1,143 research outputs found


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    This work introduces the NTA-IoT, an abstract IoT architecture that is intended to be flexible and modular, in order to serve as a generic guide tool for developing IoT projects. The model is composed of two types of layers: base layers and support layers, with each layer providing a particular service in the IoT infrastructure. Some considerations and possible roles for building IoT projects following the NTA-IoT architecture are also detailed. Finally, this paper presents an example of a concrete implementation of the architecture on a home automation problem, based on the use of different technologies such as KNX, MQTT and the Outsystems platform to build a functional end-to-end IoT project. The correct functioning of this implementation shows that the architecture is, in fact, consistent and well-suited to serve as strategic guide to carry IoT projects with satisfactory results. Although the case study presented in this work is applied to home automation, the framework is hoped to be applicable to any type of project

    Paleolimnological study in two karstic lakes: climate signal in varved sediment and phototrophic organisms variability

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    This paleolimnological research work was focused on the analysis of the temporal variability of the primary producers community of two close karstic lakes, La Cruz and Lagunillo del Tejo (Cuenca, Spain). Photosynthetic pigments preserved in lake sediments were considered as the most suitable biomarker because of their taxonomic specifity and the accurate understanding of the transference from the water column into sedimentary signal by means of an experimental study about the sedimentation processes carried out over three annual cycles in Lake La Cruz. The multidimensional statistical analysis of the pigments stratigraphic profiles showed the site specific responses to different forcing factors over the last centuries. The detailed analysis of the sedimentary signal indicates that the lake-level changes associated to regional hydroclimatic variability have played a relevant role on the composition of the primary producers commnunity in Lagunillo del Tejo, whereas solar variability has pointed out as forcing factor of the inferred changes of Lake La Cruz primary production, which was characterised by a pigment compositional stability. On the other hand the annually laminated sediment of Lake La Cruz have been shown as an excellent quantitative climatic proxy; calibration analysis of calcite laminae thickness indicated a highly significant correlation with winter rainfall. Winter rainfall anomalies are, in turn, highly correlated with the phase of North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO). Given this strong climatic relationship, an annual winter rainfall reconstruction for the period 1589 A.D. to present was performed. The dominance of nonstationary component at high frecuencies of the climate signal over the last 420 years indicates that the connection between winter rainfall and the NAO is not stable over time and suggest that different patterns, not only NAO, have played a role in determining rainfall variability. __________________________________________________________________________________________________Este estudio paleolimnológico se centra en el análisis de la variabilidad temporal de la comunidad de productores primarios de dos lagos próximos, la Laguna de La Cruz y el Lagunillo del Tejo (Cuenca, España). Se consideró que los pigmentos fotosintéticos conservados en el sedimento eran los biomarcadores más adecuados para trazar la varibilidad de los organismos fotosintéticos debido a la especificidad taxonómica que presentan y al conocimiento sobre su transferencia de la columna de agua al sedimento, obtenido en un estudio experimental de los procesos de sedimentación durante tres ciclos anuales en la Laguna de La Cruz. El análisis estadístico multidimensional de los perfiles estratigráficos de los diferentes pigmentos evidenció la respuesta específica de cada sistema a diferentes factores ambientales durante los últimos siglos. El análisis en detalle de la señal sedimentaria indicó que en el Lagunillo del Tejo las fluctuaciones de nivel de agua, asociadas a variabilidad hidroclimática, han influido notablemente en la composición de la comunidad de productores primarios. Sin embargo en la Laguna de La Cruz, caracterizada por una estabilidad en la composición de la comunidad de organismos fotosintéticos, los cambios inferidos en la producción primaria parecen haber sido condicionados por la variabilidad solar. Por otro lado este estudio ha demostrado que el sedimento laminado de la Laguna de La Cruz es un excelente indicador climático cuantitativo. Los resultados del análisis de calibración del espesor de las láminas de calcita indican que dichos espesores estan principalmente relacionados con las precipitaciones acumuladas durante los meses de invierno presentando una correlación altamente significativa. Las precipitaciones invernales, a su vez, mostraron una correlación altamente significativa con el índice atmosférico de Oscilación del Atlántico Norte (NAO). Dada esta significativa relación climática, utilizamos el sedimento laminado de la Laguna de La Cruz para reconstruir las precipitaciones invernales anuales desde 1589 d.C. hasta el presente. El análisis de la señal climática mostró un dominio de procesos no estacionarios en las altas frecuencias lo que sugiere que la conexión entre las lluvias regionales y el patrón NAO no ha sido estable durante los últimos siglos y que probablemente otros patrones de circulación hayan ejercido su influencia en la región

