274 research outputs found

    The effects of timbre on perceptual grouping in a melodic sequence

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    The current investigation sought to examine the effects of timbre on perceptual grouping in melodic sequences. While past research has shown that timbre shifts influence listeners’ pitch perception on a note-to-note basis (e.g., see Pitt, 2004; Russo & Thompson, 2005, & Creel, Newport, & Aslin, 2004), the current investigation extended this to timbre’s influence on pitch perception in the context of a melodic phrase. In Experiment 1, participants were presented with melodic sequences, made of sawtooth-like waves. Sequences, consisting of 6 tones, were followed by a target tone that had a static, dull, or bright timbre shift through the use of low-pass filters in order to shift the spectral centroid. Target tones were equally presented at ascending and descending interval sizes of a minor 3rd, perfect 4th, and minor 6th. These target tones were paired with timbre conditions, equally, to create timbre shifts that were static, where timbre did not change at all, congruent, where timbre and the pitch of the target moved in the same direction, and incongruent, where timbre and pitch moved in opposite directions. Participants were tasked with rating how well the target tone belonged to the sequence before it. Experiment 2 extended a similar approach to instrumental stimuli. Cello samples were filtered so that the corresponding impact on spectral centroids was similar to the timbre manipulation in Experiment 1. Contrary to hypotheses, participants rated target tones as being less likely to continue the initial melody if any form of timbre shift was present, regardless of interval size. This effect of timbre suggests that it was not subsumed by high-order processes of melody perception. As hypothesized, this effect was negatively related to musical training. Additionally, as expected, interval size influenced ratings regardless of timbre shifts, where larger intervals were less likely to be perceived as belonging to the initial melody. Thus, participants also appear to have used expectations about pitch intervals to make judgments. Finally, the direction of the initial interval within the sequence also influenced target judgments when the target tone constituted a shift in timbre, indicating that participants used directional information to create expectations for the target pitch. Taken together, the findings from the current investigation minimally indicate that, at least under conditions reflecting a single change in instrument source, timbre has the capacity to drastically impact the perception of melodic phrase structure

    La relación entre ciencia y arte: aportes para pensar una ciencia desde la dimensión artística nietzscheana

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    El presente artículo pretende mostrar cómo se concibe la relación entre el arte y la ciencia en la filosofía nietzscheana. A partir esta relación, se propone pensar y reflexionar sobre una forma de pensar a la ciencia, en la cual el arte y su movimiento creador se mostraría como originador de la misma.Se puede percibir que el arte es recurrente en su pensamiento, transfigurando y modificando su manera de vincularlo a la vida, pero sin perder un plano prominente. Se realizará un recorrido intentando plasmar el camino que tuvieron sus consideraciones en torno a la temática, conforme avanza en su vida. Se intentará mostrar que enfrentando a su cultura, propone una manera experimental de vivir en la que el rol del filósofo-artista es clave.


