817 research outputs found

    Las familias homoparentales y sus redes de apoyo social

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    Este trabajo tiene como objetivo avanzar en conocimiento con respecto a las familias homoparentales, estudiando sus redes de apoyo social, aspecto crucial en cualquier contexto familiar. Se estudiaron 28 familias homoparentales con hijos o hijas entre los 3 y los 16 años. De ellas, 15 provenían de la Comunidad Andaluza y 13 de la Comunidad de Madrid. Los resultados indican que estas familias disponen de una red amplia de figuras de apoyo, que incluye tanto a familiares como a amistades, así como personas heterosexuales y homosexuales. Entre estas figuras, se incluyen con mucha frecuencia otras familias con niños o niñas. Padres y madres estudiados se encuentran altamente satisfechos con el apoyo que reciben de estas personas relevantes en su vida. Asimismo, hallamos que estas familias mantienen frecuentes y cálidas relaciones con sus propias familias de origen.The objective of this work is to advance in the knowledge of gay-lesbian families by studying their social support networks, which is a crucial aspect of any family context. Twenty-eight gay-lesbian families were included in the study, all with children between the ages of 3 and 16. Of these families, 15 were from the Andalusian region while 13 were from the Madrid area. The results indicate that these families have an extensive network of support figures, which include both family members and friends, who are both heterosexuals and homosexuals. In many cases, among these figures, other families with children are included. The mothers and fathers studies are highly satisfied with the support received from those people who are relevant in their lives. Likewise, we found that these families maintain frequent and warm relationships with their own families

    Breve apunte sobre el acogimiento familiar

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    Comparación entre el análisis determinista y probabilista del riesgo sísmico de estructuras

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    [CASTELLÀ] En la evaluación del riesgo sísmico de estructuras intervienen dos variables, la acción sísmica y la capacidad de la estructura. Ambas variables son aleatorias. No obstante, en la práctica cotidiana, no se incluye adecuadamente las incertidumbres asociadas a estas variables cuando se evalúa el riesgo sísmico. En este trabajo se presenta una comparación entre las estimaciones deterministas y probabilistas del cálculo de riesgo sísmico usando como herramienta el análisis dinámico no lineal. Como objeto de estudio se presenta el modelo estructural de un edificio ubicado en la localidad de Lorca que sufrió daños tras el terremoto del pasado mayo de 2011. El primer paso consiste en estimar el riesgo sísmico de este edificio a partir de un cálculo determinista considerando valores medios y característicos de las variables implicadas en el cálculo. En el segundo caso se hace una evaluación del riesgo sísmico probabilista. Al ser la acción sísmica una variable conocida sólo se analizarán las incertidumbres asociadas a las propiedades mecánicas de los materiales y a la carga viva que actúa sobre la edificación. Para considerar el efecto de estas incertidumbres se ha usado el método de simulación aleatoria de Monte Carlo. Finalmente, se procede a comparar los resultados obtenidos con los dos enfoques. Las variables a comparar son el daño sísmico a partir de la expresión de Park y Ang, los desplazamientos máximos, los cortantes máximos en la base entre otras. Cabe destacar que las estimaciones de daño obtenidas son compatibles con los daños observados en una inspección posterior al sismo. Esto indica una buena correspondencia entre el modelo empleado y la estructura real. No obstante, se muestra que el enfoque determinista puede no ser el más adecuado para estimar el riesgo sísmico debido a la no linealidad de la respuesta.[ANGLÈS] In seismic risk assessment of structures are involved two main variables, the seismic action and the capacity of the structure. Both are random variables. However, daily practice, not properly includes the uncertainties associated with these variables when assessing the seismic risk. This work presents a comparison between deterministic and probabilistic estimates of seismic risk calculation by using nonlinear dynamic analysis. As a case of study, the structural model of a building located in the town of Lorca affected after the last earthquake ocurred on May 2011, is presented. The first step is to estimate the seismic risk of this building from a deterministic calculation considering average and characteristic values of the variables involved in the calculation. In the next step the seismic risk is assessed by using a probabilistic approach. As the seismic action is known, in this work, only the uncertainties related to the mechanical properties of the materials and the live load acting on the building are considered. To consider the effect of these uncertainties we have used Monte Carlo simulation. Finally, we proceed to compare the results obtained with the two approaches. The variables compared are the damage obtained from the seismic expression of Park and Ang, the maximum roof displacement and the maximum shear on the basis, among others. Notably damage estimates obtained are consistent with the damage observed in post-quake inspection. This consistency between observed and calculated damage indicates a good match between the model used and the actual structure. However, it is also shown that the deterministic approach may not be the most suitable for estimating seismic risk, mainly due to non-linearity of response of the building

    Remarks on propagating waves in non-linear vacuum electrodynamics

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    Using the quadratic expansion in the photon fields of Euler-Heisemberg (EH) non-linear electrodynamics (NLED) Lagrangian model we study relevant vacuum properties in a scenario involving the propagation of a photon probe in the presence of a background constant and static magnetic field, BeB_e. We compute the gauge invariant, symmetric and conserved energy-momentum tensor (EMT) and the angular momentum tensor (AMT) for arbitrary magnetic field strength using the Hilbert method under the soft-photon approximation. We discuss how the presence of magneto-electric terms in the EH Lagrangian is a source of anisotropy and induce the non-zero trace in the EMT, the latter being connected to the non-conformal anomaly of the non-linear Lagrangian and with the non-conservation of the light cone in Minkowski space-time inducing birefringence. From the EMT we analyze some quantities of interest such as the energy density, pressures, Poynting vector, and angular momentum vector and we compare them with those obtained from the Noether method. The magnetized vacuum properties are also studied showing that a photon-effective magnetic moment can be defined for different polarization modes. The calculations are done in terms of derivatives of the two scalar invariants of electrodynamics hence, extension to other NLED Lagrangian is straightforward. We discuss further physical implications and experimental strategies to test magnetization, photon pressure and efective magnetic moment.Comment: 24 pages, 3 figure