    FOLMO: first order logic in Moodle

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    La Lógica, dirigida a estudiantes universitarios de Ingeniería, aporta al alumno una visión razonada del aprendizaje basada en la formalización del conocimiento y en la automatización de distintas formas del razonamiento humano [6]. Con el objetivo de potenciar su aprendizaje nace First Order Logic in Moodle (FOLMO), un software de fácil integración con Moodle que permite el trabajo autónomo del alumno mediante la realización de ejercicios propuestos por el profesor.Peer Reviewe

    Modelling and simulation of a hydraulic power assisted steering system through Bond Graphs

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    The hydraulic power assisted steering (HPAS) system is one of the most sensitive vehicle interfaces to the driver perception. Comfort and performance parameters such as ride, handling, tactile transfer functions and overall noise levels are directly affected by its performance. The modeling of a HPAS system using the bond graph technique makes possible the combination of hydraulic and mechanical components. This allows physical and design variables such as fluid compressibility and hoses diameters to be evaluated simultaneously. HPAS should be used as a design and tuning tool to develop different system configurations before prototype test build, representing an improvement in terms of product development time and cost for both component and vehicle level

    Mortalidade cerebrovascular: tendência e sazonalidade nas capitais brasileiras, 2000–2019

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    OBJETIVO: Avaliar a tendência e a sazonalidade das taxas de mortalidade cerebrovascular na população adulta das capitais brasileiras de 2000 a 2019. MÉTODOS: Estudo ecológico e descritivo de séries temporais de mortalidade por causas cerebrovasculares em adultos (≥ 18 anos) residentes nas capitais do Brasil no período 2000–2019, obtidas do Sistema de Informações sobre Mortalidade. Técnicas de estatística descritiva foram aplicadas na análise exploratória dos dados e no resumo de taxas específicas, padronizadas e razões por características sociodemográficas. A regressão de pontos de junção ( jointpoint regression model) e stimou a t endência d as t axas d e m ortalidade c erebrovascular p or s exo, grupos etários e regiões geográficas. A variabilidade sazonal por regiões geográficas das taxas foi estimada utilizando o modelo aditivo generalizado por meio de splines de suavização cúbica. RESULTADOS: As pessoas maiores de 60 anos representaram 77% dos óbitos cerebrovasculares. Predominaram o sexo feminino (52%), a raça branca (47%), os solteiros (59%) e a baixa escolaridade (57%, ensino fundamental). As capitais Recife (20/1.000 hab.) e Vitória (16/1.000 hab.) apresentaram as maiores taxas brutas de mortalidade. Aplicando as taxas padronizadas Recife (49/10.000 hab.) e Palmas (47/10.000 hab.) prevaleceram. As taxas de mortalidade cerebrovascular no Brasil apresentam uma tendência favorável ao declínio em ambos os sexos e em adultos. A sazonalidade mostrou influenciar na elevação das taxas entre os meses de julho a agosto em quase todas as capitais das regiões, exceto na Norte, que se elevaram nos meses de março, abril e maio. CONCLUSÕES: Os óbitos por causa cerebrovascular prevaleceram em pessoas idosas, solteiras e com baixa escolaridade. A tendência foi favorável ao declínio, sendo o inverno o período de maior risco. As diferenças regionais permitem subsidiar os tomadores de decisões em relação à implementação de políticas públicas para reduzir a mortalidade cerebrovascular.OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the trend and seasonality of cerebrovascular mortality rates in the adult population of Brazilian capitals from 2000 to 2019. METHODS: This is an ecological and descriptive study of a time series of mortality due to cerebrovascular causes in adults (≥ 18 years) living in Brazilian capitals from 2000 to 2019, based on the Brazilian Mortality Information System. Descriptive statistical techniques were applied in the exploratory analysis of data and in the summary of specific, standardized rates and ratios by sociodemographic characteristics. The jointpoint regression model was used to estimate the trend of cerebrovascular mortality rates by gender, age groups, and geographic regions. The seasonal variability of rates by geographic regions was estimated using the generalized additive model by smoothing cubic splines. RESULTS: People aged over 60 years comprised 77% of all cerebrovascular deaths. Women (52%), white individuals (47%), single people (59%), and those with low schooling (57%, elementary school) predominated in our sample. Recife (20/1,000 inhab.) and Vitória (16/1,000 inhab.) showed the highest crude mortality rates. Recife (49/10,000 inhab.) and Palmas (47/10,000 inhab.) prevailed after we applied standardized rates. Cerebrovascular mortality rates in Brazil show a favorable declining trend for adults of all genders. Seasonality influenced rate increase from July to August in almost all region capitals, except in the North, which rose in March, April, and May. CONCLUSIONS: Deaths due to cerebrovascular causes prevailed in older single adults with low schooling. The trend showed a tendency to decline and winter, the greatest risk. Regional differences can support decision-makers in implementing public policies to reduce cerebrovascular mortality

