125 research outputs found

    Brazilian Atmospheric Inventories – BRAIN: a comprehensive database of air quality in Brazil

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    Developing air quality management systems to control the impacts of air pollution requires reliable data. However, current initiatives do not provide datasets with large spatial and temporal resolutions for developing air pollution policies in Brazil. Here, we introduce the Brazilian Atmospheric Inventories (BRAIN), the first comprehensive database of air quality and its drivers in Brazil. BRAIN encompasses hourly datasets of meteorology, emissions, and air quality. The emissions dataset includes vehicular emissions derived from the Brazilian Vehicular Emissions Inventory Software (BRAVES), industrial emissions produced with local data from the Brazilian environmental agencies, biomass burning emissions from FINN – Fire INventory from the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR), and biogenic emissions from the Model of Emissions of Gases and Aerosols from Nature (MEGAN) (https://doi.org/10.57760/sciencedb.09858, Hoinaski et al., 2023a; https://doi.org/10.57760/sciencedb.09886, Hoinaski et al., 2023b). The meteorology dataset has been derived from the Weather Research and Forecasting Model (WRF) (https://doi.org/10.57760/sciencedb.09857, Hoinaski and Will, 2023a; https://doi.org/10.57760/sciencedb.09885, Hoinaski and Will, 2023c). The air quality dataset contains the surface concentration of 216 air pollutants produced from coupling meteorological and emissions datasets with the Community Multiscale Air Quality Modeling System (CMAQ) (https://doi.org/10.57760/sciencedb.09859, Hoinaski and Will, 2023b; https://doi.org/10.57760/sciencedb.09884, Hoinaski and Will, 2023d). We provide gridded data in two domains, one covering the Brazilian territory with 20×20 km spatial resolution and another covering southern Brazil with 4×4 km spatial resolution. This paper describes how the datasets were produced, their limitations, and their spatiotemporal features. To evaluate the quality of the database, we compare the air quality dataset with 244 air quality monitoring stations, providing the model's performance for each pollutant measured by the monitoring stations. We present a sample of the spatial variability of emissions, meteorology, and air quality in Brazil from 2019, revealing the hotspots of emissions and air pollution issues. By making BRAIN publicly available, we aim to provide the required data for developing air quality policies on municipal and state scales, especially for under-developed and data-scarce municipalities. We also envision that BRAIN has the potential to create new insights into and opportunities for air pollution research in Brazil.​​​​​​​</p

    Multi-source data fusion of optical satellite imagery to characterize habitat selection from wildlife tracking data

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    This work was supported by CAPES (Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel) [BEX-13438-13-1].Wildlife tracking data allow monitoring of how organisms respond to spatio-temporal changes in resource availability. Remote sensing data can be used to quantify and qualify these variations to understand how movement is related to these changes. The use of remote sensing data with concurrent high levels of spatial and temporal detail may hold potential to improve our understanding of habitat selection. However, no current orbital sensor produces data with simultaneous high temporal and high spatial resolution, therefore alternative methods are required to generate remote sensing data that matches the high spatial-temporal resolution of modern wildlife tracking data. We present an analytical framework, not yet used in movement ecology, for data fusion of optical remote sensing data from multiple satellites and wildlife tracking data to study the impact of seasonal vegetation patterns on the movement of maned wolves (Chrysocyon brachyurus). We use multi-source data fusion to combine MODIS data with higher spatial resolution data (ASTER, Landsat 4-5-7-8, CBERS 2-2B) and create a synthetic NDVI product with a 15 m spatial detail and daily temporal resolution. We also use the higher spatial resolution data to create a multi-source NDVI product with same level of spatial detail but coarser temporal resolution and data from MODIS to create a single-source NDVI product with high temporal resolution but coarse spatial resolution. We combine the three different spatial-temporal resolution NDVI products with GPS tracking data of maned wolves to create step-selection functions (SSF), which are models used in ecology to investigate and predict habitat selection by animals. The SSF model based on multi-source NDVI had the best performance predicting the probability of use of visited locations given its NDVI value. The SSF based on the raw MODIS NDVI product, one which is commonly employed by ecologists, had the poorest performance for our study species. These findings indicate that, in contrast with current practice in movement ecology, a detailed spatial resolution of contextual environmental variable may be more important than a detailed temporal resolution, when investigating wildlife habitat selection regarding vegetation, although this result will be highly dependent on species. The choice of data set should therefore take into account not only the scale of movement but also the spatial and temporal scales at which dynamic environmental variables are changing.PostprintPostprintPeer reviewe

    As políticas de educação superior na esteira dos organismos internacionais

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    Resultados iniciais de uma pesquisa em curso, com financiamento do CNPq; analisa a relação entre a internacionalização da educação superior, a agenda dos organismos internacionais e as políticas de formação docente no Brasil. Estudo bibliográfico sobre as estratégias adotadas pela União Europeia para o desenvolvimento da Educação Superior; os documentos da OCDE, BM e UNESCO e suas implicações sobre as políticas de formação no Brasil. Conclusões iniciais indicam que há uma grande similitude entre o propagado internacionalmente e o que se encontra na legislação brasileira sobre o assunto

