244 research outputs found

    «X and X v Belgium»: the need for EU legislation on humanitarian visa

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    This article examines the recent judgment of the Court of Justice of the European Union in the case of X and X v. Belgium (C-638/16 PPU). The issue at stake con-cerns an application for a visa with limited territorial validity (LTV) requested by a Syrian family at the Belgian embassy in Beirut in order to apply for asylum in Bel-gium. The article discusses the different interpretations given by the Advocate Gen-eral and the Court of Justice and agrees with the AG that the EU Charter of Fun-damental Rights leaves a limited margin of discretion to Member Sates and impos-es a positive obligation to issue a LTV Visa in cases like X and X. It also concludes that the judgment in question clearly shows the need for the EU to adopt legislation regulating the issuance of humanitarian visas under the Visa Code

    Estratificação populacional em sul-americanos de origem européia e sua importância para a pesquisa genética psiquiátrica no Brasil

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    Universidade de São Paulo Medical School Department and Institute of PsychiatryUniversidade Federal de Minas Gerais Medical School Department of Mental HealthUniversidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Department of Psychiatry Interdisciplinary Laboratory of Clinical NeuroscienceUniversidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul Department of GeneticsUNIFESP, Department of Psychiatry Interdisciplinary Laboratory of Clinical NeuroscienceSciEL

    Vamos stratchar juntos?

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    Com o fecho das Escolas, em janeiro de 2021, os alunos ficaram em casa, sem aulas, por um período de duas semanas. Neste contexto, o Centro de Competências TIC da Escola Superior de Educação do Instituto Politécnico de Setúbal decidiu promover um curso de programação Scratch, totalmente a distância, para alunos dos 5.º e 6.º anos, com 12 horas de duração, tendo em conta a responsabilidade deste Centro de Competência, face ao desenvolvimento das competências dos alunos assim como da ocupação, com qualidade, dos seus tempos livres. Funcionou de 28 de janeiro a 4 de fevereiro de 2021, a um ritmo de duas horas de formação, em cada dia útil deste período. O trabalho foi desenvolvido de forma síncrona, deixando apenas alguns desafios que os alunos podiam resolver de forma autónoma, entre sessões. Os principais objetivos desta iniciativa foram (i) a divulgação da linguagem de programação Scratch e ainda (ii) testar metodologias de ensino a distância com alunos destas idades. Para avaliarmos a iniciativa, foram objeto de análise, para além dos registos dos formadores, os produtos realizados pelos alunos, um questionário de avaliação respondido pelos mesmos intervenientes e outro dirigido aos Encarregados de Educação. Os resultados obtidos foram muito animadores, tendo havido uma procura muito grande para o curso o que comprova o interesse e a necessidade deste tipo de proposta, confirmada pelo número de inscrições, que esgotou as 25 vagas disponíveis em poucas horas. Os alunos, oriundos de todo o país, conseguiram, na sua maioria, desenvolver os trabalhos propostos e criar um projeto original em grupo. As sessões tiveram momentos em que os alunos trabalharam em grande grupo e outros em que trabalharam em pequenos grupos, constituídos aleatoriamente e/ou de acordo com as suas afinidades, para desenvolverem algumas atividades e para a elaboração dos trabalhos finais.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Uma revisão sobre a pesquisa genética psiquiátrica na população brasileira

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    OBJECTIVE AND METHOD: A large increase in the number of Brazilian studies on psychiatric genetics has been observed in the 1970's since the first publications conducted by a group of researchers in Brazil. Here we reviewed the literature and evaluated the advantages and difficulties of psychiatric genetic studies in the Brazilian population. CONCLUSION: The Brazilian population is one of the most heterogeneous populations in the world, formed mainly by the admixture between European, African and Native American populations. Although the admixture process is not a particularity of the Brazilian population, much of the history and social development in Brazil underlies the ethnic melting pot we observe nowadays. Such ethnical heterogeneity of the Brazilian population obviously brings some problems when performing genetic studies. However, the Brazilian population offers a number of particular characteristics that are of major interest when genetic studies are carried out, such as the presence of isolated populations. Thus, differences in the genetic profile and in the exposure to environmental risks may result in different interactions and pathways to psychopathology.OBJETIVO E MÉTODO: Desde a década de 70, quando os primeiros estudos em genética psiquiátrica conduzidos por um grupo de brasileiros foram publicados, o número de trabalhos realizados no Brasil vem aumentando consideravelmente. Através desta revisão, avaliamos as vantagens e as dificuldades da realização de pesquisas em psiquiatria genética na população brasileira. CONCLUSÃO: A população brasileira é uma das mais heterogêneas do mundo, formada principalmente pela combinação entre populações européia, africana e nativa americana. Apesar de a mistura entre raças não ser uma particularidade da população brasileira, a história e o desenvolvimento social no Brasil ocasionou uma grande miscigenação étnica, a qual é observada atualmente. Devido à heterogeneidade de suas origens, diversos problemas são levantados em estudos genéticos realizados no Brasil. Porém, a população brasileira oferece características particulares para desenvolvimento de pesquisas genéticas, como a presença de populações isoladas. Portanto, diferenças genéticas e exposição a riscos ambientais podem resultar em diferentes interações e caminhos para alterações psicopatológicas

