3,405 research outputs found

    Influencer advertising on TikTok: advert formats and illicit product advertising. A study involving Germany, France, Spain and Italy

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    Advertising by influencers on YouTube and Instagram has become a common practice, which includes the incorporation of advertising into their audio-visual productions as well. This study is being conducted to determine whether TikTok users from Germany, France, Spain, and Italy are using the social network to advertise products and services, and whether they are promoting products that are banned by TikTok. Using content analysis, 320 videos from 16 European tiktokers in Germany, France, Spain and Italy have been studied based on gender and nationality. The tiktokers ranged between 17 and 21 years of age with more than one million followers. The results confirm that tiktokers maintain a balance between the content they post and the advertising they insert. Both genders include a similar percentage of advertising and, based on nationality, French and Spanish tiktokers are the ones who use the most advertising in their work. Product placement is the most popular format for tiktokers of both genders in France, Spain and Germany, whereas branded content is preferred by Italian male tiktokers. None of the tiktokers of the four nationalities have violated the rules imposed by TikTok, as they have refrained from publishing illicit or dangerous products, either because of measures being taken by the social network itself to limit the exposure to these types of products, or as the result of self-regulation by the tiktokers in order to avoid being removed from the social network.La inserción de contenidos publicitarios se ha convertido en una práctica habitual en las redes sociales de los influencers en YouTube e Instagram y comprende la incorporación de formatos publicitarios en sus producciones audiovisuales. Para averiguar si está ocurriendo lo mismo en TikTok, se analiza si los tiktokers de Alemania, Francia, España e Italia están utilizando esta red social para promocionar productos y servicios, y si en ellos incluyen publicidad de productos prohibidos por la red social. Mediante una metodología de análisis de contenido, se estudian 320 vídeos de 16 tiktokers europeos (Alemania, Francia, España e Italia) de entre 17 y 21 años con más de un millón de seguidores, a tenor de su sexo y nacionalidad. Los resultados confirman que los tiktokers mantienen un equilibrio entre los contenidos que publican y la publicidad que insertan. Los dos sexos incorporan similar porcentaje de publicidad, y por nacionalidad son los franceses y españoles los que más formatos publicitarios incorporan. El product placement es la fórmula preferida por titkokers de ambos géneros franceses, españoles y alemanes, y el branded content, por los tiktokers masculinos italianos. Ningún tiktoker de las cuatro nacionalidades infringe las directrices impuestas por TikTok publicando productos ilícitos o peligrosos, ya sea por las medidas tomadas por esta red social para limitar la exposición de este tipo de productos o por la autorregulación de los tiktokers para no ser expulsados de la red social

    Homocysteine treatment alters redox capacity of both endothelial and tumor cells

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    Homocysteine is a non-proteinogenic amino acid playing key roles in two interconnected metabolic pathways, namely, the activated methyl cycle and the linear trans-sulfuration pathway that allows the conversion of methionine to cysteine. A dysregulation of intracellular homocysteine metabolism could yield an increased export of this amino acid, leading to hyperhomocysteinemia, which has been associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular diseases. In spite of decades of experimental effort, there is no definitive consensus on what could be the molecular mechanisms whereby hyperhomocysteinemia could contribute to cardiovascular disease. The redox active nature of homocysteine has favored the idea of an induction of oxidative stress as the underlying mechanism of homocysteine toxicity. In contrast, homocysteine can also behave as an anti-oxidant. The present work is aimed to further analyze the capacity of homocysteine to modulate the redox capacity of both endothelial and tumor cells. [Our experimental work is supported by grants BIO2014-56092-R (MINECO and FEDER) and P12-CTS-1507 (Andalusian Government and FEDER) and funds from group BIO-267 (Andalusian Government). The "CIBER de Enfermedades Raras" is an initiative from the ISCIII (Spain)].Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Evaluación de la calidad biológica del suelo en un Sistema Agroforestal de especies maderables nativas (Pilón y Almendro) con Heliconias y un Bosque Secundario, en la zona de Limón. Costa Rica

