133 research outputs found

    Current sharing control strategy for IGBTs connected in parallel

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    This work focuses on current sharing between punch-through insulated gate bipolar transistors (IGBTs) connected in parallel and evaluates the mechanisms that allow overall current balancing. Two different control strategies are presented. These strategies are based on the modification of transistor gate-emitter control voltage VGE by using an active gate driver circuit. The first strategy relies on the calculation of the average value of the current flowing through all parallel-connected IGBTs. The second strategy is proposed by the authors on the basis of a current cross reference control scheme. Finally, the simulation and experimental results of the application of the two current sharing control algorithms are presented.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Estrategia de control para el equilibrado de corriente en transistores IGBT conectados en paralelo

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    En este artículo se realiza un breve estudio sobre las características que influyen en el reparto de corriente entre semiconductores conectados en paralelo. El estudio se centra en el reparto de corriente en transistores IGBT conectados en paralelo y los mecanismos que permiten compensar dicho reparto. Para ello se proponen dos estrategias de control para el equilibrado de corriente que están basadas en un caso en el cálculo del valor medio de la corriente y en el otro, en la asociación de parejas de transistores. Finalmente se presentan resultados experimentales basados en las estrategias de control propuestas.Postprint (published version

    Mejoras en el consumo de energía de los transductores de corriente basados en el efecto flux-gate

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    En este trabajo se presenta una mejora en el diseño de los transductores de corriente flux-gate, con vistas a la reducción del consumo eléctrico de la electrónica de control. Esta mejora consiste en la substitución del amplificador lineal de compensación de flujo, que proporciona la salida de corriente de medida proporcional a la corriente principal, por un amplificador clase H, con lo cual se consigue reducir apreciablemente el consumo de energía de la electrónica sin afectar a las prestaciones del transducto r en cuanto a precisión, linealidad, etc.Postprint (published version

    Predictive value and dynamic risk stratification of high sensitive basal or stimulated thyroglobulin assay in a long-term thyroid carcinoma cohort

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    Producción CientíficaPurpose: To evaluate the predictive value of the rhTSH thyroglobulin stimulation test (rhTSH-Tg) compared to basal high- sensitive thyroglobulin (hs-Tg) under TSH suppressive therapy at 12 months after the completion of initial treatment to predict the long-term response and Dynamic Risk Stratification (DRS) at the last follow-up visit in a long-term DTC cohort. Methods: Prospective study in 114 DTC patients (77.2% women, mean age 46.4 ± 14.1 years old, median/IQR evolution 6.7[3.1–8.0] years) from 2013 to 2020 undergoing total thyroidectomy and radioiodine ablation in whom hs-Tg and rhTSH- Tg was performed 12 months after completing initial treatment. Pearson correlation, receiving operating characteristics (ROC) and DRS at initial and last follow-up visit were analyzed. Results: hs-Tg and rhTSH-Tg show a strong positive linear correlation (r = 0.864, p < 0.001). The diagnostic performance of initial hs-Tg and rhTSH-Tg levels were evaluated via ROC-AUC as a predictor of excellent response (ER) in the last follow-up visit. Hs-Tg showed a better AUC (0.969, 95%CI = 0.941–0.997) than rhTSH-Tg (0.944, 95%IC = 0.905–0.984; p < 0.001). The hs-Tg and rhTSH-Tg cutoff point of highest sensitivity (S) and specificity (E) was 0.110 and 0.815 ng/dl, respectively. Hs-Tg showed a higher diagnostic accuracy than rhTSH-Tg (S = 100% vs 96.8%, E = 84.3% vs 84.3%, NPV = 100% vs 98.6%, PPV = 70.5% vs 69.7%; p < 0.05). The DRS based on initial hs-Tg showed better ability to predict ER (93.3% vs 86.7%) and biochemical incomplete response (53.3%vs13.3%) in the last follow-up visit compared to rhTSH-Tg. Conclusions: Both initial hs-Th and rhTSH-Tg were good predictors of long-term ER. In patients with hs-Tg, the rhTSH-test did not provide relevant prognosis information. An ER after initial treatment was associated with a very high NPV at subsequent follow-up.Publicación en abierto financiada por el Consorcio de Bibliotecas Universitarias de Castilla y León (BUCLE), con cargo al Programa Operativo 2014ES16RFOP009 FEDER 2014-2020 DE CASTILLA Y LEÓN, Actuación:20007-CL - Apoyo Consorcio BUCL

    Comparison between Sandblasted Acid-Etched and Oxidized Titanium Dental Implants: In Vivo Study

