217 research outputs found

    Attosecond pulse shaping around a Cooper minimum

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    High harmonic generation (HHG) is used to measure the spectral phase of the recombination dipole matrix element (RDM) in argon over a broad frequency range that includes the 3p Cooper minimum (CM). The measured RDM phase agrees well with predictions based on the scattering phases and amplitudes of the interfering s- and d-channel contributions to the complementary photoionization process. The reconstructed attosecond bursts that underlie the HHG process show that the derivative of the RDM spectral phase, the group delay, does not have a straight-forward interpretation as an emission time, in contrast to the usual attochirp group delay. Instead, the rapid RDM phase variation caused by the CM reshapes the attosecond bursts.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    Practical Methods for Continuous Gravitational Wave Detection using Pulsar Timing Data

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    Gravitational Waves (GWs) are tiny ripples in the fabric of space-time predicted by Einstein's General Relativity. Pulsar timing arrays (PTAs) are well poised to detect low frequency (10−910^{-9} -- 10−710^{-7} Hz) GWs in the near future. There has been a significant amount of research into the detection of a stochastic background of GWs from supermassive black hole binaries (SMBHBs). Recent work has shown that single continuous sources standing out above the background may be detectable by PTAs operating at a sensitivity sufficient to detect the stochastic background. The most likely sources of continuous GWs in the pulsar timing frequency band are extremely massive and/or nearby SMBHBs. In this paper we present detection strategies including various forms of matched filtering and power spectral summing. We determine the efficacy and computational cost of such strategies. It is shown that it is computationally infeasible to use an optimal matched filter including the poorly constrained pulsar distances with a grid based method. We show that an Earth-term-matched filter constructed using only the correlated signal terms is both computationally viable and highly sensitive to GW signals. This technique is only a factor of two less sensitive than the computationally unrealizable optimal matched filter and a factor of two more sensitive than a power spectral summing technique. We further show that a pairwise matched filter, taking the pulsar distances into account is comparable to the optimal matched filter for the single template case and comparable to the Earth-term-matched filter for many search templates. Finally, using simulated data optimal quality, we place a theoretical minimum detectable strain amplitude of h>2×10−15h>2\times 10^{-15} from continuous GWs at frequencies on the order ∌1/Tobs\sim1/T_{\rm obs}.Comment: submitted to Ap

    Evolution of binary black holes in self gravitating discs: dissecting the torques

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    We study the interplay between gas accretion and gravity torques in changing a binary elements and its total angular momentum (L) budget. Especially, we analyse the physical origin of the gravity torques (T_g) and their location within the disc. We analyse 3D SPH simulations of the evolution of initially quasi-circular massive black hole binaries (BHBs) residing in the central hollow of massive self-gravitating circumbinary discs. We use different thermodynamics within the cavity and for the numerical size of the black holes to show that (i) the BHB eccentricity growth found previously is a general result, independent of the accretion and the adopted thermodynamics; (ii) the semi-major axis decay depends both on the T_g and on the interplay with the disc-binary L-transfer due to accretion; (iii) the spectral structure of the T_g is predominately caused by disc edge overdensities and spiral arms developing in the body of the disc and, in general, does not reflect directly the period of the binary; (iv) the net T_g changes sign across the BHB corotation radius. We quantify the relative importance of the two, which appear to depend on the thermodynamical properties of the instreaming gas, and which is crucial in assessing the disc-binary L-transfer; (v) the net torque manifests as a purely kinematic (non-resonant) effect as it stems from the cavity, where the material flows in and out in highly eccentric orbits. Both accretion onto the black holes and the interaction with gas streams inside the cavity must be taken into account to assess the fate of the BHB. Moreover, the total torque exerted by the disc affects L(BHB) by changing all the elements (mass, mass ratio, eccentricity, semimajor axis) of the BHB. Common prescriptions equating tidal torque to semi-major axis shrinking might therefore be poor approximations for real astrophysical systems

    Search of sub-parsec massive binary black holes through line diagnosis II

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    Massive black hole binaries at sub-parsec separations may display in their spectra anomalously small flux ratios between the MgII and CIV broad emission lines, i.e. F_MgII/F_CIV <~ 0.1, due to the erosion of the broad line region around the active, secondary black hole, by the tidal field of the primary. In Paper I by Montuori et al. (2011), we focussed on broad lines emitted by gas bound to the lighter accreting member of a binary when the binary is at the center of a hollow density region (the gap) inside a circum-binary disc. The main aim of this new study is at exploring the potential contribution to the broad line emission by the circum-binary disc and by gaseous streams flowing toward the black hole through the gap. We carry out a post-process analysis of data extracted from a SPH simulation of a circum-binary disc around a black hole binary. Our main result is that the MgII to CIV flux ratio can be reduced to ~ 0.1 within an interval of sub-pc binary separations of the order of a ~ (0.01-0.2)(f_Edd/0.1)^(1/2) pc corresponding to orbital periods of ~ (20-200) (f_Edd/0.1)^(3/4) years for a secondary BH mass in the range M_2 ~ 10^7-10^9 M_sun and a binary mass ratio of 0.3. At even closer separations this ratio returns to increase to values that are indistinguishable from the case of a single AGN (typically F_MgII/F_CIV ~ 0.3-0.4) because of the contribution to the MgII line from gas in the circum-binary disc.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figure, accepted for publication in MNRA


