30 research outputs found

    Percepciones de los futuros docentes respecto al potencial de la ludificación y la inclusión de los videojuegos en los procesos de enseñanza-aprendizaje

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    El trabajo pretende analizar las percepciones de los estudiantes de los grados de Educación Infantil, Primaria y Pedagogía de distintas universidades españolas y latinoamericanas respecto al potencial y uso de la ludificación en el aula para la mejora de los rendimientos y valorar la inclusión del videojuego en los entornos personales de aprendizaje de dicho alumnado analizando las posibilidades pedagógicas del mismo, el potencial para la creación de comunidades de aprendizaje y las opciones para procesos de transformación social. En este sentido, se perseguía conocer el potencial educativo de la ludificación y la adecuación del uso de videojuegos en las etapas de Educación Infantil y Primaria gracias a las percepciones de los futuros docentes en formación. Para ello se desarrolló un estudio descriptivo mediante una encuesta transversal con una muestra de 197 participantes. Los resultados han sido muy positivos respecto a estas herramientas: los fututos docentes están totalmente convencidos de que la ludificación será una herramienta más que estimulante para el alumnado, considerando que los estudiantes trabajarían en el aula con mayor entusiasmo; además, el uso de videojuegos supondrá una influencia en los discentes que fomente la adquisición de las competencias clave establecidas por la legislación educativa.El treball pretén analitzar les percepcions dels estudiants dels graus d'Educació Infantil, Primària i Pedagogia de diferents universitats espanyoles i llatinoamericanes pel que fa al potencial i ús de la ludificació i els videojocs a l'aula per a la millora dels rendiments, i valorar la inclusió del videojoc en els entorns personals d'aprenentatge de l'alumnat analitzant les possibilitats pedagògiques d'aquest, el potencial per a la creació de comunitats d'aprenentatge i les opcions per a processos de transformació social. En aquest sentit, es persegueix conèixer el potencial educatiu de la ludificació i l'adequació de l'ús de videojocs a les etapes d'Educació Infantil i Primària a partir de les percepcions dels futurs docents. Per fer-ho, es va dur a terme un estudi descriptiu mitjançant la tècnica de l'enquesta transversal amb una mostra de 197 participants. Els resultats i les conclusions han estat molt positius pel que fa a aquestes eines; així, els futures docents estan totalment convençuts que la ludificació serà una eina més que estimulant per a l'alumnat, considerant que els alumnes treballarien a l'aula amb més entusiasme; a més, l'ús de videojocs suposarà una influència en els estudiants que fomentarà l'adquisició de les competències clau establertes per la legislació educativa.This paper analyzes the perceptions of students enrolled in bachelor's degree programs in early childhood education, primary education and pedagogy at various Spanish and Latin American universities regarding the potential use of gamification in classrooms to improve academic performance and evaluate the inclusion of video games in the personal learning environments of these students. The educational possibilities, the potential for the creation of learning communities and the main options for social transformation processes of these teaching tools are analyzed. The article seeks to determine the educational potential of gamification and the appropriate use of video games in pre-school and primary education through the perceptions of future teachers. To this end, a descriptive study using a crosssectional survey with a sample of 197 participants is carried out. The results are very positive regarding these tools: future teachers are fully convinced that gamification is a very stimulating tool for students as it motivates them to work in the classroom. Moreover, the use of video games promotes the acquisition of key competencies established under the educational legislation

    Promoting future work skills in vocational training and baccalaureate setting through engagement in volunteering

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    The aim of the present study was to analyze differences in future work skills as a function of participation in volunteering and work. The present study was based on a total sample of 3,101 students enrolled in secondary and baccalaureate education and vocational training in Andalusia (Spain). Once the quality parameters of the instrument were determined, its reliability and validity were confirmed, and data collection was initiated. With regards to data analysis, multivariate analysis (ANOVA) was conducted which interacted the variable describing engagement in volunteering and the variable pertaining to employment, with both variables having two levels (yes–no). From the data obtained, it was concluded that working or having worked at some point in time was particularly related with aspects related to intelligence linked with the society in which work is carried out. Other conclusions were that workers and volunteers possessed better competency attributions, knowledge of new means of communication and multidisciplinary skills. These outcomes were related with a series of motivations such as professional development, personal growth and putting their abilities into practice in order to improve their professional career.PID2020-119194RB-I00 MCIN/AEI/10.13039/50110001103

