5,638 research outputs found

    Compatibility and stability of hyoscine n-butyl bromide and furosemide admixtures for use in palliative care

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    In order to avoid separate injections, admixtures of drugs are frequently used in palliative care settings. There are different factors that can influence the compatibility and stability of the mixture: drug type, concentration, solvent, container, temperature and light. There are some mixtures of drugs with proven stability, but there is lack of evidence about the stability and compatibility of the combination of hyoscine N-butyl bromide and furosemide.Universidad de Málaga,Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tec

    Legislacion Espanola y Comunitaria, publicada en el B.O.E. y en el D.O.U.E. de Diciembre 2012 a Marzo de 2013

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    Legislacion Espanola y Comunitaria, publicada en el B.O.E. y en el D.O.U.E. de Diciembre 2012 a Marzo de 201

    Factores asociados a lesiones escamosas intraepiteliales en mujeres menores de 25 años en el Hospital Regional Docente de Trujillo

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    Introducción: Las lesiones escamosas intraepiteliales son alteraciones precursoras de cáncer de cuello uterino; identificar los factores asociados es fundamental para su prevención. El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar si el inicio temprano de relaciones sexuales, el número de parejas sexuales y la paridad son factores asociados a lesiones escamosas intraepiteliales (LEI) en mujeres menores de 25 años. Material y métodos: estudio de tipo retrospectivo, de casos y controles. Se estudió a una población de 315 pacientes mujeres menores de 25 años en el Hospital Regional Docente de Trujillo, periodo enero-noviembre 2016. Se obtuvo la muestra de casos, mujeres con lesiones (LEI) y controles, mujeres sin lesiones (LEI). Resultados: se analizaron datos de 315 pacientes, casos 105 pacientes y controles 210 pacientes. Las pacientes que iniciaron sus relaciones sexuales a temprana edad (≤15 años) el 27% presentó LEI; el valor de la Chi-Cuadrado es X 2 : 4,326 con nivel de significancia P<0,05 determinándose como factor asociado a LEI. El 33% de las pacientes tuvo más de dos parejas sexuales y presentó LEI; el valor de la Chi-Cuadrado es X 2 : 6.094 con nivel de significancia P< 0,05, estableciéndose como factor asociado. El 66,4% de los pacientes no tenían más de 3 hijos y no presentaron LEI; el valor de la Chi-Cuadrado es X : 0,502 (P>0,05). Conclusiones: el inicio temprano de las relaciones sexuales y el número de parejas sexuales son factores asociados a LEI en mujeres menores de 25 años; la LEI más prevalente fue la LEI de bajo grado.Objectives: To determine whether the early onset of sexual relations, the number of sexual partners and parity are factors associated with squamous intraepithelial lesions (LEI) in women under 25 years of age. Material and Methods: an observational, analytical, retrospective study of cases and controls was carried out. A population of 315 patients under 25 years of age was evaluated in the Regional Teaching Hospital of Trujillo, January-November 2016. The sample of cases, women with injuries (LEI) and controls, women without injuries (LEI) was obtained. met the inclusion and exclusion criteria Results: A total of 105 cases, women with LEI and 210 controls, women without LEI. The unibariado analysis found that the majority of patients are students and come from Trujillo. The bivariate and multivariate analysis identified at the beginning of sexual relations at an early age (≤15 years) (OR: 1821, 95% CI [1.03-3.22], P = 0.038); the number of sexual partners (> 2 couples) (OR: 8,577, 95% CI [1.12-65.5], P = 0.014); be associated with squamous intraepithelial lesions. Parity (> 3 children) (P = 0.479) is not associated with these injuries. Conclusions: The early onset of sexual intercourse and the number of sexual partners are factors associated with LEI in women under 25 years of age; The most prevalent LEI was low-grade LEI.Tesi

    An assessment of the sea breeze energy potential using small wind turbines in peri-urban coastal areas

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    From wind speed data recorded hourly at 2 m high during 18 years (1993-2010) in the Llobregat Delta (15 km south of Barcelona city; northeast of the Iberian Peninsula), wind speed distributions at 10 m high were computed for the whole year and for the sea breeze period (from March 1 to September 30, from 10 to 19 local time). Weibull probability density functions fitted to the distributions were used to assess the wind energy generated by two off-grid small wind turbines: the IT-PE-100 and the HP-600W. Results from FAST and AeroDyn simulation tools were compared with those obtained by applying measured wind speeds to manufacturer power curves. Using manufacturer data, the IT-PE-100 would deliver 132 kWh during the whole year (70 kWh during the sea breeze period). From the simulations, the IT-PE-100 would deliver 155 kWh during the whole year (80 kWh during the sea breeze period). It is concluded that the sea-breeze is an interesting wind energy resource for micro-generation, not only in the Mediterranean basin but in other areas of the world with similar wind regimes, and particularly in peri-urban coastal areas where large-scale wind farms cannot be implemented.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Los sobrecostos laborales como factor de riesgo tributario y laboral en la empresa Ladrillera ABC- 2014