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    The surface modifications of titanium dental implants play important roles in the enhancement of osseointegration. The objective of the present study was to test two different implant surface treatments on a rabbit model to investigate the osseointegration. The tested surfaces were: a) acid-etched surface with sandblasting treatment (SA) and b) an oxidized implant surface (OS). The roughness was measured by an interferometeric microscope with white light and the residual stress of the surfaces was measured with X-ray residual stress Bragg–Bentano diffraction. Six New Zealand white rabbits were used for the in vivo study. Implants with the two different surfaces (SA and OS) were inserted in the femoral bone. After 12 weeks of implantation, histological and histomorphometric analyses of the blocks containing the implants and the surrounding bone were performed. All the implants were correctly implanted and no signs of infection were observed. SA and OS surfaces were both surrounded by newly formed trabeculae. Histomorphometric analysis revealed that the bone–implant contact % (BIC) was higher around the SA implants (53.49 ± 8.46) than around the OS implants (50.94 ± 16.42), although there were no significant statistical differences among them. Both implant surfaces (SA and OS) demonstrated a good bone response with significant amounts of newly formed bone along the implant surface after 12 weeks of implantation. These results confirmed the importance of the topography and physico–chemical properties of dental implants in the osseointegration.The authors are grateful to the Spanish Government and European Union FEDER by the concession of the project RTI2018-098075-B-C22S

    Tiempo fisiológico del ciruelo japonés (Prunus cerasifera EHRH) cv. Methley, calculado en un clima templado de altura intertropical

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    Aim: determine the physiological time (GDD and CU) of the phenological phases of the Japanese plum cv. Methley, cultivated in high altitudes with temperate climate. Design/methodology/approach: through daily observation, record of the appearance of phenological phases and use of Snyder´s method (1985), in twenty plum trees cv. Methley grafted on Mirobolano plum, the GDD of each phenological phase were quantified; CU were determined through three models (Richardson et al., 1974, Vega et al., 1990 and Shaltout and Unrath, 1983). Results: the physiological time of the cultivar had small quantitative variations for the same phenological phases in the studied years (2015 and 2016). The models for the CU calculation quantified different amounts of chilling temperatures. Study limitations/implications: the use of models for CU quantification, typical for temperate latitudes, in intertropical regions, makes difficult to monitor the accumulation of necessary cold to resume the growth of deciduous fruit trees. Findings/conclusions: it is recommended not to use own models from temperate latitudes, in high altitudes with temperate climate intertropical zones; in this case, it is right the use Vega´s model et al (1990).Objetivo:&nbsp;determinar el tiempo fisiológico (GDD y UF) de las fases fenológicas del ciruelo japonés (Prunus cerasifera EHRH) cv. Methley, cultivado en clima templado de altura. Diseño/metodología/aproximación: En árboles de ciruelo cv. Methley injertados sobre ciruelo Mirobolano (n=20) se cuantificaron los GDD de cada fase fenológica; determinando las UF a través de tres modelos usando la observación diaria, registro de la aparición de fases fenológicas y empleo del método de Snyder, durante 2015 y 2016. Resultados: el tiempo fisiológico del cultivar tuvo pequeñas variaciones cuantitativas para mismas fases fenológicas en los años estudiados. Los modelos de cuantificación de UF registraron distintas cantidades de frío. Limitaciones del estudio/implicaciones: el empleo de modelos de cuantificación de UF, propio de latitudes templadas, en regiones intertropicales, dificulta el monitoreo de la acumulación de frío necesario para reanudar el crecimiento de los frutales caducifolios. Hallazgos/conclusiones: se recomienda no emplear modelos propios de latitudes templadas, en zonas intertropicales con clima templado de altura, y emplear en este caso, el modelo de Vega et al. (1990)

    Polymorphisms associated with adalimumab and infliximab response in moderate-to-severe plaque psoriasis

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    Aims. This study evaluated the influence of pharmacogenetics in psoriatic patients treated with adalimumab and/or infliximab. Materials &amp; methods: Prospective observational study evaluating the association of 124 polymorphisms with the response to adalimumab or infliximab (PASI75) in patients with moderate-to-severe plaque psoriasis at 3 months (n = 95) and 6 months of treatment (n = 90). Significant SNPs for univariate analysis were subjected to multivariate analysis. Results: Five SNPs were associated with PASI75 at 3 months: rs6661932 (IVL), rs2546890 (IL-12B), rs2145623 (NFKBIA), rs9304742 (ZNF816A) and rs645544 (SLC9A8). Furthermore, rs1061624 (TNFR1B) was associated with PASI75 at 6 months. Conclusion: Nevertheless, these biomarkers should be validated in large-scale studies before implementation in clinical practice

    Design Of A Minicomputer Separator Of Urban Solid Waste (RSU)

