3,858 research outputs found

    Influence of 1D and 2D carbon fillers and their functionalisation on crystallisation and thermomechanical properties of injection moulded nylon 6,6 nanocomposites

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    Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) and graphene were used as reinforcing fillers in nylon 6,6 in order to obtain nanocomposites by using an injection moulding process. The two differently structured nanofillers were used in their pristine or reduced form, after oxidation treatment and after amino functionalisation.Three low nanofiller contents were employed. Crystallisation behaviour and perfection of nylon 6,6 crystals were determined by differential scanning calorimetry and wide angle X-ray diffraction, respectively. Crystallinity was slightly enhanced in most samples as the content of the nanofillers was increased. The dimensionality of the materials was found to provide different interfaces and therefore different features in the nylon 6,6 crystal growth resulting in improved crystal perfection. Dynamical, mechanical analysis showed the maximum increases provided by the two nanostructures correspond to the addition of 0.1 wt.% amino functionalised CNTs, enhancing in 30% the storage modulus and the incorporation of 0.5 wt.% of graphene oxide caused an increase of 44% in this property. The latter also provided better thermal stability when compared to pure nylon 6,6 under inert conditions. The superior properties of graphene nanocomposites were attributed to the larger surface area of the two-dimensional graphene compared to the one-dimensional CNTs

    Mania as Debut of Cushing's Syndrome

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    This is a case of a patient affected by Cushing syndrome that was admitted at the hospital due to hormonal problems. He had presented psychiatric symptoms that were mistakenly considered not directly connected to the pathology causing the clinical condition, but a mere psychological reaction to it

    Comparison of Mechanical and Structural Properties of Nickel-titanium Alloy with Titanium-molybdenum Alloy and Titanium-niobium Alloy as Potential Metals for Endodontic Files

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    Introduction: The objective of this study was to compare the mechanical and structural properties of the nickel-titanium (Ni-Ti) alloy already used in endodontics with titanium-molybdenum (Ti-Mo) and titanium-niobium (Ti-Nb) alloys to determine if these can be suggested in the manufacture of endodontic files. Methods and Materials: Orthodontic wires made of the different alloys were used. The previously mentioned alloys were characterized by energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX), X-ray diffraction (XRD) and torsion tests. Cyclic fatigue tests were performed on a simulated canal with a curvature of 86° to 375 rpm. The fractured surfaces of the wires were observed by means of scanning electron microscopy (SEM). A Kruskal-Wallis test and U Mann Whitney test were used to determine significant differences in cyclic fatigue between groups. Results: In the mechanical tests, similar values of torsion were found for the three alloys. In XRD, the Ti-Nb showed less structural changes. In the cyclic fatigue test, Ti-Nb was found to be significantly more resistant with respect to Ni-Ti and Ti-Mo. Conclusion: Based on our in vitro study, Ti-Nb is suggested as a possible alloy for the manufacture of rotary files due to its impressive properties

    Breast Cancer Detection by Means of Artificial Neural Networks

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    Breast cancer is a fatal disease causing high mortality in women. Constant efforts are being made for creating more efficient techniques for early and accurate diagnosis. Classical methods require oncologists to examine the breast lesions for detection and classification of various stages of cancer. Such manual attempts are time consuming and inefficient in many cases. Hence, there is a need for efficient methods that diagnoses the cancerous cells without human involvement with high accuracies. In this research, image processing techniques were used to develop imaging biomarkers through mammography analysis and based on artificial intelligence technology aiming to detect breast cancer in early stages to support diagnosis and prioritization of high-risk patients. For automatic classification of breast cancer on mammograms, a generalized regression artificial neural network was trained and tested to separate malignant and benign tumors reaching an accuracy of 95.83%. With the biomarker and trained neural net, a computer-aided diagnosis system is being designed. The results obtained show that generalized regression artificial neural network is a promising and robust system for breast cancer detection. The Laboratorio de Innovacion y Desarrollo Tecnologico en Inteligencia Artificial is seeking collaboration with research groups interested in validating the technology being developed

    Avances en las técnicas de eliminación de marcas de agua visibles basadas en aprendizaje profundo

