1,885 research outputs found

    Nuevo equipo para medir la distribución de la densidad aparente de piezas cerámicas: DENSEXPLORER

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    Este trabajo ha participado en la 38 edición de los premios Alfa de Oro, otorgados por la Sociedad Española de Cerámica y Vidrio, durante la Feria Internacional de Cerámica de Valencia CEVISAMA 2014 Densexplorer es el primer dispositivo capaz de determinar la distribución de la densidad aparente de baldosas cerámicas industriales de gran tamaño, de forma no destructiva, no perjudicial para la salud, respetuosa con el medio ambiente, incrementando la productividad respecto a los equipos actuales. El sistema está basado en la medida puntual de la absorción de rayos X y del espesor de la pieza.Densexplorer is the first device for industrial manufacturing plant capable of determining the distribution of bulk density of large ceramic tiles in a non-destructively way, which is not harmful to health, respectful with the environment and that increases the productivity of the process regarding to existing equipment. The system is based on the X-ray absorption technique, in which a material absorbs an amount of radiation depending on its thickness and density

    Entanglement properties of quantum polaritons

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    ABSTRACT: Exciton polaritons are coupled states of matter and light, originated by the strong interaction between an optical mode and semiconductor excitons. This interaction can be obtained also at a single-particle level, in which case it has been shown that a quantum treatment is mandatory. In this work we study the light-matter entanglement of polaritons from a fully quantum formalism including pumping and dissipation. We find that the entanglement is completely destroyed if the exciton and photon are tuned at the resonance condition, even under very low pumping rates. Instead, the best condition for maximizing entanglement and purity of the steady state is when the exciton and photon are out of resonance and when incoherent pumping exactly compensates the dissipation rate. In the presence of multiple quantum dots coupled to the light mode, matter-light entanglement survives only at larger detuning for a higher number of quantum dots considered

    Revealing the Intercalation Mechanism of Aluminum Fluoride in Graphite

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    The electrolyte intercalation mechanism facilitates the insertion/extraction of charge into the electrode material in rechargeable batteries. Aluminum fluoride (AlF3_{3}) has been used as an electrolyte in rechargeable aluminum batteries with graphite electrodes, demonstrating improved reversibility of battery charging and discharging processes; however, the intercalation mechanism of this neutral molecule in graphite is so far unknown. In this work, we combine scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) in ultra-high vacuum conditions, calculations based on density functional theory, and large-scale molecular dynamics simulations to reveal the mechanism of AlF3_{3} intercalation in highly oriented pyrolytic graphite (HOPG). We report the formation of AlF3_{3} molecules clusters between graphite layers, their self-assembly by graphene buckling-mediated interactions, and explain the origin and distribution of superficial {\it blisters} in the material.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures, SI on deman

    Spatial Modulation of linear and quadratic susceptibilities in Lithium Niobate crystals by using femtosecond laser pulses

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    In this work we present the spatial control of the linear susceptibility (χ1) in Lithium Niobate crystals by means of infrared (800 nm) femtosecond interaction. Diffraction gratings have been performed on the surface (relief) and inside (phase) of these samples by femtosecond laser writing. Also we have performed a spatial control of the quadratic susceptibility (χ 2 ) by direct writing of a pattern of ferroelectric domains on the surface of z cut substrates by using the second harmonic femtosecond pulses (400 nm). Finally, efficient photonic devices for second harmonic generation via quasi phase matching could be obtained following the experimental procedure presented in this work

    Quema controlada en una comunidad típica del Sudoeste Bonaerense

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    El fuego controlado reduce significativamente la cobertura de las especies leñosas y favorece el aumento de la cobertura de las gramíneas deseables e intermedias. Una sola quema controlada no afecta la densidad de las especies leñosas ni de las gramíneas forrajeras perennes.Fil: Pelaez, Daniel V.. Provincia de Buenos Aires. Gobernación. Comisión de Investigaciones Científicas; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Bahía Blanca. Centro de Recursos Naturales Renovables de la Zona Semiárida(i); ArgentinaFil: Giorgetti, Hugo D.. Universidad Nacional del Sur. Departamento de Agronomía; ArgentinaFil: Montenegro, Oscar A.. Universidad Nacional del Sur. Departamento de Agronomía; ArgentinaFil: Elia, Omar Raul. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Bahía Blanca. Centro de Recursos Naturales Renovables de la Zona Semiárida(i); ArgentinaFil: Rodríguez, Gustavo D.. Universidad Nacional del Sur. Departamento de Agronomía; ArgentinaFil: Andrioli, Romina Jessica. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Bahía Blanca. Centro de Recursos Naturales Renovables de la Zona Semiárida(i); ArgentinaFil: Blazquez, Francisco Ruben. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Bahía Blanca. Centro de Recursos Naturales Renovables de la Zona Semiárida(i); Argentin

    Skeletal and dentoalveolar bilateral dimensions in unilateral palatally impacted canine using cone beam computed tomography

