1,028 research outputs found

    Myofascial release therapy in the treatment of occupational mechanical neck pain: a randomized parallel group study

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    [Abstract] Objective: As myofascial release therapy is currently under development, the objective of this study was to compare the effectiveness of myofascial release therapy with manual therapy for treating occupational mechanical neck pain. Design: A randomized, single-blind parallel group study was developed. The sample (n = 59) was divided into GI, treated with manual therapy, and GII, treated with myofascial release therapy. Variables studied were intensity of neck pain, cervical disability, quality of life, craniovertebral angle, and ranges of cervical motion. Results: At five sessions, clinical significance was observed in both groups for all the variables studied, except for flexion in GI. At this time point, an intergroup statistical difference was observed, which showed that GII had better craniovertebral angle (P = 0.014), flexion (P = 0.021), extension (P = 0.003), right side bending (P = 0.001), and right rotation (P = 0.031). A comparative analysis between therapies after intervention showed statistical differences indicating that GII had better craniovertebral angle (P = 0.000), right (P = 0.000) and left (P = 0.009) side bending, right (P = 0.024) and left (P = 0.046) rotations, and quality of life. Conclusions: The treatment of occupational mechanical neck pain by myofascial release therapy seems to be more effective than manual therapy for correcting the advanced position of the head, recovering range of motion in side bending and rotation, and improving quality of life

    Is Myofascial Release Therapy Cost-Effective When Compared with Manual Therapy to Treat Workers’ Mechanical Neck Pains?

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    [Abstract] Objective: The aim of this study was to do a cost-benefit analysis of myofascial release therapy (MRT) compared to manual therapy (MT) for treating occupational mechanical neck pain. Methods: Variables regarding the outcomes of the intervention were intensity of neck pain, cervical disability, quality of life, craniovertebral angle, and ranges of cervical motion. Costs were assessed based on a social perspective using diary costs. Between-groups differences in average cost, cost-effectiveness, and cost-utility ratios were assessed using bootstrap parametric techniques. The economic cost-benefit evaluation was with regard to an experimental parallel group study design. There were 59 participants. Results: Myofascial released therapy showed significant improvement over MT for cervical mobility (side bending, rotation, and craniovertebral angle). The total cost of MRT was approximately 20% less ( 519.81;95interval,519.81; 95% confidence interval, 1193.67 to $100.31) than that of MT, although this was not statistically significant. Cost-effectiveness and cost-utility ratios showed that MRT could be associated with lower economic costs. Conclusion: With probabilities of 93.9% and 95.8%, MRT seems to be cost-effective for treating mechanical neck pain without the need to add any additional cost to obtain a better clinical benefit. Consequently, we believe it could be included in the clinical practice guidelines of different Spanish health care institutions

    Immersive virtual reality to improve functional capacities in people with multiple sclerosis: study protocol

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    Multiple sclerosis is an autoimmune, inflammatory, and chronic neurodegenerative disease caused by myelin loss in the central nervous system. One strategy that shows evidence of numerous benefits is therapeutic exercise, but these therapies, based on repetitive physical actions, can sometimes be unmotivating for patients. Our proposal suggests that an exergame programme with immersive virtual reality (IVR) is feasible for people with multiple sclerosis (pwMS) and will improve their physical function through more motivational sessions. We present a protocol for a single-blind randomised controlled trial to assess the feasibility and impact on functional capacities of an 8-week IVR programme (ExeRVIEM protocol) in pwMS. Balance, gait, risk of falling, functional mobility and lower limb strength, fatigue, handgrip strength, and reaction times will be evaluated. The control group will maintain the usual activities scheduled in the centre, and the experimental group will add the ExeRVIEM protocol (two sessions per week). Therapies based on the combination of exercise and IVR explored in this study may offer new treatment approaches and open new lines of research in this field by improving the functionality of pwMS, as well as motivating patients and encouraging their adherence to treatment

    Feasibility and effects of an immersive virtual reality exergame program on physical functions in institutionalized older adults: a randomized clinical trial

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    One of the pillars which underpins active aging is found in the performance of physical activity. While adherence to physical activity programs has traditionally been low in older people, immersive virtual reality (IVR) could provide an alternative and complementary training mode. A randomized clinical trial was conducted to explore the feasibility and effects of a 10-week IVR exergame program on physical functions of 24 institutionalized older adults who were allocated to an experimental group (EG n = 13; 85.08 ± 8.48 years) and control group (CG n = 11; 84.82 ± 8.10 years). The IVR intervention was feasible, with no adverse effects being reported (no Simulator Sickness Questionnaire symptoms; low negative experience scores on the Game Experience Questionnaire 73.96%). The EG showed significant improvements: Tinetti scores for balance (1.84 ± 1.06; p < 0.001), gait (1.00 ± 1.08; p < 0.001), total score (2.84 ± 1.67; p < 0.001), and handgrip (4.96 ± 4.22; p < 0.001) (pre–post assessment). The CG showed significantly worsened compared to the EG: Five times sit-to-stand test, Tinetti scores for balance, gait, and total score, and the Timed Up and Go test total score (post-assessment). The findings show that the IVR intervention is a feasible method to approach a personalized exercise program and an effective way by which to improve physical function in the target population.Xunta de Galicia | Ref. ED481A-2019/15

