4,604 research outputs found

    El contexto social de la producción y circulación de cerámicas y elementos de adorno en el Neolítico Antiguo del Sur de Córdoba

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    En esta contribución discutiremos la pertinencia de un modelo social basado en redes supralocales con reciprocidad equilibrada para explicar la fenomenología de los atributos técnicos, arqueométricos y de estilo decorativo de las producciones alfareras y de la materia prima soporte de los denominados brazaletes a partir de la producción masiva de estos últimos en un lugar especializado que parece no atender sólo a la función utilitaria-simbólica del adorno en la vida social del seno de estos grupos locales, sino que trascendiéndola, responde a otros usos sociales intergrupales ligados al intercambio


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    Since the two of us have been very interested in the language-thought relationship for a long time, we decided we should start working together somehow, and we proposed the idea of a special issue to Theoria. Our specific interest in this classic problem is try-ing to avoid a purely philosophical approach (i. e., the attempt to identify and solve some of the numerous problems by only using conceptual analysis). In addition to conceptual analysis, which is always needed in dealing with notions so difficult and elusive as language and thought, we wanted to look for approaches that were charac-terized by the explicit effort to take into special consideration some form of empirical evidence. With this goal in mind, we invited philosophers who have been working on the problem with an eye on empirical results, and scientists whose publications showed not only relevant results for the problem, but also philosophical interest. The stature of the authors who accepted to participate in the project is so remarkable that we must start by expressing our gratitude to all of them here

    Una revisión bibliográfica de los estudios comparativos. Su evolución y aplicación a la ciencia de las bibliotecas

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    From a presentation of the history of the comparative method in diverse scientific disciplines (natural sciences, sociology, pedagogy, literature, etc.), this article analyzes the importance of the use of the above mentioned method in the library sciences. It has been chosen a diachronic study of the question, so that departing from the first works on this matter (Krzys and Litton), there have been analyzed the definitions and essential ideas of such experts as Foskett, Shores and, especially the fundamental works of Simsova and Periam Danton. The article appears as a wide bibliographical review of the comparative method, considered like of very fruitful application in the sciences of the libraries

    ¿De tal palo tal astilla?: Influencia de las caracteristicas familiares sobre la ocupación

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    The objective of the present investigation is to analyze how parents ' human capital and occupations determine occupational success of sons. The data base used in the estimations is the Encuesta de E s tru c tu ra , Conciencia y Biografía de Clase (ECBC-91). Since the occupation of a worker only can be observed when he is working, abivariate probit model, which a llows to analyze participation decisions and occupational success as two sequentia l processes, has been used for the empirical work

    Learning Bayesian network classifiers for multidimensional supervised classification problems by means of a multiobjective approach

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    A classical supervised classification task tries to predict a single class variable based on a data set composed of a set of labeled examples. However, in many real domains more than one variable could be considered as a class variable, so a generalization of the single-class classification problem to the simultaneous prediction of a set of class variables should be developed. This problem is called multi-dimensional supervised classification. In this paper, we deal with the problem of learning Bayesian net work classifiers for multi-dimensional supervised classification problems. In order to do that, we have generalized the classical single-class Bayesian network classifier to the prediction of several class variables. In addition, we have defined new classification rules for probabilistic classifiers in multi-dimensional problems. We present a learning approach following a multi-objective strategy which considers the accuracy of each class variable separately as the functions to optimize. The solution of the learning approach is a Pareto set of non-dominated multi-dimensional Bayesian network classifiers and their accuracies for the different class variables, so a decision maker can easily choose by hand the classifier that best suits the particular problem and domain

    Protection of Rabbits against Rabbit Hemorrhagic Disease Virus by Immunization with the VP60 Protein Expressed in Plants with a Potyvirus-Based Vector

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    AbstractA new plum pox potyvirus (PPV)-based vector has been constructed for the expression of full-length individual foreign proteins. The foreign sequences are cloned between the NIb replicase and capsid protein (CP) cistrons. The heterologous protein is split from the rest of the potyviral polyprotein by cleavage at the site that originally separated the NIb and CP proteins and at an additional NIa protease recognition site engineered at its amino-terminal end. This vector (PPV–NK) has been used to clone different genes, engendering stable chimeras with practical applications. We have constructed a chimera expressing high levels of jellyfish green fluorescent protein, which can be very useful for the study of PPV molecular biology. The VP60 structural protein of rabbit hemorrhagic disease virus (RHDV) was also successfully expressed by making use of the PPV–NK vector. Inoculation of extracts from VP60-expressing plants induced a remarkable immune response against RHDV in rabbits, its natural host. Moreover, these animals were protected against a lethal challenge with RHDV

    Potential of bacteriophage K as an antimicrobial strategy against biofilms of Staphylococcus aureus in the food industry