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    Abstract Background The aim of this investigation was to compare skeletal and dentoalveolar measurements of subject with unilateral palatally impacted canine versus the unaffected contralateral side on cone beam computed tomography (CBCT). Methods A cross-sectional study (split mouth design) that included 28 CBCTs (i.e., 56 sides) with unilaterally impacted maxillary canines was performed. After conducting a pilot test to gauge the researcher, heights and widths of skeletal and dentoalveolar variables obtained in the maxilla were measured using coronal and axial views. The angulations of incisors were also measured, and the side with impaction and the unaffected side were compared. Paired sample t test and Wilcoxon signed-rank test were used. Results Significant statistical differences (2 mm, p < 0.001) were found between the impacted and non-impacted side measurements from the mid-palatine raphe to the first premolar (proximal alveolar bone crest between the canine (deciduous or permanent) and first premolar); the distance were significantly lower (12.72 ± 2.25 mm) than in the side without impaction (14.67 ± 2.00 mm). Also, the central and lateral incisor angulations showed significant reductions; presenting disto-angulated incisors on the impacted canine side (86.14 ± 7.70° and 74.75 ± 12.67°, respectively) and mesial-angulated incisors on the non-impacted side (91.63 ± 6.79° and 81.21 ± 8.56° respectively). The other skeletal and dentoalveolar measurements showed no significant differences. Conclusions The width from the median raphe to the first premolar is lower in the side of maxillary palatal impacted canines than in the side without impaction. Lateral angulations of incisors were disto-angulated on the side of impacted canines. Both conditions have clinical implications in the orthodontic treatment

    Búsqueda personalizada en Repositorios de Objetos de Aprendizaje a partir del perfil del estudiante

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    The personalized searches of Learning Objects(OA) in distributed repositories from the studentprofile require compare the variables the studentmodel and stored OA metadata. This article presentsan approach to a mechanism of personalized searchand proposes the student profile and the relationwith the metadata in some repositories of OA (ROA)better known. This research focuses more on themeta-information that OA content. This work is thefirst step to propose a recommendation model ofOA in the framework of a federation of ROA.Las búsquedas personalizadas de Objetos deAprendizaje (OA) en repositorios distribuidos apartir de caracterizar el perfil de estudiante, requiereequiparar las variables del modelo de estudiantey los metadatos de los OA almacenados. En elpresente artículo, se plantea un acercamiento a unmecanismo de búsqueda personalizada y se proponela caracterización del estudiante y la relación con losmetadatos que utilizan algunos de los Repositoriosde OA (ROA) más conocidos. Esta investigación secentra más en la metainformación de los OA, queen su contenido. Este trabajo es el primer paso paraplantear un modelo de recomendación de OA en elmarco de una Federación de ROA

    Tomato Analyzer: A Useful Software Application to Collect Accurate and Detailed Morphological and Colorimetric Data from Two-dimensional Objects

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    Measuring fruit morphology and color traits of vegetable and fruit crops in an objective and reproducible way is important for detailed phenotypic analyses of these traits. Tomato Analyzer (TA) is a software program that measures 37 attributes related to two-dimensional shape in a semi-automatic and reproducible manner1,2. Many of these attributes, such as angles at the distal and proximal ends of the fruit and areas of indentation, are difficult to quantify manually. The attributes are organized in ten categories within the software: Basic Measurement, Fruit Shape Index, Blockiness, Homogeneity, Proximal Fruit End Shape, Distal Fruit End Shape, Asymmetry, Internal Eccentricity, Latitudinal Section and Morphometrics. The last category requires neither prior knowledge nor predetermined notions of the shape attributes, so morphometric analysis offers an unbiased option that may be better adapted to high-throughput analyses than attribute analysis. TA also offers the Color Test application that was designed to collect color measurements from scanned images and allow scanning devices to be calibrated using color standards3

    Análisis de islas de calor por medio de imágenes satelitales y sistemas de información geográficos en el área urbana de la Sabana de Bogotá

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    In this investigation all data related to Land surface temperature (LST) collected from &nbsp;satellite Landsat 8 was compared to temperature data collected from surface stations located in Sabana de Bogotá, to identify urban heat islands. It was developed a crop in the study area of satellite image in order to processing spectrum bands 10, 4 and 5, using a Land surface Temperature algorithm to collect the satellite mapping of the surface temperature. At the same time, this data was analyzed as statistically as spatially considering the distance and elevation of the stations interpolating them with Cokriging’s method and the ArcGIS 10.3® Software, detecting spatially the geometry of the islands in high urbanization zones, getting the Pixel temperature and comparing it to surface station data finding differences between temperature in urban zones commonly with more vegetation and the two methods used for this study.En esta investigación, los datos relacionados con la temperatura superficial (LST) recopilados del satélite Landsat 8 se compararon con los datos de temperatura seleccionados de las estaciones de superficie, ubicadas en la sabana de Bogotá, para identificar islas de calor urbanas. Se recortó el área de estudio de la imagen satelital para procesar las bandas del espectro 10, 4 y 5, usando un algoritmo de temperatura superficial para recolectar el mapeo satelital. Al mismo tiempo, estos datos se analizaron estadísticamente como espacialmente considerando la distancia y la elevación de las estaciones interpolando con el método de Cokriging y el software ArcGIS 10.3®, detectando espacialmente la geometría de las islas en zonas de alta urbanización, obteniendo la temperatura de píxeles y comparándolo con los datos de la estación de superficie, encontrando diferencias entre la temperatura en zonas urbanas comúnmente con más vegetación y los dos métodos utilizados para este estudio

    Non BPS noncommutative vortices

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    We construct exact vortex solutions to the equations of motion of the Abelian Higgs model defined in non commutative space, analyzing in detail the properties of these solutions beyond the BPS point. We show that our solutions behave as smooth deformations of vortices in ordinary space time except for parity symmetry breaking effects induced by the non commutative parameter θ\theta.Comment: 17 pages, 5 figure