2,168 research outputs found

    Interpretación del análisis paleopalinológico del yacimiento protocogotas de el Castillo (Rábano, Valladolid, España)

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    El presente artículo presenta los resultados del análisis palinológico del relleno de cuatro fosas en un campo de hoyos de atribución Protocogotas. A partir de los resultados paleopolínicos obtenidos, se propone una interpretación del paleopaisaje regional. Se detecta cerealicultura inmediata al poblado y una actividad pastoril en un paisaje dominado por las zonas de pradera, destacando los herbazales de tipo nitrófilo, y con un avanzado estadio de deforestación del bosque autóctono, formado por las encinas y la sabina albar.The aim of this paper is to give information about the dates obtained in the polinic anal ysis proceeding from four holes in a so named "campo de hoyos" of the Nord-Iberian upland, with a chronology of the Middle Bronze Age: El Castillo (Rábano, Valladolid). Palaeoecological indicators show a cereal agricultural economy near de site as well as a pastoral activity in a notable deforested context with nitrophilous communities

    Paisaje y economía durante el Bronce Antiguo en la Meseta Norte desde una perspectiva paleoambiental: algunos casos de estudio

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    El objeto de este artículo es dar a conocer los datos aportados por los análisis polínicos procedentes de tres yacimientos de la Meseta Norte española, adscribibles al Bronce Antiguo: El Picuezo (Sotalvo, Ávila), El Parpantique (Balluncar, Soria) y Pico Romero (Santa Cruz de la Salceda, Burgos). Aunque el número de secuencias arqueopalinológicas es corto, al menos, sirve para comenzar a interpretar el paleoambiente y la paleoeconomía de este periodo en la Submeseta Norte. El trabajo es un ejemplo de la investigación inspirada en los principios de la arqueología del paisaje.The aim of this paper is to give information about the dates obtained in the polinic anal ysis proceeding from the excavations of three archaeological sites, of the Nord-Iberian upland, with a chronology of the Earlier Bronze Age: El Picuezo (Sotalvo, Ávila), El Parpantique (Balluncar, Soria) y Pico Romero (Santa Cruz de la Salceda, Burgos). Obviously the number of archaeopalinological sequences is short, but, almost, has permitted to begin to interpret the reconstruction of the palaeoenvironment and the palaeoeconomy of this period in Nord Upland. This paper is an example of the research inspired in the principles of landscape archaeology

    Metropolización y región periurbana en Morelos

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    Actualmente los estudios regionales enfrentan el desafío de analizar de manera crítica los acontecimientos que ocurren en las zonas urbanas y metropolitanas, poniendo atención a procesos que hoy han modificado la forma tradicional de entender las nuevas relaciones territoriales de escala local y regional. En este contexto la presente investigación se aboca a estudiar los antecedentes del proceso de urbanización y metropolización en el estado de Morelos. Se expone como Cuernavaca en el noroeste, Cuautla en noreste y Jojutla en el sur, han tenido cada una de ellas su propios procesos de urbanización, pero guardando relación entre las tres, pues existe un flujo importante de migrantes pendulares que se mueven diariamente desde diferentes localidades, lo que ha dado lugar a la conformación de una gran región rururbana que abarca prácticamente todo el estado. La investigación aborda la modificación de la estructura de la población, pasando de un tipo rural a otro de carácter urbano; esto ha conllevado a la modificación en los patrones de ocupación de la de la población rural que está participando cada vez más en las actividades industriales, del comercio y los servicios. Para conocer a profundidad las modificaciones se aplicaron dos modelos, el gravitacional y una matriz de origen/destino, en el se utilizaron datos estadísticos de viajes por motivos de trabajo. De lo anterior se pudo conocer que el crecimiento de las zonas metropolitanas de Cuernavaca y Cuautla las ha llevado a unirse por medio de Yautepec. En tanto por el sur la tendencia es a unirse funcionalmente con Jojutla por medio de la carretera libre Jiutepec – Emiliano Zapata en donde se localizan fraccionamientos de interés social, industrias y empresas de comercio y servicios