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan produk berupa media pembelajaran multimedia PowerPoint berbasis ISpring. Penelitian ini dilatar belakangi karena kurangnya pemanfaatan penggunaan media pembelajaran, khususnya dalam pembelajaran PPKn, seperti yang kita ketahui bahwa pelajaran PPKn merupakan salah satu pelajaran yang kurang menarik dan dianggap sulit oleh sebagian siswa. Sehingga perlu adanya inovasi dalam proses pembelajaran, agar materi yang diajarkan dapat tersampaikan dengan baik. Dalam hal ini penggunaan media pembelajaran dapat membantu guru dan siswa dalam memahami materi pembelajaran. Penelitian ini menggunakan model pengembangan ASSURE. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah teknik tingkat kevalidan produk. Responden dalam penelitian dan pengembangan ini meliputi dosen ahli materi, dosen ahli media, dosen ahli bahasa, dan peserta didik kelas IV Sekolah Dasar Negeri Cipinang Melayu 01 Jakarta Timur. Hasil rekapitulasi ahli materi sebesar 96,7%, ahli media sebesar 84%, ahli bahasa sebesar 82,3%. Selain itu pada tahap uji coba One to One 94,7% dan tahap uji coba Small Group 96%. Berdasarkan hasil Expert Review dan uji coba yang dilakukan dapat dinyatakan bahwa produk multimedia PowerPoint berbasis ISpring pada pembelajaran Pendidikan Pancasila dan Kewarganegaraan tema “Indahnya Keragaman di Negeriku” merupakan produk yang valid dan layak digunakan sebagai alternatif media pembelajaran. ************ This research aims to produce learning multimedia PowerPoint based ISpring in the PPKn learning the theme of “The Beauty of Diversity in my Country”. This research was motivated by the lack of use of instructional media, especially in PPKn learning, as we know that PPKn lessons are one of the less interesting lessons and considered difficult by some students. So that there is a need for innovation in the learning process, so that the material taught can be conveyed properly. In this case the use of instructional media can help teachers and students understand the learning material. This study uses the ASSURE development model. The data analysis technique used is the product validity level technique. Respondents in this research and development included a material expert, a media expert, a linguist expert, and fourth grade students at Cipinang melayu 01 Elementary School, East Jakarta. The result of recapitulation of material expert were 96,7%, media expert 84%, and linguist expert were 82,3%. In addition, the result of One to One trial phase were 94.7% and the Small Group trial phase were 96%. Based on the results of Expert Review and the trials conducted, it could be states multimedia PowerPoint based on ISpring in Pancasila and Civic Education with the theme "The Beauty of Diversity in my Country" is a valid and fesible product to be used as an alternative learning media

    La relación saber-poder en la disciplinarización de saberes

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    En el presente trabajo nos proponemos trabajar la perspectiva foucaultiana en vinculación a ciertas teorías críticas del pensamiento latinoamericano. En este marco, se pretende indagar sobre la relación saber/poder en el pensamiento foucaultiano presentes principalmente en sus obras Vigilar y Castigar (1982) La arqueología del saber (2002) y Defender la sociedad (2008), recuperando asimismo aportes de Anibal Quijano y Santiago Castro Gómez. A partir de tal vinculación, trataremos de analizar cuáles son las implicaciones y aportes del análisis foucaultiano en relación a los saberes-otros y a la disciplinarización de saberes. La hipótesis general es mostrar que el análisis del poder y la relación entre saber y poder que propone Foucault, a pesar de considerarse indiferente del poder colonial, del colonialismo como poder global y de sus consecuencias también globales, nos brinda herramientas para comprender la colonialidad en el ámbito epistémico y de-velar ciertos mecanismos que se utilizan a nivel global como estrategia de estabilización, tales como podría considerarse el discurso del racismo. El camino recorrido nos da cuenta de la necesidad de cuestionarnos sobre el modo de producción de conocimiento para develar la operatoria interna a partir de la que desenvuelve tal producción y a qué intereses responde. En este sentido, los procedimientos de disciplinarización de saberes y el discurso del racismo apropiado por el Estado y puesto en acción en los diferentes mecanismos que despliegan son cruciales

    Perancangan Kendal Creative and Community Space dengan Pendekatan Arsitektur Ekologis

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    Kendal Regency is an area located in the west of Semarang City and is traversed by the Pantura line that connects Jakarta-Semarang-Surabaya. Its strategic location provides a lot of potential for the development of the area. There are many creative actors and communities that have not been accommodated so that their existence has not been able to become a spearhead of progress for Kendal Regency. In an effort to take advantage of the potential of both regional topography, natural resources and human resources as well as to restore the economic impact of the post-covid-19 pandemic, as well as an area that supports the needs of Semarang City as the center of government in Central Java in the fields of creativity and industry, a Creative and Community Space in Kendal Regency which aims to accommodate all creative and community activities that include training, education and recreation activities to be able to support the creative industry in Kendal Regency. Focusing on the creative craft and design industry. The building is designed using an ecological architectural approach in order to synergize the balance between the environment, buildings and users so as to create a sustainable living ecosystem