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    Debido a que poco se conoce sobre la calidad biológica del suelo en los sistemas agroforestales de especies maderables nativas y flores tropicales como las heliconias, se consideró importante realizar el presente estudio, con el objetivo de evaluar la calidad biológica del suelo en un sistema agroforestal (SAF) con heliconias y compararlo con un bosque secundario (BS), con el fin de determinar el efecto del sistema agroforestal en el suelo. Este fue efectuado en la Finca Capinal S.A, ubicada en Guácimo de Limón, Costa Rica; donde se realizó un muestreo sistemático al azar, en ambos sitios (1.5 ha cada uno), de las propiedades químicas (micro y macro nutrientes y materia orgánica), físicas (textura, densidad aparente y porcentaje de porosidad), biológicas (biomasa y número de lombrices) y bioquímicas (biomasa microbiana) del suelo. Para el análisis de los datos se realizó un Análisis de Comparación Estadística de Muestras Múltiples y ANOVA, mediante la utilización del programa StatGraphics. La cantidad de MO encontrada en los suelos de la Finca Capinal (6,43% para el BS y 5,76% SAF), se encuentra dentro del rango normal para suelos Inceptisoles de la zona (5,0-7,4%), con niveles más altos en el BS. Con respecto a la densidad de lombrices, no se presentaron diferencias significativas; sin embargo, el BS reflejo una mayor población (28,9% más), lo que tiene relación con un mayor cantidad de MO. La actividad microbiana fue mayor en el BS (5,18 % superior al SAF) y mantiene una correlación positiva con el contenido de MO y la densidad de lombrices. Considerando lo anterior y la falta de significancia estadística entre sistemas (BS y SAF), se concluye que ambos sitios presentan calidades biológicas del suelo similares

    UV-A activation of peroxymonosulfate for the removal of micropollutants from secondary treated wastewater

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    The occurrence of micropollutants (MPs) in the aquatic environment poses a threat to the environment and to the human health. The application of sulfate radical-based advanced oxidation processes (SR-AOPs) to eliminate these contaminants has attracted attention in recent years. In this work, the simultaneous degradation of 20 multi-class MPs (classified into 5 main categories, namely antibiotics, beta-blockers, other pharmaceuticals, pesticides, and herbicides) was evaluated for the first time in secondary treated wastewater, by activating peroxymonosulfate (PMS) with UV-A radiation, without any pH adjustment or iron addition. The optimal PMS concentration to remove the spiked target MPs (100 mu g L-1) from wastewater was 0.1 mM, leading to an average degradation of 80% after 60 min, with most of the elimination occurring during the first 5 min. Synergies between radiation and the oxidant were demonstrated and quantified, with an average extent of synergy of 69.1%. The optimized treatment was then tested using non-spiked wastewater, in which 12 out of the 20 target contaminants were detected. Among these, 7 were degraded at some extent, varying from 10.7% (acetamiprid) to 94.4% (ofloxacin), the lower removals being attributed to the quite inferior ratio of MPs to natural organic matter. Phytotoxicity tests carried out with the wastewater before and after photo-activated PMS oxidation revealed a decrease in the toxicity and that the plants were able to grow in the presence of the treated water. Therefore, despite the low degradation rates obtained for some MPs, the treatment effectively reduces the toxicity of the matrix, making the water safer for reuse

    Influence of preparation procedures on the phenolic content, antioxidant and antidiabetic activities of green and black teas

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    The influence of common tea preparation procedures (temperature, infusion time, consumption time interval and tea bag/loose-leaf) and the type of water used, on the total phenolic content (TPC), the radical scavenging activity and the alpha-glucosidase inhibitory activity were assessed. Higher TPC and antioxidant activity were obtained when using lower mineralized waters. Tea bags also evidenced higher antioxidant activity than loose-leaf samples. Under the same conditions (90 degrees C and five minutes of infusion time) green tea contains almost twice the quantity of polyphenols and the free radical scavenging ability of black tea. In the alpha-glucosidase assay all infusions were active (97-100 %). Furthermore, HPLC allowed to identify some of the polyphenols present in both teas and to monitor their composition change with time. After twenty-four hours, the antioxidant activity was maintained without significant changes, but a small decrease in enzyme inhibition was observed, although this activity was still very high.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    La formación en España de médicos especialistas en Medicina Preventiva y Salud Pública

