66 research outputs found

    Vp/Vs-ratios and anisotropy on the northern Jan Mayen Ridge, North Atlantic, determined from ocean bottom seismic data

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    In order to gain insight into the lithology and crustal evolution of the northern Jan Mayen Ridge, North Atlantic, the horizontal components of an Ocean Bottom Seismometer (OBS) dataset were analyzed with regard to Vp/Vs-modeling and seismic anisotropy. The modeling suggests that the northernmost part of the ridge consists of Icelandic type oceanic crust, bordered to the north by anomalously thick oceanic crust formed at the Mohns spreading ridge. The modeled Vp/Vs-ratios suggest variations in gabbroic composition and present-day temperatures in the area. Anisotropy analysis reveals a fast S-wave component along the Jan Mayen Ridge. This pattern of anisotropy is most readily interpreted as dikes intruded along the ridge, suggesting that the magmatism can be related to the development of a leaky transform since Early Oligocene

    Structure and evolution of the Bellsund Graben between Forlandsundet and Bellsund (Spitsbergen) based on marine seismic data

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    Seismic interpretation of multi-channel seismic data acquired along the western shelf of Spitsbergen allowed identification of the main geological features of the area, including the Hornsund Fault Zone, and the Forlandsundet and Bellsund grabens. The Bellsund Graben is defined as a narrow, N-S trending graben structure which is approximately 20 km wide and 70 km in length. The graben represents a southern continuation of the Forlandsundet Graben in the north and in the south, it is limited by E-W trending dextral transverse faults external to Isfjorden and Van Mijenfjorden. Development of the graben structures was related to the formation of the West Spitsbergen Fold and Thrust Belt and opening of the Norwegian- Greenland Sea. Compressional structures observed within sedimentary strata infilling the graben may support the view that three stages can be discerned with respect to the evolution of these structures: 1) An initial stage of sediment accumulation in basins broader than those at present (probably latest Paleocene – Early Eocene); 2) graben formation, possibly as a pull-apart structures during a dextral strike-slip regime with local compression (latest Eocene); and 3) normal faulting and final graben development since the onset of sea-floor spreading between Svalbard and Greenland in early Oligocene. The lowermost reflector that underlies the Bellsund Graben has been interpreted as a detachment surface formed during the Late Eocene-Oligocene(?) extension as reactivation of a thrust plane developed during formation of the West Spitsbergen Fold and Thrust Belt.publishedVersio

    The Cenozoic western Svalbard margin: sediment geometry and sedimentary processes in an area of ultraslow oceanic spreading

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    The northeastern high-latitude North Atlantic is characterised by the Bellsund and Isfjorden fans on the continental slope off west Svalbard, the asymmetrical ultraslow Knipovich spreading ridge and a 1,000 m deep rift valley. Recently collected multichannel seismic profiles and bathymetric records now provide a more complete picture of sedimentary processes and depositional environments within this region. Both downslope and alongslope sedimentary processes are identified in the study area. Turbidity currents and deposition of glacigenic debris flows are the dominating downslope processes, whereas mass failures, which are a common process on glaciated margins, appear to have been less significant. The slide debrite observed on the Bellsund Fan is most likely related to a 2.5–1.7 Ma old failure on the northwestern Barents Sea margin. The seismic records further reveal that alongslope current processes played a major role in shaping the sediment packages in the study area. Within the Knipovich rift valley and at the western rift flank accumulations as thick as 950–1,000 m are deposited. We note that oceanic basement is locally exposed within the rift valley, and that seismostratigraphic relationships indicate that fault activity along the eastern rift flank lasted until at least as recently as 1.5 Ma. A purely hemipelagic origin of the sediments in the rift valley and on the western rift flank is unlikely. We suggest that these sediments, partly, have been sourced from the western Svalbard—northwestern Barents Sea margin and into the Knipovich Ridge rift valley before continuous spreading and tectonic activity caused the sediments to be transported out of the valley and westward.publishedVersio

    Crustal domains in the Western Barents Sea

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    The crustal architecture of the Barents Sea is still enigmatic due to complex evolution during the Timanian and Caledonian orogeny events, further complicated by several rifting episodes. In this study we present the new results on the crustal structure of the Caledonian–Timanian transition zone in the western Barents. We extend the work of Aarseth et al. (2017), by utilizing the seismic tomography approach to model Vp, Vs and Vp/Vs ratio, combined with the reprocessed seismic reflection line, and further complemented with gravity modelling. Based on our models we document in 3-D the position of the Caledonian nappes in the western Barents Sea. We find that the Caledonian domain is characterized by high crustal reflectivity, caused by strong deformation and/or emplacement of mafic intrusions within the crystalline crust. The Timanian domain shows semi-transparent crust with little internal reflectivity, suggesting less deformation. We find, that the eastern branch of the earlier proposed Caledonian suture, cannot be associated with the Caledonian event, but can rather be a relict from the Timanian terrane assemblance, marking one of the crustal microblocks. This crustal block may have an E–W striking southern boundary, along which the Caledonian nappes were offset. A high-velocity/density crustal body, adjacent to the Caledonian–Timanian contact zone, is interpreted as a zone of metamorphosed rocks based on the comparison with global compilations. The orientation of this body correlates with regional gravity maxima zone. Two scenarios for the origin of the body are proposed: mafic emplacement during the Timanian assembly, or massive mafic intrusions associated with the Devonian extension.publishedVersio