    Organização do Trabalho Pedagógico e Projeto Histórico: Conceitos e Concepções

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    O texto investiga a Organização do Trabalho Pedagógico a partir de dois projetos históricos distintos de sociedade. Uma relação na qual predomina a lógica liberal de educação, determinada por influências ideológicas oriundas de uma concepção capitalista de formação. Faz revisão da literatura do objeto de estudo, parte de pesquisa finalizada. Conclui que as implicações na Organização do Trabalho Pedagógico se constituem por meio de práticas educativas de baixa sustentabilidade teórica, que dificultam a relação teoria/prática e pouco consideram a pesquisa como processo essencial na relação ensino/aprendizado. Propõe fundamentos básicos que devem constituir uma organização do Trabalho Pedagógico, a partir de elementos essenciais para o desenvolvimento de uma formação de caráter ampliado e de qualidade.Palavras-chaves. Educação; Formação de Professores; Trabalho Pedagógico." " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "Organization of pedagogical work and historical project: concepts and principlesThe text investigates of the Organization of Pedagogical Work from two distinct historical projects of society. A relationship that emphasizes the liberal logic of education, determined by ideological influences coming from a capitalist conception of training. Any review of the literature of the subject matter, part of completed research. Concludes that the implications of the Organization of pedagogical work constituted through educational practices of low theoretical sustainability, hindering the theory / practice relationship and little considers research as an essential process in the teaching / learning. Proposes fundamentals that should be an organization of pedagogical work, as essential elements for the development of a larger formation of character and quality.Keywords. Education, Teacher Training, Teaching Work."" " " " "


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    O Presente artigo mostra o impacto da crise econômica no comportamento do consumidor de supermercados na cidade de Natal/RN, essa situação comprometeu a população no quesito compras, devido à inflação e a crise em que o país sofreu nos anos de 2015 e 2016. O objetivo da pesquisa foi verificar o comportamento do consumidor em meio à crise vigente no país. A metodologia utilizada foi uma pesquisa descritiva com abordagem quantitativa, em dois supermercados da cidade de Natal/RN. A amostra foi composta por 220 consumidores destes supermercados. Como principais resultados tem-se que, quando perguntado quanto ao que os levam a escolher um supermercado para compras, 43,2% das respostas, foi o preço. Quanto ao posicionamento em relação ao consumo em supermercados, 35,5% responderam que compra produtos similares e com preços mais baixos. Sendo assim, não se verificou alterações importantes no comportamento dos consumidores de supermercados locais

    High-resolution computed tomography findings in young infants with cystic fibrosis detected by newborn screening

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    OBJECTIVE: High-resolution computed tomography (HRCT) allows the early detection of pathological changes in the lung structure, and reproducible scoring systems can be used to quantify chest computed tomography (CT) findings in patients with cystic fibrosis (CF). The aim of the study was to describe early HRCT findings according to a validated scoring system in infants with CF diagnosed by newborn screening (NBS). METHODS: This cross-sectional study included infants with CF diagnosed by NBS who were born between January 2013 and January 2017 and who underwent HRCT scanning within the first year after diagnosis when they were clinically stable. The CT scans were evaluated using the modified Bhalla score. RESULTS: Thirty-two subjects underwent HRCT scanning. The mean total-modified Bhalla score was 3.6±2.1, and 93.8% of the scans were abnormal. Pseudomonas aeruginosa airway colonization was associated with increased modified Bhalla score values. Bronchial wall thickening was the most common feature (90.6%), followed by bronchial collapse/consolidation (59.4%), mosaic attenuation/perfusion (50%), bronchiectasis (37.5%) and mucus plugging (15.6%). Bronchial wall thickening was diffuse in most of the patients. CONCLUSION: A substantial proportion of infants diagnosed with CF after detection by NBS already showed evidence of lung disease. P. aeruginosa colonization was associated with increased Bhalla scores, highlighting the importance of this CF pathogen in early structural lung disease. The presence of bronchial wall thickening at such a young age may reflect the presence of airway inflammatory processes. The detection and quantification of structural abnormalities with the modified Bhalla score may aid in the identification of lung disease before it is clinically apparent

    Mortalidade de percevejo‑do‑colmo do arroz no preparo do solo para cultivo mínimo

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi verificar a influência do manejo da resteva do arroz irrigado, durante o preparo do solo, sobre a redução populacional pré‑hibernante do percevejo‑do‑colmo (Tibraca limbativentris). Os tratamentos consistiram dos seguintes manejos da resteva: uma passada de grade aradora; duas passadas de grade aradora; duas passadas de grade aradora mais uma passada de grade niveladora; e controle. Em cada unidade amostral, determinou-se o número de ninfas e adultos do percevejo‑do‑colmo. No preparo do solo, no mínimo duas passadas com grade aradora são necessárias para a redução populacional pré‑hibernante do percevejo‑do‑colmo.The objective of this work was to verify the influence of the management of irrigated rice stubble, during soil tillage, on the reduction of  pre‑hibernating populations of the rice stem bug (Tibraca limbativentris). The treatments consisted of the following rice stubble managements: one harrow pass; two harrow passes; two harrow passes, with a leveling pass; and a control. In each sampling unit, the number of nymphs and adults of the rice stem bug was determined. In the soil preparation, at least two harrow passes are necessary to reduce the pre‑hibernating population of the rice stem bug


