2,082 research outputs found

    A Decision Tree and S-Transform Based Approach for Power Quality Disturbances Classification

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    In this paper, it is presented an automated classification based on S-transform as feature extraction tool and Decision Tree as algorithm classifier. The signals generated according to mathematical models, including complex disturbances, have been used to design and test this approach, where noise is added to the signals from 40dB to 20dB. Finally, several disturbances, simple and complex, have been considered to test the implemented system. Evaluation results verifying the accuracy of the proposed method are presented.IEE

    Cross-domain consequences of workplace bullying: A multi-source daily diary study

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    In this multi-source daily diary study we examine the effect of exposure to workplace bullying behaviors on family domain outcomes (conflicts at home, relationship satisfaction), and the mediating role that psychological detachment and affective distress play in this relationship. A sample of 68 employees and their spouses filled in a quantitative diary for 5 consecutive working days twice a day (N occasions = 680). Multilevel analyses showed that daily workplace bullying positively predicted both self-report and spouse-report conflicts at home, and daily psychological detachment mediated this relationship. In addition, daily affective distress was the mediator only for self-report conflicts at home. Further, it was found an indirect effect of both affective distress and detachment on the relationship between bullying and self-reported relationship satisfaction. Detachment also showed an indirect role in the association between bullying and spouse-reported relationship satisfaction. To our knowledge, this is one of the first studies in showing that negative effects of workplace bullying go beyond the work setting and beyond the employee. Moreover, this study adds to an emerging line of research exploring how daily negative work experiences are transferred to and interferes with the non-work domain. The theoretical and practical implications of these findings are discussed

    Osteoartropatía hipertrófica pulmonar asociada a megaesófago en un perro

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    La osteoartropatía hipertrófica pulmonar (OHP) es una enfermedad de escasa presentación en la clínica rutinaria canina, secundaria a patologías intratorácicas crónicas, con lesiones que ocupan un cierto volumen intratorácico (neoplasias, abscesos, etc.), y que se caracteriza por la presencia de neoformaciones óseas en el periostio de los huesos de las extremidades. En el presente artículo se describe un caso clínico de osteoartropatía hipertrófica pulmonar (clínica, radiología, analítica sanguínea y urinaria, necropsia y estudios histopatológicos), asociada a un megaesófago, condición no descrita en la bibliografía consultada sobre la OHP canina.Hypertrophic pulmonary osteoarthropathy (HPO) is a rare clinical disease in the dog, secondary to spaceoccuping masses inside the thoracic cavity (neoplasms, abcesses, etc.) and it's characterized by neoformation of periosteal bone affecting mainly the distallimbs. The authors review the physiopathology of the disease and describe one clinical case of hypertrophic pulmonary osteoarthropathy (clinical state, radiology, blood and urine analysis, necropsy results and histologic conclusions) associated with megaesofagus, condition not yet described associated to HPO

    Relación entre la variación horaria de la concentración de polen de Púmtago y la meteorología

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    XV lnternational A.P.L.E. Symposium of Palynolog

    Hypothalamic endocannabinoids inversely correlate with the development of diet-induced obesity in male and female mice

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    The endocannabinoid (eCB) system regulates energy homeostasis and is linked to obesity development. However, the exact dynamic and regulation of eCBs in the hypothalamus during obesity progression remain incompletely described and understood. Our study examined the time course of responses in two hypothalamic eCBs, 2-arachidonoylglycerol (2-AG) and arachidonoylethanolamine (AEA), in male and female mice during diet-induced obesity and explored the association of eCB levels with changes in brown adipose tissue (BAT) thermogenesis and body weight. We fed mice a high-fat diet (HFD), which induced a transient increase (substantial at 7 days) in hypothalamic eCBs, followed by a progressive decrease to basal levels with a long-term HFD. This transient rise at early stages of obesity is considered a physiologic compensatory response to BAT thermogenesis, which is activated by diet surplus. The eCB dynamic was sexually dimorphic: hypothalamic eCBs levels were higher in female mice, who became obese at later time points than males. The hypothalamic eCBs time course positively correlated with thermogenesis activation, but negatively matched body weight, leptinemia, and circulating eCB levels. Increased expression of eCB-synthetizing enzymes accompanied the transient hypothalamic eCB elevation. Icv injection of eCB did not promote BAT thermogenesis; however, administration of thermogenic molecules, such as central leptin or a peripheral β3-adrenoreceptor agonist, induced a significant increase in hypothalamic eCBs, suggesting a directional link from BAT thermogenesis to hypothalamic eCBs. This study contributes to the understanding of hypothalamic regulation of obesity. Keywords: hypothalamus, sexual dimorphism, brown adipose tissu

