292 research outputs found

    Educação sexual na adolescência: meio rural versus meio urbano

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    O presente estudo teve por objectivo compreender a influência do meio rural e do meio urbano nos conhecimentos dos adolescentes de ambos os sexos, na área da sexualidade. Sob uma óptica quantitativa e transversal, participaram 418 adolescentes a frequentar o 9º ano de escolaridade em escolas públicas inseridas em meios rural e urbano, aos quais foi aplicado um questionário de auto-preenchimento, procurando caracterizar os conhecimentos, as fontes de informação em matéria de sexualidade e as perspectivas acerca da concretização da educação sexual. Os resultados revelaram algumas diferenças nos conhecimentos e interesses dos adolescentes de ambos os contextos em alguns domínios específicos, evidenciando a importância de valorizar as necessidades específicas dos adolescentes e o contexto sócio-cultural e geográfico em que estes se inserem.Abstract: This study aimed to understand the influence of rural and urban settings on the knowledge of adolescents of both sexes regarding sexuality. Under a quantitative and transversal approach, with a sample of 418 adolescents attending the 9th grade in public schools, inserted in urban or rural settings, data was collected through the application of a self-fulfilled questionnaire, seeking to characterize knowledge, sources of information on the subject of sexuality and perspectives on the implementation of sex education. The results revealed some differences in knowledge and educational interests of adolescents between these contexts in some specific areas, highlighting the importance of valuing the specific needs of adolescents and the socio-cultural and geographic context where they belong

    “Theoretical, methodological and terminological issues regarding indirect translation: An overview.”

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    This article offers and overview of the current main theoretical, terminological and methodological issues regarding indirect translation defined as a translation of a translation. The first section on terminological issues addresses the terminological and semantic diversity involved in the metalanguage, clarifies terminological discrepancies and patterns, motivations, and consequences. The second section on conceptual issues highlights an array of main variables used to address indirect translation, and produces a classification based mainly on the number of intervening texts, languages and their choice, though considering further variables for the subcategorization of indirectness. The third section on methodological issues stresses the time-consuming nature of a process encompassing contextual and textual analyses, of texts and paratexts, and lists main features symptomatic of indirectness. After a brief presentation of the special issue, the article ends by identifying several open issues and further research avenues to catalyse further research on indirect translation.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    O mundo dos intergaláticos