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    Producción CientíficaEl modelo moderno de formación médica especializada en España se definió en 19841 y se basa en el programa de Médicos Internos Residentes (MIR). En 1999 se produjo el acceso al título de especialista de buena parte de la gran bolsa de médicos que trabajaban en el sector sin tener título oficial de especialista (denominados médicos especialistas sin título oficial (MESTOS) mediante una convocatoria excepcional del Consejo Nacional de Especialidades Médicas2. Desde entonces, la oferta de formación mediante la convocatoria MIR es el esquema predominante, aunque persiste la vía excepcional y sea factible la homologación de títulos de especialista obtenidos en el extranjero. Este modelo se ha perfeccionado en los últimos tiempos3, destacando la aprobación en 2005 del programa de la especialidad de Medicina Preventiva y Salud Pública(MPySP)4,5, y avanzando en una mayor definición del funcionamiento de las unidades docentes, de las comisiones de docencia, y de los tutores6,7. Al redactar este documento nos proponemos proporcionar algunos elementos de información sobre la oferta de formación médica especializada en MPySP. La información descriptiva se ha extraído de las últimas convocatorias publicadas en el Boletín Oficial del Estado (BOE), correspondientes al periodo 2007-10. El esbozo de elementos para la evaluación procede de reflexiones compartidas por los miembros de la Comisión Nacional de la Especialidad (CNE) a lo largo del período 2010-11, los cuales son especialistas. Independientemente de que puedan darse progresos en la sistematización de la formación especializada de otras profesiones implicadas en la salud pública, algo muy deseable8, nos concentramos aquí en la situación de esta especialidad médic

    Weight bias internalization among adolescents in Spain: psychological correlates across gender diversity and weight status

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    Weight bias internalization refers to the negative weight-related attributions applied to oneself, but it does not just occur in the highest weight statuses, but rather exists across the entire weight spectrum. There is a negative impact associated to increase psychological problems in adults, however, it has been less studied among the adolescent Spanish population. In this study, we assess the relationship between the internalization of weight bias, social attitudes towards appearance, body appreciation and self-esteem, and potential differences regarding gender and weight status. A community sample of 1258 Spanish adolescents between 12 and 18 years old (46.3% male gender; Mage = 15.58; SD = 1.59; 49.5% female gender; Mage = 15.59; SD = 1.67; and 4.1% non-binary gender; Mage = 14.86; SD = 2.86) participated in the study. The Modified Weight Bias Internalization Scale (WBIS-M), the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (RSES), and the Sociocultural Attitudes Towards Appearance Questionnaire (SATAQ-4) were used. ANOVA’s test and bivariate correlations were performed. The results suggest that females (t = -.55; p ≤ .001) and non-binary adolescents (t = .64; p ≤ .01) have higher levels of WBI-M compared to males. Regarding weight status, the group with obesity (t = 1.39; p ≤ .001) and the group with overweight (t = -.81; p ≤ .001) have higher levels of WBI-M compared to the normal weight group. Significant correlations between WBI-M and the assessed psychological variables were found in the total sample, and across all-gender and weight categories, except for the underweight group. These results are a first approximation to the internalization of weight bias in a Spanish adolescent sample and highlight the need to introduce this concept in prevention and psychological interventions in school context.La internalización de los prejuicios de peso entre los y las adolescentes en España: correlatos psicológicos en función del género y el estatus de peso. La internalización de los prejuicios de peso hace referencia a las atribuciones negativas relacionadas con el peso aplicadas a uno mismo/a, lo cual no ocurre únicamente en las personas con un estatus de peso elevado, sino en todo el rango de pesos. En adultos, existe evidencia de su impacto negativo asociados a incrementar problemas psicológicos; aunque se ha estudiado en menor medida en la población adolescente. El objetivo de este estudio fue examinar la relación entre la internalización de prejuicios de peso, las actitudes socioculturales hacia la apariencia, la apreciación corporal y el nivel de autoestima, y analizar las posibles diferencias en función del género y del estatus de peso. Participaron 1.258 adolescentes españoles de una muestra comunitaria entre 12 y 18 años (46.3% género masculino; Medad = 15.58; DT = 1.59; 49,5% género femenino; Medad = 15.59; DT = 1.67; y 4.1% género no binario; Medad = 14.86; DT = 2.86). Se utilizaron la escala de internalización de prejuicios de peso modificado (WBIS-M), la escala de autoestima de Rosenberg (RSES) y el cuestionario de actitudes socioculturales hacia la apariencia (SATAQ-4). Se realizó la prueba ANOVA y correlaciones bivariadas. Los resultados sugieren que el grupo identificado con el género femenino (t = -.55; p ≤ .001) y con el no binario (t = .64; p ≤ .01) muestran niveles más altos de internalización del sesgo de peso en comparación con el género masculino. En cuanto al estado ponderal, el grupo con obesidad (t = 1.39; p ≤ .001) y el grupo con sobrepeso (t = -.81; p ≤ .001) presentan niveles más altos de internalización de prejuicios de peso en comparación con el grupo con normopeso. Se encontraron correlaciones significativas entre las puntuaciones del WBIS-M y las variables psicológicas evaluadas en la muestra total y en todas las categorías de género y peso, con la excepción del grupo de bajo peso. Estos resultados son una primera aproximación a la interiorización del estigma del peso en una muestra adolescente española y resalta la necesidad de incluir esta dimensión en la prevención de las alteraciones de la imagen corporal y los problemas psicológicos relacionados con la autoestima entre adolescentes en el contexto escolar

