75 research outputs found

    AT-101, a small molecule inhibitor of anti-apoptotic Bcl-2 family members, activates the SAPK/JNK pathway and enhances radiation-induced apoptosis

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Gossypol, a naturally occurring polyphenolic compound has been identified as a small molecule inhibitor of anti-apoptotic Bcl-2 family proteins. It induces apoptosis in a wide range of tumor cell lines and enhances chemotherapy- and radiation-induced cytotoxicity both <it>in vitro </it>and <it>in vivo</it>. Bcl-2 and related proteins are important inhibitors of apoptosis and frequently overexpressed in human tumors. Increased levels of these proteins confer radio- and chemoresistance and may be associated with poor prognosis. Consequently, inhibition of the anti-apoptotic functions of Bcl-2 family members represents a promising strategy to overcome resistance to anticancer therapies.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We tested the effect of (-)-gossypol, also denominated as AT-101, radiation and the combination of both on apoptosis induction in human leukemic cells, Jurkat T and U937. Because activation of the SAPK/JNK pathway is important for apoptosis induction by many different stress stimuli, and Bcl-X<sub>L </sub>is known to inhibit activation of SAPK/JNK, we also investigated the role of this signaling cascade in AT-101-induced apoptosis using a pharmacologic and genetic approach.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>AT-101 induced apoptosis in a time- and dose-dependent fashion, with ED<sub>50 </sub>values of 1.9 and 2.4 ÎĽM in Jurkat T and U937 cells, respectively. Isobolographic analysis revealed a synergistic interaction between AT-101 and radiation, which also appeared to be sequence-dependent. Like radiation, AT-101 activated SAPK/JNK which was blocked by the kinase inhibitor SP600125. In cells overexpressing a dominant-negative mutant of c-Jun, AT-101-induced apoptosis was significantly reduced.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Our data show that AT-101 strongly enhances radiation-induced apoptosis in human leukemic cells and indicate a requirement for the SAPK/JNK pathway in AT-101-induced apoptosis. This type of apoptosis modulation may overcome treatment resistance and lead to the development of new effective combination therapies.</p

    Trends in postpartum hemorrhage and manual removal of the placenta and the association with childbirth interventions: A Dutch nationwide cohort study

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    Background: Because the cause of increasing rates of postpartum hemorrhage (PPH) and manual placental removal (MROP) is still unknown, we described trends in PPH, MROP, and childbirth interventions and examined factors associated with changes in rates of PPH and MROP. Methods: This nationwide cohort study used national perinatal registry data from 2000 to 2014 (n = 2,332,005). We included births of women who gave birth to a term singleton child in obstetrician-led care or midwife-led care. Multivariable logistic regression analyses were used to examine associations between characteristics and interventions, and PPH ≥ 1000 mL and MROP. Results: PPH rates increased from 4.3% to 6.6% in obstetrician-led care and from 2.5% to 4.8% in midwife-led care. MROP rates increased from 2.4% to 3.4% and from 1.0% to 1.4%, respectively. A rising trend was found for rates of induction and augmentation of labor, pain medication, and cesarean section, while rates of episiotomy and assisted vaginal birth declined. Adjustments for characteristics and childbirth interventions did not result in large changes in the trends of PPH and MROP. After adjustments for childbirth interventions, in obstetrician-led care, the odds ratio (OR) of PPH in 2014 compared with the reference year 2000 changed from 1.66 (95% CI 1.57–1.76) to 1.64 (1.55–1.73) among nulliparous women and from 1.56 (1.47–1.66) to 1.52 (1.44–1.62) among multiparous women. For MROP, the ORs changed from 1.51 (1.38–1.64) to 1.36 (1.25–1.49) and from 1.56 (1.42–1.71) to 1.45 (1.33–1.59), respectively. Conclusions: Rising PPH trends were not associated with changes in population characteristics and rising childbirth intervention rates. The rising MROP was to some extent associated with rising intervention rates

    Limited mitochondrial permeabilisation causes DNA-damage and genomic instability in the absence of cell death

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    During apoptosis, the mitochondrial outer membrane is permeabilized, leading to the release of cytochrome c that activates downstream caspases. Mitochondrial outer membrane permeabilization (MOMP) has historically been thought to occur synchronously and completely throughout a cell, leading to rapid caspase activation and apoptosis. Using a new imaging approach, we demonstrate that MOMP is not an all-or-nothing event. Rather, we find that a minority of mitochondria can undergo MOMP in a stress-regulated manner, a phenomenon we term "minority MOMP." Crucially, minority MOMP leads to limited caspase activation, which is insufficient to trigger cell death. Instead, this caspase activity leads to DNA damage that, in turn, promotes genomic instability, cellular transformation, and tumorigenesis. Our data demonstrate that, in contrast to its well-established tumor suppressor function, apoptosis also has oncogenic potential that is regulated by the extent of MOMP. These findings have important implications for oncogenesis following either physiological or therapeutic engagement of apoptosis

    Predicting effective pro-apoptotic antileukaemic drug combinations using cooperative dynamic BH3 profiling