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    ABSTRACT Observations indicate that most massive galaxies contain a supermassive black hole, and theoretical studies suggest that when such galaxies have a major merger, the central black holes will form a binary and eventually coalesce. Here we discuss two spectral signatures of such binaries that may help distinguish them from ordinary active galactic nuclei. These signatures are expected when the mass ratio between the holes is not extreme and the system is fed by a circumbinary disk. One such signature is a notch in the thermal continuum that has been predicted by other authors; we point out that it should be accompanied by a spectral revival at shorter wavelengths and also discuss its dependence on binary properties such as mass, mass ratio, and separation. In particular, we note that the wavelength λ n at which the notch occurs depends on these three parameters in such a way as to make the number of systems displaying these notches ∝ λ 16/3 n ; longer wavelength searches are therefore strongly favored. A second signature, first discussed here, is hard X-ray emission with a Wien-like spectrum at a characteristic temperature ∌100 keV produced by Compton cooling of the shock generated when streams from the circumbinary disk hit the accretion disks around the individual black holes. We investigate the observability of both signatures. The hard X-ray signal may be particularly valuable as it can provide an indicator of black hole merger a few decades in advance of the event

    Atomic-scale authentication with resonant tunneling diodes

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    The room temperature electronic characteristics of resonant tunneling diodes (RTDs) containing AlAs/InGaAs quantum wells are studied. Differences in the peak current and voltages, associated with device-to-device variations in the structure and width of the quantum well are analyzed. A method to use these differences between devices is introduced and shown to uniquely identify each of the individual devices under test. This investigation shows that quantum confinement in RTDs allows them to operate as physical unclonable functions

    Limiting eccentricity of sub-parsec massive black hole binaries surrounded by self-gravitating gas discs

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    We study the dynamics of supermassive black hole binaries embedded in circumbinary gaseous discs, with the SPH code Gadget-2. The sub-parsec binary (of total mass M and mass ratio q=1/3) has excavated a gap and transfers its angular momentum to the self--gravitating disc (M_disc=0.2 M). We explore the changes of the binary eccentricity e, by simulating a sequence of binary models that differ in the initial eccentricity e_0, only. In initially low-eccentric binaries, the eccentricity increases with time, while in high-eccentric binaries e declines, indicating the existence of a limiting eccentricity e_crit that is found to fall in the interval [0.6,0.8]. We also present an analytical interpretation for this saturation limit. An important consequence of the existence of e_crit is the detectability of a significant residual eccentricity e_LISA} by the proposed gravitational wave detector LISA. It is found that at the moment of entering the LISA frequency domain e_LISA ~ 10^{-3}-10^{-2}; a signature of its earlier coupling with the massive circumbinary disc. We also observe large periodic inflows across the gap, occurring on the binary and disc dynamical time scales rather than on the viscous time. These periodic changes in the accretion rate (with amplitudes up to ~100%, depending on the binary eccentricity) can be considered a fingerprint of eccentric sub-parsec binaries migrating inside a circumbinary disc.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Adversarial command detection using parallel Speech Recognition systems

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    Personal Voice Assistants (PVAs) such as Apple's Siri, Amazon's Alexa and Google Home are now commonplace. PVAs are susceptible to adversarial commands; an attacker is able to modify an audio signal such that humans do not notice this modification but the Speech Recognition (SR) will recognise a command of the attacker's choice. In this paper we describe a defence method against such adversarial commands. By using a second SR in parallel to the main SR of the PVA it is possible to detect adversarial commands. It is difficult for an attacker to craft an adversarial command that is able to force two different SR into recognising the adversarial command while ensuring inaudibility. We demonstrate the feasibility of this defence mechanism for practical setups. For instance, our evaluation shows that such system can be tuned to detect 50% of adversarial commands while not impacting on normal PVA use

    Multimessenger astronomy with pulsar timing and X-ray observations of massive black hole binaries

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    We demonstrate that very massive (>10^8\msun), cosmologically nearby (z<1) black hole binaries (MBHBs), which are primary targets for ongoing and upcoming pulsar timing arrays (PTAs), are particularly appealing multimessenger carriers. According to current models for massive black hole formation and evolution, the planned Square Kilometer Array (SKA) will collect gravitational wave signals from thousands of such massive systems, being able to individually resolve and locate in the sky several of them (maybe up to a hundred). By employing a standard model for the evolution of MBHBs in circumbinary discs, with the aid of dedicated numerical simulations, we characterize the gas-binary interplay, identifying possible electromagnetic signatures of the PTA sources. We concentrate our investigation on two particularly promising scenarios in the high energy domain, namely, the detection of X-ray periodic variability and of double broad K\alpha iron lines. Up to several hundreds of periodic X-ray sources with a flux >10^-13 erg s^-1 cm^-2 will be in the reach of upcoming X-ray observatories. Double relativistic K\alpha lines may be observable in a handful of low redshift (z<0.3) sources by proposed deep X-ray probes, such as Athena. (Abridged)Comment: 19 pages, 11 figures, submitted to MNRAS, minor revision of the reference lis