    The Role of Large and Small Scale Hydropower for Energy and Water Security in the Spanish Duero Basin

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    Hydropower has been increasingly seen as a two-fold solution to the provision of renewable energy and water storage. However, the massive deployment of both large and small scale hydropower projects has been reported to cause important environmental impacts at the basin scale. This study assesses the differential contributions to regional energy and water security of large (LHP) and small (SHP) scale hydropower deployment in the Spanish Duero basin, as well as associated cumulative environmental impacts. This is performed through a selection of indicators measured in absolute and relative terms. The results suggest that LHP deployment contributes more to energy and water security, performing better in 10 of the 12 indicators. It also shows higher absolute environmental impacts on flow regime and habitat loss. Meanwhile, when analyzed in relative terms, SHP shows greater impacts in all categories as a result of cumulative effects cascading along the rivers system. These findings suggest that optimizing the use of existing hydropower infrastructure would be beneficial for energy, water and environmental security. This could be implemented by substantially reducing the number of low capacity plants with almost no impact on final energy generation, while enhancing the pumping and storage potential of higher capacity plants

    Conidios en la atmósfera de la ciudad de Mérida

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    XV lnternational A.P.L.E. Symposium of Palynolog

    Semejanzas y diferencias entre dos estaciones aerobiológicas

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    XV lnternational A.P.L.E. Symposium of Palynolog

    Estadística Descriptiva y Probabilidad: (Teoría y problemas)

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    XXXIV, 261 p. ; 24 cm.Libro ElectrónicoÍndice Bibliografía: p. [256]-258 Manual para alumnos de titulaciones experimentales que proporciona una visión práctica e intuitiva de la estadística descriptiva y el cálculo de probabilidades, campos básicos y fundamentales de la ciencia estadísticaLibro : Español (spa) : 3a. edIndice general Prólogo XIII 1. Introducción XIII 2. History (Histórico) XV 3. Licencia de Documentación Libre de GNU XVI 4. GNU Free Documentation License XXVI A Estadística Descriptiva 1 1 Síntesis de la información 7 1. Rese˜na histórica 7 2. La organización de la información 9 3. Representaciones grá?cas 15 4. Medidas centrales 17 5. Medidas de posición 26 6. Medidas de dispersión 27 7. Desigualdad de Tchebychev 31 8. Momentos de la distribución 31 9. Medidas de forma 33 10. Transformaciones 36 11. Análisis exploratorio de datos 37 12. Ejercicios 40 2 Análisis conjunto de variables. 53 1. Distribución conjunta de dos caracteres 53 2. Distribuciones marginales 55 3. Distribuciones condicionadas 55 4. Independencia 60 5. Medidas de dependencia. Coeficientes de relación 61 6. Ejercicios 78 3 Ajuste y regresión bidimensional 89 1. Introducción 89 2. Ajuste. Criterio de los mínimos cuadrados 91 3. Análisis de la bondad del ajuste 97 4. Regresión. Método de regresión a la media 100 5. Análisis de la bondad de la regresión 102 6. Notas y conclusiones 104 7. Ejercicios 105 B Probabilidad 113 4 Teoría de la probabilidad 117 1. Evolución histórica 117 2. Conjuntos. Operaciones 120 3. Algebra de sucesos 122 4. Distintas de?niciones del concepto de probabilidad 126 5. Propiedades de la función de probabilidad 129 6. Probabilidad condicionada. Independencia 131 7. Dependencia e independencia 132 8. Teorema de la probabilidad total. Teorema de Bayes 133 9. Ejercicios 136 5 Variable aleatoria 145 1. Concepto 145 2. Variables discretas y continuas 146 3. Variables unidimensionales 147 4. Variables multidimensionales 161 5. Ejercicios 173 6 Algunos modelos probabilísticos 185 1. Distribución uniforme discreta 185 2. Experimento de Bernouilli 186 3. Distribución hipergeométrica 191 4. Proceso de Poisson 192 5. Distribución uniforme continua 195 6. Distribución normal 197 7. Relación entre binomial, Poisson y normal 200 8. Teorema central del límite 201 9. Distribución gamma 202 10. Distribución beta 203 11. Distribución de Cauchy 204 12. Distribuciones derivadas de la normal 206 13. Distribución de Laplace 210 14. Distribución logística 211 15. Distribución de Pareto 211 16. Algunos modelos multidimensionales 212 17. Ejercicios 215 A Combinatoria 225 1. Introducción 225 2. Variaciones con repetición 225 3. Variaciones 226 4. Permutaciones 226 5. Permutaciones con repetición 226 6. Combinaciones sin repetición 227 7. Combinaciones con repetición 228 8. Ejercicios 228 B Tablas Estadísticas 233 C Bibliografía 25