    Sedimentology and stratigraphic architecture of Barremian synrift barrier island–estuarine depositional systems from blended field and drone-derived data

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    The Lower Cretaceous (Barremian) Camarillas Formation in the Galve Sub-basin of eastern Spain is an exceptionally muddy, synrift, aggradational then retrogradational paralic succession. Deposition within these arid, equatorial paralic systems was strongly controlled by crustal rifting of the Iberia plate linked to the geodynamic evolution of the Atlantic Ocean, the Bay of Biscay and the Tethys Ocean. Although synsedimentary extensional tectonics controlled thickness and facies distributions, the parasequence stacking patterns point to a superimposed high-order allogenic control on the paralic succession. Field data and drone imagery are combined to document changes in sedimentology and three-dimensional stratigraphic architecture of these deposits to interpret changes in depositional environments as this basin filled. Three evolutionary stages are identified: (i) tide-dominated estuary; (ii) mixed-energy estuary, with a well-developed wave-dominated barrier island system; and (iii) barrier island–tidal inlet suite. An exceptional record of back-barrier-island depositional interactions is preserved in this high-subsidence, extensional-basin setting, including deposition of washover fans, flood-tidal deltas and ebb-tidal deltas. Drone-derived imagery facilitates three-dimensional architectural characterization of these complex paralic deposits, including multi-episodic tidal inlets, and correlation of basin scale stratigraphic markers. Spatio-temporal interactions between climate change, sea-level variations and rift-related subsidence generated complex estuarine and barrier island geobodies. The general transgressive trend recorded in the Camarillas Formation correlates well with global eustatic sea-level rise during the Barremian

    Assessing the impact of an antigen-specific antibody response on atherosclerosis development in mice.

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    The antibody immune response plays a critical role in atherosclerosis. Here, we present a protocol for assessing the impact of an antigen-specific germinal center antibody response on atherosclerosis development, using a pro-atherogenic mouse model deficient for the production of germinal-center-derived antibodies. We describe steps for bone marrow transfer from donor mice into irradiated recipient mice. We then detail immunization of mouse chimeras with atheroprotective malondialdehyde low-density lipoprotein during high-fat diet feeding and atherosclerosis burden analysis. For complete details on the use and execution of this protocol, please refer to Martos-Folgado et al. (2022).1.We thank all members of the B Cell Biology Laboratory for useful discussions. A.D.M.M. is funded by ‘‘la Caixa’’ Foundation HR17-00247, I.M.-F. was a fellow of the research training program funded by Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (SVP-2014-068216), A.R-R. is a fellow of the research training program funded by Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovacio´ n y Universidades (PRE2020-091873), and A.R. is supported by Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Cardiovasculares (CNIC). The project leading to these results has received funding from ‘‘la Caixa’’ Foundation under the project code HR17-00247 and HR22-0253 and from SAF2016-75511-R and PID2019-106773RB-I00/AEI/ 10.13039/501100011033 grants to A.R.R. (Plan Estatal de Investigación Científica y Técnica y de Innovación 2013–2016 Programa Estatal de I+D+i Orientada a los Retos de la Sociedad Retos Investigación: Proyectos I + D + i 2016, Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad) and co-funding by Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER). The CNIC is supported by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII), the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (MCIN), and the Pro CNIC Foundation and is a Severo Ochoa institute (CEX2020-001041-S grant funded by MCIN/AEI/ 10.13039/501100011033).S