    The origin of the asymmetry in the Iceland hotspot along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge from continental breakup to present-day

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    The Iceland hotspot has profoundly influenced the creation of oceanic crust throughout the North Atlantic basin. Enigmatically, the geographic extent of the hotspot influence along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge has been asymmetric for most of the spreading history. This asymmetry is evident in crustal thickness along the present-day ridge system and anomalously shallow seafloor of ages ∼49–25 Ma created at the Reykjanes Ridge (RR), SSW of the hotspot center, compared to deeper seafloor created by the now-extinct Aegir Ridge (AR) the same distance NE of the hotspot center. The cause of this asymmetry is explored with 3-D numerical models that simulate a mantle plume interacting with the ridge system using realistic ridge geometries and spreading rates that evolve from continental breakup to present-day. The models predict plume-influence to be symmetric at continental breakup, then to rapidly contract along the ridges, resulting in widely influenced margins next to uninfluenced oceanic crust. After this initial stage, varying degrees of asymmetry along the mature ridge segments are predicted. Models in which the lithosphere is created by the stiffening of the mantle due to the extraction of water near the base of the melting zone predict a moderate amount of asymmetry; the plume expands NE along the AR ∼70–80% as far as it expands SSW along the RR. Without dehydration stiffening, the lithosphere corresponds to the near-surface, cool, thermal boundary layer; in these cases, the plume is predicted to be even more asymmetric, expanding only 40–50% as far along the AR as it does along the RR. Estimates of asymmetry and seismically measured crustal thicknesses are best explained by model predictions of an Iceland plume volume flux of ∼100–200 m^3/s, and a lithosphere controlled by a rheology in which dehydration stiffens the mantle, but to a lesser degree than simulated here. The asymmetry of influence along the present-day ridge system is predicted to be a transient configuration in which plume influence along the Reykjanes Ridge is steady, but is still widening along the Kolbeinsey Ridge, as it has been since this ridge formed at ∼25 Ma

    A new tectono-magmatic model for the Lofoten/Vesterålen Margin at the outer limit of the Iceland Plume influence

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    Highlights • The Lofoten/Vesterålen margin has less Early Cenozoic lava flows than believed. • Breakup of the L/V margin is delayed ∼1 m.y. from the Vøring Plateau to the south. • Late arrival of the Iceland Plume may explain delayed breakup and prolonged extension. The Early Eocene continental breakup was magma-rich and formed part of the North Atlantic Igneous Province. Extrusive and intrusive magmatism was abundant on the continental side, and a thick oceanic crust was produced up to a few m.y. after breakup. However, the extensive magmatism at the Vøring Plateau off mid-Norway died down rapidly northeastwards towards the Lofoten/Vesterålen Margin. In 2003 an Ocean Bottom Seismometer profile was collected from mainland Norway, across Lofoten, and into the deep ocean. Forward/inverse velocity modeling by raytracing reveals a continental margin transitional between magma-rich and magma-poor rifting. For the first time a distinct lower-crustal body typical for volcanic margins has been identified at this outer margin segment, up to 3.5. km thick and ∼50. km wide. On the other hand, expected extrusive magmatism could not be clearly identified here. Strong reflections earlier interpreted as the top of extensive lavas may at least partly represent high-velocity sediments derived from the shelf, and/or fault surfaces. Early post-breakup oceanic crust is moderately thickened (∼8. km), but is reduced to 6. km after 1. m.y. The adjacent continental crystalline crust is extended down to a minimum of 4.5. km thickness. Early plate spreading rates derived from the Norway Basin and the northern Vøring Plateau were used to calculate synthetic magnetic seafloor anomalies, and compared to our ship magnetic profile. It appears that continental breakup took place at ∼53.1. Ma, ∼1. m.y. later than on the Vøring Plateau, consistent with late strong crustal extension. The low interaction between extension and magmatism indicates that mantle plume material was not present at the Lofoten Margin during initial rifting, and that the observed excess magmatism was created by late lateral transport from a nearby pool of plume material into the lithospheric rift zone at breakup time