    Lepra en la isla colombiana de Providencia

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    San Andrés and Providencia are Colombian islands in the Caribbean Sea. San Andrés has 68,283 inhabitants and has registered cases of leprosy in immigrants from continental Colombia. Providencia has 5,037 inhabitants and historically health programs did not have records of the disease, but in 2009 two cases of multibacillary histoid leprosy were confirmed and, subsequently, another two, which represents a prevalence of 8 cases per 10,000 inhabitants and places the island as a hyperendemic site for leprosy. Initially, a 14-year-old girl with histoid leprosy was diagnosed and, exploring this case, her father was diagnosed with the same clinical form of leprosy. Recently, a new intrafamilial patient with multibacillary leprosy and an extrafamilial case of a girl with undetermined leprosy were detected.The objective of this study was to present to the scientific community and the public health officers these clinical cases and to draw the attention of the sanitary authorities on the necessity of establishing continuous programs of leprosy epidemiological surveillance on the island using the new tools available in the Programa de Control de la Lepra (Leprosy Control Program).San Andrés y Providencia son islas colombianas en el mar de las Antillas. San Andrés tiene 68.283 habitantes y allí se han registrado casos de lepra en inmigrantes provenientes del interior colombiano. Providencia tiene 5.037 habitantes e, históricamente, los programas de salud no tenían registros de la enfermedad; no obstante, en el 2009 se confirmaron dos casos de lepra multibacilar histioide y, posteriormente, otros dos, lo cual representa una prevalencia de 8 casos por 10.000 habitantes y la la convierte en un sitio hiperendémico para lepra. Inicialmente, se diagnosticó lepra histioide en una niña de 14 años y, durante su estudio, se encontró la misma forma clínica de la enfermedad en su padre. Recientemente, se detectó lepra multibacilar en otro miembro de la misma familia y, lepra indeterminada, en una niña de otro núcleo familiar.El objetivo de este trabajo fue presentar estos casos clínicos ante la comunidad científica y los entes de salud pública, y llamar la atención de las autoridades de salud sobre la necesidad de establecer programas de vigilancia epidemiológica continua en la isla, incorporando las nuevas herramientas disponibles en el Programa de Control de la Lepra


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    Se determinó el contenido de plomo, cadmio, cobre y zinc en 120 muestras de leche cruda pertenecientes a 5 establos ubicados en municipios del noreste de Nuevo León, México. En todos los establos evaluados se detectó la presencia de plomo, cadmio, cobre y zinc. Los intervalos de concentración para plomo oscilaron entre 0.8714 y 0.5998 mg/kg y para cadmio entre 0.3142 y 0.2794 mg/kg, que superan los niveles máximos permisibles establecidos por normas internacionales para leche cruda de bovino. La concentración de cobre fluctuó entre 0.3968 y 0.4816 mg/kg y de zinc osciló entre 3.199 a 4.0177 mg/kg por lo que ambos metales se presentaron dentro de los parámetros tolerables permitidos.Palabras clave: Metales pesados, leche de bovino.Heavy metals, bovine mil

    El índice Ka: un nuevo algoritmo para analizar los componentes de la superficie terrestre en imágenes de satélite

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    El cambio del paisaje de la superficie terrestre, su composición y estructura, ocurrido por causas di- versas, ha estado en la mira de toda la humanidad. Se han desarrollado diversas formas para entender- los y la sensoría remota es lo más reciente y nove- doso para tener un conocimiento rápido de gran- des extensiones. En este estudio se ha desarrollado un nuevo algoritmo para medir estos cambios, así como para identificar valores espectrales de espe- cies de coníferas, utilizando imágenes del satélite Landsat7 ETM+. Los resultados muestran un gran potencial del índice Ka para detectar los diferentes componentes superficiales y su variabilidad debi- do a efectos naturales o antropológicos, etc. The change in the landscape of the terrestrial surface, its composition, and its structure, caused by many factors, has been in the aim of all humanity. Diverse forms have been developed in order to understand them, the sensory remote being the most recent and novel thing in acquiring fast knowledge of large extensions. In this study a new algorithm has been developed to measure these changes, as well as to identify ghastly values of coniferous species using images of the satellite Landsat7 ETM+. The results show a great potential of the Ka index in detecting the different superfi- cial components and its variability due to natural effects or due to man