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    In Mexico, the society in general lacks the habit and ethics of properly disposing garbage or in taking care of the environment. This paper focuses on analyzing and disposing garbage in an automated way. The present study also seeks to create and promote care for the planet. The minicomputer (GreenScanProcess) is an automated system whose process is based on an algorithm that stands out for its functionality. GreenScanProcess has sensors that allow the analysis and scanning of garbage. It also measures the weight and humidity of the garbage. The minicomputer also examines the garbage to know its composition. Likewise, GreenScanProcess takes the garbage to the container according to the garbage. The benefits obtained when conducting the research were: environmental, economic, technological, and educational

    Mejora de la funcionalidad física y emocional tras un programa de intervención multicomponente en mujeres con cáncer de mama

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    El cáncer de mama es un tumor maligno y su impacto psicológico ha sido demostrado ampliamente. Tal afección hace evidente la necesidad de trabajar desde la multidisciplinariedad para mejorar la sintomatología afectiva y la limitación funcional de estas pacientes. En el presente trabajo se implementa una intervención psicológica en 69 mujeres con cáncer de mama siendo 19 españolas y 50 mexicanas que fueron divididas en grupo experimental (N=41) y control (N=28). El grupo experimental realizó un programa de 4 módulos: 1) manejo de estrés (incorporando ejercicios de consciencia corporal, yoga y mindfulness), 2) aceptación a la enfermedad, 3) regulación emocional, y 4) apoyo social. Los resultados revelaron una mejora de la calidad de vida y de la imagen corporal, disminución de la alexitimia y la sintomatología física y emocional. Estos datos confirman que el programa ofrece resultados beneficiosos para las mujeres con cáncer de mama incorporando el ejercicio físico junto con las técnicas psicológicasBreast cancer is a malignant tumor and the psychological impact is demonstrated empirically in the affected people. This condition makes evident the need to work multidisciplinary to help these patients. The present study implements a psychological intervention with 69 women with breast cancer. 19 women are Spanish and 50 women are Mexican. The participating sample was divided into experimental group (N=41) and control group (N=28). The experimental group did a 4 module program: 1) stress management (with body awareness exercises, yoga and mindfulness), 2) acceptance of cancer, 3) emotional regulation, and 4) social support. The results revealed an improvement in the quality of life and body image and a decrease in physical and emotional symptoms and alexithymia. Our study confirms that the intervention offers beneficial results for women with breast cancer incorporating physical exercise and psychological techniques

    Dynamic Intracellular Metabolic Cell Signaling Profiles During Ag-Dependent B-Cell Differentiation

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    © 2021 Díez, Pérez-Andrés, Bøgsted, Azkargorta, García-Valiente, Dégano, Blanco, Mateos-Gomez, Bárcena, Santa Cruz, Góngora, Elortza, Landeira-Viñuela, Juanes-Velasco, Segura, Manzano-Román, Almeida, Dybkaer, Orfao and Fuentes.Human B-cell differentiation has been extensively investigated on genomic and transcriptomic grounds; however, no studies have accomplished so far detailed analysis of antigen-dependent maturation-associated human B-cell populations from a proteomic perspective. Here, we investigate for the first time the quantitative proteomic profiles of B-cells undergoing antigen-dependent maturation using a label-free LC-MS/MS approach applied on 5 purified B-cell subpopulations (naive, centroblasts, centrocytes, memory and plasma B-cells) from human tonsils (data are available via ProteomeXchange with identifier PXD006191). Our results revealed that the actual differences among these B-cell subpopulations are a combination of expression of a few maturation stage-specific proteins within each B-cell subset and maturation-associated changes in relative protein expression levels, which are related with metabolic regulation. The considerable overlap of the proteome of the 5 studied B-cell subsets strengthens the key role of the regulation of the stoichiometry of molecules associated with metabolic regulation and programming, among other signaling cascades (such as antigen recognition and presentation and cell survival) crucial for the transition between each B-cell maturation stage.We gratefully acknowledge financial support from the Spanish Health Institute Carlos III (ISCIII) for the grants: FIS PI14/01538, FIS PI17/01930 and CB16/12/00400. We also acknowledge Fondos FEDER (EU) and Junta Castilla-León (COVID19 grant COV20EDU/00187). Fundación Solórzano FS/38-2017.The Proteomics Unit belongs to ProteoRed, PRB3-ISCIII, supported by grant PT17/0019/0023, of the PE I + D + I 2017-2020, funded by ISCIII and FEDER. AL-V is supported by VIII Centenario-USAL PhD Program. PJ-V is supported by JCYL PhD Program and scholarship JCYL-EDU/601/2020. PD and EB are supported by a JCYL-EDU/346/2013 Ph.D. scholarship