1,770 research outputs found

    Galactic gamma-ray emission from discrete and diffuse sources

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    Deer in Queensland

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    Fallow deer, Cervus dama L., axis or chital deer, C. axis Erxleben, red deer, C. elephas L., and rusa deer, C. unicolor Kerr, are present in Queensland, and under fauna conservation legislation are protected. Results of the first survey since deer were introduced over 80 years ago indicate that present populations and distributions of the fallow, axis and rusa deer do not warrant and would not support a policy of open season hunting. Red deer offer possibilities in this regard, but before implementation could be considered, well defined and adequately staffed management areas would be required

    Senescence and costs of reproduction in the life history of a small precocial species

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    Trillmich F, Geißler E, GĂŒnther A. Senescence and costs of reproduction in the life history of a small precocial species. Ecology and Evolution. 2019;9(12):7069-7079.Species following a fast life history are expected to express fitness costs mainly as increased mortality, while slow-lived species should suffer fertility costs. Because observational studies have limited power to disentangle intrinsic and extrinsic factors influencing senescence, we manipulated reproductive effort experimentally in the cavy (Cavia aperea) which produces extremely precocial young. We created two experimental groups: One was allowed continuous reproduction (CR) and the other intermittent reproduction (IR) by removing males at regular intervals. We predicted that the CR females should senesce (and die) earlier and produce either fewer and/or smaller, slower growing offspring per litter than those of the IR group. CR females had 16% more litters during three years than IR females. CR females increased mass and body condition more steeply and both remained higher until the experiment ended. Female survival showed no group difference. Reproductive senescence in litter size, litter mass, and reproductive effort (litter mass/maternal mass) began after about 600 days and was slightly stronger in CR than IR females. Litter size, litter mass, and offspring survival declined with maternal age and were influenced by seasonality. IR females decreased reproductive effort less during cold seasons and only at higher age than CR females. Nevertheless, offspring winter mortality was higher in IR females. Our results show small costs of reproduction despite high reproductive effort, suggesting that under ad libitum food conditions costs depend largely on internal regulation of allocation decisions

    Parasite infections in a social carnivore: Evidence of their fitness consequences and factors modulating infection load

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    There are substantial individual differences in parasite composition and infection load in wildlife populations. Few studies have investigated the factors shaping this heterogeneity in large wild mammals or the impact of parasite infections on Darwinian fitness, particularly in juveniles. A host's parasite composition and infection load can be shaped by factors that determine contact with infective parasite stages and those that determine the host's resistance to infection, such as abiotic and social environmental factors, and age. Host–parasite interactions and synergies between coinfecting parasites may also be important. We test predictions derived from these different processes to investigate factors shaping infection loads (fecal egg/oocyte load) of two energetically costly gastrointestinal parasites: the hookworm Ancylostoma and the intracellular Cystoisospora, in juvenile spotted hyenas (Crocuta crocuta) in the Serengeti National Park, in Tanzania. We also assess whether parasite infections curtail survival to adulthood and longevity. Ancylostoma and Cystoisospora infection loads declined as the number of adult clan members increased, a result consistent with an encounter‐reduction effect whereby adults reduced encounters between juveniles and infective larvae, but were not affected by the number of juveniles in a clan. Infection loads decreased with age, possibly because active immune responses to infection improved with age. Differences in parasite load between clans possibly indicate variation in abiotic environmental factors between clan den sites. The survival of juveniles (<365 days old) to adulthood decreased with Ancylostoma load, increased with age, and was modulated by maternal social status. High‐ranking individuals with low Ancylostoma loads had a higher survivorship during the first 4 years of life than high‐ranking individuals with high Ancylostoma loads. These findings suggest that high infection loads with energetically costly parasites such as hookworms during early life can have negative fitness consequences

    Bigger is not always better : viability selection on body mass varies across life stages in a hibernating mammal

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    ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: We would like to express our thanks to all the hard-working marmoteers, across the course of the study, that helped to collect the annual field data. In addition, we would like to specifically thank Kenneth B. Armitage for starting the project and access to the long-term body mass data. This work 431 was supported by an EASTBIO PhD studentship from the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) and the University of Aberdeen, which was awarded to A.H.M.J. D.T.B was supported by the National Geographic Society, UCLA (Faculty Senate and the Division of Life Sciences), a Rocky Mountain Biological Laboratory research fellowship, and NSF-IDBR-0754247, DEB435 1119660 and 1557130 (to DTB); and NSF-DBI 0242960, 0731346, and 1262713 (to the RMBL).Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Niche variation and the maintenance of variation in body size in a burying beetle

