560 research outputs found

    Un hombre del renacimiento

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    Areilza describe una visita a los Baroja, y define a Caro Baroja como un hombre del Renacimiento que se dedicó a la historia, arqueología, a escribir, dibujar y pintarAreilza describes a visit to Baroja, and defines Caro Baroja as a man of the Renaissance that was devoted to the history, archaeology, writing, drawing and paintin

    La evaluación y acreditación de la educación superior ecuatoriana y la producción editorial

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    This article exposes the features of editorial production in public and private universities in Ecuador, in the context of evaluation and quality assurance in higher education, using two different types of material and data: a. A review of the data on book production, titles and areas of knowledge; b. UPS’ accreditation experience with indicators on scientific research, regional research and refereed books. By doing this, we have checked that editorial production has increased and that social sciences prevail in editorial production are in social sciences. Finally, we foresee that the overvaluation of indexed articles and topological restrictions of peer-reviewed books will discourage the development of university editorials. The hypothesis is as follows: the evaluation and accreditation model will be able to stimulate the editorial production and improve research indicators to the extent that it assigns greater valuation to peer-reviewed books and expands its typology

    The non-ordinary Regge behavior of the K_(0)^(*)(800) or κ-meson versus the ordinary K_(0)^(*) (1430)

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    The Regge trajectory of an elastic resonance can be calculated from dispersion theory, instead of fitted phenomenologically, using only its pole parameters as input. This also provides a correct treatment of resonance widths in Regge trajectories, essential for very wide resonances. In this work we first calculate the K_(0)^(*)(1430) Regge trajectory, finding the ordinary almost real and linear behavior, typical of q (q) over bar resonances. In contrast, for the K_(0)^(*)(800) meson, the resulting Regge trajectory is non-linear and has a much smaller slope than ordinary resonances, being remarkably similar to that of the f_(0)(500) or σ meson. The slope of these unusual Regge trajectories seems to scale with themeson masses rather than with scales typical of quark degrees of freedom. We also calculate the range of the interaction responsible for the formation of these resonances. Our results strongly support a non- ordinary, predominantly meson-meson- like, interpretation for the lightest strange and non-strange resonances

    Selection of Software Product Line Implementation Components Using Recommender Systems: An Application to Wordpress

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    In software products line (SPL), there may be features which can be implemented by different components, which means there are several implementations for the same feature. In this context, the selection of the best components set to implement a given configuration is a challenging task due to the high number of combinations and options which could be selected. In certain scenarios, it is possible to find information associated with the components which could help in this selection task, such as user ratings. In this paper, we introduce a component-based recommender system, called (REcommender System that suggests implementation Components from selecteD fEatures), which uses information associated with the implementation components to make recommendations in the domain of the SPL configuration. We also provide a RESDEC reference implementation that supports collaborative-based and content-based filtering algorithms to recommend (i.e., implementation components) regarding WordPress-based websites configuration. The empirical results, on a knowledge base with 680 plugins and 187 000 ratings by 116 000 users, show promising results. Concretely, this indicates that it is possible to guide the user throughout the implementation components selection with a margin of error smaller than 13% according to our evaluation.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad RTI2018-101204-B-C22Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad TIN2014-55894-C2-1-RMinisterio de Economía y Competitividad TIN2017-88209-C2-2-RMinisterio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad MCIU-AEI TIN2017-90644-RED

    A climatology of Rossby wave generation in the middle atmosphere of the Southern Hemisphere from MERRA reanalysis

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    A climatological characterization of Rossby wave generation events in the middle atmosphere of the Southern Hemisphere is conducted using 20 years of Modern-Era Retrospective Analysis for Research and Applications (MERRA) reanalysis. An automatic detection technique of wave generation events is developed and applied to MERRA reanalysis. The Rossby wave generation events with wave period of 1.25 to 5.5 days and zonal wave number from one to three dominate the Eliassen-Palm flux divergence around the stratopause at high latitudes in the examined 20 year period. These produce an eastward forcing of the general circulation between May and mid-August in that region. Afterward from mid-August to the final warming date, Rossby wave generation events are still present but the Eliassen-Palm flux divergence in the polar stratopause is dominated by low-frequency Rossby waves that propagate from the troposphere. The Rossby wave generation events are associated with potential vorticity gradient inversion, and so they are a manifestation of the dominant barotropic/baroclinic unstable modes that grow at the cost of smearing the negative meridional gradient of potential vorticity. The most likely region of wave generation is found between 60° and 80°S and at a height of 0.7 hPa, but events were detected from 40 hPa to 0.3 hPa (which is the top of the examined region). The mean number of events per year is 24, and its mean duration is 3.35 days. The event duration follows an exponential distribution.Fil: Rodas, Claudio José Francisco. Universidad Nacional del Nordeste; ArgentinaFil: Pulido, Manuel Arturo. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Nordeste. Instituto de Modelado e Innovación Tecnológica. Universidad Nacional del Nordeste. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas Naturales y Agrimensura. Instituto de Modelado e Innovación Tecnológica; Argentin

