2,405 research outputs found

    Monitoring resistance of Cydia pomonella (L.) Spanish field populations to new chemical insecticides and the mechanisms involved

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    BACKGROUND: A widespread resistance of Cydia pomonella to organophosphates was demonstrated in populations from the Spanish Ebro Valley area that showed high levels of enzymatic detoxification. To determine the efficacy of new insecticides, neonate larvae bioassays were carried out on twenty field codling moth populations collected from three different Spanish apple production areas. Synergist bioassays were performed to detect the enzymatic mechanisms involved. RESULTS: The least active ingredients were methoxyfenozide, with 100% of the populations showing significantly lower mortality than the susceptible strain, and lambda-cyhalothrin, with very high resistant ratios (872.0 for the most resistant field population). Approximately 50% of the populations were resistant or tolerant to thiacloprid. By contrast, tebufenozide was very effective in all the field populations, as was chlorpyrifos-ethyl despite its widespread use during the last few years. Indoxacarb, spinosad and chlorantraniliprole also provided high efficacy, as did emamectin and spinetoram, which are not yet registered in Spain. CONCLUSION: The resistant Spanish codling moth populations can be controlled using new reduced-risk insecticides. The use of synergists showed the importance of the concentration applied and the difficulty of interpreting the results in field populations that show multiple resistance to different active ingredients.The authors would like to express their sincere thanks to the fruit growers who gave us access to their orchards and to the grower advisors of the areas (plant defense area technicians), who helped identify the best orchards for the assays, and Mònica Pérez for her technical help. This study was partially supported by grants AGL2013-49164 and AGL2016-77373 of the Spanish Ministry for Science and Innovation and by the CERCA Programme / Generalitat de Catalunya

    Equilibrios con variaciones conjeturadas en un oligopolio mixto con una estructura especial

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    Los modelos de oligopolio han sido analizados durante más de 200 años, pero recientemente estos modelos empezaron tomar en cuenta los beneficios a la sociedad, en un acercamiento tales modelos se llaman el oligopolio mixto. Recordamos que un oligopolio mixto en un mercado de un bien homogéneo cuenta con una compañía (agente), la cual, en contraste a los agentes privados, maximiza no la función de su ganancia neta pero la función llamada bienestar doméstico social. En los últimos años, la investigación de patrones de comportamiento de los agentes en los mercados mixtos, se ha vuelto más y más popular

    Target-site mutations (AChE and kdr), and PSMO activity in codling moth (Cydia pomonella (L.) (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae)) populations from Spain

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    Codling moth, Cydia pomonella (L.) is a key pest of global importance that affects apple fruit production and whose populations have developed resistance to insecticides in many apple production areas. In Spain, enhanced cytochrome P450 polysubstrate monooxygenase (PSMO) activity is the main mechanism involved in insecticide detoxification by codling moth, although acetylcholinesterase (AChE) target site mutations have been described in two populations. However, the extent of AChE and knockdown resistance (kdr) mutations in Spain is unknown. To assess the actual occurrence of AChE and kdr mutations concurrently with the frequency of moths with PSMO enhanced activity (R-PSMO), 32 Spanish field populations from four apple-growing areas of Spain and two susceptible laboratory strains were evaluated. R-PSMO was significantly higher in 23 chemically treated field populations from Extremadura, Catalonia and Aragon, with proportions that varied between 25% and 90%, but no significant differences among strains and the non-chemically treated orchards (organic or abandoned) were observed. The AChE mutation (F290V) was detected in all field populations from Catalonia (n=21) and in three field populations from Aragon (n=5), with resistant phenotype proportions varying from 34.2% to 97.5% and from 7.2% to 65% in Catalonia and Aragon, respectively. In addition, the kdr mutation (L1014F) was detected in twelve Catalonian field populations, at rates of incidence ranging between 2.6% and 56.8%. A positive correlation between R-PSMO and AChE mutation was found. The origin of the mutations and their ability to persist and spread in field populations with different management systems is discussed.The authors thank the fruit growers and pest control advisors of the different Spanish apple-growing areas for their help in accessing and identifying apple orchards and Mónica Pérez for her technical help. This work was funded by grant Fondo de Desarrollo Científico y Tecnológico, FONDECYT 11130599 (CONICYT), Chile, to M.A. Rodríguez, by grant AGL2013-49164 of the Spanish Ministry for Science and Innovation, to J. Avilla and D. Bosch, and by the CERCA Programme/Generalitat de Catalunya


