1,235 research outputs found


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    El acceso al hábitat urbano digno se convirtió durante las últimas décadas en una problemática estructural a la que los sectores populares latinoamericanos se enfrentan cotidianamente. En la ciudad de La Plata el crecimiento urbano informal comenzó a ser problema a partir de la década de 1980, presentando en adelante un crecimiento exponencial hasta convertirla en una de las ciudades de la Provincia con mayores conflictos habitacionales. Esta ciudad -trazada en su historia por procesos de organización y resistencia- es la primera de la provincia en cantidad de superficie ocupada por urbanizaciones informales, y en cantidad de asentamientos populares informales. En este contexto, la acción colectiva fue una de las estrategias que sus habitantes encontraron para mejorar sus condiciones habitacionales. Este proyecto propone indagar en el mejoramiento habitacional de asentamientos populares platenses, observando particularmente los procesos que abordados desde la acción colectiva. Se parte de asumir que la trayectoria de organización de lxs habitantes es un factor de relevancia en procesos de mejoramiento habitacional, que aporta características particulares a la producción del hábitat informal. Para ello, se propone como objetivo reconocer la relevancia que la acción colectiva tiene en el mejoramiento habitacional platense. Se buscará construir un mapeo de las resistencias del hábitat, indagando en las transformaciones físicas de los barrios y las viviendas, las características que asumieron los procesos, causas ante las que lxs habitantes se organizan, relevancia de los aportes técnico-profesionales. La estrategia metodológica combina instrumentos de la metodología cualitativa y de las ciencias del diseño, y se organiza en tres etapas: ETAPA 1: Caracterización de la situación habitacional Se trabajará con el uso de fuentes secundarias a partir de las cuales caracterizar los escenarios ETAPA 2: Reconstrucción general de experiencias Revisión bibliográfica Rondas exploratorias a través de entrevistas integrantes de organizaciones sociales locales, referentes barriales, organizaciones técnicas, extensionistas universitarixs, y actores estatales que integren organismos coordinadores de políticas públicas habitacionales. Revisión de programas y políticas públicas que abordaron el mejoramiento habitacional. Esta revisión permitirá crear una primera reconstrucción de las acciones colectivas para el armado del Mapa de las resistencias habitacionales. ETAPA 3: Análisis de experiencias Análisis de casos: particularidades y desencadenantes de haber atravesado estos procesos desde la acción colectiva. Se espera que el reconocimiento de estas características aporte a repensar las acciones focalizadas en el mejoramiento del hábitat desde paradigmas colectivos y participativos, que interpelen tanto las prácticas de las organizaciones territoriales, como de programas y políticas públicas. &nbsp

    Resistances from Urban Informality. Housing Improvement and Collective Action in Urban Popular Habitat: La Plata Party, 1983-2015

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    El acceso al hábitat urbano digno se convirtió durante las últimas décadas en una problemática estructural a la que los sectores populares latinoamericanos se enfrentan cotidianamente. En la ciudad de La Plata el crecimiento urbano informal comenzó a ser problema a partir de la década de 1980, presentando en adelante un crecimiento exponencial hasta convertirla en una de las ciudades de la Provincia con mayores conflictos habitacionales. Esta ciudad -trazada en su historia por procesos de organización y resistencia -es la primera de la provincia en cantidad de superficie ocupada por urbanizaciones informales, y en cantidad de asentamientos populares informales. En este contexto, la acción colectivafue una de las estrategias que sus habitantes encontraron para mejorar sus condiciones habitacionales. Este proyecto propone indagar en el mejoramiento habitacional de asentamientos populares platenses, observando particularmente los procesos que abordados desde la acción colectiva. Se parte de asumir que la trayectoria de organización de lxs habitantes es un factor de relevancia en procesos de mejoramiento habitacional, que aporta características particulares a la producción del hábitat informal.Universidad Nacional de La Plat