    Infectious keratoconjunctivitis in semi-domesticated reindeer (Rangifer tarandus tarandus): a questionnaire-based study among reindeer herders in Norway and Sweden

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    Background - The effects of climate change, loss of pastureland to other land usage and presence of large carnivores are the main reasons for the increase in supplementary feeding of semi-domesticated reindeer (Rangifer tarandus tarandus) in Fennoscandia over the last decades. Feeding might expose reindeer to stress and increased animal-to-animal contact, leading to an increased risk of infectious disease transmission, such as infectious keratoconjunctivitis (IKC). As it can develop rapidly and be very painful, IKC is described as an important animal welfare concern and a potential source of economic loss. The aim of this study was to investigate the current presence of IKC and potential associations between IKC and supplementary feeding through an online questionnaire survey, distributed among reindeer herders in Norway and Sweden in 2021. Results - Seventy-six reindeer herders (33 from Norway and 43 from Sweden) responded to the questionnaire, representing 6% and 4% of the registered reindeer herding groups in Norway and Sweden, respectively. Infectious keratoconjunctivitis was common, with 54 (71%) of the 76 herders that responded having observed clinical signs during the past 10 years. These signs were mainly observed as increased lacrimation, causing “wet cheeks”, but also as keratitis and conjunctivitis. Autumn and winter were the seasons in which IKC was observed most. The herders reported several measures, such as slaughter and isolation of affected reindeer, to counteract the spread of disease. The herding year 2019/2020 was associated with reports of outbreaks of IKC in herds as well as being the herding year where most herders (80%) had performed supplementary feeding. A significant association was found between IKC and feeding performed in an enclosure (odds ratio = 15.20), while feeding on free-range areas had a non-significant, negative, relationship with the appearance of IKC outbreaks (odds ratio = 0.29). Finally, there was a trend in the data suggesting that IKC affected calves especially. Conclusions - Infectious keratoconjunctivitis is a common disease, mainly observed in winter and autumn. It usually has mild to moderately severe clinical signs. Our results imply that IKC is associated with stress and feeding situations and that calves might be more susceptible than adults, however, this needs to be confirmed with further studies, preferably at an individual animal level

    Alterações da saúde e a voz do professor, uma questão de saúde do trabalhador

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    Environmental and/or work risk factors, lack of basic knowledge related to voice, its incorrect use, and a defective vocal model can lead teachers to develop occupational dysphonia. This study aimed to analyze studies focusing on occupational vocal disorders through a literature review. Articles published over a period of 11 years in periodicals indexed in the ScieLO library were searched according to predetermined inclusion and exclusion criteria. Twenty articles related to teachers' vocal occupational disorders were found. We argue that intense vocal use should not harm professionals; the voice has to be pleasant to the speaker and correctly produced. The conclusion is that there is a scarcity of articles available at the studied library relating to teachers' voice disorders. Further studies need to be developed and disseminated so as to increase knowledge in the subject.Factores de riesgos ambientales y/o referentes a la organización laboral, ausencia de nociones básicas sobre la voz, su uso incorrecto y presencia de modelo vocal deficiente pueden llevar al profesor a presentar disfonía relacionada al trabajo. El objetivo de este estudio fue analizar publicaciones sobre alteraciones vocales provenientes del trabajo, a través de revisión de literatura sobre el tema propuesto. Como método, se buscó artículos de periódicos indexados en la biblioteca virtual Scielo, por un período de once años, obedeciendo a criterios de inclusión y exclusión predeterminados. Fueron encontrados 20 artículos que contemplaron alteraciones vocales de los profesores provenientes del trabajo. Se discute, aquí, que el uso vocal intenso no debe propiciar perjuicios a la profesión; la voz debe ser agradable al sujeto y producida correctamente; concluyéndose que hay pocos artículos vehiculados en la biblioteca investigada relacionados a las alteraciones vocales del profesor, provenientes del uso de la voz en el trabajo. Nuevas investigaciones deben ser realizadas y divulgadas para aumentar el conocimiento sobre el tema.Fatores de riscos ambientais e/ou referentes à organização laboral, ausência de noções básicas sobre a voz, seu uso incorreto e presença de modelo vocal deficiente podem levar o professor a apresentar disfonia relacionada ao trabalho. O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar publicações sobre alterações vocais decorrentes do trabalho, através de revisão da literatura sobre o tema proposto. Como método, buscou-se artigos de periódicos indexados na biblioteca virtual Scielo, por período de onze anos, obedecendo-se aos critérios de inclusão e exclusão pré-determinados. Foram encontrados 20 artigos que contemplaram alterações vocais dos professores decorrentes do trabalho. Discute-se, aqui, que o uso vocal intenso não deve propiciar prejuízos à profissão; a voz deve ser agradável ao sujeito e produzida corretamente concluindo-se que há poucos artigos veiculados na biblioteca investigada relacionados às alterações vocais do professor, decorrentes do uso da voz no trabalho. Novas pesquisas devem ser realizadas e divulgadas para aumentar o conhecimento sobre o tema