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    El mercado mundial de la floricultura presenta, en general, una tendencia de crecimiento. Sin embargo, es diferente lo que sucede en el sector exportador y el importador. El primero tiene concentrado en un exportador casi la mitad del mercado, además de presentar nuevos oferentes con alto ritmo de expansión, en tanto que el segundo mantiene a los compradores tradicionales. Por su parte, México tiene muy baja presencia en este mercado, la participación porcentual de las exportaciones e importaciones de la floricultura mexicana representan menos de medio punto.En las décadas finales del siglo XX, en México se buscaron actividades económicas rentables en el sector agropecuario, dado que cultivos tradicionales y con baja productividad no permitían mejoras de las zonas rurales. La floricultura, en especial sur del Estado de México, Morelos, Puebla y Distrito Federal, se fomentó con miras a incrementar ingresos de los productores al comercializar dentro y fuera del país. El crecimiento del comercio exterior de la floricultura ha sido reducido pues se exporta alrededor de diez por ciento de lo cultivado. Así, el objetivo del presente documento es analizar el desempeño de la floricultura mexicana en los mercados internacionales en los primeros años del siglo actual. El referente teórico en el comercio internacional se basa en el análisis del dinamismo de la floricultura mexicana en el comercio exterior con indicadores de apertura económica, concentración del comercio y complementariedad. La metodología consiste en el cálculo de dichos indicadores para determinar la situación y los cambios de México en el mercado internacional de la floricultura. Los resultados señalan que existe un moderado nivel de apertura económica del sector, una alta concentración del comercio mexicano con Estados Unidos (lo que refleja una baja diversificación) y la complementariedad es baja. Se concluye que, el comercio internacional de la floricultura mexicana, es poco relevante en el mercado internacional y está concentrado en Estados Unidos, a mediano plazo podría haber un escenario de déficit permanente dados los componentes de la balanza comercial

    Estudio didáctico del concepto ecuación en la educación básica

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    En este escrito se reportan los avances de una investigación que gira en torno al concepto Ecuación. La investigación consiste en realizar un estudio didáctico del concepto ecuación en la Educación Básica, en los niveles Primaria y Secundaria del Sistema Educativo Mexicano. El marco conceptual mediante el cual se sustenta la investigación es el análisis didáctico y el marco metodológico es el análisis de contenido de los libros de texto

    Arqueología en áreas de montaña. Ganadería, movimientos pastoriles y cultura material

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    González Álvarez, David & Rodríguez Hernández, Jesús (2011): Arqueología en áreas de montaña. Ganadería, movimientos pastoriles y cultura material. In: OrJIA (ed.), Actas de las II Jornadas de Jóvenes en Investigación Arqueológica (JIA 2009), tomo I. Zaragoza: Libros Pórtico, 121-122.Peer reviewe

    Программа вмешательства в детское воспитание для физкультурно- оздоровительной работы

