2,365 research outputs found

    Mercado laboral colombiano y baja cobertura pensional

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    Este trabajo examinará el problema que plantea la cobertura pensional de los colombianos menos educados y más vulnerables. Relaciona las tendencias del mercado laboral con la baja cobertura pensional: el sesgo del empleo urbano moderno contra los menos educados, ha generado para estos un ciclo de vida laboral muy marcado (empleo asalariado para los jóvenes, informal para los adultos): durante su fase asalariada temprana perciben ingresos relativamente mejores y, salvo en los períodos de desempleo, cotizan más al sistema pensional, durante su fase madura como informales perciben ingresos más bajos y dejan de cotizar. Ello, junto con la bajísima calidad del empleo rural, explica la baja cobertura pensional

    Experimental study of MIMO-OFDM transmissions at 94 GHz in indoor environments

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    Millimeter wave (mm-wave) frequencies have been proposed to achieve high capacity in 5G communications. Although meaningful research on the channel characteristics has been performed in the 28, 38and 60 GHz bands ─in both indoor and short-range scenarios─,only a small number of trials (experiments) have been carried out in other mm-wave bands. The objective of this work is to study the viability and evaluate the performance of the 94 GHz frequency band for MIMO-OFDM transmission in an indoor environment. Starting from a measurement campaign, the performance of MIMO algorithms is studied in terms of throughput for four different antenna configurations.This work was supported in part by the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad MINECO, Spain under Grant TEC2016-78028-C3-2-P, and in part by the European FEDER funds

    Diagnóstico e intervención de las instalaciones de la E.S.E. Hospital San Juan de Dios en El Santuario-Antioquia

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    RESUMEN: El mantenimiento de la infraestructura hospitalaria permite a las entidad prestadoras de servicios de salud mantener y/o mejorar las condiciones de seguridad, sanidad y serviciabilidad de su infraestructura física, por ello es importante que cada entidad incluya dentro de sus actividades principales el preservar su infraestructura teniendo en cuenta el grado de responsabilidad de estas para con la comunidad en donde estén ubicadas. En el presente proyecto se dan a conocer las diferentes actividades realizadas para llevar a cabo el mantenimiento y rehabilitación de espacios de la empresa social del estado Hospital San Juan de Dios ubicada en El Santuario-Antioquia con la finalidad de mejorar las condiciones de su infraestructura física para brindar el mejor servicio médico posible a sus usuarios. Para llevar a cabo la intervención del establecimiento hospitalario se realizó una inspección inicial de la edificación, visitas técnicas y revisión de antecedentes históricos para posteriormente realizar un informe de las necesidades que la infraestructura del hospital presente y finalmente ejecutar las actividades de mantenimiento y obras civiles necesarias. Las actividades de intervención se enfocaron en la restauración de los elementos constructivos del hospital mediante su reparación y puesta a punto de su acabado final, también la construcción de obras civiles para la habilitación de espacios tales como parqueaderos y rutas de acceso para suministro médico, además la adecuación de pisos y restauración del centro de conferencias de la entidad. Estas intervenciones permitieron a la entidad habilitar las zonas de hospitalización, archivo y esterilización las cuales no prestaban sus servicios por el deterioro presente en estas, además se brindó al personal médico, administrativo y los usuarios la posibilidad de estacionar sus vehículos dentro de la entidad mediante la habitación de parqueaderos que a su vez permiten facilitar el ingreso de suministros médicos y botada de residuos hospitalarios.ABSTRACT: The maintenance of the hospital infrastructure allows health service providers to maintain or improve the security, health and service conditions of their physical infrastructure, so it is important that each entity includes within its main activities the preservation of its infrastructure taking into account the degree of responsibility of these to the community where they are located. In this project are disclosed the different activities carried out to carry out the maintenance and rehabilitation of the social enterprise of the state Hospital San Juan de Dios located in El Santuario-Antioquia in order to improve the conditions of its physical infrastructure to provide the best possible medical service to its users. To carry out the intervention of the hospital establishment, an initial inspection of the building, technical visits and historical background review was carried out and then a report of the needs of the hospital infrastructure present and finally to carry out the necessary maintenance activities and civil works. The intervention activities focused on the restoration of the construction elements of the hospital through its repair and tuning of its final finish, also the construction of civil works for the enabling of spaces such as parking lots and access routes for medical supply, in addition to the adequacy of floors and restoration of the conference center of the entity. These interventions allowed the entity to enable the hospitalization, archiving and sterilization areas which did not provide their services because of the deterioration present in them, in addition the medical, administrative staff and users were given the possibility of parking their vehicles within the entity through the parking room that in turn facilitate the entry of medical supplies and dispose of hospital waste

