883 research outputs found

    Antiquity at the service of the king. Diffusion of Pompeian taste in Spain

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    La difusión del gusto pompeyano en España durante el reinado de Carlos III no alcanzó la notoriedad esperada. Fueron Carlos IV y María Luisa los que se interesan por las nuevas corrientes estéticas que introducen en sus residencias de campo. La llegada de los vaciados del Museo Herculanense en 1765, de los sucesivos volúmenes de Le Antichità di Ercolano y del llamado Servizio Ercolanese van a servir de referencia a los artistas españoles, quienes, sin embargo, siguen recurriendo a fuentes clásicas y renacentistas, como son los frescos de la Domus Áurea y las Logias de Rafael en el Vaticano. Se analizan las piezas pertenecientes a la Vajilla Herculanense adquiridas por el Museo Nacional de Artes Decorativas y su relación con los originales encontrados en Pompeya y Herculano, conservados en el museo de Portici con anterioridad a 1780.The diffusion of Pompeian taste in Spain during the reign of Charles III did not reach the notoriety expected. It was later on with Charles IV and María Luisa, interested by the new esthetic currents, when they introduced the Pompeian styles in their countryside residences. The arrival of the plaster casts from the Herculanese Museum in 1765, of the volumes of Le Antichità di Ercolano and finally the so-called Servizio Ercolanese, served as a reference to Spanish artists who at that time continued to resort to classical and renaissance sources such as the frescoes of the Domus Aurea and Raphael’s Vatican Loggias. This article analyzes pieces from the Herculaneum porcelain service, acquired by the National Museum of Decorative Arts and traces their relationship to the originals found in Pompeii and Herculaneum preserved in the museum of Portici before 1780

    Potenciales evocados auditivos de estado estable en recien nacidos: diferencias en la conduccion oseo-aerea a las frecuencias de 500 y 2000 Hz

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    Introduction: Auditory Steady State Evoked Responses (ASSR) constitute a valid method for the objective evaluation of hearing. The detection of responses in newborns based on stimulation by air and bone is a subject little published in the literature, constituting an interesting topic for the proposal of this technique as a tool for hearing screening. Objective: To determine the differences in hearing thresholds with ASSR in newborns at frequencies of 500 and 2000 Hz, presenting stimuli by air and bone. Material and Method: A group of 15 newborns was evaluated with ASSR until obtaining the electrophysiological threshold at the frequencies of 500 and 2000 Hz, stimulating the airway and bone independently. Results: A significant difference is obtained in the auditory response thresholds as a function of the stimulation pathway and frequency. In bone conduction, responses were obtained at a lower intensity (24 ± 7) at 500 Hz, compared with the results obtained for the air conduction (46 ± 6) at the same frequency. For 2000 Hz there was an opposite effect with a higher detection for the air conduction, obtaining a mean threshold value (30 ± 8) lower than the result for the bone conduction (41 ± 6). Conclusions: The results obtained allow us to conclude that the best frequency for the exploration of the airway in newborns is 2000 Hz and for the bone route 500 Hz.Introducción: Los Potenciales Evocados Auditivos de Estado Estable (PEAee) constituyen un método válido para la evaluación objetiva de la audición. La detección de las respuestas en recién nacidos en función de la estimulación por vía aérea y ósea es un tema poco publicado en la literatura, constituyendo un tópico interesante para la propuesta de esta técnica como herramienta para el cribado auditivo. Objetivo: Determinar las diferencias de los umbrales auditivos con los PEAee en los recién nacidos a las frecuencias de 500 y 2000 Hz, presentando los estímulos por vía aérea y ósea. Material y Método: Se evaluó un grupo de 15 recién nacidos con los PEAee hasta obtener el umbral electrofisiológico a las frecuencias de 500 y 2000 Hz estimulando la vía aérea y ósea de forma independiente. Resultados: Se obtiene una diferencia significativa en los umbrales de la respuesta auditiva en función de la vía de estimulación y la frecuencia. En la conducción ósea se obtuvieron respuestas a menor intensidad (24±7) en 500 Hz, comparado con los resultados obtenidos para la vía aérea (46±6) a la misma frecuencia. Para los 2000 Hz hubo un efecto opuesto con una mayor detección para la vía aérea obteniéndose un valor medio de umbral (30±8) inferior al resultado de la vía ósea (41±6). Conclusiones: Los resultados obtenidos permiten concluir que la mejor frecuencia para la exploración de la vía aérea en los recién nacidos es 2000 Hz y para la vía ósea 500 Hz