    Assessment of Secondary Education Teachers in the City of Tetuán about ICT training developed by the Ministry of Education

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    Este artículo forma parte de una investigación doctoral que estudia la implantación e integración de las TIC en el sistema educativo de Marruecos. En este estudio pretendemos conocer la valoración del profesorado sobre la fase de implantación de las TIC, a nivel de infraestructura y formación, en los centros de Enseñanza Secundaria de la ciudad de Tetuán. Se emplearon métodos cuantitativos y cualitativos para la recogida y análisis de los datos, concluyendo que la percepción de los encuestados es que la implantación ha sido incompleta.This article is part of a doctoral research studying the implementation and integration of ICT in the educational system in Morocco. In this study we try to know the teacher evaluation of the ICT implementation phase, at the infrastructure and training level, in secondary schools at the city of Tetuán. Quantitative and qualitative methods for recollection and analysis of data were used, concluding that the perception of the respondents is that the implementation has been incomplete

    Design and content validity of a rubric to measure the educational value of applications for mobile devices

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    Las aplicaciones para dispositivos móviles son cada vez más un recurso frecuentemente utilizado en los diferentes escenarios educativos. El objetivo de este trabajo fue el diseño y validación de un instrumento para medir el valor educativo de estas aplicaciones, al que se ha denominado E-V-A (Educational Value Assessment). Se siguió un proceso estructurado en tres fases, acorde a una metodología mixta, contemplando el diseño conceptual y teórico de la rúbrica, diseño funcional de dimensiones, indicadores y descriptores de valoración y posterior validación de contenido teórico-práctica mediante juicio de expertos en torno a la pertinencia, claridad y adecuación, utilizando técnica Delphi. El proceso de validación permitió la formulación de una rúbrica de evaluación de app educativas compuesta por 100 ítems estructurados en 21 bloques y 5 dimensiones: desarrollo personal, desarrollo cognitivo y metacognitivo, desarrollo del aprendizaje y de competencias; desarrollo social y dimensión técnica. Este instrumento puede ser de gran utilidad para profesionales de la docencia que necesiten medir el valor educativo de una app mediante un protocolo estructurado y uniformeApplications for mobile devices are increasingly a frequently used resource in different educational settings. The objective of this work was the design and validation of an instrument to measure the educational value of these applications, which has been called E-V-A (Educational Value Assessment). A process comprised of three phases was followed, according to a mixed methodology, considering the conceptual and theoretical design of the rubric, the functional design of dimensions, indicators and descriptors, as well as the subsequent validation of theoretical-practical content through expert judgment on relevance, clarity and adequacy, using the Delphi technique. The validation process allowed the formulation of an evaluation rubric for educational apps made up of 100 items structured into 21 blocks and 5 dimensions: personal development, cognitive and metacognitive development, learning and skills development; social development and technical dimension. This instrument can be very useful for teaching professionals who need to measure the educational value of an app through a structured and uniform protocolI+D+I orientada a los retos de la sociedad, del plan estatal de investigación científica y técnica y de innovación 2017-2020. Convocatoria: 2021. Referencia: PDC2021-121306-I00. Título: Herramientas eficaces para la integración escolar y social: Educational Value Assessment y App STUDENG+ (STUDENG+)

