5,656 research outputs found

    Dock Assignment and Truck Scheduling Problems at Cross-docking Terminals

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    In this paper, we consider the integration of dock assignment and truck scheduling problem at cross-docking terminals. The problem is first formulated as a 0-1 integer programming model. Since both dock assignment and truck scheduling problems are NP-hard, its integration is more difficult to solve. Thus we propose reduced variable neighborhood search (RVNS) algorithms to solve the problem. Computational experiments are carried out on four set of instances. The results show that RVNS is capable of finding good solutions in a much shorter computation time when it is compared with optimization solver Gurobi’s solutions

    Integral Field Spectroscopy of HH 262: The Spectral Atlas

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    HH 262 is a group of emitting knots displaying an "hour-glass" morphology in the Halpha and [SII] lines, located 3.5' to the northeast of the young stellar object L1551-IRS5, in Taurus. We present new results of the kinematics and physical conditions of HH 262 based on Integral Field Spectroscopy covering a field of 1.5'x3', which includes all the bright knots in HH 262. These data show complex kinematics and significant variations in physical conditions over the mapped region of HH 262 on a spatial scale of <3". A new result derived from the IFS data is the weakness of the [NII] emission (below detection limit in most of the mapped region of HH 262), including the brightest central knots. Our data reinforce the association of HH 262 with the redshifted lobe of the evolved molecular outflow L1551-IRS5. The interaction of this outflow with a younger one, powered by L1551 NE, around the position of HH 262 could give rise to the complex morphology and kinematics of HH 262.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Lo específico de la moral cristiana

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    Quasi-exactly Solvable Lie Superalgebras of Differential Operators

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    In this paper, we study Lie superalgebras of 2×22\times 2 matrix-valued first-order differential operators on the complex line. We first completely classify all such superalgebras of finite dimension. Among the finite-dimensional superalgebras whose odd subspace is nontrivial, we find those admitting a finite-dimensional invariant module of smooth vector-valued functions, and classify all the resulting finite-dimensional modules. The latter Lie superalgebras and their modules are the building blocks in the construction of QES quantum mechanical models for spin 1/2 particles in one dimension.Comment: LaTeX2e using the amstex and amssymb packages, 24 page

    Análisis bioinformático de D-glicerato deshidrogenasa de Paenibacillus mucilaginosus K02 implicada en la solubilización de potasio

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    Potassium solubilizing bacteria play a fundamental role in the maintenance of plant physiological and metabolic processes. Among these, Paenibacillus mucilaginosus carries out this solubilization through the production of gluconic acid. The enzyme D-glycerate dehydrogenase E.C is known to catalyze an important reaction for the production of D-glycerate dehydrogenase. In the present work, the aforementioned protein was analyzed structurally using available bioinformatics tools. A homology modeling was carried out and a previously unreported structure for the microorganism was obtained. This finding allows further study of its function and interactions with other proteins in depth and its possible biotechnological applications.Las bacterias solubilizadoras de potasio juegan un papel fundamental en el mantenimiento de procesos fisiológicos y metabólicos de las plantas. Entre éstas, Paenibacillus mucilaginosus lleva a cabo esta solubilización a través de la producción de ácido glucónico. Se conoce que la enzima D-glicerato deshidrogenasa E.C cataliza una importante reacción para la producción de este. En el presente trabajo, se analizó la proteína ya mencionada, de manera estructural utilizando herramientas bioinformáticas disponibles. Se llevó a cabo un modelamiento por homología del que se obtuvo una estructura no reportada con anterioridad para el microorganismo. Este hallazgo permite estudiar más adelanta la función y sus interacciones con otras proteínas a profundidad y sus posibles aplicaciones biotecnológicas

    Descripcion del metodo EPCP.

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    Scaling properties of growing noninfinitesimal perturbations in space-time chaos

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    We study the spatiotemporal dynamics of random spatially distributed noninfinitesimal perturbations in one-dimensional chaotic extended systems. We find that an initial perturbation of finite size ϵ0\epsilon_0 grows in time obeying the tangent space dynamic equations (Lyapunov vectors) up to a characteristic time t×(ϵ0)b(1/λmax)ln(ϵ0)t_{\times}(\epsilon_0) \sim b - (1/\lambda_{max}) \ln (\epsilon_0), where λmax\lambda_{max} is the largest Lyapunov exponent and bb is a constant. For times t<t×t < t_{\times} perturbations exhibit spatial correlations up to a typical distance ξtz\xi \sim t^z. For times larger than t×t_{\times} finite perturbations are no longer described by tangent space equations, memory of spatial correlations is progressively destroyed and perturbations become spatiotemporal white noise. We are able to explain these results by mapping the problem to the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang universality class of surface growth.Comment: 4.5 pages LaTeX (RevTeX4) format, 3 eps figs included. Submitted to Phys Rev