    Using feedback from summer subtropical highs to evaluate climate models

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    This letter aims to broaden the spectrum of methods for model evaluation by providing new physically based metrics that focus on accurate couplings between subsystems of the climate system. A simplified version of the feedback scheme that describes the dynamics of subtropical high-pressure systems is applied to evaluate how well CMIP5 climate models can simulate atmosphere–ocean–land interactions and resulting feedbacks in the Azores high-pressure system during summer, which affects climate throughout the Atlantic near southern Europe and North Africa

    Implementation of PV plants in Spain: a case study

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    The implementation process of a photovoltaic system and its connection to the national grid in Spain is examined from an economic, an administrative and a legal standpoint. In the first place, this case study describes the solar farm, and it goes on to examine the economic aspects of electricity production, its associated costs, and relevant grants and financial subsidies. Finally, problems related to the administration of the project and the issuing of permits by local and regional authorities are discussed.project BU019A08 supported by the Department of Culture and Education of the Regional Government of Castilla y León, Spai

    Construction and evidence of validity regarding the emotion self-regulation questionnaire

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    This study provides validity evidence for the scores interpretations of an 18-item emotion self-regulation questionnaire (ESQ) which measures both adaptive and maladaptive emotion regulation (ER) strategies (Positive Reappraisal, Controlled Expression, Arousal Regulation, Suppression, Rumination, and Unhealthy Behaviors). Participants (N = 622 adults) completed the ESQ and other measures of ER and ER beliefs, stress, and satisfaction with life. Structural Equations Modeling was used to compare four-factor models (one correlational, two hierarchical, and one bifactor) and to cross-validate the results across randomized and gender subsamples. The correlated model showed the best fit and demonstrated invariance between subsamples. Internal consistency (McDonald's ω) was acceptable for most strategies scores and their temporal stability (Intra-class Correlation Coefficients) on a 1-month follow-up was moderate. Correlation analyses also provided evidence of validity of the ESQ scores interpretations. This study provides an instrument whose scores and scores interpretations have received empirical support in terms of internal consistency, temporal stability, and evidence of validityThis work was carried out with funding from the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (Project EDU2017-89036-P

    Evaluación de la sensibilidad en distintas viníferas blancas: mildiu, oídio y botrytis

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    6 páginas, 6 figuras.--Trabajo publicado en revista de divulgación científica.Peer reviewe

    Variability of the stomata among 'Albariño' (Vitis vinifera L.) clones and its relationship with susceptibility to downy mildew

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    In grapevines the stomata are located on the abaxial epidermis of the leaves, arranged in no specific order. As in other plants, they regulate the communication between the internal tissues and the external atmosphere, playing a critical role in both photosynthesis and transpiration processes. Moreover, stomata are the main entrance for pathogens such as Plasmopara viticola (Berk & Curt.)Berl. & de Toni, the causal agent of downy mildew, one of the most widespread fungal diseases of grapevines. Due to this and the fact that downy mildew causes large losses in yield and quality of grapes, there is a great interest to determine the causes of the different degree of susceptibility to this pathogen. Some authors have searched for anatomical features that might be related to the penetration and development of P. viticola in the mesophyll of grapevine leaves, such as the density of leaf hairs (KORTEKAMP and ZYPRIAN, 1999) or the ultrastructure of stomata (JÜRGES et al. 2009). Other authors have examined the differences concerning the number of stomata in different grapevine cultivars (DÜRING 1980, PALLIOTTI et al. 2000, BEN SALEM-FNAYOU et al. 2005), but none had evaluated the differences for this aspect between clones of the same cultivar. Recently some authors have found a strong correlation between the number and size of stomata and the susceptibility to downy mildew (LU et al. 2010). The aim of this work is to determine whether different clones of 'Albariño' differ in terms of their number and size of stomata and its possible relation with the different susceptibility to P. viticola of these same clones.Financial support from the Xunta de Galicia Research Projects (07MRU024403PR).Peer reviewe


