173 research outputs found

    Comparison of the estimation of the degree of polarization from four or two intensity images degraded by speckle noise

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    Active polarimetric imagery is a powerful tool for accessing the information present in a scene. Indeed, the polarimetric images obtained can reveal polarizing properties of the objects that are not avalaible using conventional imaging systems. However, when coherent light is used to illuminate the scene, the images are degraded by speckle noise. The polarization properties of a scene are characterized by the degree of polarization. In standard polarimetric imagery system, four intensity images are needed to estimate this degree . If we assume the uncorrelation of the measurements, this number can be decreased to two images using the Orthogonal State Contrast Image (OSCI). However, this approach appears too restrictive in some cases. We thus propose in this paper a new statistical parametric method to estimate the degree of polarization assuming correlated measurements with only two intensity images. The estimators obtained from four images, from the OSCI and from the proposed method, are compared using simulated polarimetric data degraded by speckle noise

    Estimating the polarization degree of polarimetric images in coherent illumination using maximum likelihood methods

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    This paper addresses the problem of estimating the polarization degree of polarimetric images in coherent illumination. It has been recently shown that the degree of polarization associated to polarimetric images can be estimated by the method of moments applied to two or four images assuming fully developed speckle. This paper shows that the estimation can also be conducted by using maximum likelihood methods. The maximum likelihood estimators of the polarization degree are derived from the joint distribution of the image intensities. We show that the joint distribution of polarimetric images is a multivariate gamma distribution whose marginals are univariate, bivariate or trivariate gamma distributions. This property is used to derive maximum likelihood estimators of the polarization degree using two, three or four images. The proposed estimators provide better performance that the estimators of moments. These results are illustrated by estimations conducted on synthetic and real images

    Effects of genotype and sowing date on phytostanol-phytosterol content and agronomic traits in wheat under organic agriculture

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    Cereals are an important source of sterols and stanols in the human diet. The present study underlines the effect of genotype and weather conditions in bread wheat, on total sterol and stanol content (TSS), agronomic traits, proteins and ash content under organic conditions. Variations in TSS as well as other characters between two sowing dates were observed. A broad genotypic variability was also reported since extreme genotypes differed by more than 30 mg 100. g-1 DW for TSS, with total stanol content varying twofold. Moreover, two groups of genotypes that differed in agronomic production, ash and protein content were depicted, based on their response to an increase in temperature. This result suggests that the genotypic factor prevails over the sowing date factor for determining sterol and stanol traits in wheat cultivated under organic conditions. Nevertheless, a strong interaction exists between the two factors, which can be used to drive bioaccumulation of these molecules

    Sterol concentration and distribution in sunflower seeds (Helianthus annuus L.) during seed development

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    Sunflower seeds are currently used for edible oil production. Among oil minor compounds, phytosterols are of special interest due to their cholesterol reducing properties. This paper reports studies on their accumulation and distribution in the embryo and hull, and the effects of temperature on phytosterol contents in sunflower seed produced under both conventional and organic field conditions. An optimized method of sterol determination, adapted to studies on small samples of seed, is presented. Seventy-two % of phytosterols were found in the embryo, 28 % in the hull. The periods of phytosterols concentration varied according to sterol category and seed part. Application of these results to improve production of natural sterols for functional food use is discussed

    Cramer-Rao lower bound for the estimation of the degree of polarization in active coherent imagery at low photon level

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    International audienceThe degree of polarization (DOP) is an important tool in many optical measurement and imaging applications. We address the problem of its estimation in images that are perturbed with both speckle and photon noises, by determining the Cramer-Rao Lower Bound (CRLB) when the illuminated materials are purely depolarizing. We demonstrate that the CRLB is simply the sum of the CRLBs due to speckle noise and to Poisson noise. We use this result to analyze the influence of different optical parameters on DOP estimation