    High-cadence spectroscopy of M-dwarfs – II. Searching for stellar pulsations with HARPS

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    Stellar oscillations appear all across the Hertzsprung–Russell diagram. Recent theoretical studies support their existence also in the atmosphere of M dwarfs. These studies predict for them short periodicities ranging from 20 min to 3 h. Our Cool Tiny Beats (CTB) programme aims at finding these oscillations for the very first time. With this goal, CTB explores the short time domain of M dwarfs using radial velocity data from the High Accuracy Radial velocity Planet Searcher (HARPS)-European Southern Observatory and HARPS-N high-precision spectrographs. Here we present the results for the two most long-term stable targets observed to date with CTB, GJ 588 and GJ 699 (i.e. Barnard's star). In the first part of this work we detail the correction of several instrumental effects. These corrections are especially relevant when searching for subnight signals. Results show no significant signals in the range where M dwarfs pulsations were predicted. However, we estimate that stellar pulsations with amplitudes larger than ∼0.5 m s−1 can be detected with a 90 per cent completeness with our observations. This result, along with the excess of power regions detected in the periodograms, opens the possibility of non-resolved very low amplitude pulsation signals. Next generation more precise instrumentation would be required to detect such oscillations. However, the possibility of detecting pulsating M-dwarf stars with larger amplitudes is feasible due to the short size of the analysed sample. This motivates the need for completeness of the CTB survey

    Recreational water skiing in people with paraplegia: A study of three cases

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    Objetivos: se analizaron la condición cardiorrespiratoria y la intensidad de esfuerzo durante la práctica recreativa del esquí náutico de slalom. Metodología: participaron tres esquiadores náuticos con paraplejia moderadamente activos. Realizaron un test incremental en un ergómetro de brazos para determinar su VO2pico y los umbrales ventilatorios y completaron 3 sesiones de práctica de esquí náutico, separadas por 48h, registrándose la FC cada 5 s. Resultados: obtuvieron un VO2pico de 22,3 ± 0,6 mL·kg-1·min-1 y los umbrales ventilatorios se analizaron al ~80 y ~50% del VO2pico. La FC media en las sesiones de esquí náutico fue de 111 ppm, lo que representó una intensidad de ~45% de la FC de reserva (FCR), permaneciendo por encima del 40% de la FCR ~12 min. Conclusión: la intensidad moderada de la práctica recreativa de esquí náutico de slalom podría servir para mantener o mejorar la condición cardiorrespiratoria en estas tres personas con paraplejiaObjectives: the cardiorespiratory fitness and the intensity of effort were analyzed during the recreational practice of slalom water skiing. Methodology: three moderately active water skiers with paraplegia participated. They performed an incremental test on an arm ergometer to determine their VO2peak and ventilatory thresholds and completed 3 sessions of water skiing, separated by 48h, where the HR was recorded every 5 s. Results: they obtained a VO2peak of 22.3 ± 0.6 mL·kg-1·min-1 and the ventilatory thresholds were analyzed at ~80 and ~50% of the VO2peak. The average heart rate in the water ski sessions was 111 bpm, which represented an intensity of ~45% of the heart rate reserve (HRR), remaining above 40% of the HRR ~12 min. Conclusion: the moderate intensity of recreational slalom skiing could serve to maintain or improve the cardiorespiratory fitness in these three people with paraplegi

    DCMF: DC & Microformats, a good marriage

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    This report introduces the Dublin Core Microformats (DCMF) project, a new way to use the DC element set within X/HTML. The DC microformats encode explicit semantic expressions in an X/HTML webpage, by using a specific list of terms for values of the attributes “rev” and “rel” for and elements, and “class” and “id” of other elements. Microformats can be easily processed by user agents and software, enabling a high level of interoperability. These characteristics are crucial for the growing number of social applications allowing users to participate in the Web 2.0 environment as information creators and consumers. This report reviews the origins of microformats; illustrates the coding of DC microformats using the Dublin Core Metadata Gen tool, and a Firefox extension for extraction and visualization; and discusses the benefits of creating Web services utilizing DC microformats