    Naturaleza, resistencia comunitaria y sustentabilidad en el conflicto socioambiental de Jilotzingo, Estado de México, 2016-2021

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    Tesis de investigación doctoralLa presente tesis se fundamenta en un análisis integral del conflicto socioambiental desarrollado en el municipio de Jilotzingo, Estado de México y de la resistencia comunitaria emanada de él, a raíz del intento de construcción de un megaproyecto infraestructural de corte residencial, denominado: “Bosque diamante”; con el propósito de comprender si las estrategias de defensa del territorio a través de la acción colectiva de los pobladores tienen relación directa con la creación de sustentabilidad como proceso que apunta a generar condiciones de armonía entre la propia población y de esta con el medio ambiente, fomentando condiciones de florecimiento y bienestar para la localidad desde sus propios conocimientos, intereses, prácticas, experiencias, deseos, en suma, desde su particular cosmogonía. Por la naturaleza compleja del fenómeno abordado, la investigación está inscrita en la perspectiva cualitativa y utiliza para el análisis inductivo interpretativo el método de la teoría fundamentada, el cual rescata y proyecta los relatos de los colaboradores, tanto actores sociales claves en la lucha, como agentes externos que los acompañan, a fin de que sean la voz más importante de su propia realidad, lo cual promovió la generación de teoría sustantiva a través de siete términos categoriales y tres nuevos conceptos, mismos que permiten el análisis integral y la descripción comprensiva del fenómeno de estudio, así como su explicación holista. Se resalta el carácter multidimensional, dinámico y multiescalar del conflicto y de la propia resistencia como premisas para la construcción colectiva de la realidad a través de las narrativas sociales

    Patients´ and Therapists´ Reports of Psychotherapy Outcomes: Similarities and Differences

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    Background: Discrepancies between therapists’ and patients’ measures regarding therapeutic results indicate the need to analyze which symptoms and processes are being taken into consideration when reporting clinical change. This study analyzes the concordance between patient and therapist, at pre- and post-treatment, when reporting about anxiety, depression, Experiential Avoidance (EA), Cognitive Fusion (CF) and Activation (A). Method: Convergence was examined between information obtained by means of standardized measures and visual analogical scales (VAS) in 94 patients with anxiety and/or depression who participated in a controlled clinical study (TRANSACTIVA study). Results: Statistically significant correlation (p < .05) was found between all the measures of anxiety and depression, regardless of the source, timepoint, and measures procedure at 95% confidence. In the VAS, patient and therapist agreed (p < .05) in their evaluation of specific symptoms. For EA, CF and A, the therapists’ measures demonstrated stronger correlations than those of the patients, although, in each condition, all the patients’ measures correlated with each other (p < .05). Conclusions: Suitable agreement was found between therapist and patient when reporting clinical change. One-item VAS appeared to b suitable for identifying anxiety, depression and the transdiagnostic patterns of EA, CF and A

    Design of a 35 kW Solar Cooling Demonstration Facility for a Hotel in Spain

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    [EN] Solar cooling systems have the advantage of the coincidence between the hours of cooling demand and the hours of solar radiation availability, and they can contribute to reduce the energy consumption in buildings. However, the high cost of thermal solar cooling facilities with absorption chillers, maintenance issues, legionella risk and water consumption (associated to the necessary cooling tower) have limited the use of these systems to demonstration projects. A simplified Transient System Simulation Tool (TRNSYS) model was developed to provide the owner of the demonstration facility the information he needs for design decision-making. This model was validated with experimental data registered in a solar cooling system designed and built by the authors. Different collector field surfaces, hot water storage tank volumes, and absorption machine driving temperatures were analyzed for a hotel demonstration facility. In terms of the energy delivered to the absorption chiller the optimum dimensioning corresponded to the lowest values of the driving temperature (75 °C) and specific storage volume (15 Lm2). From an economic point of view, the saving of 1515 euros per year when compared with an electric compression chiller does not compensate the investment of 3000 euros per kW of cooling capacity that cost the thermal solar cooling facility.This research was funded by (MINECO/AEI/FEDER, UE), grant number ENE2017-83729-C3-1-R.Martínez, PJ.; Martínez, P.; Soto Francés, VM.; Bujedo, LA.; Rodríguez, J. (2020). Design of a 35 kW Solar Cooling Demonstration Facility for a Hotel in Spain. Applied Sciences. 10(496):1-13. https://doi.org/10.3390/app10020496S1131049

