos concelhos de Tavira, Olhão e Faro, a viver no domicílio ou a frequentar Instituições. Os resultados demonstram que a maioria dos idosos da amostra possui quadro depressivo ligeiro. Aspetos sócio-demográficos como o género, a idade, estado civil, nível de escolaridade, a institucionalização e a presença de doenças concomitantes influenciam a depressão. Também a independência nas atividades de vida diária e a satisfação com a vida influenciam a depressão, contudo de forma negativa.The depression is considered, nowadays, a very important health problem because it affects people of all ages, leading to feelings of sadness and social isolation that sometimes have suicide as outcome. So, the main objective of this study was to determine the levels of depression in the elderly, as well as the influence of the socio-demographic aspects, degree of satisfaction with life and level of independence in the basic activities of daily life. It is a quantitative study, non-experimental (descriptive-correlational), with a non-probabilistic sample of convenience. In this study participated 119 seniors with a mean age of 78 years old, residents in the zones of Tavira, Olhão and Faro, living at home, in elderly homes or having attendance at institutions. The results show that the majority of the elderly of the sample have a slight depression. Aspects socio-demographic such as gender, age, marital status, education level, the institutionalization and the presence of concomitant illnesses influence depression in the aged one. Also influence depression, especially in a negative form, the degree of independence in activities of daily life and the degree of life satisfaction

    Personality and suffering in the hospitalized chronically ill

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    The development of studies correlating personality traits with suffering in illness can be very useful to understand the chronically ill response in a transitional health/ disease process. Do the “subjective experiences of suffering in disease” correlate with personality traits of the hospitalized chronically ill? Do sociodemographic, familiar and clinical variables correlate with personality traits of the hospitalized chronically ill? The purpose of the study is to understand which “personality” traits are present in the hospitalized chronically ill, and the correlation with the “subjective experiences of suffering”, sociodemographic, familiar and clinical variables. This is a nonexperimental, cross-sectional descriptive-correlational and quantitative study, used in a non-probabilistic convenience sample of 307 hospitalized chronically ill. Data were collected through a questionnaire between January and June 2013. It was requested the permission of the Hospital de São Teotónio´s ethics committee, as well as the informed consent of each participant. Data processing was performed statistically. The participants in our study had higher values of "neuroticism" than those of the authors of the NEO-FFI-20 inventory. The variable "conscientiousness" explains 12.5% of the variance of "suffering". "Openness to experience", is associated inversely with the experience of "suffering”, which is when it increases hope and “openness to experience”, decreases the "suffering" of the chronically ill. The evidence invites us to reflect on the influence of intrinsic factors in suffering. Patients deal with life/ disease in many diferent ways, wich affects the response to the transitional health/ disease process.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The institutionalization of a new accrual-based public sector accounting system: the case of Cape Verde

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    This paper analyses the process of institutionalization of a new public sector accounting system. Taking the Cape Verdean Central Government as setting, it seeks to understand what have been the main factors interfering in the reform, how such action has led to the institutionalization of the system currently in force, and how it may determine future reforms. From the theoretical perspective of contingency, several stimuli drive the reform of public sector accounting in emerging countries. In Cape Verde, they have been: changes in the political regime, the dominating doctrine of business accounting, financial pressures, and requirement of a wider public sector reform. In the light of institutional perspectives, behaviors of seeking for legitimacy and presence of mimetic and coercive forces in the reforms, have been evident. This study makes other countries with similar contexts and under public sector accounting reforms, aware of how to promote and manage these processes successfully.This study was conducted at the Research Centre in Political Science, University of Minho, supported by the Portuguese Fundacao para a Ciencia e a Tecnologia and the Portuguese Ministry of Education and Science through national funds [UID/CPO/0758/2019]

    Fatores afetivos na resolução de problemas matemáticos desafiantes no contexto de uma competição inclusiva baseada na Web

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    Nesta comunicação, procuramos descrever os padrões de comportamento dos participantes numa competição de resolução de problemas, de natureza inclusiva e baseada na Web, no que toca à procura de ajuda para resolver os problemas propostos e aos graus de apreciação e dificuldade sentidas ao resolver os mesmos. Os resultados sustentam o carácter desafiador dos problemas do SUB12, em particular o seu grau de desafio moderado. Sugerem que os participantes procuram ajuda sobretudo junto da família e dos professores, e que gostam bastante dos desafios colocados ao longo da competição, desafios esses que consideram, em geral, ser fáceis ou de dificuldade média. Indicam ainda a existência de uma forte correlação entre o gosto e o baixo grau de dificuldade sentida, bem como entre o gosto e a ausência de necessidade de procura de ajuda. Algumas questões para investigação futura são levantadas

    The Zebrafish Kupffer’s Vesicle: A Special Organ in a Model Organism to Study Human Diseases

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    The Kupffer’s vesicle (KV) is a small, ciliated organ transiently present during embryogenesis of the zebrafish and other teleosts. The KV is required to the establishment of visceral laterality, such as the heart on the left side, being also known by the name left-right organizer (LRO). The LRO is found in other vertebrates, including mice, rabbits, frogs and human embryos. Among these, the KV became an excellent model organ to investigate the early left-right events during development and in disease. Many ciliary molecular players associated to the human disease primary ciliary dyskinesia have been tested in the zebrafish looking at KV cilia and its downstream effects on flow and left-right markers. Additionally, given its morphology and molecular features, we proposed the KV as a model organ to study the molecular mechanisms of the renal cyst inflation that occurs in the autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease. Although having no connection to the kidney, the KV mimics a renal cyst because it is a fluid-filled vesicle, lined by monociliated epithelial cells that express polycystin-2, which knockdown leads to the organ luminal enlargement through changes in ion/water epithelial transport. Here, we explore the usefulness of the zebrafish KV to model these diseases

    Selección de buenas prácticas para la inclusión social en el marco de un proyecto europeo : URBAL- 10

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    La constatación del protagonismo y relevancia que las actuaciones en torno a la “exclusión social” están cobrando dentro del ámbito municipal, así como los cambios en el planteamiento de las acciones a desarrollar y en sus objetivos, ha llevado a buscar un instrumento que permita ahondar en la calidad de las acciones que desarrollan las Administraciones Públicas. En esta línea el Área de Bienestar Social del Ayuntamiento de Málaga en el marco de un Proyecto Europeo en el que colabora con distintos socios iberoamericanos, ha llevado a cabo la elaboración, selección y divulgación de “Buenas Prácticas” con un claro fin demostrativo. Es este proceso de selección y el marco teórico donde se inserta las Buenas Prácticas el objetivo del presente trabajo.The verification of the protagonism and relevance that the performances around the social exclusion are getting paid inside the municipal environment, as well as the changes in the position of the actions to develop and in their objectives, it has taken to look for an instrument that allows to deepen in the quality of the actions that you/they develop the Public Administrations. In this line the Area of Social Well-being of the City council of Málaga in the mark of an European Project in which collaborates with different Ibero-American partners, has carried out the elaboration, selection and popularization of “Good Practical” with the purpose of that have a demonstrative character. It is this selection process and the theoretical mark where it is inserted the Good ones Practical the objective of the present work