    La capacitación de personal y el desempeño laboral de los trabajadores de la empresa condor travel SAC

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    En esta tesis se realizó una investigación con la finalidad de identificar las preferencias y necesidades de los colaboradores de la Empresa Condor Travel SAC. Se encuestaron hombres y mujeres donde nos dan a conocer los aspectos positivos y negativos percibidos sobre su labor diaria. La investigación utilizada fue la aplicada ya que con ella se busca dar solución a las situaciones o problemas presentados de manera concreta, el instrumento de medición fue el cuestionario, el cual se aplicó a 131 colaboradores de la empresa Condor Travel Sac.In this thesis an investigation was carried out in order to identify the preferences and needs of the employees of the Company Condor Travel SAC. Men and women were surveyed where they did not realize the positive and negative perceived about their daily work. The research used was the applied and the solution of problems in the solution of problems of concrete problems, the instrument of measurement was the questionnaire, which was applied to 131 employees of the company Condor Travel Sac

    Fucus vesiculosus extracts as natural antioxidants for improvement of physicochemical properties and shelf life of pork patties formulated with oleogels

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    There is limited information in the literature concerning the feasibility of using algal extracts as natural additives for improvement of the quality and shelf-life ofmeat products. Hence, a Fucus vesiculosus extract (FVE) at the concentrations of 250mg kg-1 (FVE-250), 500mg kg-1 (FVE-500) and 1000mg kg-1 (FVE-1000) were added to pork patties with linseed oil oleogel as a fat replacer. RESULTS: Total polyphenol content of FVE was determined to be 20 g phloroglucinol equivalents 100 g-1 extract. Antioxidant values ranged from 37.5 mol of Trolox equivalents (TE) g-1 (FRAP assay) to 2111 mol TE g-1 extract (ABTS assay). Regarding oxidation stability, FVE-1000 showed the lowest values of thiobarbituric acid-reactive substance and carbonyl content. On the other hand, FVE did not improve color, surface discoloration or odor attributes of patties during storage. Sensory evaluation revealed that there was no significant difference among all studied samples. CONCLUSION: Although FVEs have a high polyphenol content and antioxidant activities, they are not effective oxidation inhibitors for long-term storage of meat products. Therefore, additional measures or compounds should be considered when FVE is the only antioxidant inmeat products.The authors would like to thank Xunta de Galicia (grant number IN607B 2016/28). The authors also thank the Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Agrarias y Alimentarias, Spain, for granting Ruben Agregán a predoctoral scholarship (CPR2014-0128). Jose M. Lorenzo is a member of the HealthyMeat network, funded by CYTED (ref. 119RT0568). Mohsen Gavahian gratefully acknowledges the support of the Ministry of Economic Affairs, project no. 107-EC-17-A-22-0332, Taiwan (R.O.C). He alsowould like to declare that his main contribution to this work was related to the extraction and antioxidant studies. Amin Mousavi Khaneghah gratefully acknowledges the support of a CNPq-TWAS Postgraduate Fellowship (Grant # 3240274290). Special thanks to Artur J. Martins and Miguel A. Cerqueira for supplying the ‘organogels’ used in this study.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Alterações morfofisiológicas de plantas jovens de Curatella americana L. submetidas ao sombreamento