    Nuevos comportamientos artísticos en “Second Life” / New artistic behaviors in “Second Life”.

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    Second Life -abreviado S.L, en español Segunda vida- es un metaversoi lanzado el 23 de junio de 2003, desarrollado por Linden Labii, al que se puede acceder gratuitamente desde Internet. Sus usuarios, conocidos como “residentes”, pueden acceder a S.L mediante el uso de uno de los múltiples programas de interfaz llamados viewers (visores), los cuales les permiten interactuar entre ellos mediante un avatar-representaciones virtuales en 3D de los residentes-. Los residentes pueden así explorar el mundo virtual, interactuar con otros residentes, establecer relaciones sociales, participar en diversas actividades tanto individuales como en grupo y crear y comerciar propiedad virtual y ofrecer servicios entre ellos.En esta Investigación se analiza cómo S.L posibilita un escenario privilegiado para la creación y la educación en numerosos ámbitos, destacando el artístico. Propicia posibilidades de creación dentro del metaverso: exportar obras del mundo real, crearlas directamente en S.L y realizarlas online, pero con programas externos. El artista de S.L tiene las mismas posibilidades artísticas que el real y se incluyen, machiminas y obras creadas con las herramientas propias del juego, pudiendo ejercer de comisarios, teóricos, críticos, coleccionistas, productores y difusores del arte.New artistic behaviors in “Second Life”.Second Life is an online virtual world, developed by Linden Lab, launched on June 23, 2003. A number of free client programs, or Viewers as they are called in Second Life are used to use the Second Life world so the users in Second Life, called Residents, can interact with each other through avatars. Residents can explore the world (known as the grid), meet other residents, socialize, participate in individual and group activities, and create and trade virtual property and services with one another. This research analyzes how S.L. provides a stage for creation and education in many areas, highlighting the artistic. Promotes opportunities for creation within the metaverse: export works in the real world, create them directly in the SL and make them online but with external programs. SL artist has the same artistic possibilities than the real and include, machiminas and works created with the tools of the game, and can act as curators, theorists, critics, collectors, producers and art diffusers

    Post-COVID-19 syndrome and diabetes mellitus: a propensity-matched analysis of the International HOPE-II COVID-19 Registry

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    SARS-CoV-2; Reinfection; Respiratory complicationsSARS-CoV-2; Reinfección; Complicaciones respiratoriasSARS-CoV-2; Reinfecció; Complicacions respiratòriesBackground: Diabetes mellitus (DM) is one of the most frequent comorbidities in patients suffering from severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) with a higher rate of severe course of coronavirus disease (COVID-19). However, data about post-COVID-19 syndrome (PCS) in patients with DM are limited. Methods: This multicenter, propensity score-matched study compared long-term follow-up data about cardiovascular, neuropsychiatric, respiratory, gastrointestinal, and other symptoms in 8,719 patients with DM to those without DM. The 1:1 propensity score matching (PSM) according to age and sex resulted in 1,548 matched pairs. Results: Diabetics and nondiabetics had a mean age of 72.6 ± 12.7 years old. At follow-up, cardiovascular symptoms such as dyspnea and increased resting heart rate occurred less in patients with DM (13.2% vs. 16.4%; p = 0.01) than those without DM (2.8% vs. 5.6%; p = 0.05), respectively. The incidence of newly diagnosed arterial hypertension was slightly lower in DM patients as compared to non-DM patients (0.5% vs. 1.6%; p = 0.18). Abnormal spirometry was observed more in patients with DM than those without DM (18.8% vs. 13; p = 0.24). Paranoia was diagnosed more frequently in patients with DM than in non-DM patients at follow-up time (4% vs. 1.2%; p = 0.009). The incidence of newly diagnosed renal insufficiency was higher in patients suffering from DM as compared to patients without DM (4.8% vs. 2.6%; p = 0.09). The rate of readmission was comparable in patients with and without DM (19.7% vs. 18.3%; p = 0.61). The reinfection rate with COVID-19 was comparable in both groups (2.9% in diabetics vs. 2.3% in nondiabetics; p = 0.55). Long-term mortality was higher in DM patients than in non-DM patients (33.9% vs. 29.1%; p = 0.005). Conclusions: The mortality rate was higher in patients with DM type II as compared to those without DM. Readmission and reinfection rates with COVID-19 were comparable in both groups. The incidence of cardiovascular symptoms was higher in patients without DM