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    Tese apresentada para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Doutor em Psicologia do Desenvolvimento,apresentada no ISPA - Instituto Universitário no ano de 2021A perspetiva organizacional e hierárquica de desenvolvimento socioemocional (Sroufe, 2005; Sroufe et al., 2005) e a investigação longitudinal (e.g., Bornstein et al., 2010; Jones et al., 2015; Trentacosta & Fine, 2010) reconhecem a importância das competências socioemocionais desenvolvidas na infância para a adaptação futura. As potencialidades da intervenção na infância média (Lucas & Soares, 2013) e a necessidade de programas de prevenção universais de menor duração conduziram ao desenvolvimento d’O Mundo dos Intergalácticos. Esta dissertação teve como objetivos: (1) avaliar as perceções dos psicólogos portugueses acerca da aceitabilidade d’O Mundo dos Intergalácticos (estudo empírico I); e (2) avaliar os benefícios da participação n’O Mundo dos Intergalácticos ao nível da redução dos problemas emocionais e comportamentais e da promoção de competências socioemocionais, na perspetiva de pais, professores e crianças (estudos empíricos 2 e 3). O estudo empírico 1 envolveu 19 psicólogos que foram distribuídos em quatro grupos focais. A análise temática dedutiva conduzida por dois investigadores independentes revelou que os psicólogos portugueses percecionaram as dinâmicas, conteúdos e materiais como aceitáveis, sugerindo apenas modificações menores no sentido de: (1) maximizar a generalização de competências, (2) acompanhar os progressos das crianças ao longo do tempo, e (3) atender às especificidades desenvolvimentais e às barreiras práticas ao envolvimento de pais e professores durante a implementação do programa de intervenção. No estudo empírico 2, participaram 11 professores de 171 crianças com idades compreendidas entre os 8 e os 12 anos que preencheram o Teacher’s Report Form, antes e após os seus alunos participarem no novo programa de intervenção. Participaram ainda 43 mães de crianças com idades compreendidas entre os 8 e os 11 anos que completaram o Child Behavior Checklist, em momentos de avaliação análogos aos dos professores. Os resultados mostraram que os professores percecionaram uma redução de magnitude pequena ao nível da psicopatologia geral, dos problemas de internalização e outros problemas (sociais e de atenção) e uma melhoria de magnitude pequena ao nível do rendimento escolar e da felicidade das crianças do pré para o pós-teste. Por sua vez, as mães percecionaram uma redução ao nível da psicopatologia geral e dos problemas externalizantes do pré para o pós-teste. O estudo empírico 3 incluiu 95 crianças com idades compreendidas entre os 8 e os 12 anos, que preencheram a Escala de Depressão, Ansiedade e Stresse para Crianças e a escala Para mim é fácil. Os resultados mostraram que a participação no programa é percecionada como benéfica para a redução da sintomatologia psicopatológica e para a promoção das competências socioemocionais globais pelas crianças mais novas (8-9 anos) e mais velhas (10-12 anos) de ambos os sexos. Os resultados preliminares d’O Mundo dos Intergalácticos são promissores, quer no que se refere à sua aceitabilidade pelos profissionais que trabalham com o público-alvo, quer no que se refere aos seus benefícios, na perspetiva de diferentes informantes.The organizational and hierarchical perspective of socioemotional development (Sroufe, 2005; Sroufe et al., 2005) and longitudinal research (e.g., Bornstein et al., 2010; Jones et al., 2015; Trentacosta & Fine, 2010) recognize the importance of the socioemotional skills developed during childhood for future adaptation. The potentialities of intervention during middle childhood (Lucas & Soares, 2013) and the need for universal prevention programs of shorter duration led to the development of O Mundo dos Intergalácticos. This dissertation aimed to: (1) evaluate the perceptions of Portuguese psychologists about the acceptability of O Mundo dos Intergalácticos (empirical study I); and (2) assess the benefits of participation in O Mundo dos Intergalácticos in terms of reducing emotional and behavioral problems and promoting socioemotional skills, according to the perspectives of parents, teachers and children (empirical studies 2 and 3). Empirical study 1 involved 19 psychologists, who were distributed into four focus groups. Deductive thematic analysis conducted by two independent researchers revealed that Portuguese psychologists perceived the dynamics, contents and materials as acceptable, suggesting only minor modifications to: (1) maximize the generalization of skills, (2) monitor children's progress over time, and (3) address developmental specificities and practical barriers to parents’ and teachers’ involvement during the implementation of the intervention program. In empirical study 2, participants were 11 teachers of 171 children aged between 8 and 12 who completed the Teacher's Report Form, before and after their students participated in the new intervention program. Forty-three mothers of children aged between 8 and 11 years who completed the Child Behavior Checklist also participated in the study, in similar assessment times when compared with teachers. The results showed that the teachers perceived a decrease of small magnitude in general psychopathology, internalizing problems and other problems (social and attention) and an improvement of small magnitude in school performance and levels of happiness of children from pre to the post-test. Conversely, mothers perceived a decrease in general psychopathology and externalizing problems from pre to post-test. Empirical study 3 included 95 children aged 8-12 years, who completed the Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale for Children and the Para Mim é Fácil Scale. The results showed that participation in the program is perceived as beneficial in decreasing psychopathological symptoms and promoting global socioemotional skills by younger (8-9 years) and older (10-12 years) children of both sexes. The preliminary results of O Mundo dos Intergalácticos are promising, concerning not only its acceptability by professionals working with the target audience, but also its benefits, from the perspective of different informants