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    In recent years, artificial intelligence algorithms have shown great results in different application areas, such as robotics, medical, informatics security, financial services, among others. In the context of digital image processing, the use of deep learning is being applied to remove visible watermarks from the visual content of digital images, to remove the copyright protection of the owners of the images in question. This paper makes a briefly survey of the most recent works that remove visible watermarks employing deep learning, with the purpose of analyzing the current trends that allow designing more robust visible watermarking algorithms against this type of removal tools.En los últimos años los algoritmos de inteligencia artificial han demostrado tener grandes resultados en diferentes áreas de aplicación, tales como robótica, medicina, seguridad informática, finanzas, entre otras. En el contexto de procesamiento digital de imágenes, el uso del aprendizaje profundo está siendo aplicado para remover marcas de agua visibles en imágenes digitales, con la finalidad de eliminar la protección de derechos de autor de los propietarios de las imágenes en cuestión. El presente trabajo realiza una recopilación de los trabajos más recientes que remueven marcas de agua visibles a través de aprendizaje profundo, con la finalidad de analizar las tendencias actuales que permitan diseñar algoritmos de marcado de agua visible más robustos ante este tipo de herramientas de remoción

    Hollow Gold Nanoparticles Produced by Femtosecond Laser Irradiation

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    [EN] Metallic hollow nanoparticles exhibit interesting optical properties that can be controlled by geometrical parameters. Irradiation with femtosecond laser pulses has emerged recently as a valuable tool for reshaping and size modification of plasmonic metal nanoparticles, thereby enabling the synthesis of nanostructures with unique morphologies. In this Letter, we use classical molecular dynamics simulations to investigate the solid-to-hollow conversion of gold nanoparticles upon femtosecond laser irradiation. Here, we suggest an efficient method for producing hollow nanoparticles under certain specific conditions, namely that the particles should be heated to a maximum temperature between 2500 and 3500 K, followed by a fast quenching to room temperature, with cooling rates lower than 120 ps. Therefore, we describe the experimental conditions for efficiently producing hollow nanoparticles, opening a broad range of possibilities for applications in key areas, such as energy storage and catalysis.This work has been funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities (MICIU) (Grants RTI2018-095844-B-I00, PGC2018-096444-B-I00, and MAT2017-86659-R), the EUROfusion Consortium through Project ENR-IFE19.CCFE-01, and the Madrid Regional Government (Grants P2018/NMT-4389 and P2018/EMT-4437). A.P. is thankful for the support of FONDECYT under Grants 3190123 and 11180557, as well as from Financiamiento Basal para Centros Cientificos y Tecnologicos de Excelencia FB-0807. K.L. acknowledges the support of the Russian Science Foundation (Project 19-19-00683). The authors acknowledge the computer resources and technical assistance provided by the Centro de Supercomputacion y Visualizacion de Madrid (CeSViMa) and the supercomputing infrastructure of the NLHPC (ECM-02). This Letter is based upon work from COST Action TUMIEE (CA17126)Castro-Palacio, JC.; Ladutenko, K.; Prada, A.; Gonzalez-Rubio, G.; Diaz-Nunez, P.; Guerrero-Martinez, A.; Fernández De Córdoba, P.... (2020). Hollow Gold Nanoparticles Produced by Femtosecond Laser Irradiation. The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters. 11(13):5108-5114. https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.jpclett.0c01233S51085114111

    Riesgo potencial por cambio climático y vectores. Factores locales de ciudad: uso de suelo y vegetación

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    El cambio climático está relacionado con la presencia y abundancia de vectores, en particular con Aedes aegypti (responsable de la trasmisión de dengue, chikungunya y zika) a nivel urbano; nuestra hipótesis asocia la presencia del vector con la climatología y factores socio-ambientales tales como el uso de suelo y la vegetación en espacios urbanos, mismos que inciden en favorecer un hábitat para el vector. Estudiamos una región tropical en la parte central del golfo de México desde los 0 y hasta los 2200 m.s.n.m., ya que es un reto observar el acoplamiento entre los sistemas mencionados para estimar un posible escenario de riesgo presente y futuro ante el calentamiento del sistema climático. Se usan datos de la investigación de 2011 a 2014, donde se ha estudiado la presencia de Aedes aegypti en un transecto altitudinal, con datos de factores urbanos para observar el acoplamiento entre dichas variables por medios estadísticos.The climatic change is related with the vector presence and abundance, particularly with Aedes aegypti (responsible of dengue, chikungunya and zika transmission) at urban level; our hypothesis associate vector presence with socio-environmental factors and climatology, as land use and vegetation in urban areas, these provide easily a vector habitat. We studied a tropical region on the central Gulf of México from 0 to 2200 meters above sea level, due to the challenge of coupled with the factors mentioned before, in order to estimate a possible risk scenario present or future associated at global warming. We use research data from 2011 to 2014, in which we studied the presence of Aedes on altitude transect, with urban data to observe trough statistical methods variables coupling

    An empirical data analysis of "price runs" in daily financial indices: dynamically assessing market geometric distributional behavior