    Red de sensores inalámbricos multisalto para sistemas domóticos de bajo costo y área extendida

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    Wireless sensor networks have a wide range of applications and many pending challenges, especially those related to the evolution of digital electronics, bandwidth, reduction of implementation costs, network coverage and processing capacity. This document proposes a configuration of multi-hop wireless network oriented to intelligent domotic installations, based on 32-bit microcontrollers and low cost wireless communication modules, which allows to have complete coverage between the devices of the home automation system with a reduced loss of data, improvement in the processing capacity, adaptability and scalability in the nodes. The evaluation of network performance considers the following metrics: response time, network reach, scalability and precision. The experimental results determined a successful adaptation of the AODV multi-hop protocol, allowing sufficient coverage for a single-family house, at transmission speeds of 250Kbps, which guarantees the integrity and security of the data.Las redes de sensores inalámbricos disponen de un campo muy amplio de aplicaciones y aún muchos desafíos pendientes, especialmente aquellos relacionados con la evolución de la electrónica digital, ancho de banda, reducción de costos de implementación, cobertura de red y capacidad de procesamiento. Este documento propone una configuración de red inalámbrica multisalto orientada a instalaciones domóticas inteligentes, basadas en microcontroladores de 32 bits y módulos de comunicación inalámbrica de bajo costo, que permita tener cobertura completa entre los dispositivos del sistema domótico con una reducida pérdida de datos, mejora en la capacidad de procesamiento, adaptabilidad y escalabilidad en los nodos sensores. La evaluación del desempeño de la red considera las siguientes métricas: tiempo de respuesta, alcance de red, escalabilidad y precisión. Los resultados experimentales determinaron una adaptación exitosa del protocolo multisalto AODV, permitiendo una cobertura suficiente para una vivienda unifamiliar, a una velocidad de transmisión de 250Kbps, que garantiza la integridad y seguridad de los datos

    El componente educativo en el currículo para el desarrollo integral del profesional

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    Los objetivos finales de las instituciones de Educación Superior van más allá de la capacitación profesional pues también buscan el desarrollo del carácter y personalidad del estudiante y de su pensamiento crítico. La Educación Superior dentro de sus objetivos fundamentales tiene como propósito esencial, lograr la calidad de la formación integral de la personalidad de los jóvenes,  en particular en lo referido a aquellos valores que caracterizan su actuación profesional a través de los procesos sustantivos universitarios. Una importante cualidad de la formación en la educación superior cubana es la de haber logrado que los profesores se integren, en un trabajo colectivo al perfeccionamiento de su quehacer pedagógico para lograr que desde las disciplinas se garanticen conocimientos, habilidades o competencias, que constituyen objetivos de la carrera. La incorporación consecuente por los docentes de los programas directores, ejes transversales, estrategias curriculares o componentes del proceso, según se asuma, constituye un factor fundamental que garantiza el éxito del componente educativo del currículo, al enfocarse en la necesidad de profundizar en el conocimiento de los contenidos conceptuales, procedimentales y actitudinales de las diferentes disciplinas; de modo que estimulen la creatividad y el desarrollo de los estudiantes garantizando la educación para la vida. Es propósito de este artículo hacer referencia a los términos utilizados por diferentes autores sobre la incorporación en el currículo de elementos educativos que van más allá de límites disciplinares y lo impregnan de valores y actitudes que constituyen la esencia para el desarrollo integral del profesional. PALABRAS CLAVE: currículo; componente educativo; ejes transversales; estrategias curriculares. Educational component in the curriculum for the integral development of the professional ABSTRACT The final objectives of Higher Education institutions go beyond professional training as they also seek the development of the character and personality of the student and their critical thinking. Higher Education within its fundamental objectives has as its essential purpose, to achieve the quality of the integral formation of the personality of young people, in particular with regard to those values ​​that characterize their professional performance through the substantive university processes. An important quality of training in Cuban higher education is that of having managed to integrate teachers, in a collective work to improve their pedagogical work to achieve that knowledge, skills or competences are guaranteed from the disciplines, which are objectives of the race. The consistent incorporation by teachers of the director programs, transversal axes, curricular strategies or components of the process, as assumed, constitutes a fundamental factor that guarantees the success of the educational component of the curriculum, by focusing on the need to deepen the knowledge of the conceptual, procedural and attitudinal contents of the different disciplines; so that they stimulate creativity and the development of students guaranteeing education for life. The purpose of this article is to refer to the terms used by different authors on the incorporation into the curriculum of educational elements that go beyond disciplinary limits and impregnate it with values ​​and attitudes that constitute the essence for the integral development of the professional. KEYWORDS: curriculum; educational component; crosscutting; curricular strategies