    UPCT-Bloopbusters: Teaching Science and Technology through Movie Scenes and related Experiments

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    [EN] In order to change the preconceptions of youth towards science and technology subjects (which, usually, are perceived as difficult or boring), new educational methods aimed at motivating and engaging students in learning are becoming more and more necessary. In this sense, an educational project called ‘UPCT-Bloopbusters’ through which a group of professors of the Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena (UPCT), Spain, use science fiction movie scenes ─as well as experiments─ within the lecture room to teach both physics and engineering technology is hereby presented. The methodology of the project is properly described and the results of a survey carried out among the students of a course in which such methodology has been used are shown. In view of this survey, it can be concluded that the project has been more than welcome by the students while at the same time has favored the learning of a great deal of physics and technology concepts.http://ocs.editorial.upv.es/index.php/HEAD/HEAD18Rodríguez, J.; Castro-Rodríguez, E.; Sánchez-Pérez, J.; Serrano-Martínez, J. (2018). UPCT-Bloopbusters: Teaching Science and Technology through Movie Scenes and related Experiments. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 347-353. https://doi.org/10.4995/HEAD18.2018.7992OCS34735

    Informe de la gestión y estrategias de la empresa Erie en el simulador de negocios Capsim

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    Documento en donde se presentan los resultados de la gestión y las estrategias propuestas en el simulador de negocios Capsim, el cual tiene como objeto involucrar a personas o equipos en entornos empresariales competitivos reales en la industria de sensores. El trabajo consistió en planear estrategias para cada uno de los departamentos: finanzas, diseño, desarrollo, producción y marketing

    pBAM1: an all-synthetic genetic tool for analysis and construction of complex bacterial phenotypes

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Since publication in 1977 of plasmid pBR322, many breakthroughs in Biology have depended on increasingly sophisticated vector platforms for analysis and engineering of given bacterial strains. Although restriction sites impose a certain format in the procedures for assembling cloned genes, every attempt thus far to standardize vector architecture and nomenclature has ended up in failure. While this state of affairs may still be tolerable for traditional one-at-a-time studies of single genes, the onset of systems and synthetic biology calls for a simplification -along with an optimization- of the currently unwieldy pool of genetic tools.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The functional DNA sequences present in the natural bacterial transposon Tn<it>5 </it>have been methodically edited and refactored for the production of a multi-purpose genetic tool named pBAM1, which allows a range of manipulations in the genome of Gram-negative bacteria. This all-synthetic construct enhances the power of mini-transposon vectors for either de-construction or re-construction of phenotypes <it>á la carte </it>by incorporating features inspired in systems engineering: modularity, re-usability, minimization, and compatibility with other genetic tools. pBAM1 bears an streamlined, restriction site-freed and narrow-host range replication frame bearing the sequences of R6K <it>oriV</it>, <it>oriT </it>and an ampicillin resistance marker. These go along with a business module that contains a host-independent and hyperactive transposition platform for <it>in vivo </it>or <it>in vitro </it>insertion of desired DNA into the genome of the target bacterium. All functional sequences were standardized for a straightforward replacement by equivalent counterparts, if required. pBAM1 can be delivered into recipient cells by either mating or electroporation, producing transposon insertion frequencies of 1.8 × 10<sup>-3 </sup>and 1.02 × 10<sup>-7</sup>, respectively in the soil bacterium <it>Pseudomonas putida</it>. Analyses of the resulting clones revealed a 100% of unique transposition events and virtually no-cointegration of the donor plasmid within the target genome.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>This work reports the design and performance of an all-synthetic mini-transposon vector. The power of the new system for both identification of new functions or for the construction of desired phenotypes is shown in a genetic survey of hyper-expressed proteins and regulatory elements that influence the expression of the σ<sup>54</sup>-dependent <it>Pu </it>promoter of <it>P. putida</it>.</p

    Fase cualitativa de investigación (I): entrevistas a los participantes

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