    Influence of the teamwork competence on the future work skills

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    Fuente de financiación: Proyecto de Investigación del Plan Nacional “Transformación de los aprendizajes en contextos híbridos para la inclusión educativa y laboral de sectores especialmente vulnerables con énfasis en MENAS” (Ref. PID2020-119194RB-I00), financiado por el Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (MCIN/AEI/10.13039/ 501100011033).La Industria 4.0 ha traído consigo una serie de cambios sociales que han transformado la vida de las personas, obligando a replantear las habilidades que serán necesarias en un futuro para desempeñar un puesto de trabajo y ejercer la ciudadanía activa de manera eficaz. Existe un interés creciente por concretar estas habilidades, al tiempo que emerge una revolución de las competencias, en la que el trabajo en equipo se plantea como la competencia genérica más demandada y utilizada en cualquier sector. En este contexto social y económico, se plantea una investigación que pretende conocer la relación de influencia existente entre los constructos de trabajo en equipo (TE) y habilidades para el futuro laboral (HFL), concretamente en enseñanzas post-obligatorias de Bachillerato y Formación Profesional en Andalucía, España. Para ello se han empleado la Escala de Habilidades para el Futuro Laboral (Chacón-Cuberos et al., 2021) y la Escala de Trabajo en Equipo para Jóvenes (Romero-Díaz de la Guardia et al., 2022). La muestra está compuesta por un total de 3000 estudiantes. El análisis de datos se ha llevado a cabo mediante modelos de ecuaciones estructurales (SEM), a fin de establecer relaciones entre los constructos de interés, tanto latentes como observados. Los análisis han permitido comprobar que existe una influencia de las variables de TE en las variables de HFL, no siendo muy alta la influencia detectada a nivel de constructo global de TE. Cuando el análisis se realiza estructurando la escala TE en variables latentes, se corrobora la relación de influencia, obteniendo pesos de regresión más altos.Industry 4.0 has brought a series of social changes that have transformed people's lives, forcing them to rethink the skills that will be necessary, in the not-too-distant future, to perform a job as well as exercising active citizenship effectively. There is a growing interest in specifying these skills required in the future, at the same time that a skills revolution is emerging, in which teamwork is considered the most demanded and used generic competence in any sector. In this social and economic background, a research work is proposed that aims to know the relationship of influence between the constructs of teamwork and future work skills, specifically in a context of Upper -Secondary and Vocational Training in Andalusia, Spain. To achieve this objective, the Future Work Skills scale (Chacon-Cuberos et al., 2021) and the Teamwork for Youth scale (Romero-Diaz de la Guardia et al., 2022) have been used. The sample is made up of a total of 3000 subjects. The data analysis has been carried out using Structural Equation Models (SEM), in order to establish relationships between the interest constructs, both latent and observed. The analyses have made it possible to verify that there is an influence of the Teamwork constructs (TW) on the Future Work Skills (FWS) variables, with a not very high influence detected when considering TW as a global construct. When the analysis is carried out by structuring the TW scale in latent variables, the influence relationship is corroborated, obtaining higher regression weights.MCIN/AEI/10.13039/ 501100011033: PID2020-119194RB-I0

    Variables Pedagógicas Que Causan E Influyen El Absentismo Estudiantil En Las Clases De Matemática De La Escuela Superior Pedagógica De Namibe-Angola

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    The article aims to comparatively analyse the pedagogical variables that cause and influence the absenteeism of the students in math classes Pedagogical School of Namibe (Angola); the perception of teachers (population 44, sample 41) and students (population 131, sample 99) are contrasted, all of them of the second and the third level in the Degree of Physics and Chemistry. To achieve this objective a type questionnaire Likert scale are applied, it has four levels of agreement and fourteen pedagogical variables related with absenteeism. Descriptive and inferential statistics are applied on the data, also correlation analysis with Pearson coefficient, variance analysis using Mann-Whitney and Kruskal-Wallis tests, and multivariate analysis Factorial Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin are performed with Varimax rotation. As a result is obtained that the student disinterest and lack of ability of teachers to develop effective and motivating teaching are variables that cause and explain absenteeism in math classes. The analysis results show that some ways to reduce absenteeism are achieve stability of teachers in courses, increase opportunities for teachers to meet their students and achieve an environment of respect, solidarity and support for students

    Analysis-based learning experiences of project: collaborative practices B-Learning