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    Curatella americana, is the only representative of the genus Curatella found in Brazil. The species is regarded to have a high ecological importance value in the Brazilian Cerrado formations. Since plant species from this biome are under constant threat due to its degradation, studies aiming to elucidate the behavior of these species are important for future projects of land recovery. This study aimed to evaluate growth, development and gas exchange in C. americana saplings subjected to different shading levels. Ten samplings were subjected to two treatments: full sun and 76% shade, at 90 days after germination. At regular 60-day intervals, measurements of stem base height and diameter, and number of leaves, were taken. After 240 days from the beginning of the experiment, measurements of gas exchange (net photosynthesis, stomatal conductance, Ci/Ca ratio, and transpiration rate) were taken, and the content of photosynthetic pigments and stomatal density were determined. Plants under full sun showed higher development than plants under shading, presenting significantly higher values of number of leaves, stem base diameter, photosynthetic rate, stomatal conductance, transpiration rate, and Dickson Quality Index. Our results indicate that the species can be introduced along with pioneer species in land revegetation programs.Curatella americana, popularmente conhecida como lixeira, cajueiro-bravo ou sambaı́ba é o  único representante do gênero Curatella sp encontrado no Brasil, sendo uma espécie apontada como de alto valor de importância ecológica nas formações de Cerrado brasileiras. Considerando que cerca de 80% da área de Cerrado já sofreu alguma forma de modificação humana, e, portanto as espécies inseridas neste bioma estão sobre constante ameaça, estudos que busquem compreender os requerimentos destas espécies são importantes para futuros projetos de revegetação e recuperação de áreas. Diante deste fato e considerando que a luz é um fator determinante para o estabelecimento de uma espécie, foi conduzido o presente trabalho, que teve por objetivo avaliar o crescimento e desenvolvimento, bem como trocas gasosas de mudas de C. americana submetidas a diferentes níveis de sombreamento. Para tanto 10 mudas de C. americana foram submetidas a dois diferentes tratamentos, pleno sol e 76% de sombreamento, 90 dias após a germinação. Em intervalos regulares de 60 dias foram realizadas medidas de altura e diâmetro do coleto, bem como contagem do número de folhas e aos 240 dias após a instalação do experimento foram realizadas medidas de intercambio gasoso (taxa fotossintética líquida, condutância estomática, razão Ci/Ca e taxa transpiratória), bem como determinação do conteúdo de pigmentos fotossintéticos e densidade estomática. Plantas a pleno sol apresentaram melhor desenvolvimento que plantas sob sombreamento, apresentando maior número de folhas e diâmetro do coleto, bem como, taxa fotossintética, condutância estomática, taxa transpiratória e Índice de Qualidade de Dickson (IQD) significativamente maior que plantas sombreadas.  Os resultados obtidos apontam que a espécie pode ser introduzida juntamente com as espécies pioneiras em projetos de revegetação de área

    Brainstem lesions in permanent vegetative state

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    Vegetative state has mainly been associated with widespread damage of cortex, white matter and/or thalamus, whereas brainstem findings are usually absent or include focal, slight and non-haemorrhagic lesions. Functional integrity of the brainstem is considered to be necessary for preservation of sleep/wake cycle (arousal and wakefulness), particularly midline structures of the upper pons and midbrain. Awareness, instead, mainly relies on the integrity of the cerebral cortex, white matter, basal ganglia and thalamus. We present here the neuroanatomical study of a case of post-traumatic permanent vegetative state which is characterized by a quite complex damage also at the level of the brainstem. After a car accident a young woman was referred to Neurosurgical Unit in coma and paraplegia due to head injury and C2 fracture. Spontaneous sleep/wake cycle recovered in the following months. Magnetic resonance, performed one month after the trauma, showed injuries of midbrain, thalamus and left frontal lobe. The patient died more than 15 years after the trauma. Macroscopic examination showed generalized hypotrophy of cerebral hemispheres, cerebellum and brainstem. Partial degeneration of the basal ganglia and severe volumetric reduction of the hemispheric white matter were observed. Wide and bilateral thalamic necrosis and degeneration was found. Transverse sections of the brainstem showed degeneration of the descending and ascending systems of motor and sensitive fibres, and neuronal loss in the inferior olivary complex, pontine nuclei, red nucleus and substantia nigra. In the midbrain, areas of necrosis with reactive astrogliosis extended from the mesencephalic aqueduct towards the interpeduncular fossa, affecting the periaqueductal grey matter, and the dorsal and median raphe nuclei. On the basis of the neuroanatomic description of the damaged areas, we discuss the role of the midbrain reticular activating system and possible plasticity responses in the mechanisms of arousal/wakefulness