    Self-consistent optical constants of MgF2,LaF3, and CeF3 films

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    18 pags., 11 figs., 3 tabs.Various fluorides are materials in nature that extend their transparency range to the shortest wavelengths in the far ultraviolet (FUV, 100nm<¿<200 nm). These are relevant materials to prepare multilayer coatings in the FUV for demanding applications such as space instrumentation for astrophysics, solar physics and atmosphere physics, as well as free electron lasers, plasma diagnostics, synchrotron radiation, lithography, spectroscopy, etc. Multilayer design requires the optical constants of the coating materials. Multilayers optimally alternate two transparent materials with contrasting refractive indices. The optical constants of a low-index material, MgF2, and of two high-index materials, LaF3 and CeF3, have been determined in a wide spectral range and are presented here. Thin films of MgF2, LaF3, and CeF3 were deposited by boat evaporation onto substrates at 523 K. Transmittance, reflectance, and ellipsometry measurements were performed in ranges jointly covering the 30- 950-nm spectral range. This range was extended with literature data and extrapolations to obtain self-consistent optical constants using the Kramers-Kronig (KK) analysis. An iterative, double KK analysis procedure (successive reflectance-phase and k-n KK analyses) was carried out to obtain a self-consistent set of optical constants per material. With the final data sets, the experimental measurements were satisfactorily reproduced. Global self-consistency of the data sets was successfully evaluated through sum rules; additionally, local selfconsistency at each photon energy range was also evaluated through a novel sum-rule method which involves window functions. The new sets of optical constant extend the data availability mainly to the FUV and beyond, particularly for CeF3, where few data had been reported.Spanish Programa Estatal de Investigación Científica y Técnica de Excelencia, Secretaría de Estado de Investigación, Desarrollo e Innovación (AYA2013-42590-P and ESP2016-76591-P).Peer Reviewe

    Narrowband filters for the FUV range

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    10 págs.; 6 figs.; 4 tabs.We address the design, fabrication, and characterization of transmittance filters for the Ionosphere Photometer instrument (IP), developed by the Center for Space Science and Applied Research (CSSAR). IP, a payload of Feng-Yun 3D meteorological satellite, to be launched on 2016, is aimed to perform photometry measurements of Earth¿s ionosphere by the analysis of the OI (135.6 nm) spectral line and N2 Lyman-Birge-Hopfield (LBH, 140-180 nm) band, both of them in the far ultraviolet (FUV) range. The most convenient procedure to isolate a spectral band is the use of tunable transmittance filters. In many applications the intensity of the ultraviolet, visible and infrared background is higher than the intensity of the target FUV lines; therefore one of the most important requirements for transmittance filters is to reject (by reflecting and/or by absorbing) as efficiently as possible the visible and close ranges. In the FUV range, (Al/MgF2)n transmittance filters are the most common, and they are suitable to reject the visible and adjacent ranges. These materials present unique properties in this range: MgF2 is transparent down to ~115 nm and Al has a very low refractive index in the FUV that contrasts well with MgF2. Narrowband tunable filters with very low transmittance at long wavelengths are achievable. The main data on the preparation and characterization of IP filters by Grupo de Óptica de Láminas Delgadas (GOLD) is detailed. In this proceeding we present (Al/MgF2)3 filters peaked at either 135.6 nm or at the center of the LBH band (~160 nm). Filters were characterized in the 125-800 nm range (143-800 nm range for the LBH filter). After some storage in a desiccator, both coatings kept a transmittance of ~0.14 at their target wavelengths, with visible-topeak transmittance ratios of 1.2·10-4 (OI filter) and 1.3·10-4 (LBH filter). One filter tuned at each target wavelength was exposed to ~300 Gy 60Co gamma dose, with no significant transmittance change. Keywords: Coatings, Far Ultraviolet, Atmosphere Physics, Transmittance Filters, Space OpticsThis research was partly supported by the National Programme for Research, Subdirección General de Proyectos de Investigación, Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, project number AYA2010-22032 and AYA2013- 42590-P. The authors are gratefully acknowledged to Pedro Valdivieso (Instalación de irradiación Náyade, CIEMAT).Peer Reviewe

    Climatological comparison of 2011-2012 and 2012-2013 snow seasons in Central and Western Spanish Pyrenees and its relationship with the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) [Póster]

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    Póster presentado en: International Snow Science Workshop Grenoble, celebrado en Chamonix Mont-Blanc, del 7 al 11 de octubre de 2013.An analysis of 2011/12 and 2012/13 seasons (NDJFMAM) has been made in the Pyrenees of Navarre and Aragon. The main objective is to highlight the contrast between the two seasons in relation to temperature, precipitation and snowpack behaviour, trying to find a relationship with the NAO

    Development of numerical model for ballistic resistance evaluation of combat helmet and experimental validation

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    Modern designing process of combat helmets requires both numerical modeling and experimental validation in order to achieve exigent requirements combining impact resistance and reasonable weight. In this work a finite element model of a combat helmet is presented. Mechanical behaviour of the shell aramid composite under impact conditions was analyzed from experimental Fragment Simulating Projectile (FSP) and Full-Metal Jacketed (FMJ) impact tests on aramid flat plates. Numerical modeling based on finite elements method was used to simulate both impacts in simple plates of the composite and also the simulation of ballistic impact involving real ammunition and the complex geometry of the helmet including inner foam. Experimental work involving impact tests on composite plates and also ballistic test on the helmet with a dummy provided real data for comparison with models predictions and proved the accuracy of the numerical models developed.The authors acknowledge the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness of Spain and FEDER program under the Project RTC-2015-3887-8 for the financial support of the work