    El video clip una herramienta para focalizar aspectos fundamentales de la argumentación científica en el aula

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    La investigación tiene como objetivo promover en futuros docentes de la licenciatura en Biología y Química de la Universidad de Caldas, la identificación de los aspectos fundamentales de la argumentación y para ello se hace uso de los video episodios en el aula. La evaluación de los datos obtenidos muestra que los futuros docentes logran identificar aspectos conceptuales, estructurales y didácticos, siendo éstos últimos los que deben enfatizarse mucho más en los procesos de formación para permitir mejores comprensiones de cómo promover la argumentación en ciencias

    El subsidio para emigrantes retornados: cuestiones para un debate

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    Si hasta la fecha podía afirmarse que la legislación española venía siendo exquisitamente respetuosa con los principios inspiradores del Derecho comu- nitario, con la nueva regulación del subsidio asistencial para emigrantes retor- nados se ha dado un vuelco sustancial. Y ello, en primer lugar, porque en un presunto intento por ahorrar costes sociales, el legislador español ha introdu- cido el requisito de ostentar la nacionalidad española como exigencia para que los beneficiarios puedan lucrar este subsidio. Tal reforma obliga a plantearse la compatibilidad de semejante exigencia con el principio de no discriminación por razón de la nacionalidad que se erige como uno de los pilares fundamenta- les del ordenamiento comunitario, expresamente consagrado en el Reglamento 1408/71 sobre coordinación de regímenes de Seguridad Social. En segundo lugar, al no poder ya lucrar esta prestación aquellos emigran- tes que retornen de países en los que resulta aplicable el Derecho comunitario, se suscita la incógnita de si con tal restricción se infringe el derecho a la libre circulación de trabajadores consagrado en el artículo 39 del Tratado de la Unión y desarrollado por el Reglamento 1612/68

    Design and construction of automated mechanical ventilation equipment to assist respiratory failure

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    Este documento presenta los requerimientos cumplidos para el diseño, construcción y primera validación de un sistema de ventilación mecánica, para ser utilizado en pacientes con insuficiencia respiratoria, que en el contexto inicial fuera a causa de la pandemia de COVID-19. El diseño requirió el uso de software de dibujo asistido por computadora (Computer Aided Design) CAD y la construcción necesitó el uso de las capacidades instaladas en manufactura mecánica, electroneumática, electrónica, biomédica y automatización de los institutos y centros de la Universidad Don Bosco. Los trabajos de ajuste, configuración y programación estuvieron a cargo de docentes investigadores especialistas en dichas disciplinas. Los elementos empleados para su construcción estaban disponibles en el mercado salvadoreño, considerando el cierre de las fronteras como medida gubernamental ante la expansión de la pandemia. Luego de la etapa de diseño, fabricación y puesta en funcionamiento, se realizaron mediciones de las condiciones del aire suministrado con la ayuda de profesionales dedicados al mantenimiento de equipo médico y con el visto bueno de doctores internistas. Los resultados conseguidos son los que se obtienen con equipos paramédicos y con equipos de primera asistencia, por lo cual se ha previsto que el equipo pueda ser probado en una siguiente instancia con el gremio médico certificado

    Analysis of the main drivers of CO2 emissions changes in Colombia (1990e2012) and its political implications

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    In this study, an Index Decomposition Analysis-Logarithmic Mean Divisia Index (IDA-LMDI) model was developed to find the drivers behind the changes in CO2 emissions between 1990 and 2012 in Colombia. The results facilitate the assessment of the impact in Colombia of the main measures regarding the mitigation of CO2 emissions. Likewise, it allows us to analyze whether the recent measures implemented by the Colombian authorities to mitigate emissions are moving in the right direction. To carry out the decomposition analysis, six effects were taken into consideration: carbonization, the substitution of fossil fuels, the penetration of renewable energy, energy intensity, wealth and population. The effects of income and population appear as drivers of emissions for the period analyzed. A stylized analysis allows richer conclusions to be extracted regarding a battery of recommendations for emission mitigation policies that are compatible with economic growth in Colombi