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    Las empresas hoy en día, tratan de buscar la manera más adecuada de minimizar sus costos de producción, sin salir del marco legal regulatorio, para hacer su negocio más competitivo. En el intento de buscar la fórmula más eficaz de no caer en sobrecostos de producción, las empresas evaden las normas y por ende caen en la informalidad, la cual no les permite abrirse mejores y mayores horizontes empresariales. Este concepto mencionado es amplio, por lo cual los empresarios pueden evadir al fisco o mantener una relación formal con esta institución, pero faltando a ciertas obligaciones hacia su personal, mayormente a los trabajadores relacionados directamente con el producto. En este caso la empresa Ladrillera será objeto de estudio y en ella se dará posibles alternativas de solucione basándose en la siguiente interrogante: ¿En qué medida los sobrecostos laborales generan informalidad en una empresa ladrillera 2014? Con el fin de conocer la obligación del empleador hacia los empleados se realizaron entrevistas al gerente administrativo y al contador para adquirir información que nos ayudó en el presente estudio

    Simplified Compression of Redundancy Free Trellis Sections in Turbo Decoder

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    International audienceIt has been recently shown that a sequence of R=q(M-1) redundancy free trellis stages of a recursive convolutional decoder can be compressed in a sequence of L=M-1 trellis stages, where M is the number of states of the trellis and q is a positive integer. In this paper, we show that for an M state Turbo decoder, among the L compressed trellis stages, only m = 3 or even m = 2 are necessary. The so-called mm-min algorithm can either be used to increase the throughput for decoding a high rate turbo-code and/or to reduce its power consumption

    La gestión institucional en un centro de educación superior mexicano en el proceso de construcción de confianza desde los enfoques de atención al sujeto

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    Los modelos educativos propuestos en las tres últimas décadas han adoptado un enfoque centrado en el alumnado y en el aprendizaje. En este contexto, vale la pena preguntarse cómo se aplican, concretamente, en las instituciones de educación superior (IES), cuando se trata de entornos como el mexicano, donde el sistema educativo es altamente burocrático, centrado en la eficacia, no en la persona y estrechamente ligado al sistema político. El objetivo del presente artículo es mostrar la manera en que un centro universitario aplicó el modelo educativo general que ha adoptado la IES, y cómo lo ha traducido en acciones concretas adaptadas a su propio contexto, involucrando no solo actividades de enseñanzaaprendizaje, sino la gestión misma del espacio académico en su conjunto. La investigación es exploratoria, documental y sustentada en el diseño de estudio de caso. Los hallazgos encontrados señalan que las acciones emprendidas trascendieron el ámbito de aplicación de planes de estudio y abarcaron diferentes esferas de actuación del centro educativo, convirtiéndose en un caso de interés en el contexto mexicano (y tal vez latinoamericano) por conseguir que un modelo educativo general se aplicara, de manera integral y contextualizada, logrando convertirlo en un modelo de gestión institucional propio

    Carbonation of concrete with construction and demolition waste based recycled aggregates and cement with recycled content

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    Durability is a major concern in concrete (particularly recycled concrete) structures exposed to carbonation-induced corrosion, given the social, economic, environmental and safety implications involved. This article explores carbonation performance in concrete with 25% or 50% mixed recycled construction and demolition waste aggregate, alone or in conjunction with cement containing 25% fired clay construction and demolition waste. Irrespective of cement type, the mean carbonation depth was slightly greater in materials with 25% or 50% recycled aggregate than in concretes with 100% natural aggregate, although the difference was not statistically significant for the 25% replacement ratio. In all the concretes studied, the carbonation coefficient was below the 4 mm/yr0.5 indicative of good quality. Based on the prediction model proposed in Spain’s concrete code, reinforcement passivity was guaranteed in all these types of concrete when exposed to class XC1 to XC4 carbonation environments for substantially longer than their 100 year design service life.This study was funded under research projects BIA 2013-48876-C3-1-R, BIA2013-48876-C3-2-R and BIA2016-76643-C3-1-R awarded by the Ministry of Science and Innovation and grant GR 18122 awarded to the MATERIA Research Group by the Regional Government of Extremadura and the European Regional Development Fund, ERDF. In 2016 University of Extremadura teaching and research personnel benefitted from a mobility grant (MOV15A029) awarded by the Regional Government of Extremadura and in 2018 from a José Castillejo (CAS17/00313) scholarship granted by the Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport. Philip Van den Heede is since October 2017 a postdoctoral fellow of the Research Foundation—Flanders (FWO) (project number 3E013917) and acknowledges its support.Peer reviewe

    Fibromyalgia detection based on eeg connectivity patterns

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    Objective: The identification of a complementary test to confirm the diagnosis of FM. The diagnosis of fibromyalgia (FM) is based on clinical features, but there is still no consensus, so patients and clinicians might benefit from such a test. Recent findings showed that pain lies in neuronal bases (pain matrices) and, in the long term, chronic pain modifies the activity and dynamics of brain structures. Our hypothesis is that patients with FM present lower levels of brain activity and therefore less connectivity than controls. Methods: We registered the resting state EEG of 23 patients with FM and compared them with 23 control subjects’ resting state recordings from the PhysioBank database. We measured frequency, amplitude, and functional connectivity, and conducted source localization (sLORETA). ROC analysis was performed on the resulting data. Results: We found significant differences in brain bioelectrical activity at rest in all analyzed bands between patients and controls, except for Delta. Subsequent source analysis provided connectivity values that depicted a distinct profile, with high discriminative capacity (between 91.3–100%) between the two groups. Conclusions: Patients with FM show a distinct neurophysiological pattern that fits with the clinical features of the disease.CN was funded through a Francisco Tomás y Valiente research fellowship (MIAS—UAM). This work is framed in the research project entitled “Criminal Law and Human Behaviour” (RTI2018- 097838-B-I00) granted by the Spain Ministry for Science, Innovation, and Universities of Spain (PI: Prof. Eduardo Demetrio Crespo). LSSR was funded by Boston Scientifi