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    The BH3-only apoptosis agonists BAD and NOXA target BCL-2 and MCL-1 respectively and co-operate to induce apoptosis. On this basis, therapeutic drugs targeting BCL-2 and MCL-1 might have enhanced activity if used in combination. We identified anti-leukaemic drugs sensitising to BCL-2 antagonism and drugs sensitising to MCL-1 antagonism using the technique of dynamic BH3 profiling, whereby cells were primed with drugs to discover whether this would elicit mitochondrial outer membrane permeabilisation in response to BCL-2-targeting BAD-BH3 peptide or MCL-1-targeting MS1-BH3 peptide. We found that a broad range of anti-leukaemic agents–notably MCL-1 inhibitors, DNA damaging agents and FLT3 inhibitors–sensitise leukaemia cells to BAD-BH3. We further analysed the BCL-2 inhibitors ABT-199 and JQ1, the MCL-1 inhibitors pladienolide B and torin1, the FLT3 inhibitor AC220 and the DNA double-strand break inducer etoposide to correlate priming responses with co-operative induction of apoptosis. ABT-199 in combination with pladienolide B, torin1, etoposide or AC220 strongly induced apoptosis within 4 hours, but the MCL-1 inhibitors did not co-operate with etoposide or AC220. In keeping with the long half-life of BCL-2, the BET domain inhibitor JQ1 was found to downregulate BCL-2 and to prime cells to respond to MS1-BH3 at 48, but not at 4 hours: prolonged priming with JQ1 was then shown to induce rapid cytochrome C release when pladienolide B, torin1, etoposide or AC220 were added. In conclusion, dynamic BH3 profiling is a useful mechanism-based tool for understanding and predicting co-operative lethality between drugs sensitising to BCL-2 antagonism and drugs sensitising to MCL-1 antagonism. A plethora of agents sensitised cells to BAD-BH3-mediated mitochondrial outer membrane permeabilisation in the dynamic BH3 profiling assay and this was associated with effective co-operation with the BCL-2 inhibitory compounds ABT-199 or JQ1

    Viral Bcl2s' transmembrane domain interact with host Bcl2 proteins to control cellular apoptosis

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    Viral control of programmed cell death relies in part on the expression of viral analogs of the B-cell lymphoma 2 (Bcl2) protein known as viral Bcl2s (vBcl2s). vBcl2s control apoptosis by interacting with host pro- and anti-apoptotic members of the Bcl2 family. Here, we show that the carboxyl-terminal hydrophobic region of herpesviral and poxviral vBcl2s can operate as transmembrane domains (TMDs) and participate in their homo-oligomerization. Additionally, we show that the viral TMDs mediate interactions with cellular pro- and anti-apoptotic Bcl2 TMDs within the membrane. Furthermore, these intra-membrane interactions among viral and cellular proteins are necessary to control cell death upon an apoptotic stimulus. Therefore, their inhibition represents a new potential therapy against viral infections, which are characterized by short- and long-term deregulation of programmed cell death

    Tumor-derived GDF-15 blocks LFA-1 dependent T cell recruitment and suppresses responses to anti-PD-1 treatment

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    Immune checkpoint blockade therapy is beneficial and even curative for some cancer patients. However, the majority don’t respond to immune therapy. Across different tumor types, pre-existing T cell infiltrates predict response to checkpoint-based immunotherapy. Based on in vitro pharmacological studies, mouse models and analyses of human melanoma patients, we show that the cytokine GDF-15 impairs LFA-1/β2-integrin-mediated adhesion of T cells to activated endothelial cells, which is a pre-requisite of T cell extravasation. In melanoma patients, GDF-15 serum levels strongly correlate with failure of PD-1-based immune checkpoint blockade therapy. Neutralization of GDF-15 improves both T cell trafficking and therapy efficiency in murine tumor models. Thus GDF-15, beside its known role in cancer-related anorexia and cachexia, emerges as a regulator of T cell extravasation into the tumor microenvironment, which provides an even stronger rationale for therapeutic anti-GDF-15 antibody development. Experimental cancer immunology and therap

    Targeting anti-apoptotic BCL-2 proteins in cancer: the importance of intermolecular interactions and protein turnover

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    Bcl-B, een van de anti-apoptotische Bcl-2-eiwitten, is instabiel. Dit beïnvloedt zijn capaciteit om apoptose te blokkeren negatief, toont Rogier Rooswinkel aan. Ook blijkt dat voor alle Bcl-2-familieleden eiwitstabiliteit de bepalende factor is voor hun anti-apoptotische capaciteit. Dit in tegenstelling tot de huidige stand van zaken in het veld, waarin de selectiviteit voor apoptose stimulerende eiwitten als belangrijkste determinant wordt gezien. Op grond daarvan wordt gezocht naar nieuwe geneesmiddelen. Rooswinkel laat ook zien dat een geneesmiddel dat deze eiwitten neutraliseert anders werkt in cellen dan men op basis van eerdere experimenten verwac Op basis van Rooswinkels resultaten kan op een meer doeltreffende manier worden gezocht naar nieuwe geneesmiddelen die zich richten op de anti-apoptotische Bcl-2-familieleden. Cellen in het lichaam zijn in staat om zich op te offeren in het belang van het lichaam. Dit proces van cellulaire zelfmoord heet apoptose en voorkomt dat cellen ongeremd kunnen groeien, zoals in het geval van kanker. Om te kunnen blijven leven, moeten kankercellen dus een manier vinden om apoptose te kunnen blokkeren. Een vaak voorkomende blokkade is verhoogde expressie van anti-apoptotische eiwitten van de Bcl-2-familie. Deze eiwitten zijn potentiële doelwitten in kankertherapie
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