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    RESUMEN En los países Latinoamericanos y en especial México y Colombia, existe un creciente interés por fomentar la ética en el ámbito público, ya que se considera una parte integral de los mecanismos para fomentar la democracia y buenas prácticas en el sector. En base a estos precedentes el presente trabajo tiene como objetivo el análisis comparativo de los valores que fomentan los códigos de conducta de los ayuntamientos de México y Colombia. Los resultados muestran que existen diferencias significativas en los valores transparencia, honestidad y justicia. En este sentido, los Ayuntamientos colombianos prestan un mayor interés por comunicar la importancia del acceso a la información pública, mientras que los mexicanos realizan un mayor énfasis en promocionar conductas que garanticen la honestidad y la equidad de los funcionarios públicos. ABSTRACT In Latin American countries and particularly in Mexico and Colombia there is an increasing demand for improving ethic in the public sector, due to it is an integral part of the mechanisms for boosting democracy and best practice. Based on these considerations, this paper aims to perform a comparative analysis of the values that are fostered by the codes of conduct from Mexican and Colombian local governments. The main findings show that there are significant differences in the values transparency, honesty and equity. In this regard, the Colombian local governments pay a greater attention to the importance of the access to public information while those Mexican give more emphasis in promotion conducts that guarantee the honesty and equity of the public servants

    Archival strategies and social order during the Spanish Civil War and the Francoist dictatorship

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    Este estudio presenta una reflexión sobre la capacidad de los archivos para revelar la naturaleza del orden social que los genera, especialmente en situaciones políticas actuadas por dinámicas de conflicto y resistencia. Como paradigmas de esta capacidad del archivo, se han seleccionado tres casuísticas documentales de la Guerra Civil y la dictadura franquista: en primer lugar, tres archivos del orden social no sublevado; en segundo lugar, el archivo del Servicio de Información y Policía Militar, presentando sus series menos exploradas; finalmente, los sumarísimos, por su condición de documentación de obligada referencia en investigaciones sobre la represión franquista.This study presents a reflection on the ability of archives to reveal the nature of the social order that generates them, especially in political situations acted on by dynamics of conflict and resistance. As paradigms of this ability of the archives, three samples of the Spanish Civil War and the Francoist dictatorship have been selected: first, three archives of the non-rebeled social order; secondly, the archive of the Servicio de Información y Policía Militar, introducing the less explored series; finally, the sumarísimos, due to its condition of documentation of required reference in researches on Francoist repression

    Social Responsibility information disclosure: Comparison between public versus private company in Spain

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    The aim of this paper is the comparative analysis of the online information disclosed regarding social responsibility between public and private companies, as well as their determining factors. To this end, a comparative analysis followed by a multiple regression analysis was performed. The findings indicate that public companies have greater availability of information in their websites concerning the economic and environmental impact of their activities than private ones. Likewise, it is evidenced that “type of property” is a determining factor for transparency practices.El objetivo de este trabajo es examinar la información sobre responsabilidad social divulgada online por empresas públicas frente a las privadas y sus factores determinantes. Para ello, se ha realizado un análisis comparativo así como un análisis de regresión múltiple. Los resultados muestran que las empresas públicas disponen en sus páginas web de mayor información referente al impacto económico y medioambiental de sus actividades, que en el caso de las privadas. Asimismo, se evidencia que el factor “tipo de propiedad” es determinante en las prácticas de transparencia