    El Pico de la Mora (Peñafiel, Valladolid). Un nuevo asentamiento amurallado del Calcolítico Inicial normeseteño

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    El Pico de la Mora (Peñafiel, Valladolid) is a small settlement (0.5 ha) located at the edge of a narrow promontory with a stone wall 100m in length protecting its weakest flank. Excavation of the wall has shown to be a complex architectural structure built with limestone blocks and composed of a foundation, two facings, a fill and a buttress. It has been radiocarbon dated to ca. 2900-2650 cal BCE. This makes El Pico de la Mora the oldest walled settlement of the middle Douro Valley and one of the northernmost Iberian Copper Age walled settlements.Se presentan los resultados de la reciente intervención desarrollada en el yacimiento calcolítico de El Pico de la Mora (Peñafiel, Valladolid). Éste es un pequeño asentamiento de 0,5 ha el cual ocupa el extremo de un espigón de páramo y su peculiaridad consiste en que cuenta con una muralla de 100 m de longitud defendiendo su flanco más desprotegido. La excavación de la misma ha servido para identificar una compleja estructura arquitectónica pétrea —con basamento, lienzos, relleno y contrafuerte— que ha sido fechada por radiocarbono en el periodo ca. 2900-2650 cal a. C. Esto convierte a El Pico de la Mora en el más antiguo asentamiento amurallado del valle medio del Duero y uno de los más septentrionales de todo el Calcolítico peninsular

    Diseño del sistema de abastecimiento de agua potable y alcantarillado sanitario para el AA.HH primavera II del distrito de la esperanza, provincia de Trujillo, la libertad

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    La presente Tesis lleva como título: “DISEÑO DEL SISTEMA DE ABASTECIMIENTO DE AGUA POTABLE Y ALCANTARILLADO SANITARIO PARA EL AA.HH. PRIMAVERA III, DEL DISTRITO DE LA ESPERANZA, PROVINCIA DE TRUJILLO, LA LIBERTAD”, proyecto desarrollado bajo la línea de investigación de Saneamiento, que nos permite plantear una propuesta técnica, debido a que la población del AA.HH. Primavera III, se encuentra viviendo en condiciones inadecuadas por el deficiente acceso a los servicios de agua potable y alcantarillado; por lo que es necesario instalar una Red de Agua Potable y Alcantarillado Sanitario para brindar un adecuado servicio de saneamiento básico, y reducir el grado de contaminación ambiental; al mismo tiempo se contribuye al desarrollo socio económico y salubridad de la población. Para cumplir con nuestra propuesta, utilizamos los softwares WaterCAD y SewerCAD, teniendo en cuenta los parámetros de diseño establecidos en el Reglamento Nacional de Edificaciones, obteniendo los siguientes resultados:This Thesis is entitled: “DESIGN OF THE DRINKING WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM AND SANITARY SEWER FOR THE AA.HH. PRIMAVERA III, OF THE HOPE DISTRICT, PROVINCE OF TRUJILLO, LA LIBERTAD ”, project developed under the Sanitation research line, which allows us to make a technical proposal, because the population of the AA.HH. Primavera III is living in inadequate conditions due to poor access to drinking water and sewerage services; therefore it is necessary to install a Drinking Water and Sanitary Sewer Network to provide an adequate basic sanitation service, and reduce the degree of environmental contamination; at the same time it contributes to the socio-economic development and healthiness of the population. To comply with our proposal, we use the WaterCAD and SewerCAD software, taking into account the design parameters established in the National Building Regulations, obtaining the following resultsTesi

    On the bulk modulus and natural frequency of fullerene and nanotube carbon structures obtained with a beam based method

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    In this work, the natural frequency of vibration and Bulk modulus under hydrostatic pressure conditions of carbon nanotubes and fullerenes are investigated. For this purpose, three-dimensional finite element modelling is used in order to evaluate the vibration characteristics and radial stiffness for different nanotube and fullerene sizes. The atomistic method implemented in this work is based on the notion that nanotubes, or fullerenes, are geometrical frame-like structures where the primary bonds between two neighbouring atoms act like load-bearing beam members, whereas an individual atom acts as the joint of the related load-bearing system. The current numerical simulations results are compared with data reported by other authors, highlighting the greater simplicity and the lower computational cost of the model implemented in this work compared to other molecular dynamics models, maintaining accuracy in the results provided.The authors are indebted to the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad de España (Projects DPI2011-24068 and DPI2011-23191) for the financial support.Publicad