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    1 poster presented at the 24th International ICFMH Conference, Food Micro 2014, 1-4 Septembre, Nantes, FranceThe potential of phage K in the removal and prevention of Staphylococcus aureus biofilms on stainless steel surfaces was examined. The host range of the phage was tested on 18 strains from the food industry. Two out of six sensitive strains were selected for study of biofilms. Immature 6-h-old biofilms were challenged wfth a wide range of multipticlties of infection {MOl, 0.01-500) for 18 h at 25ºc. A noticeable effect on cell number was appreciated at MOIs≥10, but no effect was detected at lower MOis. Subsequently, 24 h-old biofilms (with a higher cell density and a more dense extracellular matrix) were challenged too at MOIs between 0.01-3.0 for 24 hat 25ºc. Again, a significant effect was only found at MOls > 1. The effectiveness in the prevention of biofilm formation was examined by Infecting planktonlc cultures of S. aureus with sub-lethal and lethal doses of phage K (MOIs 1-10-7-10.0). A notable effect on cell number and biofilm biomass was observed from MOIs >1·10-5. The potential of phage K as a tool for biohygienization in the food Industry acting specifically against biofilms of S. aureus was thus shown. However, neither biofilm cells were completely removed nor biofilm formation was totally prevented, and a sub-population of live cells was left In both cases As a result, the effectiveness of two co-adjuvant-based strategies was subsequently assessed. Combining DNase (0,1-10 mg/ml) with phage K (MOl of 0.3-3.0) did not show an additional effect on the removal of 24 h-old-biofilms at 25°C. A 30 min pre-treatment at 37ºc aimed to enhance DNase activity also had not effect. DNase did not show any effects by itself either. In contrast, combining cis-2-decenoic acid {1 - 100 nM) with phage K (MOl of 0.03-0.3) seemed to show some effects on biofilmsN

    Hacia una cultura preventiva y de excelencia : conversaciones

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    El propósito de este artículo es sintetizar los factores clave de éxito en un proceso de cambio cultural, para conjugar plenamente responsabilidad y eficiencia, elementos imprescindibles en cualquier organización.____________________________The purpose of this paper is to sumaries the key success factors in a process of cultural change to fully combine accountability and efficiency are essential elements in any organization

    Retailing farmed fish In southern Europe: supermarkets lead other seafood retailers.

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    Seafood retail channels in Southern Europe include four main classes: traditional fish markets and fishmongers, supermarkets and hypermarkets. Location, primary products and typical level of interaction with customers vary among the formats. In a survey in Spain, price was much more important for customers of supermarkets and hypermarkets than for those of the traditional channels, who rated quality more important. The empathy and reliability of vendors were scored higher for the traditional stores

    Autoignition of sustainable fuels under dual operation with H<sub>2</sub>-carriers in a constant volume combustion chamber

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    The expected increase in the use of environmentally friendly liquid fuels in medium and heavy-duty compression ignition engines (for both off-road and transport applications), together with the well-documented benefits of hydrogen-carriers to decrease energy dependence and to achieve a neutral-carbon economy (internal combustion engines highly contributing to the global CO2 emissions), have motivated this work. The autoignition characteristics of different alternative diesel-type fuels (hydrotreated vegetable oil, advanced biodiesel and blends of conventional diesel fuel with polyoxymethylene dimethyl ether and 1-butanol) under dual-fuel operation with H2, NH3, and CH4 were studied in a constant volume combustion chamber at 535 and 600 °C. The high reactivity fuel was replaced by the gaseous fuel up to 40 % by energy. The main ignition delay time was significantly affected not only by the type of low reactivity fuel, with ammonia considerably retarding autoignition, but also by the nature of the liquid fuel, biodiesel being the less sensitive to the presence of the H2-carrier fuel. Results also proved that the higher the reactivity of the diesel-type fuel (quantified through the cetane number), the lower the influence of the gaseous fuel on the autoignition time.El aumento previsto en el uso de combustibles líquidos inocuos para el medio ambiente en motores de encendido por compresión de servicio mediano y pesado (tanto para aplicaciones todoterreno como de transporte), junto con los beneficios bien documentados de los vehículos de hidrógeno para disminuir la dependencia energética y lograr un economía neutral en carbono (motores de combustión interna que contribuyen en gran medida a las emisiones globales de CO 2 ), han motivado este trabajo. Las características de autoignición de diferentes combustibles alternativos de tipo diesel (aceite vegetal hidrotratado, biodiesel avanzado y mezclas de combustible diesel convencional con polioximetilen dimetil éter y 1-butanol) en operación de combustible dual con H 2 , NH 3 y CH 4fueron estudiados en una cámara de combustión de volumen constante a 535 y 600 °C. El combustible de alta reactividad fue reemplazado por el combustible gaseoso hasta en un 40 % por energía. El tiempo de retardo del encendido principal se vio significativamente afectado no solo por el tipo de combustible de baja reactividad, con el amoníaco retardando considerablemente el autoencendido, sino también por la naturaleza del combustible líquido, siendo el biodiesel el menos sensible a la presencia del combustible portador de H 2 . Los resultados también demostraron que cuanto mayor es la reactividad del combustible tipo diésel (cuantificada a través del número de cetano), menor es la influencia del combustible gaseoso en el tiempo de autoignición
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