    A Screening for Virus Infections among Wild Eurasian Tundra Reindeer (Rangifer tarandus tarandus) in Iceland, 2017–2019

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    A winter population of around 4000–5000 wild Eurasian tundra reindeer (Rangifer t. tarandus) in the eastern part of Iceland represents descendants from 35 semi-domesticated reindeer imported to Iceland from Finnmark county, Norway, in 1787. While previous studies have indicated that they host fewer parasite species as compared to reindeer in Fennoscandia, little information exists on their exposure to reindeer viral pathogens. The aim of this study was to investigate blood from hunted reindeer for antibodies against alphaherpesvirus and gammaherpesviruses (malignant catarrhal fever viruses, MCFV), pestivirus, bluetongue virus, and Schmallenberg virus, and to investigate nasal and oral mucosal membrane swab samples for the presence of parapoxvirus-specific DNA. Blood samples collected during the hunting seasons in 2017 (n = 40), 2018 (n = 103), and 2019 (n = 138) were tested for viral antibodies using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISA). Screening for parapoxvirus DNA was conducted on swab samples from 181 reindeer by polymerase chain reaction (PCR), targeting the B2L and GIF genes. Antibodies against pestivirus were detected in two animals from 2017, and antibodies against MCFV were detected in two reindeer from 2018. No antibodies were detected against the other viruses tested. Parapoxvirus-specific DNA was detected in nasal swab samples from two animals sampled in 2019. This study suggests that the investigated viral infections are either not present or present at a low prevalence only, probably not representing a major health threat to this reindeer population. The lack of exposure to alphaherpesvirus, an enzootic pathogen in most investigated Rangifer populations, was unexpected

    A Screening for Virus Infections in Eight Herds of Semi-domesticated Eurasian Tundra Reindeer (Rangifer tarandus tarandus) in Norway, 2013–2018

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    Background: Previous serological screenings have indicated that Eurasian semi-domesticated tundra reindeer (Rangifer tarandus tarandus) in Finnmark, Northern Norway, are exposed to alphaherpesvirus, gammaherpesvirus and pestivirus. Alphaherpesvirus (i.e., Cervid herpesvirus 2; CvHV2) has been identified as the transmissible component of infectious keratoconjunctivitis (IKC). Limited knowledge exists on the presence and prevalence of virus infections in other herding regions in Norway, which are hosting ~67,000 semi-domesticated reindeer and have contact with other species and populations of wildlife and livestock than those present in Finnmark. Methods: Blood samples (n = 618) were obtained over five winter seasons (2013–2018), from eight different herds representing summer pasture districts in Tana, Lakselv, Tromsø, Lødingen, Hattfjelldal, Fosen, Røros, and Filefjell, distributed from North to South of the reindeer herding regions in Norway. Blood samples were investigated for specific antibodies against five viral pathogen groups, alphaherpesvirus, gammaherpesvirus (viruses in the malignant catarrhal fever group; MCFV), pestivirus, bluetongue virus (BTV), and Schmallenberg virus (SBV), by using commercial multispecies serological tests (ELISA). In addition, swab samples obtained from the nasal mucosal membrane from 486 reindeer were investigated by PCR for parapoxvirus-specific DNA. Results: Antibodies against aphaherpesvirus and MCFV were found in all eight herds, with a total prevalence of 42% (range 21–62%) and 11% (range 2–15%), respectively. Anti-Pestivirus antibodies were detected in five of eight herds, with a total prevalence of 19% (range 0–52%), with two of the herds having a particularly high seroprevalence. Antibodies against BTV or SBV were not detected in any of the animals. Parapoxvirus-specific DNA was detected in two animals representing two different herds in Finnmark. Conclusions: This study confirmed that alphaherpesvirus and MCFV are enzootic throughout the geographical reindeer herding regions in Norway, and that pestivirus is present in most of the herds, with varying seroprevalence. No exposure to BTV and SBV was evident. This study also indicated that semi-domesticated reindeer in Finnmark are exposed to parapoxvirus without disease outbreaks being reported from this region