    Recursos para a clasificación da produción editorial na Galiza durante a etapa franquista: deseño e alimentación da base de datos

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    Explanation of the methodology and the computational tools developed to undertake a research project within the domain of the Digital Humanities. In particular, the main goal of this project is to study the publishing industry in Galicia during the Franquist period (1939-1975), to analyze whether there was a culturally-concerned publishing industry and to determine the extent to which this acted as a means of public diffusion, both of political resistance against Franquism as well as the commitment to the preservation and enhancement of the Galician cultural identity. After a brief introduction to the project, we present the methodology followed throughout the process of retrieval and cataloging of the lists of titles, we explain now the process of the massive importation of the catalogs of the most important Galician public libraries was carried out, as well as their technical features and, subsequently, we describe the computational tools designed. Finally, we point out the methodological problems found and the solutions adopted given their possible usefulness for similar projects. We consider that the way they were dealt with and the experience gained solving them constitute, in themselves, important contributions of this project to the area of digital humanities.Explicación da metodoloxía e das ferramentas informáticas desenvolvidas para acometer un proxecto de investigación propio das Humanidades dixitais. En concreto, este proxecto ten como obxectivo fundamental estudar a produción editorial na Galiza durante a etapa franquista (1939-1975), analizar se existiu unha industria cultural editora e en que medida esta funcionou como canle difusora, tanto dunha liña de resistencia política contra o franquismo, como noutra de aposta pola conservación e posta en valor da identidade cultural da Galiza. Tras unha breve introdución ao proxecto, preséntase a metodoloxía seguida no proceso de recuperación e catalogación dos fundos, explícase como se desenvolveu o proceso de importación masiva dos catálogos das bibliotecas públicas máis relevantes da Galiza, así como as súas características técnicas e, a seguir, descríbense as ferramentas informáticas deseñadas. Finalmente, sinálanse os problemas metodolóxicos atopados e as solucións que se foron adoptando pois considérase que poden ser de interese para outros proxectos do mesmo tipo. Coidamos que o noso modo de enfrontalos e a experiencia obtida á hora de resolvelos constitúen, de seu, achegas relevantes deste proxecto ao mundo das Humanidades dixitais

    Contraste de las formulaciones existentes para la estimación de la tasa de rebase en diques de abrigo portuario

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    The research that is summarized in this article, resultant of diverse studies realized in the CEDEX, has for object a comparative analysis of methods of overtopping rates developed by different authors. For that, the summary was realized first and the analysis of the existing formulations to estimate the rate of overtopping on rubble mound and vertical breakwaters. Later, there was carried out the contrast of the above mentioned formulations by the results obtained in two hydraulic model tests of the Hydraulic Research Laboratory (Center of Studies of Ports and Coasts of the CEDEX, Madrid, Spain)

    Bioinduced precipitation of barite and celestite in dolomite microbialites Examples from Miocene lacustrine sequences in the Madrid and Duero Basins, Spain

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    This paper provides an ancient analogue for biologically mediated celestite and barite formation in dolomite precipitating microbial mats developed in lacustrine environments during the Miocene. Barite and celestite occurrences were studied in three temporally and spatially separated sedimentary successions: S1 and S2 in the Madrid Basin and S3 in the Duero Basin. In S1, macrocrystalline selenite gypsum occurs as laterally continuous beds; in the two other successions (S2 and S3), calcite pseudomorphs of lenticular gypsum aggregates are hosted in dolomite beds as evidence for the former presence of this evaporite. In S1, only celestite is associated with dolomite. Celestite crystals occur as both intergrown clusters, concentrated in pockets likely created by the dissolution of intrasedimentary anhydrite precursors, and as single precipitates associated with dolomite masses that replace selenite gypsum. Celestite crystals are nucleated commonly on organic substances that are pervasively associated with them. In S2 and S3, scarce single celestite crystals are restricted to calcite pseudomorphs after gypsum, whereas barite is the sulphate precipitated in the pseudomorphs' surroundings. Barite is commonly present as patchy poikilotopic crystals which include microbial structures and is embedded in organic matter. Additionally, barite is found as a secondary precipitate within Ba-bearing feldspars. Feldspar weathering is, thus, envisaged as amajor source of barium at these sites. Petrographical, isotopic and compositional observations point out that the barite and celestite formation was not caused by abiological processes only. Rather, the patchy distribution of the sulphates, close links to organic matter with biogenic isotope signatures, and inclusion of microbial structures, such as biologically mediated dolomite, provides evidence for the involvement of microbes in the formation of the sulphates. The coprecipitation of barite and celestite with dolomite entails complex interactions between different microorganisms and reinforces the biological formation of dolomite in saline lakes

    Intervention strategies in preschool students with specific language

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