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    © 2015 The Authors. Ecological Entomology published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of Royal Entomological Society. This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.Online Version of Record published before inclusion in an issue.The final published version is available via DOI: 10.1111/een.122751. In burying beetles (Nicrophorinae) body size is known to provide both a fecundity advantage (in females) and successful resource defence (in males and females). Despite this, considerable variation in body sizes is observed in natural populations. 2. A possible explanation for the maintenance of this variation, even with intra- and interspecific resource competition, is that individuals might assort according to body size on different sized breeding-resources. 3. We tested the prediction that ‘bigger is always better’ in the wild, and in the laboratory, by experimentally manipulating combinations of available breeding-resource size (mouse carcasses) and competitor’s body size in Nicrophorus vespilloides (Herbst 1783). 4. In the field, large female beetles deserted small carcasses, without breeding, more often than they did larger carcasses, but small females used carcasses indiscriminately with respect to size. In the laboratory large beetles reared larger broods (with more offspring) on larger carcasses than small beetles, but on small carcasses small beetles had a reproductive advantage over large ones. Offspring size covaried with carcass size independently of parental body size. 5. Our combined results suggest breeding resource value depends on an individual’s body size, and variation in body size is environmentally induced: maintained by differences in available carcass sizes. This produces a mechanism by which individual specialisation leads to an increase in niche variation via body size in these beetles.This work was supported by a PhD studentship from the Natural Environment Research Council (NE/1528326/1) and a grant from NERC to N.J.R. and A.J.M. (NE/1025468/1)

    Increased allocation to reproduction reduces future competitive ability in a burying beetle

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    1. The existence of a trade-off between current and future reproduction is a fundamental prediction of life-history theory. Support for this prediction comes from brood size manipulations, showing that caring for enlarged broods often reduces the parent's future survival or fecundity. However, in many species, individuals must invest in competing for the resources required for future reproduction. Thus, a neglected aspect of this trade-off is that increased allocation to current reproduction may reduce an individual's future competitive ability. 2. We tested this prediction in the burying beetle, Nicrophorus vespilloides, a species where parents care for their offspring and where there is fierce competition for resources used for breeding. 3. We manipulated reproductive effort by providing females with either a small brood of 10 larvae or a large brood of 40 larvae and compared the ability of these females, and virgin females that had no prior access to a carcass, to compete for a second carcass against a virgin competitor. 4. We found that increased allocation to current reproduction reduced future competitive ability, as females that had cared for a small brood were more successful when competing for a second carcass against a virgin competitor than females that had cared for a large brood. In addition, the costs of reproduction were offset by the benefits of feeding from the carcass during an initial breeding attempt, as females that had cared for a small brood were better competitors than virgin females that had no prior access to a carcass, whilst females that had cared for a large brood were similar in competitive ability to virgin females. 5. Our results add to our understanding of the trade-off between current and future reproduction by showing that this trade-off can manifest through differences in future competitive ability and that direct benefits of reproduction can offset some of these costs. 16-Apr-2020Read me for "Data from RichardsonStephensSmiseth_JournalofAnimalEcology.csv" This data file consists of a comma separated values spreadsheet (.csv), which provides data for the effects of allocation to reproduction via brood size manipulation on future competitive ability in contests for a carcass. Each line in the spreadsheet represents an individual, experimental female. female_id – individual ID of the female. eclosion – date of eclosion. death – date of death. lifespan – number of days lived from eclosion to death. treatment_code – experimental treatment (control = no breeding attempt, ten = brood of ten larvae, forty = brood of forty larvae). won – outcome of the contest (Y = female won, N = female lost, NA = unclear). outcome_clear – was the outcome of the contest clear? (Y = yes, N = no). size – size of the female, measured as pronotum width (mm). competitor_size – size of the virgin female competitor measured as pronotum width (mm). size_difference – absolute difference in size between focal female and her competitor (mm). brood_size – number of larvae in the experimental brood at dispersal. dot – number and placement of identifying marks (1 or 2 = number of dots, L or R = left or right elytra). female_pre_mass – female mass prior to initial reproductive attempt (g). female_post_mass – female mass after initial reproductive attempt (g). female_mass_change – female mass change during initial reproductive attempt (g). brood_mass_pre – mass of the brood of larvae when cross fostered and given to the female (g). brood_mass_post – mass of the brood of larvae at dispersal from the carcass (g). breeding_carcass_mass – mass of the mouse carcass used for breeding (g). competition_carcass_mass – mass of the mouse carcass females competed for (g). Funding provided by: Natural Environment Research CouncilCrossref Funder Registry ID: http://dx.doi.org/10.13039/501100000270Award Number: NE/L002558/

