122 research outputs found

    Public crises, public futures

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    This article begins to map out a novel approach to analyzing contemporary contexts of public crisis, relationships between them and possibilities that these scenes hold out for politics. The article illustrates and analyses a small selection of examples of these kinds of contemporary scenes and calls for greater attention to be given to the conditions and consequences of different forms and practices of public and political mediation. In offering a three-fold typology to delineate differences between ‘abject’, ‘audience’ and ‘agentic’ publics the article begins to draw out how political and public futures may be seen as being bound up with how the potentialities, capacities and qualities that publics are imagined to have and resourced to perform. Public action and future publics are therefore analysed here in relation to different versions of contemporary crisis and the political concerns and publics these crises work to articulate, foreground and imaginatively and practically support

    An assessment of the Atlantic and Arctic sea–air CO2 fluxes, 1990–2009

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    © The Author(s), 2013. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. The definitive version was published in Biogeosciences 10 (2013): 607-627, doi:10.5194/bg-10-607-2013.The Atlantic and Arctic Oceans are critical components of the global carbon cycle. Here we quantify the net sea–air CO2 flux, for the first time, across different methodologies for consistent time and space scales for the Atlantic and Arctic basins. We present the long-term mean, seasonal cycle, interannual variability and trends in sea–air CO2 flux for the period 1990 to 2009, and assign an uncertainty to each. We use regional cuts from global observations and modeling products, specifically a pCO2-based CO2 flux climatology, flux estimates from the inversion of oceanic and atmospheric data, and results from six ocean biogeochemical models. Additionally, we use basin-wide flux estimates from surface ocean pCO2 observations based on two distinct methodologies. Our estimate of the contemporary sea–air flux of CO2 (sum of anthropogenic and natural components) by the Atlantic between 40° S and 79° N is −0.49 ± 0.05 Pg C yr−1, and by the Arctic it is −0.12 ± 0.06 Pg C yr−1, leading to a combined sea–air flux of −0.61 ± 0.06 Pg C yr−1 for the two decades (negative reflects ocean uptake). We do find broad agreement amongst methodologies with respect to the seasonal cycle in the subtropics of both hemispheres, but not elsewhere. Agreement with respect to detailed signals of interannual variability is poor, and correlations to the North Atlantic Oscillation are weaker in the North Atlantic and Arctic than in the equatorial region and southern subtropics. Linear trends for 1995 to 2009 indicate increased uptake and generally correspond between methodologies in the North Atlantic, but there is disagreement amongst methodologies in the equatorial region and southern subtropics.U. Schuster has been supported by EU grants IP 511176-2 (CARBOOCEAN), 212196 (COCOS), and 264879 (CARBOCHANGE), and UK NERC grant NE/H017046/1 (UKOARP). G. A. McKinley and A. Fay thank NASA for support (NNX08AR68G, NNX11AF53G). P. Landschšutzer has been supported by EU grant 238366 (GREENCYCLESII). N. Metzl acknowledges the French national funding program LEFE/INSU. Support for N. Gruber has been provided by EU grants 264879 (CARBOCHANGE) and 283080 (GEO-CARBON) S. Doney acknowledges support from NOAA (NOAA-NA07OAR4310098). T. Takahashi is supported by NOAA (NAO80AR4320754)

    Sources of Uncertainty in Regional and Global Terrestrial CO2 Exchange Estimates

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    The Global Carbon Budget 2018 (GCB2018) estimated by the atmospheric CO2 growth rate, fossil fuel emissions, and modeled (bottom-up) land and ocean fluxes cannot be fully closed, leading to a “budget imbalance,” highlighting uncertainties in GCB components. However, no systematic analysis has been performed on which regions or processes contribute to this term. To obtain deeper insight on the sources of uncertainty in global and regional carbon budgets, we analyzed differences in Net Biome Productivity (NBP) for all possible combinations of bottom-up and top-down data sets in GCB2018: (i) 16 dynamic global vegetation models (DGVMs), and (ii) 5 atmospheric inversions that match the atmospheric CO2 growth rate. We find that the global mismatch between the two ensembles matches well the GCB2018 budget imbalance, with Brazil, Southeast Asia, and Oceania as the largest contributors. Differences between DGVMs dominate global mismatches, while at regional scale differences between inversions contribute the most to uncertainty. At both global and regional scales, disagreement on NBP interannual variability between the two approaches explains a large fraction of differences. We attribute this mismatch to distinct responses to El Niño–Southern Oscillation variability between DGVMs and inversions and to uncertainties in land use change emissions, especially in South America and Southeast Asia. We identify key needs to reduce uncertainty in carbon budgets: reducing uncertainty in atmospheric inversions (e.g., through more observations in the tropics) and in land use change fluxes, including more land use processes and evaluating land use transitions (e.g., using high-resolution remote-sensing), and, finally, improving tropical hydroecological processes and fire representation within DGVMs.</p