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    This study intends to disseminate environmental education in students from elementary education at public schools in the Rio de Janeiro city, seeking them aware of environmental issues around the selective collection and recycling of these materials. An educational materials as a tool for introduction to environmental education was prepared. It consists of a primer on paper recycling based on the information given by the students themselves and even a recycling workshop where students can experience the practical of recycling materials. At the end of this study a survey aimed at examining the degree of acceptance of training and the possible replication of the knowledge acquired was performed. The analyzed data showed that 100% of the students liked to have participated in the paper recycling workshop and the students believe that they can play it at home, using the educational material provided. Thus, it was concluded that the material proposed is to encourage students from public schools in Rio de Janeiro the practice of environmental education, forming multipliers to the consolidation of the sustainability process.Este estudo pretende disseminar a educação ambiental nos alunos do 9º ano do ensino fundamental de escolas públicas da cidade do Rio de Janeiro, buscando conscientizá-los sobre os aspectos ambientais em torno da coleta seletiva e do reaproveitamento desses materiais. Foi elaborado um material educativo como uma ferramenta de iniciação à educação ambiental constituído de uma cartilha sobre reciclagem de papel baseado nas informações dadas pelos próprios alunos e ainda, uma oficina de reciclagem onde os alunos podem vivenciar a experiência prática de reciclar materiais. No final desse estudo foi realizado um levantamento com o objetivo de analisar o grau de aceitação do treinamento e a possível replicação dos conhecimentos adquiridos. Os dados analisados evidenciaram que 100% dos alunos, gostaram de ter participado da oficina de reciclagem de papel e os mesmos acreditam ser possível reproduzi-la nas suas residências, utilizando o material de apoio fornecido. Desta forma, concluiu-se que o material proposto serviu para estimular os alunos das escolas públicas do Rio de Janeiro à prática da educação ambiental, formando multiplicadores para a consolidação do processo de sustentabilidade


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    Este artigo objetiva analisar a expansão urbana de Macapá, Estado do Amapá, com destaque para a Zona Norte da cidade. Metodologicamente, utilizou-se a pesquisa bibliográfica e observações in loco para comparar a teoria a realidade local. Os resultados permitiram traçar uma análise da definição das tipologias de bairros, as diversas formas de ocupação territorial que vem ocorrendo na área, as consequências da falta de planejamento urbano na cidade, a falta de equipamentos urbanos e a degradação social e ambiental, além de traçar um perfil histórico-geográfico para a área, além de delinear um prognóstico da área de estudo

    A comunicação ineficaz e a explosão da garrafa de álcool: observações de enfermagem

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    Estudo descritivo exploratório com abordagem quantitativa, cujo objetivo principal é apresentar o número de pacientes grandes queimados vítimas de explosão da garrafa plástica de álcool, que foram atendidos pela equipe de enfermagem, em um hospital de referência para este tratamento na cidade do Rio de Janeiro, nos anos de 2000 a 2002. Os dados foram extraídos do livro de atendimento de enfermagem do referido nosocômio. Os autores enfatizam que os meios de comunicação tratam o evento como "queimadura por álcool", não como na realidade se apresenta: "queimadura por explosão", considerando-se que a garrafa plástica de álcool é uma bomba em potencial, e suas vítimas assemelham-se aos queimados de guerra. Concluiu-se que muitos sofrimentos poderiam ser evitados por meio de uma comunicação efetiva, clara, e, acima de tudo, responsável.Estudio descriptivo exploratorio con abordaje cuantitativo, cuyo objetivo principal es presentar el número de pacientes gran quemados víctimas de explosión de una botella plástica de alcohol, que fueron atendidos por el equipo de enfermería, en un hospital de referencia para este tratamiento en la ciudad de Rio de Janeiro, entre los años del 2000 al 2002. Los datos fueron extraídos del libro de atenciones de enfermería del referido nosocomio. Los autores enfatizan que los medios de comunicación tratan el evento como "quemadura por alcohol" y no como se presenta en la realidad: "quemadura por explosión", considerándose que la botella plástica de alcohol es una bomba en potencia, y sus víctimas se asemejan a los quemados de guerra. Se concluyó que muchos sufrimientos podrían ser evitados por medio de una comunicación efectiva, clara y por encima de todo, responsable.The main goal of this descriptive exploratory study with a quantitative approach is to present the number of patients severely burned in alcohol plastic bottle explosions that have been cared for between 2000 and 2002 by the nursing staff of a Rio de Janeiro hospital that is a reference for the treatment of this kind of accident. The data was gathered from the nursing note book. The authors emphasize that the media refers to these victims as "burned by alcohol" rather than "burned by a bomb", since alcohol plastic bottles are potential bombs. The authors conclude that much suffering could be avoided through an effective, clear, and above all responsible communication