3,024 research outputs found

    Machine Learning methods to estimate odour intensity

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    Treballs Finals de Grau de Física, Facultat de Física, Universitat de Barcelona, Curs: 2023, Tutor: Santiago Marco ColásOdour is a human perception whose relationship with chemical composition is unknown. Contrary to the olfactometric measurement techniques, senso-instrumental methods provide real-time odour monitoring. The study presents a drone equipped with an electronic nose that generates dynamic sensor signals for the classification and quantification of odours in wastewater treatment plants. By calibrating predictive models with Machine Learning algorithms, odour/nonodour samples are classified with 93% accuracy, and odour concentration is predicted 95% limits of agreement within a factor of four, in comparison with dynamic olfactometry measurement

    Contribuições em rizomas de Félix Guattari para a educação ecosófica planetária

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    We converge with the legacy of Félix Guattari, his significance in education, Ecosophy and his definition of rhizome in Biology, however this time used as a complexity of the inquiry under the complex transparadigm to go beyond the instituted reductionism. The crisis of the Earth affects us as a Homeland, it hurts us and that is how we assume it with our feelings and thoughts; we know that education is a bastion for the long-awaited recivilization. For this, as a complex objective of study, we configure in rhizomes contributions by Félix Guattari to Planetary Ecosophical Education. The comprehensive, ecosophical and diatopical hermeneutics transmethod was used in the analytical, empirical and propositional moments.Confluimos con el legado de Félix Guattari, su significancia en la educación, la ecosofía y su definición de rizoma en la Biología, sin embargo esta vez usado como complejización de la indagación bajo el transparadigma complejo para ir más allá del reduccionismo instituido. Nos afecta la crisis de la Tierra como Patria, nos duele y así la asumimos con nuestros sentimientos y pensamientos; sabemos que la educación es un bastión para la recivilización tan anhelada. Para ello, como objetivo complejo de estudio configuramos en rizomas contribuciones de Félix Guattari a la Educación Ecosófica Planetaria. Se usó el transmétodo la hermenéutica comprensiva, ecosófica y diatópica, en los momentos analíticos, empíricos y propositivos.Convergimos com o legado de Félix Guattari, sua importância na educação, a Ecosofia e sua definição de rizoma na Biologia, porém desta vez utilizado como complexidade da investigação sob o complexo transparadigma para ir além do reducionismo instituído. A crise da Terra nos afeta como Pátria, nos fere e é assim que a assumimos com nossos sentimentos e pensamentos; sabemos que a educação é um bastião para a tão esperada recivilização. Para isso, como complexo objetivo de estudo, configuramos em rizomas as contribuições de Félix Guattari para a Educação Ecosófica Planetária. O transmétodo hermenêutico compreensivo, ecosófico e diatópico foi utilizado nos momentos analítico, empírico e proposicional

    El Devenir Inmediato de la Reforma y Gestión Universitaria en México y sus Tareas en el Marco de la Agenda Mundial

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    En su devenir inmediato, la universidad como parte integrante del sistema de educación superior, ha venido presentando un conjunto de transformaciones caracterizadas por hechos que han respondido en su momento a dinámicas propias del sistema educativo como también a las de su contexto y sectores con los cuales se vincula. En tales situaciones, las universidades han transitado por un conjunto de reformas y procesos de gestión que han tendido tanto a su adecuación a las necesidades presentes como a su transformación para atender las necesidades emergentes en relación a su objeto de ser. En tales contextos, el presente documento de trabajo hace un recorrido temporal sobre aquellos hechos inmediatos que han sido significativos en las reformas y procesos de gestión académica de las universidades, para luego identificar algunas de las principales tendencias de la educación superior que se presentan en el plano internacional y a partir de ello derivar un conjunto de factores y retos que permiten plantear algunas tareas que se consideran pendientes y necesarias en el marco de las reformas universitarias y sus respectivos procesos de gestión susceptibles de llevar a cabo en los próximos años

    Preface : Language Contact in Theoretical Syntax

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    We would like to thank Xavier Villalba, Teresa Cabré and Ángel Gallego and the CatJL team in general for their support, as well as the contributors and the following reviewers: Melvin González Rivera, María del Carmen Parafita Couto, Maria Polinsky, Maša Bešlin, Anna Cardinaletti, Francisco Jesús Moreno Fernández, Péter Jeszenszky, Anna Pineda, Cristina Real Puigdollers, Miguel Rodríguez Mondoñedo, Katerina Thomopoulou.Preface of the Catalan Journal of Linguistics 22: Language Contact in Theoretical Syntax.Prefaci del Catalan Journal of Linguistics 22: Language Contact in Theoretical Syntax

    Improving CAS Capabilities: New Rules for Computing Improper Integrals

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    There are diferent applications in Engineering that require to compute improper integrals of the first kind (integrals defined on an unbounded domain) such as: the work required to move an object from the surface of the earth to in nity (Kynetic Energy), the electric potential created by a charged sphere, the probability density function or the cumulative distribution function in Probability Theory, the values of the Gamma Functions(wich useful to compute the Beta Function used to compute trigonometrical integrals), Laplace and Fourier Transforms (very useful, for example in Differential Equations).Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Using extensions of the residue theorem for improper integrals computations with CAS

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    The computation of improper integrals of the rst kind (integrals on unbounded domain) are used in di erent applications in Engineering (for example in Kynetic Energy, electric potential, probability density functions, Gamma and Beta functions, Laplace and Fourier Transforms, Di erential Equations, . . . ). Nowadays, Computer Algebra Systems (CAS) are being used for developing such computations. But in many cases, some CAS lack of the appropriate rules for computing some of these improper integrals. In a previous talk in ESCO 2016 and a later extension, we introduced new rules for computing improper integrals of the rst kind using some results from Advanced Calculus Theories (Residue Theorem, Laplace and Fourier Transforms) aimed to improve CAS capabilities on this topic. In this talk, we develop new rules for computing other types of improper integrals using different applications from extended versions of the Residue Theorem. We will show some examples of such improper integrals that current CAS can not compute. Using extensions of the Residue Theorem in Complex Analysis, we will be able to develop new rules schemes for these improper integrals. These new rules will improve the capabilities of CAS, making them able to compute more improper integrals.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Mucocele submandibular en un perro mestizo del municipio de Florencia Caquetá-Colombia. Descripción de caso clínico

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    An approach to clinical case corresponding to mucocele extravasation in submandibular gland in a mongrel canine Florence Township, Caqueta in the Colombian Amazon is presented. In the region, this kind of casuistry is not common and there are no statistics. According to Welch (2009) are some predisposing breeds like the German Shepherd, Poodle, Silky Terrier and the Dachshund, occurring in greater proportion in males; coinciding with the author. The canine considered Creole in the clinical case addressed through surgery, presents phenotypic characteristics that might be associated with Dachshund and German Shepherd which can be considered a factor related to the alteration.Se presenta un abordaje de caso clínico correspondiente a un mucocele de la glándula submandibular en un perro mestizo del municipio de Florencia, departamento de Caquetá en la Amazonía colombiana. En la región, este tipo de casuística no es común y no existen estadísticas al respecto. De acuerdo con Welch (2009) hay algunas razas predisponentes como el Pastor Alemán, Caniche, Silky Terrier y el Teckel, presentándose en mayor proporción en los machos; coincidiendo con esta autora. El perro considerado como criollo en el caso clínico abordado a través de intervención quirúrgica, presenta características fenotípicas que lo podrían asociar con Teckel y Pastor Alemán lo cual puede considerarse un factor de relación con la alteración