    Apprentissage de la lecture : du décodage à la compréhension

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    L'apprentissage de la lecture est le premier but de la scolarité obligatoire et un enjeu essentiel de l'école primaire, avec l'écriture et les mathématiques. Savoir lire est déterminant pour la scolarité d'un élève car cet apprentissage est transversal à toutes les disciplines. Cela est tout aussi important pour le développement de l'enfant, dans sa vie sociale. Il convient de distinguer différentes procédures en lecture : celles, dites de bas niveau, qui permettent l'identification des mots et celles, de haut niveau, qui conduisent à la compréhension de l'écrit, ce qui est l'objectif final de la lecture. Comment passe-t-on du décodage d'un mot à la compréhension d'une phrase ? Qu'est-ce qui permet de comprendre le mot lu (déchiffré) et de le relier à d'autres, dans un tout qui fait sens ? Quels processus cognitifs entrent en jeu ? Quelles capacités sont nécessaires pour accéder à cette étape ? Quand et comment se développent-elles au cours de l'apprentissage de la lecture ? Sont-elles influencées par l'environnement de l'enfant, par les méthodes d'enseignement de la lecture ? Quel rôle jouent l'école, l'enseignant, dans ce cheminement vers la compréhension en lecture ? Celle-ci peut-elle s'enseigner ? Pour répondre à ces questions, nous verrons, dans une première partie, ce que la recherche a apporté dans la connaissance des mécanismes de la lecture, du décodage à la compréhension et quelles en sont les applications en classe puis, dans une deuxième partie, nous confronterons nos hypothèses sur la question à des expérimentations menées en classe

    Sterol content in sunflower seeds (Helianthus annuus L.) as affected by genotypes and environmental conditions

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    Phytosterols play essential roles in many plant cell mechanisms. They are of industrial interest since, as part of the diet, they can reduce Low Density Lipoprotein cholesterol. An increase in plant sterol contents by improved crop varieties or crop management could help to answer industrial demands and also to develop environmentally friendly extraction methods. The aim of this study was to evaluate genotypic variability for sterol content in cultivated sunflower and effects of sowing date, in particular sowing date. Results showed large variability among a collection of sixteen sunflower inbred lines and hybrids. Total sterols varied almost twofold between extreme genotypes. A delay of sowing, giving higher temperatures during seed formation, induced a general increase in total sterol concentration by up to 35 per cent, as well as sterol composition but this varied according to genotype. These results are discussed with the aim of improving sterol content by sunflower breeding programmes

    Fatty acid and phytosterol accumulation during seed development in three oilseed species

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    This study was carried out to compare the kinetic accumulation of bioactive lipids during seed development in three oil crops rapeseed, sunflower and woad. Field experiments were conducted under organic conditions during 3 years. After flowering, seeds were collected each 4–5 days until harvest. The three species differed by the quantity and quality of both fatty acids and sterols. Higher levels of phytosterols and fatty acids were reached between 20 and 40 days after flowering (DAF) in sunflower, 40 and 60 DAF in rapeseed and 25 and 45 DAF for woad. The modification of lipid composition during the grain filling depends on species. Knowledge of the composition and accumulation of fatty acids and phytosterols in sunflower, rapeseed and woad seeds would assist in efforts to achieve industrial applications. These seeds may give an interesting source of bioactive lipids

    Total Dose Effects on Single Event Transients in Linear Bipolar Systems

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    Single Event Transients (SETs) originating in linear bipolar integrated circuits are known to undermine the reliability of electronic systems operating in the radiation environment of space. Ionizing particle radiation produces a variety of SETs in linear bipolar circuits. The extent to which these SETs threaten system reliability depends on both their shapes (amplitude and width) and their threshold energies. In general, SETs with large amplitudes and widths are the most likely to propagate from a bipolar circuit's output through a subsystem. The danger these SET pose is that, if they become latched in a follow-on circuit, they could cause an erroneous system response. Long-term exposure of linear bipolar circuits to particle radiation produces total ionizing dose (TID) and/or displacement damage dose (DDD) effects that are characterized by a gradual degradation in some of the circuit's electrical parameters. For example, an operational amplifier's gain-bandwidth product is reduced by exposure to ionizing radiation, and it is this reduction that contributes to the distortion of the SET shapes. In this paper, we compare SETs produced in a pristine LM124 operational amplifier with those produced in one exposed to ionizing radiation for three different operating configurations - voltage follower (VF), inverter with gain (IWG), and non-inverter with gain (NIWG). Each configuration produces a unique set of transient shapes that change following exposure to ionizing radiation. An important finding is that the changes depend on operating configuration; some SETs decrease in amplitude, some remain relatively unchanged, some become narrower and some become broader

    Total Dose Effects on Error Rates in Linear Bipolar Systems

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    The shapes of single event transients in linear bipolar circuits are distorted by exposure to total ionizing dose radiation. Some transients become broader and others become narrower. Such distortions may affect SET system error rates in a radiation environment. If the transients are broadened by TID, the error rate could increase during the course of a mission, a possibility that has implications for hardness assurance