    Age and terminal reproductive attempt influence laying date in the Thorn‐tailed Rayadito

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    Age‐specific variation in reproductive effort can affect population dynamics, and is a key component of the evolution of reproductive tactics. Late‐life declines are a typical feature of variation in reproduction. However, the cause of these declines, and thus their implications for the evolution of life‐history tactics, may differ. Some prior studies have shown late‐life reproductive declines to be tied to chronological age, whereas other studies have found declines associated with terminal reproduction irrespective of chronological age. We investigated the extent to which declines in late life reproduction are related to chronological age, terminal reproductive attempt or a combination of both in the Thorn‐tailed Rayadito (Aphrastura spinicauda), a small passerine bird that inhabits the temperate forest of South America. To this end we used long‐term data (10 years) obtained on reproductive success (laying date, clutch size and nestling weight) of females in a Chilean population. Neither chronological age nor terminal reproductive attempt explained variation in clutch size or nestling weight, however we observed that during the terminal reproductive attempt older females tended to lay later in the breeding season and younger females laid early in the breeding season, but this was not the case when the reproductive attempt was not the last. These results suggests that both age‐dependent and age‐independent effects influence reproductive output and therefore that the combined effects of age and physiological condition may be more relevant than previously thought

    Loss of flight promotes beetle diversification

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    The evolution of flight is a key innovation that may enable the extreme diversification of insects. Nonetheless, many species-rich, winged insect groups contain flightless lineages. The loss of flight may promote allopatric differentiation due to limited dispersal power and may result in a high speciation rate in the flightless lineage. Here we show that loss of flight accelerates allopatric speciation using carrion beetles (Coleoptera: Silphidae). We demonstrate that flightless species retain higher genetic differentiation among populations and comprise a higher number of genetically distinct lineages than flight-capable species, and that the speciation rate with the flightless state is twice that with the flight-capable state. Moreover, a meta-analysis of 51 beetle species from 15 families reveals higher genetic differentiation among populations in flightless compared with flight-capable species. In beetles, which represent almost one-fourth of all described species, repeated evolution of flightlessness may have contributed to their steady diversification since the Mesozoic era

    Life history evolution, species differences and phenotypic plasticity in hemiparasitic eyebrights (Euphrasia)

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    Premise of the study: Species delimitation in parasitic organisms is challenging as traits used in the identification of species are often plastic and vary depending on the host. Here, we use species from a recent radiation of generalist hemiparasitic Euphrasia to investigate trait variation and trait plasticity. We test whether Euphrasia species show reliable trait differences, investigate whether these differences correspond to life history trade-offs between growth and reproduction, and quantify plasticity in response to host species. Methods: We perform common garden experiments to evaluate trait differences between eleven Euphrasia taxa grown on a common host, document phenotypic plasticity when a single Euphrasia species is grown on eight different hosts, and relate our observations to trait differences recorded in the wild. Key results: Euphrasia exhibit variation in life history strategies; some individuals transition rapidly to flower at the expense of early season growth, while others invest in vegetative growth and delay flowering. Life history differences are present between some species, though many related taxa lack clear-cut trait differences. Species differences are further blurred by phenotypic plasticity—many traits are plastic and change with host type or between environments. Conclusions: Phenotypic plasticity in response to host and environment confounds species delimitation in Euphrasia. When grown in a common garden environment it is possible to identify some morphologically distinct taxa, though others represent morphologically similar shallow segregates. Trait differences present between some species and populations demonstrates the rapid evolution of distinct life history strategies in response to local ecological conditions."Manyhosts.csv" contains morphological measurements from one Euphrasia arctica population from North Berwick, Scotland, grown with eight hosts. "Manyspecies.csv" contains morphological measurements of five Euphrasia species and six natural Euphrasia hybrids grown on a single host, Trifolium repens. "Earlylate.csv" contains repeated growth measurements at different times of year, used in correlations of height at end of season. "Wildcommon.csv" contains Euphrasia species grown in the common garden experiment and wild collected plants for trait comparisons.Data collection is detailed in the associated manuscript. Post collection data processing can be viewed at: https://github.com/Euphrasiologist/phenotypic_plasticity_euphrasi