    Physical inactivity, TV-watching hours and body composition in children and adolescents

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    BACKGROUND: Physical inactivity is a predisposing factor to the onset/worsening of other cardiovascular risk factors, particularly obesity. OBJECTIVE: To determine physical activity level (PAL) and daily number of hours of TV (HTV) and the association and/or correlation of these variables with age, gender, economic class, public/private school, overweight and obesity in children and adolescents. METHODS: Cross sectional study, school-based population, public and private education, primary and secondary education. The sample was calculated based on the minimum expected prevalence of several variables, including physical inactivity. Cluster sampling. Protocol: structured questionnaire, including Physical Activity for Older Children Questionnaire (PAQ-C) measurements of weight, height, body mass index (BMI) and triceps skinfold (TSF). Statistical analysis: Chi-square, linear correlation. RESULTS: Among the 1,253 students, averaging 12.4 ± 2.9 years old, of which 549 were male, there was a prevalence of inactivity in 93.5%, more commonly found in female adolescents and there was no association between PAL and excess weight or body fat, soccer and dance were the most frequent activities in boys and girls, respectively; 60% of students did not have physical education classes. Average and median HTV were respectively 3.6 and 3 hours; there was a significant association between HTV and obesity and significant correlation between PAL and age (negative) and between BMI and TSF (positive). CONCLUSION: Physical inactivity is present in 93.5% of children and adolescents from Maceió. It is more commonly found among teenagers and females, with no association or correlation of this variable with excess weight or body fat; obesity was associated with > 3 HTV.FUNDAMENTO: Sedentarismo é fator predisponente ao aparecimento/piora de outros fatores de risco cardiovascular, particularmente obesidade. OBJETIVO: Estabelecer nível de atividade física (NAF) e número diário de horas de TV (HTV) e a associação e/ou correlação destas variáveis com faixa etária, sexo, classe econômica, escola pública/privada, excesso de peso e obesidade, em crianças/adolescentes. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal, base populacional escolar, ensino público e privado, fundamental e médio. Cálculo da amostra baseado na menor prevalência esperada de inúmeras variáveis, incluindo sedentarismo. Amostragem por conglomerados. Protocolo: Questionário estruturado, incluindo Physical Activity Questionaire for Older Children (PAQ-C); medidas de peso, altura, índice de massa corporal (IMC) e prega cutânea do tríceps (PCT). Análise estatística: Qui-quadrado; correlação linear. RESULTADOS: Nos 1.253 estudantes, com média de idade de 12,4 ± 2,9 anos, sendo 547 do sexo masculino, observou-se uma prevalência de sedentarismo em 93,5%, mais frequente em adolescentes do sexo feminino; não houve associação entre NAF e excesso de peso ou gordura corporal; futebol e dança foram as atividades mais frequentes em meninos e meninas, respectivamente; 60% dos estudantes não têm aulas de Educação Física. Média e mediana de HTV foram, respectivamente, 3,6 e 3 horas; houve associação significante entre maior HTV e obesidade e correlação significante entre NAF e idade (negativa) e entre IMC e PCT (positiva). CONCLUSÃO: O sedentarismo está presente em 93,5% das crianças e adolescentes de Maceió, sendo mais prevalente nos adolescentes e no sexo feminino, não havendo associação ou correlação desta variável com excesso de peso ou gordura corporal; obesidade associou-se a > 3 HTV.Universidade Federal de Alagoas Faculdade de MedicinaUniversidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Escola Paulista de MedicinaUNIFESP, EPMSciEL