    Ampliação da antiga fábrica da SIDUL no Vale de Alcântara

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    Dissertação de Mestrado Integrado em Arquitetura, com a especialização em Arquitetura apresentada na Faculdade de Arquitetura da Universidade de Lisboa para obtenção do grau de Mestre.Através da observação do estado da cidade torna-se clara a quantidade de áreas urbanas que aguardam por uma reestruturação. A fragmentação do tecido urbano do Vale de Alcântara resulta do abandono das antigas estruturas industriais. Estes lugares constituem uma oportunidade para valorizar o património industrial. A antiga zona industrial surgiu neste contexto após o terramoto de 1755, acontecimento que marcou e potenciou o desenvolvimento e consequente transformação do panorama rural, que até então se vivia em Alcântara. A proposta desenvolvida propõe a consolidação do local entre a LX Factory e o terreno do grupo SIL, caracterizado como um vazio urbano e composto por edifícios de carácter patrimonial, e pretende destacar a memória do lugar. Uma premissa a ter em conta aquando do desenvolvimento do plano urbano é garantia de que um espaço público é devolvido às pessoas, dada a escassez de espaços públicos qualificados na cidade. O elemento, à escala arquitetónica, foca-se nas preexistências industriais da antiga fábrica da Sidul. A estratégia de requalificação procura elaborar formas de adaptação de novos volumes edificados à estrutura existente. É neste momento que este elemento constituinte do património industrial deixa de ser um constrangimento para a ampliação do edifício e passa a ser um elemento essencial na definição do lugar. O diálogo entre o passado e o presente é evidenciado através das materialidades e formas adotadas no decorrer do desenvolvimento desta intervenção.ABSTRACT: By observing the state of the city, it becomes clear the number of urban areas awaiting restructuring. The fragmentation of Alcântara valley’s urban fabric results from the abandonment of the old industrial structures. Thus, these places constitute an opportunity to prize industry’s heritage. The old industry area arises in the context after the 1755’s earthquake, an event that determined and enhanced the further development, as well as the subsequent transformation of the rural panorama lived in Alcântara until then. The developed proposal suggests the consolidation of the area between LX Factory and SIL group’s land. Characterised by urban emptiness and composed by patrimonial character’s buildings, the present proposal aims to emphasize the memory of this place. A premise to be taken into account throughout the development of the urban plan is the guarantee that a public space is returned to people, given the scarcity of qualified public spaces in the city. On the architectural scale, the element focuses on the old Sidul factory industrial pre-existences. The requalification strategy seeks to develop ways of adapting new volumes built to the existing structure. At this moment, this industrial heritage’s element ceases to be a constraint to the enlargement of the building, therefore becoming an essential asset in the local essence. A dialogue between the past and the present is evidenced through the materialities, as well as the forms adopted in the course of the development of this intervention.N/

    Analysis of Y-chromosome and mtDNA variability in the Madeira Archipelago population

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    The Atlantic archipelago of Madeira is made up of two islands (Madeira and Porto Santo) with 250,000 inhabitants. These islands were discovered and settled by the Portuguese in the 15th century and played an important role in the complex Atlantic trade network in the following centuries. The genetic composition of the Madeira Islands’ population was investigated by analyzing Y-chromosomal bi-allelic and STR markers in three different regions of the main island plus Porto Santo. We compared the results with mtDNA data and used the Y-chromosome STRs to determine the variability within each haplogroup. A sample of 142 unrelated males divided into four groups (Funchal City, West Madeira, North and East Madeira and Porto Santo) were analyzed. Significant genetic differences between these regions and the population of Funchal were found. The population of Funchal had lower gene diversity than expected.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Y-chromosome lineages in Cabo Verde Islands witness the diverse geographic origin of its first male settlers

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    The Y-chromosome haplogroup composition of the population of the Cabo Verde Archipelago was profiled by using 32 single-nucleotide polymorphism markers and compared with potential source populations from Iberia, west Africa, and the Middle East. According to the traditional view, the major proportion of the founding population of Cabo Verde was of west African ancestry with the addition of a minor fraction of male colonizers from Europe. Unexpectedly, more than half of the paternal lineages (53.5%) of Cabo Verdeans clustered in haplogroups I, J, K, and R1, which are characteristic of populations of Europe and the Middle East, while being absent in the probable west African source population of Guiné-Bissau. Moreover, a high frequency of J* lineages in Cabo Verdeans relates them more closely to populations of the Middle East and probably provides the first genetic evidence of the legacy of the Jews. In addition, the considerable proportion (20.5%) of E3b(xM81) lineages indicates a possible gene flow from the Middle East or northeast Africa, which, at least partly, could be ascribed to the Sephardic Jews. In contrast to the predominance of west African mitochondrial DNA haplotypes in their maternal gene pool, the major west African Y-chromosome lineage E3a was observed only at a frequency of 15.9%. Overall, these results indicate that gene flow from multiple sources and various sex-specific patterns have been important in the formation of the genomic diversity in the Cabo Verde islands.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Y-chromosome lineages from Portugal, Madeira and Açores record rlements of sephardim and berber ancestry