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    One of the main causes of coronary, respiratory and metabolic diseases among others, in today’s society, is sedentary life. Sedentarism comes from the high rate of abandonment of physical-sport practice in the period of adolescence. The consolidation of healthy habits from an early age, including the daily practice of physical activity, is essential to improve adherence over time. The main objective of this study was to carry out a motor intervention program in an infant education class in order to improve their physical condition-health. Nineteen infants (10 boys, 9 girls) aged 3 years participated in this study. The intervention was conducted over a period of 6 weeks. Families were also made aware about the importance of physical activity. Anthropometric variables of height and weight were measured, as well as physical condition variables such as speed and long jump, before and after the intervention. The Kolmogorov-Smirnov test revealed the normality of the sample which allowed a comparison of means with Student’s t-test. The results obtained in the physical tests reveal that the physical condition of the participants improved ostensibly, although this improvement was only statistically significant in the case of the 4x10 test. Nevertheless, the work in this line shows a positive tendency towards the improvement of the physical condition-health, thus education professionals are expected to continue working in this direction.One of the main causes of coronary, respiratory and metabolic diseases among others, in today’s society, is sedentary life. Sedentarism comes from the high rate of abandonment of physical-sport practice in the period of adolescence. The consolidation of healthy habits from an early age, including the daily practice of physical activity, is essential to improve adherence over time. The main objective of this study was to carry out a motor intervention program in an infant education class in order to improve their physical condition-health. Nineteen infants (10 boys, 9 girls) aged 3 years participated in this study. The intervention was conducted over a period of 6 weeks. Families were also made aware about the importance of physical activity. Anthropometric variables of height and weight were measured, as well as physical condition variables such as speed and long jump, before and after the intervention. The Kolmogorov-Smirnov test revealed the normality of the sample which allowed a comparison of means with Student’s t-test. The results obtained in the physical tests reveal that the physical condition of the participants improved ostensibly, although this improvement was only statistically significant in the case of the 4x10 test. Nevertheless, the work in this line shows a positive tendency towards the improvement of the physical condition-health, thus education professionals are expected to continue working in this direction.久坐的生活方式是当今社会冠心病,呼吸道疾病和新陈代谢疾病的主要原因之一。在青春期,久坐的生活方式与体育和体育锻炼的高放弃率紧密相关。从小养成健康的习惯,包括每天进行体育锻炼,对于降低随时间推进的上述相关率至关重要。这项研究的主要目的是在儿童早期教育班中实施一项运动干预计划,以改善他们的身体健康状况。 其中19名三岁幼儿(男10名,女9名)参加了这项研究。在为期6周的干预期间,我们还开展了提高家庭对体育锻炼重要性认识的工作。在干预前后,分别测量身高和体重等人体测量学变量以及速度和跳远等身体状况变量。 Kolmogorov-Smirnov检验揭示了样本的正态性,从而可以用Student’s t检验对均值进行比较。在体育测试中获得的结果表明,参与者的身体状况改善显著,虽然这种改善仅在4x10检验中表现出统计学意义。关于这方面的工作显示出面对身体健康状况改善方面的积极趋势,因此教育专业人员应继续朝这个方向努力。Одной из основных причин ишемической болезни, болезней дыхательных путей и обмена веществ, среди прочих, в современном обществе является сидячий образ жизни. Седентаризм обусловлен высоким уровнем отказов от физкультурно-спортивной практики в подростковом возрасте. Закрепление здоровых привычек с раннего возраста, включая ежедневную физическую активность, имеет большое значение для улучшения их соблюдения с течением времени. Основной целью данного исследования было проведение программы моторного вмешательства в дошкольной группе с целью улучшения физического состояния - здоровья детей. В этом исследовании приняли участие 19 детей (10 мальчиков, 9 девочек) в возрасте 3 лет. Программа проводилась в течение 6 недель, в течение которых также проводилась работа по повышению осведомленности семей о важности физической активности. Антропометрические переменные высоты и веса, а также переменные физического состояния, такие как скорость и прыжок в длину, измерялись до и после вмешательства. Критерий Колмогорова-Смирнова выявил нормальность распределения выборки, что позволило сравнить средние значения с помощью t-критерия Стьюдента. Результаты, полученные в физических тестах показывают, что физическое состояние участников значительно улучшилось, хотя это улучшение было только статистически значимым для теста 4x10. Однако работа в этом направлении показывает положительную тенденцию в плане улучшения физического состояния - здоровья, поэтому специалисты в области образования должны продолжать работать в этом направлении

    The technical processes of quarrying in the Late Iron Age of Western Iberia

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    This paper reconstructs the technical processes involved in producing the stone works made by the communities of Western Iberia during the Late Iron Age. For this study, we use both archaeological and ethnographic data. We analyze the characteristics of granite, the extraction process in the quarry, the available means of transport, the tools used and the carving process, focusing analysis on the zoomorphic sculptures known as “verracos”. Assessment of these technical aspects is essential for the analysis of the finished products and constitutes a first step in better understanding the status of stonemasons within the protohistoric societies of the Western Iberian Peninsula.Este artículo trata de reconstruir los procesos técnicos implicados en los trabajos de cantería realizados por las comunidades de la Meseta occidental durante la Segunda Edad del Hierro. Para ello, se ha acudido tanto a datos arqueológicos como etnográficos. De esta manera, se analizan las características del granito, el proceso de extracción en la cantera, los posibles medios de transporte, las herramientas utilizadas y el proceso de labra, centrado en la realización de los famosos “verracos”. Estos aspectos técnicos resultan fundamentales a la hora de estudiar los productos finales elaborados en granito y son el primer paso para lograr un mayor conocimiento sobre el papel desempeñado por los canteros dentro de las sociedades protohistóricas del occidente peninsular