5,925 research outputs found

    Forecasting accuracy of behavioural models for participation in the arts

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    A first version of this paper was presented at the University of Catania, 2011 and at the fifth European Workshop on Applied Cultural Economics in Dublin, 2011.forecasting, count data, prediction intervals, Brier scores, bootstrapping, arts

    La planificación de decisiones anticipadas en pacientes crónicos

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    Trabajo fin de grado en EnfermeríaIntroducción: La planificación de decisiones anticipadas (PDA) se postula como un nuevo método de cuidado que permite a los pacientes desarrollar junto con un profesional, la atención sanitaria que desea recibir, preservando su autonomía y empoderándoles en la toma de decisiones. Objetivos: Analizar la PDA como método de cuidado en personas con enfermedades crónicas. Así como describir la percepción que tienen los pacientes sobre el impacto de la PDA en su vida, identificar beneficios y limitaciones de la PDA y determinar las estrategias a llevar a cabo para su implementación. Métodos: Se realizó una revisión bibliográfica a partir de la búsqueda llevada a cabo en la biblioteca Cochrane, las bases de datos Pubmed, Cinahl y Cuiden además del buscador académico “Google Scholar”; utilizando vocabulario controlado y lenguaje libre, combinados con operadores booleanos y se establecieron unos criterios de inclusión y exclusión, contando con un total final de 24 artículos. Resultados y discusión: Tras la revisión, se clasificaron los resultados en tres categorías: experiencia e impacto de la PDA en pacientes; dificultades y beneficios de la implementación; y estrategias y recomendaciones de implantación. Conclusiones: Lejos de ser un modelo exento de problemas, la PDA se presenta como un proceso prometedor que aporta grandes beneficios a los pacientes crónicos y la enfermera comunitaria se postula como profesional ideal para liderar el proceso. No obstante, es preciso seguir investigando sobre la materia para favorecer una mejor implementación del mismo.Introduction: Advance care planning (ACP) presents itself as a new method of care which allows patients to actively approach their treatment alongside professionals, establishing the care they wish to receive, preserving their level of independence and giving them power of choice. Objectives: To analyze ACP as a method of care for patients with chronic disease. Also, to describe perceptions patients may have regarding the impact of ACP on their lives, identifying benefits and limitations and determining implementation strategies. Methods: A systematic review of literature was carried out using the Cochrane library, the Pubmed, Cinahl and Cuiden databases as well as the academic search engine Google Scholar; using controlled vocabulary and natural language, combined with boolean operators, having established exclusion and inclusion criteria, rendering a total of 24 articles. Results and discussion: After review, the results were classified in three categories: patient experiences and ACP impact; difficulties and benefits of implementation; and implementation strategies and recommendations. Conclusions: Far from a perfect model, ACP presents itself as a promising process which may afford great benefits for chronic patients. The community nurse seems to be the ideal professional to lead the process. However, more research is necessary to improve implementatio

    Influence of the viscosity of poly(methyl methacrylate) on the cellular structure of nanocellular materials

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    Three different grades of poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) with different rheological properties are used for the production of nanocellular materials using gas dissolution foaming. The influences of both the viscosity of the different polymers and the processing parameters on the final cellular structure are studied using a wide range of saturation and foaming conditions. Foaming conditions affect similarly all cellular materials. It is found that an increase of the foaming temperature results in less dense nanocellular materials, with higher cell nucleation densities. In addition, it is demonstrated that a lower viscosity leads to cellular polymers with a lower relative density but larger cell sizes and smaller cell nucleation densities, these differences being more noticeable for the conditions in which low solubilities are reached. It is possible to produce nanocellular materials with relative densities of 0.24 combined with cell sizes of 75 nm and cell nucleation densities of 1015 nuclei cm−3 using the PMMA with the lowest viscosity. In contrast, minimum cell sizes of around 14 nm and maximum cell nucleation densities of 3.5 × 1016 nuclei cm−3 with relative densities of 0.4 are obtained with the most viscous one. © 2019 Society of Chemical Industr

    Routing design for less-than-truckload motor carriers using ant colony techniques

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    One of the most important challenges for Less-Than-Truck-Load carriers consists of determining how to consolidate flows of small shipments to minimize costs while maintaining a certain level of service. For any origin-destination pair, there are several strategies to consolidate flows, but the most usual ones are: peddling/collecting routes and shipping through one or more break-bulk terminals. Therefore, the target is determining a route for each origin-destination pair that minimizes the total transportation and handling cost guaranteeing a certain level of service. Exact resolution is not viable for real size problems due to the excessive computational time required. This research studies different aspects of the problem and provides a metaheuristic algorithm (based on Ant Colonies Optimization techniques) capable of solving real problems in a reasonable computational time. The viability of the approach has been proved by means of the application of the algorithm to a real Spanish case, obtaining encouraging results

    Key Production Parameters to Obtain Transparent Nanocellular PMMA

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    Transparent nanocellular polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) with relative density around 0.4 is produced for the first time by using the gas dissolution foaming technique. The processing conditions and the typical characteristics of the cellular structure needed to manufacture this novel material are discovered. It is proved that low saturation temperatures (−32 °C) combined with high saturation pressures (6, 10, 20 MPa) allow increasing the solubility of PMMA up to values not reached before. In particular, the highest CO2 uptake ever reported for PMMA, (i.e., 48 wt%) is found for a saturation pressure of 20 MPa and a saturation temperature of −32 °C. Due to these processing conditions, cell nucleation densities of 1016 nuclei cm−3 and cell sizes clearly below 50 nm are achieved. The nanocellular polymers obtained, with cell sizes ten times smaller than the wavelength of visible light and very homogeneous cellular structures, show a significant transparency

    The islamic settlement in the kura of Fahs al‐Ballūt: an archaeological approach

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    Fahs al‐Ballūt es una de las kuwar en las que se dividía al‐Ándalus y cuyos límites son casi coincidentes con la comarca actual de Los Pedroches. Su poblamiento en época islámica es prácticamente desconocido, debido a la falta de estudios sobre la zona, consecuencia de la carencia de información en las fuentes escritas, así como de la mala conservación de sus restos arqueológicos. Por ello, intentamos establecer un esquema básico sobre este tipo de poblamiento, así como aportar algunas propuestas de investigación que nos permitan, en un futuro, adentrarnos aún más en el análisis de su articulación territorial y paisaje.Fahs al‐Ballut is one of the kuwār in which al‐Ándalus was divided. Its borders are nearly coincident the current region of Los Pedroches. Its settlement in the Islamic period is practically unknown due to the shortage of studies about the area, consequence of the lack of information in document, as well as poor preservation of archaeological remains. Therefore we try to diagram this type of settlement and make some proposal of investigation. These will allow us in the future progress in the analysis of their territorial articulation and landscape