    New Constraint on the Local Relic Neutrino Background Overdensity with the First KATRIN Data Runs

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    We report on the direct cosmic relic neutrino background search from the first two science runs of the KATRIN experiment in 2019. Beta-decay electrons from a high-purity molecular tritium gas source are analyzed by a high-resolution MAC-E filter around the kinematic endpoint at 18.57 keV. The analysis is sensitive to a local relic neutrino overdensity of 9.7e10 (1.1e11) at a 90% (95%) confidence level. A fit of the integrated electron spectrum over a narrow interval around the kinematic endpoint accounting for relic neutrino captures in the Tritium source reveals no significant overdensity. This work improves the results obtained by the previous kinematic neutrino mass experiments at Los Alamos and Troitsk. We furthermore update the projected final sensitivity of the KATRIN experiment to <1e10 at 90% confidence level, by relying on updated operational conditions.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figure

    Reduction of stored-particle background by a magnetic pulse method at the KATRIN experiment

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    The KATRIN experiment aims to determine the effective electron neutrino mass with a sensitivity of 0.2 eV/c2 (%90 CL) by precision measurement of the shape of the tritium ÎČ-spectrum in the endpoint region. The energy analysis of the decay electrons is achieved by a MAC-E filter spectrometer. A common background source in this setup is the decay of short-lived isotopes, such as 219Rn and 220Rn, in the spectrometer volume. Active and passive countermeasures have been implemented and tested at the KATRIN main spectrometer. One of these is the magnetic pulse method, which employs the existing air coil system to reduce the magnetic guiding field in the spectrometer on a short timescale in order to remove low- and high-energy stored electrons. Here we describe the working principle of this method and present results from commissioning measurements at the main spectrometer. Simulations with the particle-tracking software Kassiopeia were carried out to gain a detailed understanding of the electron storage conditions and removal processes

    New Constraint on the Local Relic Neutrino Background Overdensity with the First KATRIN Data Runs

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    We report on the direct search for cosmic relic neutrinos using data acquired during the first two science campaigns of the KATRIN experiment in 2019. Beta-decay electrons from a high-purity molecular tritium gas source are analyzed by a high-resolution MAC-E filter around the end point at 18.57 keV. The analysis is sensitive to a local relic neutrino overdensity ratio of η < 9.7 × 1010^{10}/α (1.1 × 1011^{11}/α) at a 90% (95%) confidence level with α = 1 (0.5) for Majorana (Dirac) neutrinos. A fit of the integrated electron spectrum over a narrow interval around the end point accounting for relic neutrino captures in the tritium source reveals no significant overdensity. This work improves the results obtained by the previous neutrino mass experiments at Los Alamos and Troitsk. We furthermore update the projected final sensitivity of the KATRIN experiment to η < 1×1010^{10}/α at 90% confidence level, by relying on updated operational conditions

    Improved eV-scale sterile-neutrino constraints from the second KATRIN measurement campaign

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    We present the results of the light sterile neutrino search from the second Karlsruhe Tritium Neutrino (KATRIN) measurement campaign in 2019. Approaching nominal activity, 3.76×106 tritium ÎČ-electrons are analyzed in an energy window extending down to 40 eV below the tritium end point at E0=18.57  keV. We consider the 3Îœ+1 framework with three active and one sterile neutrino flavors. The analysis is sensitive to a fourth mass eigenstate m24â‰Č1600  eV2 and active-to-sterile mixing |Ue4|2≳6×10−3. As no sterile-neutrino signal was observed, we provide improved exclusion contours on m24 and |Ue4|2 at 95% C.L. Our results supersede the limits from the Mainz and Troitsk experiments. Furthermore, we are able to exclude the large Δm241 solutions of the reactor antineutrino and gallium anomalies to a great extent. The latter has recently been reaffirmed by the BEST Collaboration and could be explained by a sterile neutrino with large mixing. While the remaining solutions at small Δm241 are mostly excluded by short-baseline reactor experiments, KATRIN is the only ongoing laboratory experiment to be sensitive to relevant solutions at large Δm241 through a robust spectral shape analysis