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    In financial time series there are time periods in which market indices values or assets prices increase or decrease monotonically. We call those events "price runs", "elementary uninterrupted trends" or just "uninterrupted trends". In this paper we study the distribution of the duration of uninterrupted trends for the daily indices DJIA, NASDAQ, IPC and Nikkei 225 during the period of time from 10/30/1978 to 08/07/2020 and we compare the simple geometric statistical model with p = 1/2 consistent with the EMH to the empirical data. By a fitting procedure, it is found that the geometric distribution with parameter p = 1/2 provides a good model for uninterrupted trends of short and medium duration for the more mature markets; however, longest duration events still need to be statistically characterized. Estimated values of the parameter p were also obtained and confirmed by calculating the mean value of p fluctuations from empirical data. Additionally, the observed trend duration distributions for the different studied markets are compared over time by means of the Anderson-Darling (AD) test, to the expected geometric distribution with parameter p = 1/2 and to a geometric distribution with a free parameter p, making possible to assess and compare different market geometric behavior for different dates as well as to measure the fraction of time runs duration from studied markets are consistent with the geometric distribution with p = 1/2 and in parametric free way

    Integrated GWAS and Gene Expression Suggest ORM1 as a Potential Regulator of Plasma Levels of Cell-Free DNA and Thrombosis Risk

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    Plasma cell-free DNA (cfDNA) is a surrogate marker of neutrophil extracellular traps (NETs) that contribute to immunothrombosis. There is growing interest about the mechanisms underlying NET formation and elevated cfDNA, but little is known about the factors involved. We aimed to identify genes involved in the regulation of cfDNA levels using data from the Genetic Analysis of Idiopathic Thrombophilia (GAIT-2) Project. Imputed genotypes, whole blood RNA-Seq data, and plasma cfDNA quantification were available for 935 of the GAIT-2 participants from 35 families with idiopathic thrombophilia. We performed heritability and GWAS analysis for cfDNA. The heritability of cfDNA was 0.26 ( p  = 3.7 × 10 (−6) ), while the GWAS identified a significant association (rs1687391, p  = 3.55 × 10 (−10) ) near the ORM1 gene, on chromosome 9. An eQTL (expression quantitative trait loci) analysis revealed a significant association between the lead GWAS variant and the expression of ORM1 in whole blood ( p  = 6.14 × 10 (−9) ). Additionally, ORM1 expression correlated with levels of cfDNA ( p  = 4.38 × 10 (−4) ). Finally, genetic correlation analysis between cfDNA and thrombosis identified a suggestive association ( ρ (g)  = 0.43, p  = 0.089). All in all, we show evidence of the role of ORM1 in regulating cfDNA levels in plasma, which might contribute to the susceptibility to thrombosis through mechanisms of immunothrombosis

    Safety and immediate humoral response of COVID-19 vaccines in chronic kidney disease patients:the SENCOVAC study

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    BACKGROUND: Chronic kidney disease (CKD) patients are at high-risk for severe Covid-19. The multicentric, observational and prospective SENCOVAC study aims to describe the humoral response and safety of SARS-CoV-2 vaccines in CKD patients. Safety and immediate humoral response results are reported here. METHODS: Four cohorts of patients were included: kidney transplant (KT) recipients, haemodialysis (HD), peritoneal dialysis (PD) and non-dialysis CKD patients from 50 Spanish centres. Adverse events after vaccine doses were recorded. At baseline and on day 28 after the last vaccine dose, anti-Spike antibodies were measured and compared between cohorts. Factors associated with development of anti-Spike antibodies were analyzed. RESULTS: 1746 participants were recruited: 1116 HD, 171 PD, 176 non-dialysis CKD patients and 283 KT recipients. Most patients (98%) received mRNA vaccines. At least one vaccine reaction developed after the first dose in 763 (53.5%) and after the second dose in 741 (54.5%) of patients. Anti-Spike antibodies were measured in the first 301 patients. At 28 days, 95% of patients had developed antibodies: 79% of KT, 98% of HD, 99% of PD and 100% of non-dialysis CKD patients (p<0.001). In a multivariate adjusted analysis, absence of an antibody response was independently associated to KT (OR 20.56, p = 0.001) and to BNT162b2 vaccine (OR 6.03, p = 0.023). CONCLUSION: The rate of anti-Spike antibody development after vaccination in KT patients was low but in other CKD patients it approached 100%; suggesting that KT patients require persistent isolation measures and booster doses of a Covid-19 vaccine. Potential differences between Covid-19 vaccines should be explored in prospective controlled studies