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    Viene sucediendo de manera continuada cierto distanciamiento entre espacio educativo y realidad social afirmándose esa relación antagónica entre ambos. Bajo esta consideración, el cambio didáctico-pedagógico y organizativo se conforma, hoy más que nunca, como un reclamo que al mismo tiempo ambiciona aprovechar la integración de las TIC para establecer significativos los procesos de aprendizaje y enseñanza y considerar la gestión y practicidad del conocimiento. Así, los aprendizajes basados en problemas (PBL) se conforman como una oportunidad para la comunicación, la colaboración, el compromiso, el ejercicio de un sentimiento transformacional, la innovación reflexiva y crítica, entre otras. De este modo, nuestra experiencia b-learning con herramientas web 2.0, pretende convertirse en una oportunidad para la expresión compartida que irradie en forma significativa un pensamiento vivido fruto de la interacción efectiva con el medio desde el ejercicio de la competencia emocional.It comes happening from continued way certain spacing between educative space and social reality affirming that antagonistic relation between both. Under this consideration, the didactic-pedagogical and organizational change is satisfied, today more than ever, like a reclamation that at the same time seeks to take advantage of integration the TIC to establish significant the learning processes and education and to consider the management and practice of the knowledge. Thus, the learning based on projects (PBL) are satisfied like an opportunity for the communication, the collaboration, the commitment, the exercise of a transformational feeling, the reflective and critical innovation, among others. In this way, our experience b-learning with tools Web 2,0, tries to become an opportunity for the shared expression that radiates significant a thought lived fruit on the effective interaction with means from the exercise of the emotional competition

    Validation of a Scale Measuring Future Work Skills in Unaccompanied Foreign Minors: An Exploratory and Confirmatory Analysis

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    Objectives: Unaccompanied foreign minors (UFM) represent a sector with great educational needs that requires the development of a series of skills to engage effectively in future work and enable their inclusion within a modern and digitized society. The objective of the present study is to validate a scale designed to measure the skills for future work of a representative sample of UFM in southern Spain (n=390). All participants came from the Temporary Relocation Centre for Vulnerable Groups. Methodology: A quantitative, exploratory, cross-sectional and ex post facto study was carried out. FACTOR Analysis® 9.3.1 software and IBM Amos Graphics® 23.0 were used for data analysis. Results: A one-dimensional scale comprising ten skill indicators was developed and produced good fit indices [p < 0.001; KMO = 0.794; GFI = 0.92; AGFI = 0.90; SMSR = 0.046]. Likewise, confirmatory analysis identified items 3 [innovative thinking] and 8 [design mentality] to be the most relevant skills for future work in this group, with item 1 [ability to find meaning] producing the lowest regression weight making it the least relevant. Conclusions: A reliable and robust scale was produced for assessment of the essential skills needed in the educational and work context in a population at risk of exclusion, namely, unaccompanied foreign minors. This instrument will make it possible to conduct preliminary diagnoses and better target the specific needs of this group

    Enhancing Skills for Employment in theWorkplace of the Future 2020 Using the Theory of Connectivity: Shared and Adaptive Personal Learning Environments in a Spanish Context

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    European living environments are well placed as an essential means through which cities become functional, modern, and liveable places, and are the ideal setting for the innovation and implementation of businesses and ideas. In addition, they are a place in which existing gaps in labour market inclusion are easily widened amongst those who, for various reasons, have not received adequate training, such as immigrants (including unaccompanied foreign minors) and young people without qualifications that have several difficulties in the access to higher education. Further, as is noted in the Phoenix report entitled Future Work Skills 2020, our educational system suffers from a lack of training with regards to the employment skills that need to be integrated into current society, as these have a crucial role for achieving success in the workplace. The aim of this study is to analyse the key skills for the inclusion of Unaccompanied Foreign Minors (UFM) in the workplace, developing a scale for the assessment of ten basic skills for the work of the future. These individuals are mostly young people without qualifications trying to make it in the new environments of current Smart Cities. This study employs an empirical and experimental methodology with two comparison groups of UFM adolescents. The UFM population is contextualised by the migratory flow from North Africa to Europe. Multistage sampling was used to select 345 participants. An approximation scale of the level of Future Work Skills was created as a data collection instrument through simulations of Horizon 2020 (EA-HFL-SH2020). Multivariate analysis was performed which revealed significant differences between school variables, work experience and educational level. The results are aligned with the evaluation of skill acquisition level for the working future of UFM and with the proposed training model of work skills that facilitate their inclusion in the world of the European workforce, as a function of the significant differences found. In addition, the emphasis is placed on the interest of identifying this type of skills in this group in order to develop appropriate training programs in higher education for employment success.This research was funded by the national research project EDU2017-88641-R: “Modelos de aprendizaje para la intervención educativa con UFMS. Herramientas eficaces para la integración escolar y social” [Learning models for educational intervention with UFMS. Effective tools for school and social integration]. “Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades. Gobierno de España” [Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities. Spanish Government]