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    A total of 553 Y-chromosomes were analyzed from mainland Portugal and the North Atlantic Archipelagos of Ac¸ores and Madeira, in order to characterize the genetic composition of their male gene pool. A large majority (78–83% of each population) of the male lineages could be classified as belonging to three basic Y chromosomal haplogroups, R1b, J, and E3b. While R1b, accounting for more than half of the lineages in any of the Portuguese subpopulations, is a characteristic marker of many different West European populations, haplogroups J and E3b consist of lineages that are typical of the circum-Mediterranean region or even East Africa. The highly diverse haplogroup E3b in Portuguese likely combines sub-clades of distinct origins. The present composition of the Y chromosomes in Portugal in this haplogroup likely reflects a pre-Arab component shared with North African populations or testifies, at least in part, to the influence of Sephardic Jews. In contrast to the marginally low sub-Saharan African Y chromosome component in Portuguese, such lineages have been detected at a moderately high frequency in our previous survey of mtDNA from the same samples, indicating the presence of sex-related gene flow, most likely mediated by the Atlantic slave trade.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    DAZ gene copies: evidence of Y chromosome evolution

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    The DAZ gene, a contributing factor in infertility, lies on the human Y chromosome's AZFc region, whose deletion is a common cause of spermatogenic failure. Y chromosome binary polymorphisms on the non-recombining Y (NRY) region, believed to be a single occurrence on an evolutionary scale, were typed in a sample of fertile and infertile men with known DAZ backgrounds. The Y single-nucleotide polymorphisms (Y-SNPs) with low mutation rates are currently well characterized and permit the construction of a unique phylogeny of haplogroups. DAZ haplotypes were defined using single-nucleotide variant (SNV)/sequence tagged-site (STS) markers to distinguish between the four copies of the gene. The variation of 10 Y chromosome short tandem repeat (STRs) was used to determine the coalescence age of DAZ haplotypes in a comparable time frame similar to that of SNP haplogroups. An association between DAZ haplotypes and Y chromosome haplogroups was found, and our data show that the DAZ gene is not under selective constraints and its evolution depends only on the mutation rate. The same variants were common to fertile and infertile men, although partial DAZ deletions occurred only in infertile men, suggesting that those should only be used as a tool for infertility diagnosis when analysed in combination with haplogroup determinations.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Harnessing Dendritic Cell Reprogramming to Elucidate Mechanisms of Tumor Immunity

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    The presence of conventional dendritic cells type 1 (cDC1) in the tumor correlates with positive treatment outcome. The ability to cross-present neoantigens and prime protective CD8+ T-cell responses, makes cDC1s central for tumor immunity. However, in tumors cDC1 are rare and often functionally impaired. Our group reported that overexpression of the transcription factors PU.1, IRF8 and BATF3 (PIB) converts mouse and human fibroblasts into cross-presenting cDC1-like cells. We employed the minimal gene regulatory network of highly immunogenic cDC1 and restored the immunogenicity of low immunogenic lung cancer and melanoma cell lines by reprogramming into professional tumor antigen presenting cells (tumor-APCs). Here, we report that upon transduction with PIB, 23 solid syngeneic cancer lines initiate reprogramming into cDC1-like cells expressing CD45 and MHC-II at efficiencies ranging from 0.5-57.7%. Functionally, PIB overexpression endows tumor cells with the capacity to cross-present exogenous antigen and prime naïve CD8+ T-cells. Adoptive transfer of ovalbumin cross-presenting B16 tumor-APCs into established ovalbumin expressing B16 tumors (B16-OVA) elicits tumor growth control and extends animal survival. Treated animals show a systemic antigen-specific T cell response against ovalbumin and endogenous tumor-associated antigen MuLV p15E. Intratumoral injection of reprogrammed B2905 and LLC into tumors shows differential response, correlating with their cross-presentation capacity. This approach combines cDC1 antigen cross-presentation abilities with the generation of tumor antigens. The induction of a cDC1 identity in tumor cells sets in motion T cell responses in vitro and in vivo. In the future of this project, dendritic cell reprogramming will be object in a 2-cell CRISPR/Cas9 screen using induced cDC1-like tumor cells and reporter T-cells to explore mechanistically cross-presentation regulators. The generation of cross-presenting tumor-APCs will be also used to map and characterize presented and cross-presented neoantigens. Finally, dendritic cell reprogramming of tumor cells will be explored in vivo by replenishing cDC1 within the tumor microenvironment through in vivo reprogramming. Ultimately, this project will provide insight into mechanisms of cross-presentation and pave the way for the development of novel cDC1-centric therapies