    The AMT: What’s Wrong and How to Fix It

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    The alternative minimum tax (AMT) is a complex, unfair, and inefficient shadow tax system that threatens to affect 32 million taxpayers by 2010, many of them solidly middle class. Under current law, repealing the AMT without offsets would cost more than 850billionthrough2017.ThispapersummarizesthecurrentandprojectedeffectsoftheAMTandconsidersoptionstonancerepeal.OneattractiveoptionweconsiderwouldbetocombineAMTrepealwithafourpercenttaxonAGIinexcessof850 billion through 2017. This paper summarizes the current and projected effects of the AMT and considers options to finance repeal. One attractive option we consider would be to combine AMT repeal with a four percent tax on AGI in excess of 200,000 for married couples and $100,000 for others

    The AMT: What’s Wrong and How to Fix It

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    The alternative minimum tax (AMT) is a complex, unfair, and inefficient shadow tax system that threatens to affect 32 million taxpayers by 2010, many of them solidly middle class. Under current law, repealing the AMT without offsets would cost more than 850billionthrough2017.ThispapersummarizesthecurrentandprojectedeffectsoftheAMTandconsidersoptionstonancerepeal.OneattractiveoptionweconsiderwouldbetocombineAMTrepealwithafourpercenttaxonAGIinexcessof850 billion through 2017. This paper summarizes the current and projected effects of the AMT and considers options to finance repeal. One attractive option we consider would be to combine AMT repeal with a four percent tax on AGI in excess of 200,000 for married couples and $100,000 for others

    Specific inhibition of NF-Y subunits triggers different cell proliferation defects

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    Regulated gene expression is essential for a proper progression through the cell cycle. The transcription factor NF-Y has a fundamental function in transcriptional regulation of cell cycle genes, particularly of G2/M genes. In order to investigate common and distinct functions of NF-Y subunits in cell cycle regulation, NF-YA, NF-YB and NF-YC have been silenced by shRNAs in HCT116 cells. NF-YA loss led to a delay in S-phase progression, DNA damage and apoptosis: we showed the activation of the replication checkpoint, through the recruitment of Δp53 and of the replication proteins PCNA and Mcm7 to chromatin. Differently, NF-YB depletion impaired cells from exiting G2/M, but did not interfere with S-phase progression. Gene expression analysis of NF-YA and NF-YB inactivated cells highlighted a common set of hit genes, as well as a plethora of uncommon genes, unveiling a different effect of NF-Y subunits loss on NF-Y binding to its target genes. Chromatin extracts and ChIP analysis showed that NF-YA depletion was more effective than NF-YB in hitting NF-Y recruitment to CCAAT-promoters. Our data suggest a critical role of NF-Y expression, highlighting that the lack of the single subunits are differently perceived by the cells, which activate diverse cell cycle blocks and signaling pathways

    Predicting Visibility of Aircraft

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    Visual detection of aircraft by human observers is an important element of aviation safety. To assess and ensure safety, it would be useful to be able to be able to predict the visibility, to a human observer, of an aircraft of specified size, shape, distance, and coloration. Examples include assuring safe separation among aircraft and between aircraft and unmanned vehicles, design of airport control towers, and efforts to enhance or suppress the visibility of military and rescue vehicles. We have recently developed a simple metric of pattern visibility, the Spatial Standard Observer (SSO). In this report we examine whether the SSO can predict visibility of simulated aircraft images. We constructed a set of aircraft images from three-dimensional computer graphic models, and measured the luminance contrast threshold for each image from three human observers. The data were well predicted by the SSO. Finally, we show how to use the SSO to predict visibility range for aircraft of arbitrary size, shape, distance, and coloration