    HLA-DRB1*15:01-DQA1*01:02-DQB1*06:02 Haplotype Protects Autoantibody-Positive Relatives From Type 1 Diabetes Throughout the Stages of Disease Progression

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    The HLA-DRB1*15:01-DQA1*01:02-DQB1*06:02 haplotype is linked to protection from the development of type 1 diabetes (T1D). However, it is not known at which stages in the natural history of T1D development this haplotype affords protection. We examined a cohort of 3,358 autoantibody-positive relatives of T1D patients in the Pathway to Prevention (PTP) Study of the Type 1 Diabetes TrialNet. The PTP study examines risk factors for T1D and disease progression in relatives. HLA typing revealed that 155 relatives carried this protective haplotype. A comparison with 60 autoantibody-negative relatives suggested protection from autoantibody development. Moreover, the relatives with DRB1*15:01-DQA1*01:02-DQB1*06:02 less frequently expressed autoantibodies associated with higher T1D risk, were less likely to have multiple autoantibodies at baseline, and rarely converted from single to multiple autoantibody positivity on follow-up. These relatives also had lower frequencies of metabolic abnormalities at baseline and exhibited no overall metabolic worsening on follow-up. Ultimately, they had a very low 5-year cumulative incidence of T1D. In conclusion, the protective influence of DRB1*15:01-DQA1*01:02-DQB1*06:02 spans from autoantibody development through all stages of progression, and relatives with this allele only rarely develop T1D

    Clinical outcome measures in dementia with Lewy bodies trials: critique and recommendations

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    The selection of appropriate outcome measures is fundamental to the design of any successful clinical trial. Although dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB) is one of the most common neurodegenerative conditions, assessment of therapeutic benefit in clinical trials often relies on tools developed for other conditions, such as Alzheimer's or Parkinson's disease. These may not be sufficiently valid or sensitive to treatment changes in DLB, decreasing their utility. In this review, we discuss the limitations and strengths of selected available tools used to measure DLB-associated outcomes in clinical trials and highlight the potential roles for more specific objective measures. We emphasize that the existing outcome measures require validation in the DLB population and that DLB-specific outcomes need to be developed. Finally, we highlight how the selection of outcome measures may vary between symptomatic and disease-modifying therapy trials

    Correction: Clinical outcome measures in dementia with Lewy bodies trials: critique and recommendations.

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    The selection of appropriate outcome measures is fundamental to the design of any successful clinical trial. Although dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB) is one of the most common neurodegenerative conditions, assessment of therapeutic benefit in clinical trials often relies on tools developed for other conditions, such as Alzheimer's or Parkinson's disease. These may not be sufficiently valid or sensitive to treatment changes in DLB, decreasing their utility. In this review, we discuss the limitations and strengths of selected available tools used to measure DLB-associated outcomes in clinical trials and highlight the potential roles for more specific objective measures. We emphasize that the existing outcome measures require validation in the DLB population and that DLB-specific outcomes need to be developed. Finally, we highlight how the selection of outcome measures may vary between symptomatic and disease-modifying therapy trials

    Clinical outcome measures in dementia with Lewy bodies trials: critique and recommendations.

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    The selection of appropriate outcome measures is fundamental to the design of any successful clinical trial. Although dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB) is one of the most common neurodegenerative conditions, assessment of therapeutic benefit in clinical trials often relies on tools developed for other conditions, such as Alzheimer's or Parkinson's disease. These may not be sufficiently valid or sensitive to treatment changes in DLB, decreasing their utility. In this review, we discuss the limitations and strengths of selected available tools used to measure DLB-associated outcomes in clinical trials and highlight the potential roles for more specific objective measures. We emphasize that the existing outcome measures require validation in the DLB population and that DLB-specific outcomes need to be developed. Finally, we highlight how the selection of outcome measures may vary between symptomatic and disease-modifying therapy trials